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Law and Politics

Zhdanov, V.L. On the issue of the formation of the Russian Cosmism.

Abstract: In article describes and analyzes the works of Russian cosmists like Fudorov N., A. Sukhovo-Kobylin Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky and A. Chizhevsky, who gave rise not only to the establishment of practical development of the cosmos, but also to the birth of the “space policy” . Their identity is revealed. It is noted that Russian cosmism includes two levels – religious, mystical and universal “unity.” Latter ideas influenced the formation and development of modern directions in the space policy. The attention is focused on the two fairly clearly defined schools of Russian cosmism – Moscow school and Kaluga school. N. Fedorov is recognized by most researcher to be the founders of the Russian cosmism. The conclusion is that the Russian Cosmism is one of the important sources for the theoretical space policy related to the practical exploring of the open space, and his ideas defined the overall direction of the cosmological theories.


space policy, cosmological theory, cosmism, Russian space art, Soviet space art, antique space art, space, religious and mystical level, the universal “unity”, school of Russian cosmism, the ideas of heliocentrism.

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