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Law and Politics

Karpovich O.G. Aspects of formation and evolution of the democratic system of government in the United States

Abstract: This article examines the history of development of the American statehood, examples of electoral legislation, functionality of the branches of government, as well as other aspects of democratic principles and formation of their own model of government. This work presents the peculiarities of the cultural traditions and legal standards of this North American union. It is noted that namely the advantages of this model of democracy became the cause of a greater global demand for its active export. The American model of democracy has an interesting experience of establishment and development of the institution of democratic rule, as well as modernization of the postulates of pluralism of opinions and electoral law. The United States represents a North Atlantic model of democracy, which is rather different in its nature and specificity from the continental Western European model inherent in majority of the nations of “old” Europe (excluding the United Kingdom). Comparison of the North Atlantic and continental models of democracy allows us to reveal the special aspects of institutional design and functionality of all elements of the American democratic system, including useful experience that can be adopted on the Russian soil.


politics, society, USA, geopolitics, international systems, state, democracy, interests, values, security

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