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Law and Politics

Zhalinskiy, A.E. Models of criminal law: social control, trust, coercion.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the three groups of effects of criminal law, which include strengthening of the legal order by stronger social control, social trust and coercion. Then the author provides a detailed analysis of theoretical and practical problems of implementing social control, he shows positive and negative effects of such a strengthening. Achievement of social trust towards the application of criminal law is a considerable regulating factor. Much attention is paid to the normative order as a result of application of criminal law and other mechanisms of social control, as well as to the coercion in the sphere of social control and problems of its evaluation, taking into account all kinds of coercion, which are caused by application of criminal law. As a result, the author shows the grounds for the need of special studies of the social control problems, as well as for the evaluation of it effi ciency and perspectives of its implementation in order to successfully fi ght crime in the Russian Federation.


jurisprudence, law, coercion, control, order, trust, effi ciency, legal order, effect, cost-effi ciency.

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