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Law and Politics

Andreev P.G. Problems of legislative regulation in the sphere of protection of rights of juvenile subjects of personal data.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of legislative regulation of the relations on the protection of rights of minor subjects of personal data. The author provides the review of the existing legislation in the sphere of personal data of minor (juvenile) persons, as well as of the legislation on the rights of minors. The author analyzes the relevant problems, sources of threats to rights and lawful interests of such persons, and the possible ways to neutralize such threats. Analysis of the existing Russian legislation allows the author to come to a conclusion on the lack of quality of legal regulation in this sphere, as expressed by a large number of gaps and confl icts of legal norms in the Federal Law “On Personal Data” with the existing civil procedural legislation, legislation on administrative offences, etc. The author then offers the means in order to deal with the legislative shortcomings, which are based on the systemic approach to the problem.


jurisprudence, personal, data, minors, protection, collision, information, security, confi dentiality.

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