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Police activity

Methodology of formation of skills of practical application of special equipment in the activities of district police officers

Kiryushin Ivan Ivanovich

Lecturer at the Department of Computer Sciences and Special Equipment at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656049, Russia, g. Barnaul, ul. Chkalova, 49, kv. 333
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Timofeev Viktor Vladimirovich

PhD in Technical Science

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Sciences and Special Technology at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656922, Russia, Altaiskii Krai oblast', g. Barnaul, ul. Timurovskaya, 62
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Baumtrog Viktor Etmontovich

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor of the Department of Computer Studies and Special Equipment at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656049, Russia, Barnaul, Peschanaya str. 80
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Abstract: The article deals with the use of special equipment in the activities of district police commissioners and their regulatory and legal regulation. The problem of equipping the Department of Internal Affairs with special equipment in the context of these issues of the activities of district police commissioners is actualized. A variant of the methodological solution for the organization of the educational process in the discipline "Special equipment of the Department of Internal Affairs" is proposed, aimed at increasing the level of development of competencies by district police commissioners implemented using a distance learning system. This work is aimed at investigating the use of special equipment by district police officers in the course of their duties in the position they are filling. Improving the efficiency of the use of special equipment by district police officers in various situations of service.The scientific novelty of the work consists in the formation, testing and quantification of an effective methodology for developing practical skills in the possession of special ATS equipment by employees undergoing initial professional training in the official category of district police commissioner. In order to increase the variability of the content content of the educational program and the adaptability of the course of special ATS equipment to the actual equipment of the units, it is necessary to use electronic simulators more effectively during the educational process. As part of the briefing of the personnel of the UUP when entering the service for the protection of public order, pay attention to the use of existing samples of special equipment as a separate issue.


Mudl, educational process, distance education, district police commissioners, special equipment, applications of special equipment, practical activities, police officer, professional competencies, performing professional tasks

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The relevance of the work is determined by a wide variety of samples of special equipment, consisting of supplies in the Department of Internal Affairs and a limited model range of special equipment available for supply in an educational organization that carries out initial professional training, in addition, there is a constant change in the content of the list of technical means of the Department of Internal Affairs and report cards for services.

The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for developing practical skills in the possession of special ATS equipment by employees undergoing initial professional training in the official category of district police commissioner, focused on the possibility of implementing the educational process in remote and partially remote forms.

To achieve the goal set before the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) identify problematic issues arising in the organization

and the implementation of the educational process in the framework of the training of district police officers;

2) form the specified methodology;

3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, during its use in the implementation of the educational process under the section "Special ATS equipment".

In general, the maximum efficiency of the educational process is a mandatory requirement for it. Within the framework of this work, the concept of efficiency includes the formation of stable universal skills in the use of special equipment, including those mastered by the district police officers independently, on the basis of skills formed during initial professional training in an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of the practical use of the proposed methodology, it seems appropriate to provide additional organizational support for the official activities of district police officers:

when involving the UUP in the protection of public order, it is necessary to determine in advance the list of models of technical means of inspection used by the UUP in the protection of public order, in order to timely study and master these technical means by personnel within the framework of service training.

Timely supply samples of modern search and inspection equipment to educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that train and improve the skills of the personnel of the UUP.

In order to increase the variability of the content content of the educational program and the adaptability of the course of special ATS equipment to the actual equipment of units with search and inspection equipment, it is necessary to use electronic simulators more effectively during the educational process.

As part of the briefing of the personnel of the UUP when entering the service for the protection of public order, pay attention to the use of existing samples of special equipment as a separate issue.


The official duties of the district police commissioner are diverse and numerous. Their list is given in the Manual on the organization of the activities of precinct police commissioners, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 31.12.2012 No. 1166 "Issues of the organization of the activities of precinct police commissioners" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 19.03.2013 No. 27763, as amended on 08.09.2016)

In his speech at the enlarged meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, held on February 28, 2019, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of the Police of the Russian Federation V.A. Kolokoltsev drew attention to the fact that "One of the main conditions for effective work is the renewal of the material and technical base of the bodies and divisions of the Ministry. Their equipment with the main types of weapons, military and special equipment amounted to 77%."

In connection with these indicators, it is relevant to increase the equipment of special equipment of the units of the district police officers to the level provided for by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2012 No. 1157 "On approval of the standards of special equipment for individual units of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and communications, computing, electronic organizational and special equipment for territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, medical (including sanatorium-resort) organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of logistics of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as other organizations and divisions created to perform tasks and exercise powers assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

This circumstance imposes on the educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia the obligation to qualitatively prepare qualified personnel to fill positions in the units of district police officers, including with regard to the use of special equipment by employees.

In addition, in the report of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of Affairs, it was noted that the Ministry pays special attention to optimizing the duties of district police commissioners and "Currently, the preparation of a Concept for the development of this service is being finalized. The document also provides for an increase in the level of resource provision of precinct officers."

Currently, according to paragraph 5.2 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 31.12.2012 No. 1166, the district police commissioner, while serving at an administrative station, takes part in the search for persons who have committed crimes or suspects and accused of committing them; persons who have fled from the bodies of inquiry, investigation or court; missing persons, in identification persons who, for health reasons, age or other reasons, cannot provide information about themselves; in the identification of unidentified corpses.

According to paragraph 75.3 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2012 No. 1166, if it is impossible to arrive at the scene of the incident, the investigative task force of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level independently conducts urgent investigative actions in order to detect and fix traces of a crime requiring immediate consolidation, seizure and investigation, in accordance with the procedure established by criminal procedure legislation.

 According to Appendix No. 10 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2012 No. 1157, the norms of the provision of communications, computing, electronic organizational and special equipment for the units of the district authorized police of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level suggest that the following samples of special equipment should be at the disposal of the UUP:

- portable device for measuring the concentration of ethanol in exhaled air;

- electric megaphone;

- portable hand-held devices, devices, detectors for detecting metallic and non-metallic objects on the human body, including explosives;

- mobile (wearable, hand-held) devices, analyzers for detecting traces of explosive, narcotic, potent and toxic substances;

- indicators, analyzers, devices for the determination of dangerous liquids;

- video surveillance system of the police station (reception rooms) and the surrounding area; 

- automated workplace monitoring video surveillance system;

- digital camera;

- unified suitcase for work on the scene;

- video surveillance systems installed in the car to record the traffic situation and audio and video recordings inside the car (video recorder);

- the DVR is wearable.

Thus, in cases where the UUP is involved in ensuring public order and public safety during mass events, and the inspection of persons who may have weapons with them, the UUP uses means of control and inspection, the most common of which are metal detectors [4,5,9].

In this regard, within the framework of the educational process, technologies for the formation of appropriate professional competencies in the use of the above-mentioned samples of special equipment are relevant. At the same time, an important aspect of the successful practical application of special equipment is educational technologies that allow students to form the skills necessary for the successful use of special equipment in official activities [1,3].

From the point of view of classical pedagogy, possession is a component of practical activity, manifested in the process of performing the necessary actions, brought to perfection by repeated exercises [6].

Within the framework of teaching the discipline "Special equipment of the Department of Internal Affairs", the development of a methodology for the formation of proficiency skills is an urgent issue, since it is impossible to form competencies provided for by the current Federal State Educational Standard, such as "the ability to effectively use special equipment used in the activities of a law enforcement agency when performing professional tasks" without mastering certain possessions.


As the theoretical basis of our research, we used the results and provisions of scientific papers carried out by members of the author's team, including those previously submitted for discussion by participants of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference "Problems and improvement of the methodology of special training of law enforcement agencies during major socio-political and sporting events, including the World Cup FIFA 2018", which took place on April 27, 2018 at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot.

As the areas of work of the conference, topical issues of improving the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies in the professionally applied training of law enforcement officers were considered, including taking into account the international experience of training police officers in this area [10].

At the same time, the tasks of this study, performed earlier, concerning the optimization of the educational process in the section "Special ATS equipment", solved with a positive result, tested in practice, are the basis of this work.  

When developing a pedagogical methodology for mastering practical skills (in the terminology of modern FGOS – possessions) with certain samples of special equipment, the task was set to create a universal approach, the development of which would allow students to acquire skills in such technical means using the principle of analogy. For example, it is enough to master the techniques of working on one radio station in order to use the acquired possessions to study any such radio station. This approach makes it possible to overcome the problem of studying a large number of specific technical means, which is relevant, since the number of samples of special ATS equipment is quite large. There are only about 500 samples of the complexes of systems that are on the supply of ATS in the list of samples.

In addition, from a psychological point of view, the confident possession of the UUP by means of special equipment will allow performing the assigned service tasks more efficiently and psychologically comfortably [8].

When studying technical means during the implementation of the educational process, a workshop has been developed for the development of possessions, available in a printed version [2]. Students receive it for classes in the general library. The workshop implements a typical approach to the study of various samples of special equipment, which involves: 1) study of the functional purpose and basic tactical and technical characteristics of the devices; 2) finding out the names and purpose of all units and controls of the device; 3) performing basic operations with the technical means by following specially developed instructions available in the workshop;  4) performance of control tasks for evaluation.

The application of the workshop allows the teacher to realize the aspect of individualization of the educational process, and the student will be given the opportunity to form an individual educational trajectory of mastering the discipline. The student studies the discipline at the most comfortable pace for himself, within the limits determined by the schedule of mastering the discipline. The teacher, in advance, establishes evaluation criteria that determine the level of mastering the necessary competence by the student and the corresponding assessment.

This approach is used at the department to study the overwhelming amount of equipment: wired and radio communications, search equipment, photo documentation tools [7].

This approach is implemented within the framework of individual practical classes through the system of distance educational technologies (SDO) "Moodle". The methodology will be explained by the example of working out the ownership of equipment for photography.

Almost every student has a personal smartphone with a camera that has a transfocation function. To master the relevant possessions within the framework of the electronic course, a practical task has been formed, the implementation of which involves receiving photo files, making comments and sending them to the teacher as an answer to the points of the practical task.

After successful completion of the task, the student clearly understands what needs to be done to avoid image distortion when using photographic equipment with short-focus optics.

Upon receipt of the answers, the teacher checks them, if necessary, making comments on the answer and explaining the assessment.

Thus, students successfully master the skills of obtaining undistorted photographic materials, visually convince themselves of the presence of such a disadvantage in short-focus optics as introducing geometric distortions into the image and learn to compensate for this disadvantage by changing the distance to the subject of photography and increasing the focal length of the camera lens when photographing.

Similarly, with the use of the educational organization's EIOS and simulators, practical tasks on the remaining topics of the discipline "Special ATS equipment" were also constructed [2].

The approbation of the methodology presented by us for the implementation of the educational process in the discipline "Special ATS equipment", in terms of the practical development of samples of special ATS equipment of the UUP, was carried out on the basis of the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the same time, it is necessary to note the positive experience of using electronic simulators in the implementation of the educational process accumulated by the staff of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Qualitative assessment of learning outcomes was carried out from the standpoint of a competence-based approach comprehensively in two directions. The theoretical component was monitored during testing (exit control) of students, the practical component (skills and abilities) were evaluated using simulators and practical tasks. The qualitative criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the skills formed according to the proposed methodology were: the correct algorithm of the actions performed, the independence of setting up the means of inspection and the speed of inspection. The assessment of students' knowledge was carried out according to the following indicators: depth of knowledge, effectiveness of knowledge, consistency, awareness of knowledge.

Quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the proposed method are evaluated in comparison with the previous experience of organizing the educational process according to the classical methodology of the specified category of students according to the average score of input and output control.

The obtained results, taking into account the normalized probability of a random difference in the average estimates of the output control calculated by the Student's distribution, not exceeding 0.01, allow us to consider the method applicable. Thus, the proposed methodology can be an alternative in the implementation of the considered direction of training of the UUP. It can be used in the educational process along with others.

We believe that the positive experience presented in the article in the formation of practical skills in the use of special equipment of the Department of Internal Affairs of the UUP can be useful in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The effectiveness of the educational process in the framework of the preparation of the UUP for the development of special ATS equipment largely depends on the availability of information on the list of models of technical means that they are supposed to use.

2. An important condition for achieving the effectiveness of the educational process in this case is the presence in the educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of samples of modern equipment and special means used by internal affairs bodies (this circumstance was noted repeatedly, including in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 9, 2012 No. 580 "On the announcement of the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia").

3. An essential factor in improving the effectiveness of the educational process is the use of electronic simulators and available special equipment.

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