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Law and Politics

Panfilov, A.N. Cultural values and objects of cultural heritage: problem of unification of terms (part 1).

Abstract: In modern Russia the problems of legal protection of historical and cultural monuments are not studied sufficiently. In particular, the legal literature fails to adequately cast light upon the unification of legal definitions and terms, which are used in normative legal acts, regulating the relations in the sphere of protection and preservation of objects of cultural heritage, import and export of objects of cultural value. Now the issue of terminological unity is quite topical, due to improvement of federal legislation (new law on culture, amendments to the law on objects of cultural heritage), as well as to complications in practice of legal application. In this study the author based on analysis of legal and scientific definitions of “cultural values”, “objects of cultural heritage” and other close terms, formulates provisions for their improvement.


jurisprudence, law, cultural values, objects of cultural heritage, monuments of history and culture, culture, unique character, authenticity, unification, protection

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