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Genesis: Historical research

The Main Directions of Agricultural Development of Khakassia in the 1920s – early 1940s.

Shadrin Aleksei Vladimirovich

ORCID: 0009-0009-4756-195X

Postgraduate, Department of History, KhSU named after N.F. Katanov

655017, Russia, Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Lenin Ave., 90
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Abstract: The author analyzes the main directions of development of agriculture in Khakassia in the 1920s – early 1940s on the basis of archival documents and literature. In particular, attention is paid to the dynamics of development and structural changes in the agricultural sector of the region's economy, which during this period were contradictory. There were positive trends: during this period, there was an increase in the average annual gross output of agricultural production, its material and technical base improved, crop production received a new round of development. But on the other hand, there were some negative aspects: the reduction of livestock due to an ill-conceived economic policy aimed at collectivization, the lack of electrification in agriculture, low grain yields during the first five-year plan. The study of the main directions of the development of agriculture in the country as a whole and Khakassia in particular in the 1920s – early 1940s through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators contributes to the disclosure of controversial problems in domestic and regional history, namely cooperation, collectivization, state farm construction. This will allow us to summarize the historical experience of those years (positive and negative), which can help in overcoming difficulties in Russian agriculture through appropriate conclusions. The relevance of the study of this topic is also due to changes in the theoretical and methodological base in Russian historical science. Currently, this topic can be considered from the standpoint of modernization theory in addition to previous studies, in particular based on the formational approach. Also, the relevance of this topic can be explained by a large number of unpublished historical sources that have not been introduced into scientific circulation.


agricultural industry, crop production, animal husbandry, Khakassia, Siberia, dynamics of development, structural changes, economic policy, quantitative indicators, quality indicators

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The need for effective development of the agricultural sector of the economy of modern Russia calls for the study of agricultural issues in Russian history. The Soviet period occupies a special place and importance in this regard, since it was during this era that significant transformations took place in the field of agriculture of the country.

The study of the main directions of the development of agriculture in the country as a whole and Khakassia in particular in the 1920s - early 1940s. Through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators contributes to the disclosure of controversial problems in national and regional history, namely cooperation, collectivization, state farm construction. This will allow us to summarize the historical experience of those years (positive and negative), which can help in overcoming difficulties in Russian agriculture through appropriate conclusions that can be drawn by authorities at various levels. It will also make it possible to predict the further development of the region, and then the country according to the most optimal option.

The relevance of studying this topic is also due to changes in the theoretical and methodological base in Russian historical science. Currently, this topic can be considered from the perspective of modernization theory in addition to previous research, in particular based on a formational approach. The relevance of this topic can also be explained by the large number of unpublished historical sources that have not been introduced into scientific circulation.

The main part

The analysis of the main directions of development of the agricultural sector of Khakassia in the 1920s - early 1940s involves consideration of quantitative and qualitative indicators of its development, as well as structural changes.

The most important indicator of the dynamics of the development of agricultural production is the average annual volume of gross agricultural output. Within Khakassia in 1928-1938, it increased from 7901.8 thousand rubles to 39740 thousand rubles (the indicator for 1938 was given only for collective farms), i.e. 5 times [1]. For comparison, in the USSR during 1928-1937, this indicator increased from 15.2 billion rubles to 20.1 billion rubles, i.e. 1.3 times [2].

It is worth noting that during the first five-year plan in Khakassia, the average annual gross output of agricultural production decreased from 7901.8 thousand rubles to 5469.98 thousand rubles, or by 30.7% [3].

The occurrence of this trend is due to the following factors. Firstly, due to the economic policy aimed at creating collective farms, there has been a reduction in the number of livestock (as will be discussed below). Secondly, during this period, the yield of the main crop crops – cereals - was still low. In 1932, the average for the region ranged from 5.4 c. per hectare to 5.6 c. ha. [4].

Despite the low quantitative indicators, important qualitative changes took place in the development of agriculture in Khakassia. During the period under study, its share in the total gross output of the region decreased. This is indirectly evidenced by an increase in the share of industrial products to 49.6% by 1938 and a decrease in the share of people employed in the agricultural sector to 45.9% [5, p. 184]. This was one of the signs of building an economic structure in Khakassia, characteristic of an industrial-agrarian society.

The decrease in the share of the employed population in agriculture in the region was also a consequence of the ambiguous economic policy pursued by the party and state leadership during this period. Due to the mistakes made during collectivization and repression, the exodus of peasants from the village began. So, in 1926, the rural population of Khakassia was 93.3%, and in 1940 its share fell to 64.5%, although its number increased 2 times during this time [15, p. 292].

An important positive change was the increase in gross output per person employed in agriculture in the region. Thus, by the beginning of the 1940s, this indicator had increased 5 times [6].

During the study period, the material and technical base of the agricultural sector of Khakassia has significantly improved. Only in 1938-1939. the means of production (for state farms) increased in the region from 32176.5 thousand rubles to 35309 thousand rubles, i.e. 1.1 times [7]. The tractor fleet grew from 2 units in 1925 to 1,262 units in 1940 [5, pp. 129, 184]. The number of other agricultural machinery was also increasing, in particular combines and cars. The number of the former increased from 15 in 1934 to 78 in 1936, and the latter from 39 to 146 respectively [8, p. 72]. This made it possible to increase the mechanization of agriculture. Thus, mechanization of sowing on collective farms in 1933-1938 increased from 38.9% to 96.7%, i.e. by 57.8% [9].

Despite the improvements presented above, this sector of the economy remained un-electrified. This is evidenced by the materials of the archive file devoted to the economic indicators of the Khakass Autonomous Region in 1933, in particular electrification. According to the data presented, no power plant provided electricity to agriculture [10].

To identify the main trends in the development of agricultural production in Khakassia in the 1920s - early 1940s, it is necessary to focus on the study of sectoral and territorial structures.

During the study period, changes in the sectoral structure took place in the agriculture of the region (see table 1).

Table 1

The sectoral structure of agriculture in Khakassia in 1928-1932[11]



The place of the industry in the industrial structure (by gross output in thousand rubles)

Industry sector

Share (%)

The place of the industry in the industrial structure (by gross output in thousand rubles)

Industry sector

Share (%)


animal husbandry



animal husbandry



crop production



crop production


Thus, in 1932, the position of crop production strengthened, which continued to occupy the second place, the share of which increased from 33 to 40%. And the situation of animal husbandry, which continues to be the dominant industry, has deteriorated. Its share decreased from 67% to 60%. This is due to the current economic policy pursued by the leadership of the country and the region aimed at creating collective farms.

Having considered the sectoral structure of agricultural production in Khakassia, we will analyze its territorial structure. During the period under review, it is advisable to consider the share of districts in the agricultural potential of the region (see table 2).

Table 2

The share of municipalities (districts) in the agricultural potential of Khakassia (in %) [12]



The entire agricultural sector of the region


The entire agricultural sector of the region



Ust-Abakan parish



Askizsky district


Znamenskaya parish


Baysky district


Ust-Fyrkalskaya volost


Ust-Abakan district


Askyzka parish


Bogradsky district


Seyskaya volost


Shirinsky district


Kizilsky parish


Saralinsky district


Sinyavinsky parish


Tashtypsky district


If in 1923 the central Ust-Abakan volost (the future Ust-Abakan district) occupied the leading role in the agricultural potential of the region, then in 1938 Askizsky district, specializing in the leading branch of agricultural production in Khakassia – animal husbandry, was in this position.

The second place in 1923 belonged to the Znamenskaya volost (the future constituent part of the Bogradsky district), where both agriculture and animal husbandry were developed. In 1938, this place belonged to the Baysky district, which also had a mixed specialization.

The top three leaders in 1923 were closed by Ust-Fyrkalskaya volost, which has a mixed specialization. In 1938, Ust-Abakan district took this position, which significantly strengthened its position in industrial production.

An analysis of the dynamics of the development of the main branches of agriculture in the region is of interest.

In the 1920s and early 1940s, animal husbandry was the dominant branch of agricultural production in Khakassia. This fact is quite understandable, since natural-climatic and natural-historical conditions contributed to this. The dynamics of livestock during this period can be judged from the data in Table 3.

Table 3

The number of livestock in Khakassia in the 1920s -1930s [16]

The name of the animals






Cattle (heads)





Horses (heads)





Sheep (heads)





In 1924, the number of cattle in all farms of the region was 129571 heads, horses – 57686 heads, sheep – 258439 heads. By 1928, the number of cattle had increased 1.9 times, horses – 1.7 times, sheep – 1.9 times.

Such indicators allowed pastoralists to achieve the transformation of the early 1920s, carried out within the framework of the new economic policy (NEP). But at the end of the decade mentioned above, the country's leadership began to pay more attention to the organization of collective farms.

This process had rather a negative impact on animal husbandry, since a number of mistakes were made during its implementation (violation of the principle of voluntariness when joining collective farms, disregard for the specifics of national areas during collectivization, providence of forced seizures of livestock), which led to mass slaughter of livestock within the framework of protest sentiments and, consequently, a decrease in its livestock. By 1934, the number of cattle in all farms of the region had decreased to 107,366 heads, horses – 44,506 heads, sheep – 212,649 heads [8, p. 69].

Thus, the number of these types of livestock decreased by more than 2 times in 1928-1934.

In the second half of the 1930s and early 1940s, the situation in regional animal husbandry became more positive. This was facilitated by more careful care of public livestock and increased attention to the qualitative improvement of livestock, increasing its productivity. For these purposes, high–bred cattle were systematically imported to Khakassia, in particular breeding stallions of the Oryol and Russian trotting racehorses, bulls of the Simmental breed, fine-fleeced sheep. By crossing them with a local breed, collective farm workers by 1936 had raised about 4.5 thousand heads of new trotting and racehorses, over 12 thousand heads of Simmental cattle, 92 thousand heads of fine-fleeced sheep [5, pp. 129, 184]. The above–mentioned transformations made it possible to increase the number of cattle in all farms of the region to 130,280 heads, horses – 54,425 heads, sheep - 339,285 heads by 1938 [8, p. 69].

As a result, the number of cattle and horses increased 1.2 times in 1934-1938, and the number of sheep heads increased 1.5 times during this period. However, by the end of the 1930s, animal husbandry had not yet recovered from the mass slaughter at the beginning of the decade.

Agriculture was an important industry in the structure of agricultural production in Khakassia in the 1920s and early 1940s. Due to the natural-historical and climatic features of the region, it was on the sidelines, but its importance was constantly increasing. This was facilitated by measures taken within the framework of the current economic policy. They were expressed in an increase in the level of mechanization of agricultural work and field production in particular, as well as in the improvement of agricultural machinery and land reclamation.

These transformations made it possible to increase the acreage from 56 thousand hectares to 125 thousand hectares or 123% in 1929-1933, and from 1934 to 1937 they increased from 144.6 thousand hectares to 173.1 thousand hectares or 19%.

The growth of acreage in the region was mainly due to more valuable crops, especially wheat. Its crops increased from 27.3 hectares to 66.7 hectares from 1930 to 1935, i.e. by 144%. A similar trend was observed for all grains in general. Their crops increased from 59.1 hectares to 135.7 hectares, i.e. by 129%, over the specified period of time. High growth rates (from 30.8 ha to 67.1 ha or by 117%) were also observed for forage crops [14, p. 81].

It is worth noting that most of the fields were occupied by grain crops. So, in 1935, they occupied 63% of the cultivated areas of collective farms. In the rest, vegetable, technical, fodder and other crops were cultivated [14, p. 81].

Crop yields were increasing. Thus, according to the data presented in the work "Essays on the History of Soviet Khakassia (1917-1991)", "wheat yield before 1931 was 8.83 c. per ha, in 1938 – 13.3 c. per ha" [8, p. 73].


Thus, during this period, the main directions of agricultural development in Khakassia were contradictory. There were positive trends: there was an increase in the average annual gross output of agricultural production, its material and technical base improved.

In the 1920s and early 1940s, crop production received a new round of development. There was an increase in acreage. This was facilitated by an increase in the level of mechanization of field work, as well as improvements in the field of agricultural technology and land reclamation.

But on the other hand, there were some negative aspects: the reduction of livestock and the outflow of peasants from the village due to an ill-conceived economic policy aimed at collectivization, the lack of electrification in agriculture, low grain yields during the first five-year plan.

1. Calculated according to: GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 1. L. 2; There. D. 29a. L. 5.
2. Statistical time series for 1913-1951. P. 109. Retrieved from
3. Calculated according to: GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 1. L. 2.
4. GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 36. L. 170.
5Essays on the history of Khakassia in the Soviet period. (1963). 1917–1961. Under. ed. P.N. Meshalkin. Abakan.
6. Calculated according to: All-Union population census of 1926, Vol. VI. Siberian region. Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. M., 1928. S. 230–231; Kyshpanakov V.A. Population of Khakassia: 1917–1990s Abakan, 1995, p. 239; GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 196. L. 20.21; There. D. 1. L. 2; There. D. 29a. L. 5.
7. GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 29a. L. 190.
8. Essays on the history of Soviet Khakassia (1917–1991). (2019). Scientific. ed. V.N. Tuguzhekov. Abakan.
9. GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 29a. L. 82.
10. GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 20. L. 8.
11. Compiled according to: GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 1. L. 2.
12. Compiled according to: GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-169. Op. 1. D. 29a. L. 5
13. Socio-economic development of Khakassia (XX – beginning of the XXI century). (2014). Ed. ed. V.N. Tuguzhekov. Abakan.
14. Calculated according to: Smerdov I.M. Agriculture of Khakassia for 40 years of Soviet power. Zapiski Khakas. scientific research in-t lang., lit. and history. 1958. Issue. 6. S. 81.
15. Shaposhnikov, G.M. (2013). Milestones in the formation and development of the agrarian sector of Khakassia / G.M. Shaposhnikov, D.V. Dugarzhapova, V.P. Chebodaev. World of science, culture, education, 2, 291–297.
16. Compiled according to: GKU RH "National Archive". F. R-29. Op. 1. D. 20. Ll. 1–4; Essays on the history of Soviet Khakassia (1917–1991). Scientific. ed. V.N. Tuguzhekov. Abakan, 2019. P. 69.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

1. The topic of the article is "The main directions of agricultural development of Khakassia in the 1920s - early 1940s." (hereinafter –the Work) The Journal: Genesis: Historical Research (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) is relevant and relevant to the specialization. 2. The content of the Work does not fully correspond to the theme stated in the title. Namely, the period "1920s - early 1940s" appears in the title, while statistics up to 1938 mainly appear. It will probably be advisable to define the historical period "1920s – late 1930s" in the title of the article, which is more consistent with the internal content of the work. 3. The quality of the presentation of the research and its results in the Work does not meet the requirements for scientific publications. The introduction defines the subject of the study. The methodology "from the standpoint of modernization theory in addition to previous studies, in particular based on a formational approach" is not implemented in the text of the article, as well as the mentioned "previous studies" are not covered. The objectives of the study are not defined. 4. The scientific novelty of the Work is justified by the author as the need to introduce "unpublished historical sources into scientific circulation", which is not a sufficient reason for scientific novelty. The conclusions presented in the final part correspond to the text of the Work, but the conclusions are superficial, their reliability and validity are not confirmed by a sufficient number of peer-reviewed scientific sources. There is no scientific argument. Moreover, the author recommends that potential readers draw conclusions on their own: "conclusions that can be drawn by authorities at various levels." The significance of the conclusions does not meet the requirements for scientific publications. 5. The text of the Work does not contain an analysis of the current state of the problem under study, analysis and criticism of the results obtained with an appeal to opponents. 6. The scientific literature and sources used by the author are relevant to the problems of the Work, but are insufficient to disclose the topic. According to the requirements of the Journal, "the recommended volume of the literature list for an original scientific article is at least 20 sources, which must contain: at least one third of foreign sources; at least half of the works published in the last 3 years. The list of references includes only peer-reviewed scientific sources (articles from scientific journals and monographs) that are mentioned in the text of the article." In this regard, the volume of the bibliographic list is insufficient. Of the 16 sources listed in the bibliography, 11 are archives. The list of references does not include peer-reviewed scientific sources (articles from scientific journals and monographs) published in the last 3-5 years. Taking into account the degree of research of the problem, the volume of the list of references for could be at least 20-25 sources. 7. The design of the work does not meet the requirements for the preparation of academic journal articles: there are no necessary structural elements devoted to the analysis of the state of the research topic, the formulation of the problem to be solved, the research methodology, the critical analysis of the results; the style of presentation is informative and abstract, linguistic and stylistic characteristics inherent in the scientific style as a whole are absent, information saturation is insufficient. The presence of tables in the text is justified. There are questions about the content of table 2 "The share of volosts (districts) in the agricultural potential of Khakassia (in %)" in terms of the interaction of the left and right parts of the table: the text of the Work does not contain enough comments on the renaming of volosts into districts and their correspondence. The design of the bibliographic list does not meet the requirements of the Journal. 8. The degree of scientific novelty of the Work does not meet the requirements for the preparation of academic journal articles, statistical data, for the most part, have already been introduced into scientific circulation. The interest for the scientific community in terms of contribution to the development of science is minimal.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

Review of the article Main directions of agricultural development of Khakassia in the 1920s - early 1940s." The subject of the study is the main directions of agricultural development of Khakassia in the 1920s–early 1940s. The purpose of the reviewed article is to study structural, quantitative and qualitative changes in the agricultural sector of Khakassia. The chronological framework of the work covers the 20-40s of the 20th century, that is, the period of reforms in land ownership and land use, collectivization, dispossession, and the war period. Research methodology. The methodological basis of the work is the principles of dialectics and historicism, science and objectivity as the main principles of historical knowledge. The principle of dialectics and historicism made it possible to consider the main directions of agricultural development in Khakassia in dynamics, in interrelation and interdependence with other phenomena, taking into account specific historical conditions and in chronological sequence. The principle of science and objectivity made it possible to reveal the past from the standpoint of historical truth, to identify the conditions and factors that led to the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative changes in the agricultural sector of the economy of Khakassia. The principle of objectivity was also expressed in the involvement of the entire set of revealed facts of their selection and analysis. The relevance of research. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that currently problems of a geopolitical and economic nature pose the task of providing the country with food and strengthening the country's food security, which actualizes problems related to the issues of agricultural development of the country as a whole and its individual regions. Under these conditions, there is an increasing interest in studying the experience of Soviet reforms in the first decades of Soviet power: reforms in the field of land use, food supply of cities and villages, the experience of collectivization, the development of crop production and cattle breeding and their relationship depending on the traditional forms of agricultural production of the region's population. In this regard, the experience of Khakassia is also interesting, where in a fairly short period (for about two decades) significant changes took place in the agricultural sector. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that the article was prepared on the basis of a wide range of sources, including archival ones (materials from the National Archive of the Republic of Khakassia), some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that the problem of the development of crop production, cattle breeding, changes in the number of people employed in agriculture, the impact of collectivization policy on the agricultural development of Khakassia has not been studied enough. The article also attempts to analyze the Soviet modernization policy in the agricultural sector. Style, structure, content. The style of the article is academic, the language is clear and concise. The material of the article will be understandable not only to specialists, but also to a wide range of readers. The appeal to the opponents is presented in the analysis of the material collected by the author, a good knowledge of the topic and related topics of the issue under study, a sufficiently in-depth analysis of various sources and literature on the topic under study as a whole. The bibliography of the reviewed article as a whole indicates knowledge of the subject of the study. The author's conclusions are objective and follow generally from the work carried out by the author. The article will be of interest to anyone who is interested in the issues of agricultural development of the country and its individual regions in the 1920s and 1940s, the experience of Soviet modernization. The article is written on an urgent topic and has signs of scientific novelty.