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Law and Politics

Silant'eva N.A., Suntsov A.P. On the issue of development of legal regulation of the indigenous minority nations of the North

Abstract: The subject of this research is the normative legal acts passed by the legislators of the Russian Federation on the issue of ensuring the rights of the indigenous people of the North.  The object of this research is the legal position of the indigenous people throughout various historical periods. The author gives a detail review of the development of the indigenous minority nations in the pre-revolution Russia. A special attention is given to the unprecedented codified act “Charter on Governance of the Allogenic People”, which in 1822 was devised by a renowned reformist Mikhail Speranksy. Its main goal was to maintain an increase the numbers of most of the Siberian ethnoses. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the experience of the legal regulation of development of the indigenous minority nations of the North of the Russian Empire can be viewed as positive, since it was able to maintain the population of majority of the Siberian ethnoses, their ethnic culture, and their traditional economic structure.


public policy, protection of rights, rights of indigenous peoples, law, experience of legal regulation, Charter, Russian Empire, indigenous peoples, historical experience, status of the indigenous population

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