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Law and Politics

Poleschuk, O.V. Zaslavskiy, V.A. On the situation regarding forest management violations and measures against such violations in the Primorskiy region

Abstract: The author studies the measures against the environmental offences committed by the people in the rural areas, as well as by the officials and heads of commercial and non-commercial organization with low level of legal conscience. The author pays attention to the high level of latent offences, as well as to the appearing difficulties in the activities of the law-enforcement bodies in revealing the guilty persons and entities and establishing the amount of damage caused by them. The difficulty concerns the lack of material and financial guarantees of public and non-governmental environmental activities, there is a lack of efficiency of control and supervision measures, there is no due mechanism for the participation of the general public in fighting environmental crime. The situation, dynamics, level of latent offences and other markers for the offences in the sphere of unlawful wood-cutting in the forests are analyzed by the author based upon official and scientific sources with the use of statistical data collected by the author. The positive moment in fighting unlawful wood-cutting may be the system of automatized reporting of timber and provision of forests. This system should include the information on all those involved in forest management and clear information on transportation of timber to the processing centers (including automobile transportation, amount and quality of timber, receiver and sender of goods, etc.).


Nature management, latent character, responsibility, illegal wood-cutting, offences, forest, environment, timber, forest enterprises, crime.

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