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Law and Politics

Popov, E.A. Image of lawyer in the social and cultural reality.

Abstract: The article includes a reconstruction of an image of a lawyer, as formed by social and cultural reality, including norms, values, traditions, traditional culture. The various “ faces” of this image are brought up by various circumstances. They include education of the people, their motivation to enter this profession, interests of the state, attitude of the society, development of the legal science, etc. The goal of this study is to analyze the specifi c features of formation of an image of a lawyer, who implements his professional activity. This goal may be achieved by mostly hermeneutic and socio-cultural methods, as well as a wide scope of methods, such as analysis, synthesis, reconstruction, comparison, etc. The results of this study may be used in practice for education of the future lawyers. The key conclusions include the ideas that the image of a lawyer is formed by a certain system of values and meanings, including the specifi c conceptualization of the legal science, and also that it is dependent on social opinion as well as on the role of the state, which involves the lawyers for state service.


jurisprudence, image, lawyer, profession, judge, norm, society, state, reality, culture.

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