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Law and Politics

Oseichuk, V.I. On the mechanism of formation of the highly professional top echelon of government power (a scientifi c discussion)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the mechanism for the formation of the highly professional national elite in the sphere of state administration. Special attention is paid to the domination of spontaneous elements in recruiting highest state bureaucracy. The author offers a system of measures for the legal regulation of the system of selection, training and promotion of the best cadres to the top echelon of the government power. In the opinion of the author the main principles of the mechanism for the formation of the higher echelon of state government should be provided for in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The article raises an issue of the formation of the new mechanism for the formation of national elite in the sphere of state administration. The study involves a system of methods, including formal logical, dialectic, materialistic, systemic, historical, statistic, sociological. If Russia is going to deal with the challenge and become one of the leading states, it should form a new mechanism for the formation of the national elite in the sphere of state administration, so that the best representatives of the Russian society would strive to join it. The top echelon of state government of Russia should be more than just a sum of person, who came there sometimes by mere luck, rather it should be a social group, which is formed mostly by purposeful selection. Additionally, the only persons remaining in top echelon should be those, who are able to guarantee dynamic development of the state and high qualify of living standard for the people.


People, supreme state bureaucracy, state administration, unprofessionalism, Constitution, standard of professional qualities, mechanism for the cadres selection, democratic rule-of-law state, ruling party, social progress.

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