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Law and Politics

Kazachkova, Z.M., Kaziev, S.V. Constitutional economics: from the idea to its implementation

Abstract: The article includes the analysis of the role of constitutional economy, its genesis and various interpretations in various states and universities. This scientific movement became more and more popular among the scholars, being a derivative from the more general concept of “law and economics”. This article provides analysis of some results of the evolution of this scientific direction and role of the leading scientific schools, as well as the main achievements of the Russian scholars in this sphere . The article shows the causes of the new surge of interest to this issue, shows the input of J. Backhaus, who has systematized the positions of representatives of constitutional economics in the states with developed legal cultures and strong traditions of constitutionalism. The article includes analysis of the key directions in the sphere of possible solutions for the constitutional guarantees problems, taking the achievements of constitutional economics in the USA, Germany and Netherlands as examples. The authors point out the need to develop the synthesis of law and economics when solving new administrative tasks, which the Russian state is to face.


constitutional economics, law, economics, constitution, guarantees, interdisciplinary studies, interdisciplinary centers, conferences, economic analysis of law, right of social choice.

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