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Law and Politics

Koblov, S. Yu. International law regulation of Russian-US trade and economic relations in market economy conditions from 1991 to 2011

Abstract: This article traces the development of international law regulation of the trade and economic relationship between Russia and the USA since the establishment of a market economy of Russia. The article contains a brief analysis of the major trade and economic agreements between the two nations, as well as the main provisions of Russian laws which apply to trade between the two countries and a description of the specific forms of bilateral trade and economic co-operation. In the recent past, Russia and the USA belonged to different socio-economic strata; this has, in some ways, left its mark on the trade and economic relations between the two countries. Throughout every stage of relations between the USA and Russia, their economic component was closely linked to, and often directly caused by, the political interests of the two nations: primarily, it was in the interest of USA. As a rule, the aggravation of political relations invariably led to a stagnation or a reduction of foreign trade and the scope of other areas of economic relations.


Russia, USA, trade, relations, agreements, bilateral, international, trade and economics, treaty, political

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