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Law and Politics

Stepanenko R.F. The resources of synergistic approach within the modern theoretical jurisprudence: experience of the research practice of the general legal theory of marginality

Abstract: The subject of this research is the peculiarities, characteristics and stochastic qualities of the borderline legal relations, unadapted and foreign to the values of the normative sphere. The author pays particular attention on the issues of causality of committing legal violations motivated by both, the objective factors (political, economic, cultural, and others), as well as personal-psychological factors, which in their totality determine the negative effect of the legal (juridical) marginality as a self-organizing, open, and dynamic system upon the quality of modern Russian law and order. The article substantiates the conclusion on the reasonableness of the use of synergistic methodological principles and schemes within theoretical jurisprudence, presented within the experience of general legal theory of marginality. On the example of interpretational model of application of synergistic approach the author justifies the hypothesis on the possible implementation of this approach in study of complex legal systemic constructs by the juridical science.


bifurcation, causality of legal violations, synergystic approach, methodology, interdisciplinary methodology, legal marginality, dissipation, nonlinearity, marginal behavior, disposition

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