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Law and Politics

Kostenko, N.I. Problems of responsibility in the international criminal law

Abstract: The article concerns doctrinal and legal points of view on the concept of international legal responsibility in the international criminal law. The main goal of this study is to develop the definitions of international legal responsibility in the international criminal law taking into consideration formation of the International Criminal Court on July 17, 1998. The author provides a study of development stages of the international legal responsibility in international criminal law, stating its current formation as a whole and complete legal system. The author analyzes principles and international treaties on responsibility for international crimes and crimes against humanity. The author analyzes the measures of responsibility of international law subjects for international unlawful acts. The methodological basis for the studies is formed with the dialectic cognition method, it also involves application of principles of development, sustainability, and systemic character. The article involved general and specific legal methods: comparative, systemic structural, theoretic – methodological, etc. It also should be stated that while there were studies of these issues both in Russian science and abroad, there were no sufficiently in-depth studies. At the same time the problems of responsibility in international criminal law became important in both its theoretical and practical dimensions from the moment, when the International Criminal Court was founded. The author draws a conclusion that responsibility in international criminal law for the committed international offences takes place in strict compliance with the norms of international law, which establish responsibility for the various international crimes, and types and amounts of punishments are provided for in the Statute of the International Criminal Court and national criminal codes.


Legal principles, general principles, legal responsibility, crimes, process, international crimes, norms, legal relations, unlawful, punishments.

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