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Law and Politics

. Institution of extradition: definition, concepts and practice.

Abstract: Currently international regulation of extradition as well as extradition practice are developing intensively due to all the threats to the international community from the criminals and the terrorists. Accordingly, extradition receives its share of attention of the mass media. However, the institution of legal extradition is not well-studied enough and normative regulation of it, both international and national, is not completely formed. That is why often the institution of extradition is equaled to the mere giving out of criminals, which, as the authors of this article point out, is incorrect and is not in accordance with the extradition practice either. This article presents us with an analysis of the institution of extradition, its role and place in modern law. The authors also differentiate extradition and giving out, study the issues of clarifying the modern concept of extradition and forms of its realization.

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