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Law and Politics

Orlinskaya, O.M., Starkin, S.V. American federal system as a mechanism for fighting industrial and economic espionage: normative and legal bases for the transformation of priorities of the counterespionage work of the special services of the USA.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems, which have to do with mechanisms, which American special services employ to fight industrial and economical espionage. The authors point out that lately the American establishment becomes concerned with counterespionage matters, that is why the leaders of the special service agencies calls for changes in the list of priority spheres of their work under the general concept of development of the American political system, including normative legal basis for its existence, with the shift of attention from fighting terrorism to protection of national technological innovations.


political science, industrial espionage, political process, American federalism, espionage, analysis, information, security, community

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