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Law and Politics
Kalinin, E.A.
On the issue of ideological bases of the principles of
international economic law and Russia as legally
competent participant of international relations.
// Law and Politics.
2011. ¹ 8.
P. 1323-1334.
Kalinin, E.A. On the issue of ideological bases of the principles of international economic law and Russia as legally competent participant of international relations.Abstract: The fi ght of developed states for resources and global fl ows, which is established in the international economic law, is a factor which makes the participants at the international arena to form such systems, in which protection of their geopolitical interests would be most effi cient and unconstrained. In this case international economic law serves as one of the means of guaranteeing such interest, together with the ideological concepts of free market, transparent borders and market economy as a whole (analogous to democracy and protection of human rights in the political sphere). The instruments of the global market, and as a consequence, of international economic law establish the fast development of globalism, which in turn makes counter-actions by certain states unreasonable. In such a situation a market, which serves the interests of developed states dictates a common state (inner, foreign, legal, social, etc.) policy for all other states. Due to all this, it is topical for the Russian Federation to form its foreign policy in order to provide the world with more fair architecture of global formation, including its economic sphere. Keywords: jurisprudence, globalization, globalism, international economic law, international law, global management, sovereignty, developed states, ideology, transnational corporations.
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