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Law and Politics

Shugurov, M.V. Internationally recognized right of authors to the protection of their moral and material interests in the international human rights law: conceptual analysis.

Abstract: The author provides systemic analysis of normative amount and contents of the internationally recognized human right, which is provided for by p. 1(c) of Art. 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights/ much attention is paid to the issues of systemic correlation of the rights of authors for the protection of their moral and material interests with other human rights and freedoms. Based on the analysis of the Commentary n.17 of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights the author provides comparative analysis of rights of creators as internationally recognized rights and copyright. Much attention is paid to the approach to the copyright from the standpoint of human rights. The author also pays attention to the issue of balance of such categories of rights, as well as the balance of the state obligations in the sphere of human rights and in the sphere of copyright protection. Based on the systemic approach, the author analyzes international legal obligations of the state, as enshrined in p. 1 (c) of Art. 15 of the ICESCR, then he raises the issue of the formation of the controlling mechanism in the sphere of its implementation.


jurisprudence, author, interests, rights, property, development, globalization, progress, obligations, limitations.

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