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Law and Politics

Karimova, M.B. Modern state of political systems of the Central Asian states

Abstract: It’s been 18 years since the moment when the unified Soviet state fell apart, and the post-Soviet states gained their political and economic independency. From the point of view of the historical process, it’s a very short span of time, but within the memory of one generation, these are great changes. Characteristics of the political systems of each of the Republics of the Central Asia depends on many political, social, economic, ethnical, spiritual and other factors. At the same time, they are united by the need to be included into the processes of globalization. The analysis of models of political systems, which are implemented by the Central Asian states, shows that modernization model is most efficient, which allows to combine the stability of state and active participation in international integration.


political science, state, Central Asia, political system, independence of post-Soviet states, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan

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