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Law and Politics

Dubovik, O. L. Basic Trends of the Criminal-Environmental Law Reform in Germany

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the results of discussing the German reform of criminal-environmental legislation conducted in Berlin as a part of the conference on the problems of implementation of the 45th Law on changes and amendments to the Criminal Code of Germany. Lately lawmakers of many countries try to consider new tendencies and make certain changes in regulatory acts related to criminal and administrative responsibility for violation of the environmental law. The brightest example is the Directive 2008/99/EU about the protection of environment by the criminal law as if November 19, 2008. The Directive contains not only a signi ficant number of provisions to be taken into account by the law-makers of the EU member states during a two-year period but also justification of adopted decisions. The Directive was implemented by German law-makers when they adopted their 45th Law on changes and amendments to the Criminal Code of Germany as well as federal laws about environmental protection, hunting and waste products.


crime, punishment, criminal environmental law, sanction, reform, directive, law, negative inß uence, environment, attempt.

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