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Law and Politics

Dobrynin, N.M., Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V. Managing the development of the federation: applied systemic analysis in the sphere of state and territorial structure. Part 4. Algorithm of solutions for systemic problems of federalism.

Abstract: This article is the last one in the cycle of articles, which are devoted to the introduction of methodology of applied systemic analysis into the sphere of state and territorial structure. This article includes an algorithm of solutions for systemic problems of federalism with detailed descriptions of each stage: fixation, diagnostics, list of stake-holders, establishing the “problem mess”, establishing the configurator, establishing goals, establishing criteria, experimental studies, formation and improvement of a model, generation of alternatives, decision-making and implementation of improving influence. The article also regards some issues on participation of subjects of the federation in management of development of the federation, as well as on place of applied systemic analysis in the system of legal and scientific knowledge.


jurisprudence, competence, applied systemic analysis, federation, federalism, state building, development management, separation of powers, strategic planning, monitoring of a application of law.

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