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Law and Politics

Kuyan, I.A. On the issue of establishing definition and contents of the popular sovereignty.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of defining people’s sovereignty, and its element “that is “sovereignty” and “people”/ Much attention is paid to the study of the category “the people”, since the variety of its interpretations creates the problems with defining the contents of this term. The author studies the key forms of unity of the people: the people as a collective of citizens, people as an election corpus, people as the population, people as a subject of constitutional law and constitutional relations. The author views the dialectics of the relations between the sovereignty of the people and the human rights. Then the author comes to a conclusion that the people may be regarded as having universal political legal capacity, which is reflected in its exclusive right to self-determination, therefore sovereignty belongs not only to the state, but to the people as well.


jurisprudence, people, people’s sovereignty, legal capacity of the people, right to self-determination, subject of constitutional legal relations, constituting power.

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