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Law and Politics

Idrisov, I.T. Punishments regarding correctional labor in England and in France

Abstract: This article provides a complex comparative legal study of the measures of forced labor correction of convicts serving punishments without isolation from the society. Taking examples of England and France (representing Anglo-Saxon and Roman-German legal system) the author shows the tendency for the humanization of the applied criminal punishments. Since these two states belong to different legal families, there are some specificities regarding assignment and execution of alternative punishments (to imprisonment), regarding correctional labor, allowing to single out independent models of criminal law influence. At the same time similar measures may be accepted similarly in different states, which is due to the globalization of the criminal legal policy. In the process of studies the author applied various methods, such as analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparative and legal methods. The article contains references to English and French legislative sources translated by the author, as well as their comparative legal analysis. The author notes practical and theoretical value of foreign experience for the optimization of the system of punishments in Russia. The demand for the alternative punishments involving correctional labor corresponds to the main directions of criminal and penal policies of the modern states.


Humanization, alternative punishments, correctional labor, obligatory labor, punishments in foreign states, probation, penitentiary system, foreign legislation, execution of punishments, globalization.

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