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Law and Politics

Bochkarev, S.A. On the concepts of development of civil and criminal legislation on property.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of some provision of the Concept of Development of Civil Legislation and the Concept of Modernization of Criminal Legislation in the Economical Sphere. As a result of this study it is noted that the concepts do not exclude each other, but do not complement each other, they do not deal with their common goals on legal protection of the property together. Each concept is concentrated on specifi c problems of its branch of application, and the provisions of the Concept of Modernization of Criminal Legislation is not guaranteed by the initiatives of ht Concept of Development of Civil Legislation. Their relation to each other is not mutual and bipartisan.


jurisprudence, concept, civil law, criminal law, property, ownership, modernization, development, law, comparative analysis.

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