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Law and Politics

Pochtarev A.A. The place of means of influencing a debtor within the system of methods of ensuring fulfillment of obligations non-defined in Chapter 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the review and analysis of the non-defined means of influencing a debtor within the system of ensuring fulfillment of obligations, which are currently insufficiently researched within the science of civil law. The article also clarifies such notions as non-defined contract and all possible non-defined means and ways of affecting the debtor. The author also unravels and describes the important role of the institution of ensuring fulfillment of obligations. In this article the author uses and applies specific examples from precedent, as well as offers original classification of non-defined methods of ensuring fulfillment of obligations and illuminates the aspects of legislative regulation of each of the presented groups. The author comes to the conclusion that there is currently no clearly formulated mechanism for legal regulation of all non-defined means of ensuring fulfillment of obligation in civil legislation.


Obligations, Fulfillment of obligations, Non-defined means, Penalties, Down payment, Predetermined losses, Co-signing, Civil legislation, Socio-legal significance, Freedom of contract

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