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National Security

Procedural features of sending a request for legal assistance in the interaction of the preliminary investigation bodies of Russia and the CIS countries in criminal cases

Radzhabzoda Dzhamshed Ibrohim

Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics, All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

129090, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Kalanchevskaya, 43A







Abstract: The subject of this study is the legal norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, national normative legal acts, organizational and administrative documents (orders, orders) of heads of law enforcement agencies, international treaties aimed at regulating public and legal relations on the issues of sending requests for legal assistance in the field of interaction between the preliminary investigation bodies of Russia and CIS countries when criminal proceedings. The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of judicial and investigative practice in order to identify the most typical errors that usually cause refusal to execute a request in order to eliminate problems and eliminate legal gaps in the legislative regulation of the mechanism for sending and executing requests for legal assistance in criminal cases. The dialectical method of scientific cognition was used, as well as comparative – legal, logical – analytical, systemic, as well as formal – legal research methods. The article examines the issues related to sending a request as one of the forms of interaction between the preliminary investigation bodies of Russia and the law enforcement agencies of the CIS countries. The legal regulation is analyzed and the specifics of the request direction are considered. The novelty of the article lies in the identification of problematic aspects of cooperation and the conflict of criminal procedure legislation and international agreements, which usually cause refusal to execute the request, including one of the most difficult problems in this area – compliance with procedural deadlines for the execution of the request. The proposals contributing to the resolution of existing problems are formulated. In particular, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to supplement the provisions of normative acts regulating the mechanism of sending a request for legal assistance so that the investigator can necessarily indicate in the content of the request the terms of its execution, taking into account significant factors.


Investigator, preliminary investigation, Concord, interaction, criminal case, request execution, legal assistance, convention, a reasonable time, legal proceedings

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It is necessary to disclose in a little more detail the content of each of these measures. In favor of the first option, an argument can be made that the rules established and fixed in the text of the law always entail the discipline of persons authorized to conduct an investigation or inquiry in a case. However, it should be noted that it is difficult to determine in advance the time that would be considered sufficient to resolve the request. The fact is that the deadline for resolving the request depends on various circumstances that cannot be kept in mind in advance. For example, factors such as the political relationship between the contacting countries, the complexity, nature and number of investigative actions that need to be performed, geographical conditions, the existing regulatory framework of agreements, contracts and other factors play an important role.

In favor of the second option, which, in our opinion, seems to be more preferable, it can be noted that the investigator or the investigator himself indicates the optimal deadline in the content of the assignment. For the effective implementation of this measure, we believe that the regulations governing legal relations in the area under consideration should be supplemented with a provision on the need to specify a specific deadline for resolving the request, taking into account all the significant factors highlighted in the first of the two options of the proposed measures. 

In this study, only one aspect is touched upon, concerning the interaction of preliminary investigation bodies with foreign law enforcement agencies. However, we believe that the implementation of the highlighted proposals will contribute to improving the legal regulation of relations between Russia, the CIS countries and other states in the provision of legal assistance.

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