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Law and Politics

Teymurov E.S. On correlation of principles of fair and rational use of fresh water resources and the right of a country to a part of a transboundary water source

Abstract: This article examines the principles of fair and rational use of fresh water resources and the right of a sovereign nation to a part of transboundary fresh waters, their historical establishment, statutorization and explanation of their content on universal and regional levels. A special attention is given to the factors of determination of fairness and rationality of the use of the waters and their interconnection, as well as the international legal regulation of the correlation between various types of use of fresh water resources. In the course of the research the author determined the principles of usage and protection of fresh water resources are unified for international waterways and transboundary watercourses. The fairness of usage means an optimal distribution of water, and rationality – passing measures on maintenance and restoration of water resources to the level that ensures maximal benefit from its usage. The author proves that a fresh water object falls under the sovereignty of a nation due to the fact that the “reservoir” represents a part of the territory of the country.


equitable use of a watercourse, freshwater, rational utilisation, sovereignty over the watercourse, priority of uses of a watercourses, principles for the use of water, international watercourse, transboundary aquifer, vital human needs, reasonable use of a watercourse

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