Citations count: 9
Borisov N.S. —
From the History of the Tver Princely Family. The Date of Birth of the Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 29 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.6.28112 URL:
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The circumstances surrounding the birth and naming of the Grand Duke Mikhail of Tver are one of the most controversial and little-studied topics of Russian history of the end of the 13th century. Identifying the exact date of birth of Mikhail Yaroslavich is complicated by the extreme scarcity of historical sources, the compositional nature of those chronicles that have survived and the chroniclers' use of three different calendar systems (March, September and Ultramarch), which assumed different interpretations in contemporary chronology of the translation of the year 6779 from the creation of the world - indicated in some chronicles as the year of the prince’s birth. In order to identify more accurately the future saint's date of birth, the author clarifies the circumstances of the trip to the Golden Horde undertaken by his father, Yaroslav Yaroslavich, who died on his return trip on September 16, 1271. There is reason to believe that the youngest son of Yaroslav of Tver was born after his death on November 1, 1271. The choice of a name for the newborn baby was tied to the church calendar and was the result of the dynastic situation in the principality of Tver. The child received the name of his deceased brother Michael, which was quite a rare name in this princely environment, thus symbolically indicating the highest spirituality of its carrier.
Citations count: 3
Tesaev Z.A., Basnukaev K.U. —
The chronicles “Tarikh Chachan” by Iznaur Nesserhoev (translation and commentaries)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 82 - 97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.1.35083 URL:
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This article is first to examine one of the lists of chronicle that goes under the code name “The Chronicle of the Exodus of the ancestors of the tribe Nahci from the Settlement of Nahcivan" (N. S. Semenov). Iznaur Nesserhoev – scribe of the list – names the chronicle “Tarikh Chachan”, which is taken as the basis in this article. H. U. Basnukaev translated the text of this list of manuscript; Z. A. Tesaev compiled the commentaries on the translation and conducted scientific research relying on analysis of the contents of manuscript and its comparison with other lists. The author carries out a comparative analysis between this version of “Tarikh Chachan” and the previously published materials (N. Semenov, P. Takhnaeva, A. Salgiriev, etc.) is carried out. Publication of the translation and examination of the contents of the manuscript “Tarikh Chachan” are performed for the first time. This article reveals the similarities, discrepancies and new records on the content of a number of other lists of the chronicle under review. The examined text of “Tarikh Chachan” indicated the new, previously unpublished details in the narrative dedicated to the personalities of the Kalmyk Khan – Nowruz Khan along with other Caucasian rulers of Kakhar and Surakat. The author observes the identity of the introductory part of the text and the main plotline in the lists of the aformentioned authors (N. Semenov, P. Takhnaeva, A. Salgiriev, etc.). The conclusion is made that this list of the chronicles "Tarikh of Chachan" is an additional source on the medieval history of the North Caucasus.
Citations count: 3
Akimov A.V. —
"The Iron Industry of Southern Russia" as a Source for Studying the Pipe Industry of the Early 20th Century
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 71 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26614 URL:
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The article presents a source study analysis of the statistical collection "The Iron Industry of Southern Russia", published by the Statistical Bureau of the Council of the Congress of Mining Industrialists of Southern Russia in 1901-1917. The subject of this work is an in-depth study of the quantitative data presented in the named collection in relation to pipe production. The author examines in detail the quality and reliability of the calculations presented in the historical source regarding the production of iron and metal pipes and their parts, their production and stock in sections of monthly and annual information, as well as of the increasing total. In order to determine the comparative reliability of production and market indicators, the author used mathematical methods. In particular, to identify possible inaccuracies and errors, the author compared the indicators of the source's various tables, which were also subjected to a cross recheck. In addition, the author applied the systematic approach when the examined data were included in a system of other indicators. The study's main findings are the revealed inaccuracies in calculations and the detection of errors, which when eliminated and the corrected data used instead creates the foundation that significantly improves the quality of the historical material. Additionally, the author proved that the existing errors and inconsistencies do not distort the overall structure of the production and market indicators, as their total number and share is extremely small in the total volume of the quantitative data, which thus makes it possible to recognize the statistical collection "The Iron Industry of Southern Russia" as a reliable source.
Citations count: 3
Salomatina S. —
Commercial Banks and Agriculture in the Second Half of the 19th Century: a Statistical Analysis of the Operations of the Oryol Commercial Bank Compared with the State Bank of the Russian Empire
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 151 - 178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.6.31310 URL:
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The article is focused on the little-studied problem of how Russian commercial banks, private and state-run, credited agricultural production enterprises and agricultural trade in the second half of the 19th century. The dominant economic theory during those years did not consider agriculture to be part of the commercial banks' responsibility, and this industry's clientele affiliation is poorly reflected in banking statistics. However, the actual contribution of banks in agricultural regions met the urgent needs of the economy. The author analyzes banking practices for servicing wholesalers and landlords using archived and published material of the Oryol Commercial Bank (1872-1908) and the branches of the State Bank of the Russian Empire operating in the governorates of Central Chernozem, South and West of European Russia. The article calculates the turnover of the two banks' operations related to providing services to agriculturers for 1866-1901. Based on this data, the author reveals a protracted economic crisis in the Oryol Governorate in the 1880s, linked to a fall in agricultural prices, unfavorable railway tariffs, and a series of low crop yields. As a result, in the 1890s, the Oryol Commercial Bank had expanded its network of branches outside the Oryol Governorate. Sharp fluctuations in the 1880s weighted down operations of exporting goods, while operations related to local consumption remained relatively stable, which disproves the so-called concept of “hungry exports”. The policy of the State Bank, which set out to expand banking services to agriculture in the 1890s, must be evaluated through the fact that similar operations undertaken by a private bank were significantly more developed in the territory under examination.
Citations count: 3
Vavochkina I.D. —
The Eisenhower Administration and New Interpretations of the Issue of Lobbying
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 67 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.4.23431 URL:
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The subject of this research is the interpretation of the issue of lobbying that was developed in the United States of America in the 1950s. Lobbyism is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon that has been a part of the field of politics for a long time. The regulation of lobbying activities under the President Dwight Eisenhower is a little-studied topic in both Russian and foreign historiographies. According to the author, the American experience of regulating lobbyism through the formation of a competitive political environment and the transparency of the procedure of government decision-making can be relevant for Russian lawmaking today. The complex analysis of the central issues in the socio-political life in the 1950s demonstrates that in the liberal political circles of that time began to ripen plans for strengthening government regulation of lobbying, changing the "landscape" of lobbying groups and creating under government patronage new conditions for the establishment of lobbyists of public interest which are capable of maintaing a course directed at social reforms. The author comes to the conclusion that the given initiatives of the liberals were a response to the growing corruption links between businesses and the government and a means of mobilizing forces in order to sustain a liberal ideology. The article cites previously unused in Russian historiography documents from the United States Congressional Special Committee regarding the activities of the oil and gas lobby (1956).
Citations count: 3
Karagodin A.V. —
The Fatal Indolence of the "Former": The Southern Coast of Crimea During the Years of the Civil War (1917-1921) Through the Prism of the History of Daily Life
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 109 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.2.30687 URL:
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The article's research subject is the mentality of the representatives of the privileged social strata of imperial Russia living on the southern coast of Crimea during the years of the Civil War (1917-1921). On the basis of memoirs, little-known in historiographical circulation, as well as other sources, the author attempts to reconstruct the conditions of the daily life of the representatives of this social group during the indicated period and to describe the main features of their mentality. The author proposes a model that explains the mood and behavior of these figures with the help of "The Idle Class” concept, which was introduced at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries by the American sociologist T. Weblen. The narrative of "political history" is supplemented by research in the field of "local history" and "daily history", "micronarratives" based on the historical memory of event participants, affixed in sources of personal origin and designed to reveal how people of that era experienced their daily life. This has allowed the author to supplement and clarify the scientific knowledge about historical changes and to identify whether the changes at the macro and micro levels correlate with each other. The author uses the concept of "The Idle Class" to explain the fatal carelessness shown by representatives of the privileged social group of imperial Russia on the southern coast of Crimea even when the fire of the civil war had already been raging for several years in the country and when the Bolsheviks had governed over Crimea twice, even if not for long, by conducting searches, arrests and executions of class enemies. This, in turn, demonstrates that the interpretation of the revolution and the civil war in Russia in the 1917-early 1920s should be done in the broadest sense, as not only a socio-economic conflict, but also a socio-cultural and mental one.
Citations count: 3
Baibakov S.A. —
The Development of Proposals to Reform the Highest State Agencies for the Drafting of the Third Union Constitution by the Apparatus of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1961-1962)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 163 - 176.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.1.25173 URL:
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Based on archival material for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, the author demonstrates that the staff of the apparatus of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR even before the formation of the constitutional commission on April 25, 1962, began preparatory work for writing the draft of the future third Union Constitution. The author succeeded in determining when, who and by what reasons became the initiator of this work, and what specific proposals were prepared by various departments of the apparatus for reforming the structure of the highest state agencies of the USSR, above all, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its presidium. In the article, which is of an interdisciplinary nature, the results of the study of this problem by historians and jurists are briefly summarized, and new archival material is introduced into the scientific circulation which allows to fill the gaps identified by the author in Russian historiography. The specific contribution of the author to the study of the topic under consideration is his discussion of the preparatory work that was undertaken for the creation of the third Union Constitution even before the official formation of the Constitutional Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, conducted by the staff of the apparatus of its presidium. Of particular interest are the initiatives of directorate and employees of the legal department who proposed to review the functions and competencies of the highest state authorities.
Citations count: 3
Kovalenko M.I. —
The establishment of German Customs Union: towards the “Customs Union Agreement” of 1833
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 170 - 187.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.4.33580 URL:
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This article presents an overview of economic situation and trade relations in Germany during the 1815 – 1820s, after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The customs question was especially urgent due to the disparity of territories, and was being resolved in several German states simultaneously. The author examines the Prussian plan of customs union that was implemented in future, as well as the alternative regional projects. For detailed assessment of the indicated projects, analysis is conducted on the flow of import and export of various products on the German territories. This article is founded on the German sources, including maps of German territories and summary statistical tables, which did not previously received wide coverage within the Russian historiography. The topic of establishment of the German Customs Union was in the sidelines for a long time; therefore, this research is relevant for broad audience within the framework of studying the economic history and the history of Germany. The author determines that the period of formation of the German Customs Union was not subjected to comprehensive analysis; the alternative plans of customs unions were not sufficiently covered by the national and foreign historians, despite the extensive source base. The main conclusion consists in description of the actual alternatives to the Prussian plan of customs union, which have not been implemented due to political discrepancies between the members of the South and Middle German unions. Translation of the Customs Union Agreement into the Russian language has not been previously conducted; its provisions would be the subject of the author’s further research.
Citations count: 3
Demidova Y. —
Collectivism and individualism in patrimonial estate communities on the example of two ecological settlements in Central Russia
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 26 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34131 URL:
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This article examines the correlation between individualism and collectivism with regards to economic and household activities, as well as festive culture in the settlements during fairs, festivals and holidays. Characteristics is given to the phenomenon of ecological settlements. Chronology of the development of this movement is provided. The author reviews the economic practices alongside private and collective leisure activities, determines the features of individualism and collectivism thereof. Analysis of the content of leisure activities demonstrates the clear prevalence of collectivism, which indicates the need for realization of the ideological principle through social practices within the community. However, the economic activities of Anastasians mark the prevalence of individualism, which is widely described in the narratives, and illustrates significance of the processes of personal fulfillment and self-actualization in the new environment. In realization of the aforementioned practices, inhabitants of the settlements resort to the “traditional, passed down through generations lifestyle”. The author believes that sociocultural practices represent an attempt to integrate positive aspects of modern individualism and archaic collectivism and communalism. The conclusion is made that the practices of patrimonial estate communities are collective in nature, which distinguishes them from the practices of urban life; however, they remain individualistic. What was considered an ordinary collective practice in peasant environment, now can be interpreted as the infringement of personal space, since the individual becomes the supreme unit, initiator of most cultural practices, both individualistic and collectivistic (harvest festivals or community help on birthdays). The communities of patrimonial estates mark the formation of new social reality, which intertwines the individual and the collective.
Citations count: 2
Sivkina N.Y., Krivoshchekova E.V. —
Babylonia as the center of the Early Selkid Empire
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 109 - 117.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.1.39671 EDN: HRZOAD URL:
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The interest in the Seleucid empire and the problems of organizing the political space in the Hellenistic East has recently been due to a methodological turn in the historiography of the Hellenistic era. These changes actualized the study of the role of Babylonia in the empire of the first Seleucids according to narrative and epigraphic sources. The satrapy appears in them as the region where the political career of Diadochus and the founder of the Seleucus dynasty began after the death of Alexander the Great. It was here that his power was most entrenched, apparently supported by local priestly elites. Although the question of the political center of the Seleucid state has been considered in historiography, however, it has not received systematic study. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the early Seleucid state and the peculiarities of the eastern policy of the first Seleucids in the imperial context. The methodological basis is the methods used to study imperial and multicultural spaces, as well as general scientific philosophical and historical methods. The study of the legendary information about Seleucus revealed frequent references to Babylonia in predictions of his future power, which should be perceived as a vaticinium ex eventu. This indicates the ideological and "mythological" significance of the image of Babylonia for the Seleucids, which can be explained both by the strategic and economic role of the region and its significance in Alexander's policy, which can be interpreted as a manifestation of "imitatio Alexandri".
Citations count: 2
Brovina A. —
The Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Life of the Scholar-Geologist V. A. Varsanofyeva (Based on the Material from Her Personal Archive)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 146 - 161.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.2.21929 URL:
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The subject of this article is the historical role of the scientific community in the study and development of the northern territories of Russia. The object of this research is the scientific biography of the first Soviet woman-geologist – doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences V.A. Varsanofyeva. The author examines in detail such aspects as the role of V. A. Varsanofyeva in the history of the geological exploration of this vast, remote and poorly known territory in the south of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province, in the study of the geological structure and mineral resources of the Komi ASSR. Particular attention is paid to the scientific, pedagogical, social and popularization activities of V. A. Varsanofyeva during her years of work in the Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1954-1970, to the analysis of the documents preserved in her personal files at the Scientific Archive of the Komi Science Center of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences; to the contribution of this scientist to the development of the topic of the study of the Komi ASSR productive forces. The methodological base of the study comprises the basic principles of modern historical sciences: historicism and scientific objectivity, and also general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, description and construction of similarities. The scientific biography of the scholar-geologist V. A. Varsanofyeva is considered in the context of the contribution of the scientific community to the study and development of the northern territories of Russia. The author conducts an analysis of the vast document corpus from the scientist's private archive, which reflects her scientific, educational and social activity. The main conclusions of the study are the following: V. A. Varsanofyeva’s scientific activity, which lasted more than 60 years, is a milestone in the history of the geological exploration of this vast, remote and little-known territory; she laid the foundation for the research of the geological structure of the south of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. The industrial development of the Republic of Komi is largely due to the success of geologists' work, among them that of V. A. Varsanofyeva rightfully occupies one of the first places. The materials from V. A.Varsanofyeva's personal archive are of great interest, as they allow us to learn not only the versatile activity of this scientist, her social circle and personal traits, but also the scientific community as a whole – the tireless workers of science, inspired by the great aims of understanding the surrounding environment and gaining new knowledge.
Citations count: 2
Filinov A.V. —
The Soviet Leadership's Far Eastern Program and the Manchurian Crisis (September 1931 - March 1935)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 130 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.27001 URL:
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The article is focused on an examination of the measures taken by the USSR's top leadership to increase economic independence and, in particular, to strengthen the defensive capability of the Soviet Far Eastern Territory (FET) in the first half of the 1930s. In the author's opinion, a significant part of these measures was directly related to the foreign policy situation in the Far East that arose after the beginning of Japan's occupation from September 1931 of the north-eastern part of China - Manchuria. In this article, the author discusses the insufficiently studied complex issue of the development and implementation mechanisms of the Soviet Far Eastern policy in the period of the Manchurian crisis' unfolding. Among the scientific methods applied in this work, the fundamental place is occupied by the principle of historicism, which implies the consideration of all known facts in the form of a complex process of their appearance and development, in direct connection with certain features inherent in one or another particular historical epoch. Additionally, the author uses the comparative-historical method in order to analyze the manifold views of contemporaries on the events that occurred during the Manchurian crisis. The article's scientific novelty lies in its use of both published sources, such as thematic collections of documents from the archives of various departments and sources of personal origin (correspondence, speeches, and statements by representatives of the leading strata of the USSR), as well as unpublished archival materials from the collections of the State Archives of the Russian Federation (SA RF), the Russian State Military Archives (RSMA), the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RSASPH). Within the framework of an integrated approach, the author proposes to evaluate the planned, special domestic political program in the Far East, implemented on the initiative of the political, economic and military elite of the Soviet Union as a natural consequence of the "Manchurian crisis".
Citations count: 2
Pozdnyakova A.S., Vychugzhanina E. —
The Organization of the Fight Against the Typhus Epidemic in Vyatka in 1918-1920
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 17 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.6.28141 URL:
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The article is focused on an examination of the epidemiological situation of typhus during the Russian Civil War on the example of the Vyatka governorate. On the basis of previously unknown documents from the State Archives of the Kirov region, the authors analyze the work of local authorities in eliminating the epidemic and present statistical data on the course of the epidemic's unfolding. The authors identify the main problems faced by the authorities of the governorate in the fight against typhus and describe in details the measures which made it possible to reduce the percentage of typhus infections in the region. In solving posed research problems, the historical-systemic method was used as the main research approach, while as auxiliary methods, the authors used the statistical and comparative-historical methods. The novelty of the presented research lies in the fact that the authors introduce previously unknown archival materials into scientific circulation. One of the study's main conclusions is that only with the help of the Extraordinary Commission for the Control of Typhus it became possible to partially resolve the health crisis. By the end of 1920, the epidemic of typhus in the governorate began to decline.
Citations count: 2
Vorontsova I.V. —
The movement for Church Reform in Russia at the beginning of the 20th Century and the Local Council of 1917–1918 (For the Centenary of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917–1918)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 105 - 120.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.4.23223 URL:
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In Russia during the first decade of the 20th century unfolded several church-reformation and liberal-reformist movements, directed at reforming the church. In these movements were involved the religious, ecclesiastical and outside of the church intelligentsia, educated workers, as well as clergymen. The problems put forward by this eclectic social movement, apart from various proposals of religious and philosophical nature and the question of "reform or reformation?", included also requests defined by the era. The participants of the movement hoped that at the church council all their proposals would receive a positive decision. But the majority of their proposals were in conflict with the Orthodox tradition. The article's author examines which questions raised by the movement as a whole were among those discussed at the church Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917–1918 and presents the resolutions made by this legislative church body. The author applied the method of systematic historical analysis, which takes into account the causal relationship between events and the objective approach to events and documents. The author also used the retrospective approach. The scientific novelty of this study is determined by the fact that in the article the liberal religious movement is for the first time presented in the context of the events from the canonical sphere – the work of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917–1918. The author refutes the existing opinion that the reformatory activity of the religious intelligentsia and the liberal clergy in the beginning of the 20th century was left without attention by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917–1918. The author analyzes the discussions between the liberals and the conservatives. The author based his study on the material of his ten-year research on the formation in pre-Revolutionary Russia of the social movement for church reform, the analysis of the church reformer K. M. Aggeev and a review of the documents ("Deeds") of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917–1918.
Citations count: 2
Voronkova D.S. —
"The Vestnik of Finance, Industry and Trade" for 1917 as a Source for Studying the Economic Development of Russia: the Theme and Authors of the Journal's Articles
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 148 - 162.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.3.24728 URL:
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This study is dedicated to a source study analysis of the materials from the journal of the Russian Ministry of Finance: "the Vestnik of Finance, Industry and Trade". This journal is one of the main sources on a wide range of topics concerning the economic history of Russia in the period between 1883 - 1917. The materials published in "the Vestnik..." are characterized by a high level of analytics, due to its authors being prominent Russian economists of their time. The aim of this study is to examine the dynamics of the complex economic processes that took place in the revolutionary year of 1917 as reflected in the pages of the named journal. This article applies the methods of quantitative analysis to journal publications. In structuring the subject matter of the articles and messages, the journal's headings from the quarterly "Systematic Lists" are used, as well as the bibliographic database developed at the Novosibirsk State University. The author's quantitative analysis of the evolution of the topics raised in the journal demonstrates the value of "the Vestnik ..." as one of the most interesting sources in the study of the economic processes that took place in 1917. This article shows that the calculation of the distribution of the subject matter in analytical publications (articles and messages, without ads, announcements and statistical material) in general and by quarters provides the most reliable estimates of the structure and dynamics of the coverage of economic processes in the examined journal.
Citations count: 2
Strekalov I.N. —
Count S. Y. Witte Against the Idea of Soviets: the Public Dispute Concerning the Brochure “The Outcome of the Russian Revolution of 1905 and the Nosar Government” by A. Morsky (V. I. Stein)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 134 - 150.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.1.28219 URL:
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The article's research subject is the discussion between representatives of government circles (S. Y. Witte) and the revolutionary movement (G. S. Khrustalev-Nosar, S. Golub, F. F. Raskolnikov, V. M. Chernov) on the question of the significance of the Saint Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Delegates in 1905, linked to the publication in 1911 of the book by A. Morsky (V. I. Stein), the literary agent of S. Y. Witte, about the revolutionary events of 1905.
The research object is the memoir writings of S. Y. Witte, the works of literary agents S. Y. Witte and A. Morsky (V. I. Stein), and the articles of the named representatives of the revolutionary movement.
The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the purpose of the Saint Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Delegates, its activities and the reasons for its defeat. The research methods applied to this study are the analysis of the assessment of the revolutionary situation in 1905 and the meaning of the St. Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Delegates, as well as a comparison of the identified assessments, a consideration of the similarities and differences in them, and a generalization of the author's comparison. The study's main conclusions are the author's assertion of the ambiguities in the assessment of the events of 1905 and the role of the St. Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Delegates, and the presence of significant differences in the approaches to understanding the purpose of the St. Petersburg Soviet.
The author's main contribution to the study of the examined topic is the revelation of the public discussion on the brochure of the literary agent of S. Y. Witte, A. Morsky (V. I. Stein), on the question of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Delegates in 1905.
The novelty of the presented research lies in the fact that it demonstrates the controversy that took place concerning the question of the purpose of the idea of Soviets in 1905 in the public sphere in connection with the brochure of A. Morsky.
Citations count: 2
Akhatov A.T. —
Aznayevo settlement in the XVII – XIX centuries based on the results of archaeological research
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 31 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.6.34595 URL:
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The subject of this article is the Aznayevo settlement – dwelling site of Bashkirs of the late Middle Ages and Modern Age located in the territory of Ishimbaysky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The main goal of this work consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of general information on the monument, as well as materials acquired in the course of archaeological research conducted in 1998 and 2016. Special attention given to the analysis of findings that characterize the economy and way of living of its inhabitants. For clarification of the chronological framework and establishment of relation of Aznayevo settlement with the Bashkir neighboring villages Aznayevo and Khazinovo, the author attracts archival and cartographic material. The article also employs historical-comparative and descriptive methods of analysis of the artefact. The conducted archeological research show that Aznayevo settlement, which supposedly was the winter encampment for the local Bashkir population in the XVII – XIX centuries has existed for a long period of time. In the course of its expiration, were acquires new materials that characterize the economic activity, spiritual and material culture of Bashkirs in the past, including certain aspects that were poorly covered in the ethnographic and historical literature. At the same time, they contribute to examination and reconstruction of ethnogenetic and ethnocultural processes that unfolded in Southern Ural in the late Middle Ages and Modern Age, as well as in the preceding time.
Citations count: 2
Novikova M.V. —
The Soviet Past on the Pages of the Newspaper "the Moscow News" during the Period of the Perestoika (1985-1991)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 137 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.5.23791 URL:
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The article is focused on the topic of revising Soviet history at the end of the 1980s. The subject of this research is the publications on historical topics in the newspaper " Moskovskiye Novosti" during the period of the Perestoika (1985-1991). During a short period of time (1987-1991), the newspaper's pages reflected a critical revision of the key stages of history: reformation of the 1920-1930s, pre-war and post-war policy of the USSR, the October Revolution, and foreign policy on the eve of the Second World War. Separate attention is paid to the particularities of covering the issue of political repressions, the so-called "Leniniana" and the new approaches to presenting the Great Patriotic War. The methodological base of this study is comprised of the quantitative and qualitative content-analysis of the publications on historical topics on the pages of the newspaper " Moskovskiye Novosti". The use of quantitative "mathematical" methods has allowed the author to discover additional, hidden information in these sources, to group the publications by main themes and to describe their quantitative dynamics.
The scientific novelty of this research lies in the fact that for the first time the publications on historical topics of the newspaper " Moskovskiye Novosti" during the period of the Perestoika have been subjected to a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative content-analysis. For the first time a series of documents was introduced into scientific circulation, coming from the private archive of Egor Yakovlev, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper " Moskovskiye Novosti" during the years of the Perestroika.
As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the flow of publications on historical topics with new evaluations of the Soviet past had a double effect on the mentality of the Soviet people. The construction of a new reality of the Soviet past in the mass consciousness brought to the delusion of its proper history. The publications presented the results of sociological polls conducted at the end of the Perestroika, which reflect, for example, the abrupt change in the perception of the Soviet people of such important to the nation events as the Great Patriotic War. On the other hand, the authors of historic publications actively used previously inaccessible archival materials, for the first time introducing unique documents, thus formulating a completely different perception of the Soviet historical heritage.
Citations count: 2
Soloshchenko N. —
Sectoral Newspaper of the USSR Food Industry in 1928-1937 as a Historical Source: on the Issue of the Methodology for Analyzing Its Content
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 63 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.2.32033 URL:
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The article considers the difficulties in formulating the correct methodological approaches for studying the Soviet print mass media. The article's research subject is the source study specifics of the sectoral newspaper of the USSR food industry during the first and second Five-Year Plans, which influence the choice of methods for analyzing this source. The author proposes an approach to studying this periodical based on a combination of classical sources and computerized analysis of editorial texts in the MAXQDA 2020 program, providing a brief description of the possibilities offered by the new version of this program to scholars studying media texts. The article concludes that the study of such a multifaceted historical source as the branch newspaper Pishchevik ("For the Food Industry", "Food Industry") should be carried out using content analysis, which will systematize the dynamics of changes in the agenda of one of the largest industries of the USSR in 1928–1937.
The article considers the difficulties in formulating the correct methodological approaches for studying the Soviet print mass media. The article's research subject is the source study specifics of the sectoral newspaper of the USSR food industry during the first and second Five-Year Plans, which influence the choice of methods for analyzing this source. The author proposes an approach to studying this periodical based on a combination of classical sources and a computerized analysis of editorial texts in the MAXQDA 2020 program, providing a brief description of the possibilities offered by the new version of this program to scholars studying media texts. The article concludes that the study of such a multifaceted historical source as the branch newspaper Pishchevik ("For the Food Industry", "Food Industry") should be carried out using content analysis, which will systematize the dynamics of changes in the agenda of one of the largest industries of the USSR in 1928–1937.
Citations count: 2
Oguzova D.A. —
The Features of the Condition of the Adygeyan Peasantry in the Second Half of the 18th - First Half of the 19th Centuries
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 61 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.3.26265 URL:
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This article examines the condition of the Adygeyan peasantry in the second half of the 18th century - first half of the 19th centuries. The author describes the general features of the largest strata of the Adygeyan peasantry, the degree of their enslavement and the nature of their relations with the ruling class. At the center of the author's attention lie the questions of the emergence among the peasantry of ideas of freedom and independence, of their struggle to improve living conditions and to change the correlation of the value of life among the representatives of the upper class and peasants. Additionally, a lot of attention is paid to the migration processes among the Adygeyan peasantry, which had intensified during the studied period in two directions: from the "aristocratic", more rigidly feudalized groups of the Adygeyan society to the Western Adygeyan "democratic"; and from both groups of Adygeyan peoples to Mozdok, under the patronage of the Russian government. Furthermore, the author discusses the impact of entering the pan-imperial space of Russia on the brink of the traditional way of life, and, consequently, the relationship between owners and peasants.
Citations count: 2
Barabanov O.A. —
The Role of the E. U. and the U. S. in the Movement of Montenegro Towards an Independence Referendum
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 79 - 93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25077 URL:
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At the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries Yugoslavia disintegrated, ending with Montenegro’s proclamation of independence. The author of this article demonstrates the role of outside international actors in the detachment of Montenegro. The United States supported the establishment of the Belgrade agreement, developed with the active participation of the European Union, and the adoption on its basis of the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro, which provided for the possibility of holding a referendum after three years on the withdrawal of one of the republics from the state community. Having taken part in the preparation of the referendum and renouncing the right cemented in the Belgrade Agreement to regulate disputes between Belgrade and Podgorica in the economic sphere, the European Union effectively contributed to the secession of Montenegro. The author convincingly argues with critics who do not see the guilt of the European Union in taking responsibility for the region but not wishing to take real steps to preserve the unified union state of Serbia and Montenegro. The author examines the issues from the positions of universal, general and global history, applying the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, and using the historical and logical methods. The author comes to the conclusion that in the 2000s the United States and the European Union played an important role in resolving the internal political issues of the states in the post-Yugoslavia space (including monitoring the change in the Yugoslavian constitution and the transformation of one state (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) into another (Serbia and Montenegro), and the regulation of the rules for conducting a referendum on the independence of Montenegro), which is unacceptable from the standpoint of respecting the principles sovereignty, freedom and democracy. The results of this research are not only new but can also be of practical use both in scientific research and in the activity of political forces.
Citations count: 2
Tatarnikova A.I. —
Rural Settlements of the Ostyako-Vogul and Yamalo-Nenets National Districts in the 1930s: Location, Density, Economic and Socio-Cultural Development
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 89 - 101.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.6.39355 EDN: YIWAHU URL:
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The paper characterizes the location, density (density), economic and socio-cultural development of the network of rural settlements of the Ostyako-Vogul and Yamalo-Nenets national districts according to data for 1935-1936. The subject of the study is the rural settlement network of the named districts, the object is the location, density of the settlement network, its industrial, economic and socio-cultural infrastructure. In the study, statistical data collected by the Omsk Regional Department of National Economic Accounting (OBLUNKHU) were used as the main source Gosplan of the USSR on key indicators of economic and cultural development of the administrative-territorial units of the region, including the districts of North-Western Siberia. The dependence of the density of the settlement network on the natural and climatic zone, the peculiarities of the management of the local population is shown. The territories of sparse and relatively dense settlement within the boundaries of the national districts under consideration are determined, indicators of economic and socio-cultural development of settlements are presented. As results of the study author presents the conclusions about the dispersion of settlement in the polar tundra zone, the presence of territorial concentrations of rural settlements in the forest tundra and taiga zones not around administrative and economic centers, but along important transport arteries, the role of which in the north of Western Siberia was mainly performed by rivers. The predominance of the simplest industrial associations as the most common form of collective farms in the region is noted, positive changes in the development of the socio-cultural infrastructure of rural settlements of the region are recorded.
Citations count: 2
Ilikaev A., Sharipov R.G. —
Parallels in lunar myths of the Turks, Mongolian peoples
and Eastern Finno-Ugrians
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 26 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.5.43977 EDN: XMZINY URL:
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Parallels in lunar myths of the Turks (ancient Turks), Mongolian peoples and Eastern Finno-Ugric peoples (Mordvins, Mari, Komi, Udmurts) are the subject of this research. So far, lunar motifs in beliefs of these ethnic groups have not been specially compared with each other. In the article, the authors make an attempt based on a comparative analysis of mythological images and plots, and specifically, lunar myths which are essentially universal for all peoples of the world, to provide additional arguments in favor of confirming the hypothesis of V.V. Napolskikh about the existence of a special North Asian community of the Northern Eurasian peoples mythologies.
Based on the review analysis and the research, the authors have come to the following conclusions. Firstly, the moon deity in myths of the Turks, Mongolian peoples and Eastern Finno-Ugrians is a predominantly male deity having a close link with the underworld and the image of the death god. Secondly, the mythologeme about the origin of the moon from the water is another specific Ural-Altai element. Thirdly, in the mythology of the Turks, Mongolian peoples and Eastern Finno-Ugrians, the deities of the moon, most likely, go back to totems in the form of birds (primarily waterfowl), a bull, probably more related to the water element.
Thus, the assumption of V.V. Napolsky about the existence of a North Asian mythological union receives additional support.
Citations count: 2
Zykin I. —
The USSR Lumber Industry Complex in a Pivotal Era (1932-1934): the Disparity of Technical, Economic and Production Potentials
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 192 - 207.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.4.30138 URL:
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In the Soviet Union during the late 1920s - early 1940s, significant transformations of the lumber industry took place, which makes it a current research topic for historical analysis in line with economic history. How did the industry develop in this pivotal era? Did the investments and the technical and economic conditions of this complex correspond to its real production capabilities? With the aim of understanding these issues, the author undertakes for the first time in historiography an analysis of the technical and economic indicators of the wood industry at the final stage of implementing the first five-year plan and the transition to the second five-year plan (1932-1934), which was accompanied by an adjustment in the state economic policy. The analysis is based on sources from the series of statistical collections the “Socialist Construction”. In addition to identifying the general dynamics in the development of the lumber industry complex and its individual sectors, indicators are calculated for one enterprise and one worker based on technical and economic parameters. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the results obtained in the lumber industry and in the Soviet industry in general. Data on the technical and economic conditions of the lumber industry complex are compared with the results of its production activities. The analysis revealed a number of significant problems and imbalances in the development of the industry: the better equipment of the paper industry, the direction of the main investments in the sphere of woodworking, and the lagging in the sphere of harvesting forest resources. The author draws conclusions regarding the industry's decline in 1932-1933 and the disparity of its technical, economic and production potentials. It consisted in solving the problems of economic development by party-state and economic bodies, primarily by increasing the number of labor resources. Investment of financial resources in the construction of enterprises and the acquisition of equipment in 1932-1934 did not provide the planned increase in labor efficiency of workers.
Citations count: 2
Borov A.K., Tumov A.A. —
The Elites and the Post-Soviet Transformation of the Political Regimes in the North Caucasus Republics: The Case of Kabardin-Balkaria
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 40 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.4.23356 URL:
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The subject of this article is the transition from the Soviet regime to the modern political regime in the Republic of Kabardin-Balkaria, one of the North Caucasian subjects of the Federation. The purpose of this research is to verify the applicability of the complex model of transition from one political regime to the other in this particular case-study, where the transition is interpreted as an essential modification in the composition of both actors and institutions which regulate their relations. The structure of the narrative is constructed in correlation with the sequence of the regime transformation phases. It begins with the phase of the crisis and consequent collapse of the former regime, which entailed the disengagement of the elites, and concludes with the phase of consolidation of the post-Soviet political regime and the constitutional legalization of the modern system of the Republic's political institutions. The article's research methodology is based on the consideration of the particularities in the structure of societal and elite ruptures as an explanatory factor for the process and outcome of the post-Soviet transition. By the end of the Soviet period some structural pre-conditions for the successful democratization process had emerged in Kabardin-Balkaria, but the modernization processes were not completed. Hence, the base for the disengagement of the elite in the region was laid down by the factors of the general "ethnization" of social and political life. The main conclusion derived from this research is that the transformation of the political regime in Kabardin-Balkaria in the 1990s can be considered not as a "transition to democracy", but as an "open-ended transition". Typologically it belongs to the cases of "cartel agreements" of elite groups with the old party-state nomenclature as the dominant actor and the prevalence of informal regulating mechanism of intra-elite relations.
Citations count: 2
Zharova E. —
Regulation of Student Courses in Universities of the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Centuries
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 92 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.1.23279 URL:
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The subject of this article is the process of modifying the control of student courses in Russian universities during the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Regulation of students’ lessons is one of the most important aspects of going through a university, which is why changes in the university system always affected student exams. A significant role in the penetration of one or another examination procedure was played by initiatives of universities, which the Ministry if not supported, at least considered, and consequently could introduce into practice of university life. The article's research is based, first of all, on the use of the comparative-historical method and is also founded on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The novelty of this study lies in that the author considers the gradual change in regulating the studies of students in Russian imperial universities during the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century in terms of the particular characteristics of the educational institutions and the general direction of the state's educational policy. This was a unique kind of instrument for influencing both students and university corporations, which were either given the opportunity to decide independently the issue of controlling student courses or deprived of such an opportunity. This was due to fluctuations in the educational policy of the Ministry of Education.
Citations count: 1
Zakharova E. —
Daily-Life Activities of Provincial Tourists in Saint Petersburg and Moscow at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th Centuries
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 14 - 23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22993 URL:
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The article deals with the urban daily life in the capital cities of the Russian Empire within the context of the tourist activities that provincial visitors partook in Saint Petersburg and Moscow at the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries. Based on guidebooks about the Russian capitals, tourist memoirs and the descriptions of guided tours, the author analyzes life on the streets, public transport, shops and restaurants, and church services from the point of view of their position of significance in tourist visits. Special attention is paid to the possibility of a tourist's chance meeting with the imperial family that could happen in the daily space of the capital city. Using the comparative historical method, the author compares the place of urban daily life in the idealized activities offered to the reader of guidebooks with the real practices that tourists partook in. The examined material allows to come to the conclusion that during the studied period, the familiarization with the daily activities of the inhabitants of the capital cities was an essential part of the tourist experience and the city daily life was fascinating for the tourist in all of its aspects. Living out the practices inherent to the capital's residents and taking part in the daily life of Saint Petersburg and Moscow, the tourist , so to speak, appropriated the city for himself thus becoming a resident of the capital city in his own mind.
Citations count: 1
Katamadze N.S. —
Three Pages from the Heritage of Academician B. A. Rybakov
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 12 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.5.23290 URL:
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The subject of this research is the article of Academician B. A. Rybakov dedicated to the problems in studying the culture of the Russian peasantry in the 19th century. The scholar outlined the key difficulties in studying folk culture - the ignorance of it by modern researchers. The academician draws attention to those informational layers that can be found in such sources as Russian language, folklore, craft artifacts and others. The aim of this article is to conduct an examination of the issue highlighted by B. A. Rybakov through the application of the historiographical approach. The historiographical approach allows the uncovering of the formation principles of certain knowledge on the history of the Russian peasantry. The undertaking of this research led to the solution of the problem. In the article, the author points to the existence in society for many decades of a negative position with regards to the history of the Russian peasantry which prevents the formation of knowledge about real historical phenomena and processes. For this reason, the author pays particular attention to the manifestations of a positive assessment of the peasant world. The article uses a creative approach to the disclosure of the stances expressed by B. A. Rybakov. In reviewing each specific question the author turns to the works of outstanding figures of science and art: S. A. Esenin, V. V. Selivanov, S. T. Konenkov, G. V. Sviridov. Thus, the study reveals the intersection of thoughts, ideas and views on the peasantry, expressed by different people. At the end of the article, the author concludes that only empirical filling of the issues will provide an opportunity to investigate the history of the peasantry and the real processes taking place in society, which undoubtedly points to the prospects of further examination of this topic.
Citations count: 1
Blinova M.A. —
The Youth Policy of the USSR During the Great Patriotic War
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 39 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.2.29373 URL:
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The research subject of this article is the USSR's youth policy as a set of government measures aimed at creating the conditions for the successful self-realization of young people and the effective use of their potential as a promising part of society. The article's research object is the main directions of the youth policy, which were carried out by the Soviet state during the Great Patriotic War. To a large extent, the content of this policy was dictated by the military situation and the necessity to mobilize all of the state's forces to defeat its enemy. At the same time, this policy should not be considered only through the mobilization measures of the Soviet state. Even under wartime conditions, the government focused attention on the school system and vocational education, material support for students, employment issues for young people, and solving the problem of child neglect. The methodological basis of this work is the principle of historicism, general scientific methods, as well as special scientific methods: historical-genetic and historical-systemic, which allow the author to analyze the pre-war prerequisites of the youth policy of the Soviet government, as well as to examine it as a complex of multi-directional measures during the war. The author comes to the conclusion that the active participation of the Soviet youth in the battle to liberate their Homeland, was the result of a focused youth policy, which was carried out by the government, both in the period before the war and during the time of war. In addition to the mobilization measures in the youth policy of this period, the author reveals a number of social and even cultural aspects of this policy. On the whole, these measures, despite the difficulties and hardships that fell upon young people in wartime, these measures made it possible not to “lose” the younger generation but to lay the social foundation for their future life in the post-war era.
Citations count: 1
Pererva E.V. —
The Paleopathological Features of the Late Bronze Age Population in the Burial Mounds of the Volgograd Region and the Republic of Kalmykia
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 107 - 121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.6.31703 URL:
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The article's study is an analysis of the distribution of pathological deviations and stress markers in the Late Bronze Age population found in the burial mounds of the Volgograd Region and the Republic of Kalmykia. A total of 199 bones with varying conservation degrees have been studied. Among these, 113 skeletons belonged to adults, 71 skeletons were of men and 34 were female skeletons. In 6 adult the gender could not be determined. In 88 cases, bone remains belonged to children and adolescents. The study of this group was carried out using a standard technique for fixing pathological and stressful conditions (Buzhilova, 1995, 1998). The analysis of the frequency of pathological conditions and stress markers in the group was carried out by the methods of one-dimensional and multidimensional statistics.As a result of this study, the author established, based on a number of paleoanthropological and paleopathological criteria, that the population of the Late Bronze Age stands out compared to previous historical eras because of the processes of climatic humidization in the Lower Volga region.The author notes a specific paleopathological profile in the population found in the burial mounds from the later epoch.The conducted comparative analysis of the examined group with other groups from the Early and Middle Bronze Age using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test has demonstrated the absence of statistically significant differences in the occurrence and manifestations of mostly pathological signs, indicating that despite the changes in the economic structure (transition to complex economy ), the lifestyle and, consequently, the stress pressure of the Late Bronze Age population did not radically change, compared with previous historical periods.
Citations count: 1
Bogdanov A.P. —
Manuscript tradition of the “Chosen Chronicler”
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 108 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.33777 URL:
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This article examines over twenty lists of a popular chronicle of the XVII century, discovered only in the middle of the XX century. Historiography mentions approximately ten of them, and even fewer were described. Although the “Chosen Chronicler” enjoyed wide popularity and has a rich history. Such compositions that were revised by virtually every scribes and continued in their chronicles, represent a remarkable source on the history of culture. However, present considerable difficulties for research. The first one consists in detection, examination, and comparison of the greatest possible amount of list. This is the only accurate method to elucidate the evolution of the literary monument and the novelty introduced by each editor and continuator. The attribution of each list allows determining in which social circles and regions of Russia were created the lists and revisions of the literary monument, as well as their correlation in time. Preliminary comparison of the texts indicates the time, place, and composition of protographs of the chronicle tradition under review. Studying the lists also demonstrates the evolution of the “Chosen Chronicler”, who was born and became popular in the XVII century, evolved into the new monuments of historical thought of the next century.
Citations count: 1
Prigodich N.D. —
Aviation industry during the siege of Leningrad (on the materials of the City Committee of the CPSU (b)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 130 - 137.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.3.36087 URL:
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The subject of this research is the aviation industry during the siege of Leningrad. This topic is gaining relevance due to the recently published documents dedicated to the work of the higher party authorities in the period from 1941 to 1944. In the summer-autumn of 1941, Leningrad was detached from the “main land”. In these conditions, the full operational control over resource base of the city fell on the shoulders of the Soviet and party authorities, who received additional powers, and thus, responsibilities. The author provides an alternative outlook on the activity of the Leningrad plants under the People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry of the USSR, not from the perspective of classical reconstruction of the history of aviation industry in the USSR during the war, but a specific managerial task that was resolved by the party leadership using the general resource base. The conclusion is made that despite the evacuation of the vast majority of production facilities of aviation industry during the war, the resource base was adapted to the specific tasks of the Leningrad Front. The city manufactured the industrial products in accordance with the orders and requirements of the Soviet Air Force. Mobilization of the Leningrad industrial base for the tasks of aviation units during the war years in many ways became a crucial factor in maintaining the combat effectiveness of the Air Force, namely during the rough winter of 1941/1942, when the replenishment of aviation units with new equipment ceased for the most part.
Citations count: 1
Selunskaya N.B. —
“Representation of people” of the Russian Empire of the early XX century in memory and fate of members of the Duma
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 137 - 149.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.4.36186 URL:
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Russian history of the early XX century marks a landmark event – establishment of the State Duma, which was the “representation of people” in the government system of the Russian Empire and the emergence parliamentarism in Russia. The “memory studies” methodology elucidates the dramatic history of the State Duma by describing behavioral patterns of the deputies and motivation for their actions, as well as offers a new perspective on this institution of power as the image imprinted in memory of the deputies: diary notes during sessions of the Duma, and memoirs written abroad. The historians dealing with the “memory studies” genre bring the image of “era” to the forefront: historical events in the perception of their contemporaries, participants, witnesses, as well as individual experience, rational assessments, and emotional experiences captured in the diaries, correspondence, and memoirs, which are the sources for studying historical memory. These texts trace the dependence of life path of the deputies, representatives of the Russian political elite, and their personal stories on the fate of the Russian Empire. Such “dependence” is manifested in the chain “memory-identity-trauma”, which is the focus of attention in “memory studies”.
Citations count: 1
Veselova I. —
Postcolonial theory and its Impact upon modern historical-anthropological research of Latin America
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 61 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.4.36489 URL:
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The object of this research is the postcolonial theory, while the subject is its impact upon the historical, and namely, historical-anthropological research of Latin America. The author examines such peculiarities of post-colonialism as the problem of identification, the “oppressed”, the importance of linguistic component of scientific description, as well as the political bias of this direction. Attention is turned to the process of adaptation of postcolonial theory to Latin American scientific foundation; emphasis is placed on the fact that the region has its own tradition of interpretation of the colonial past that results in occurrence of the so-called phenomenon of decolonial turn within the Latin American humanities. Based on the comparative method and qualitative content analysis of the works dedicated to postcolonial theory, the author demonstrates the presence of a wide range of opinions of Latin American researchers on such concepts as “colonialism: and “Latin Americanism”. The conclusion is made that the intense discussion on the theoretical aspects of colonial and decolonial theory may underlie the new vector in the historical studies of Latin America. At the same time, decolonial turn alongside postcolonial theory, raise a number of questions, the solution of which is vital for the development of accurate methodology for further scientific research. For the Russian Latin American scholars, the new trends turn into a special challenge that should be considered in carrying out historical and anthropological research.
Citations count: 1
Burdina D.A. —
Solving the Problems of Childhood Neglect and Homelessness through the social Policy of the USSR 1936-1953 (based on the materials of the Baikal region)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 39 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.4.38570 EDN: WCMLVX URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of one of the urgent problems of childhood - neglect and homelessness. The object of the study is the social policy of the USSR in 1930-1950, within the framework of which the Soviet authorities had to solve this problem and ensure the preservation of the younger generation. The subject of the study is the process of implementing social politics in the Baikal region. In particular, the author touches upon the issues of regulatory and legal support for the fight against homelessness and childhood neglect, highlights the features and difficulties of fighting in wartime. The statistical data on the region in comparison with the all-Union indicators are given, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the activities carried out. The article emphasizes the importance of measures of the social policy of the USSR in relation to the problems of neglect and homelessness, however, the lack of consistency in the implementation of these measures, as well as the existence of problems related to the financing of children's institutions, is noted. The novelty of the research lies in bringing as a source base a wide range of unpublished materials, including archival documents, sources of personal origin, periodicals and statistics. The author comes to the conclusion that social policy in relation to childhood was not implemented effectively enough, despite the fact that it was based on ideological principles that united the population in the fight against common problems.
Citations count: 1
Ryazanov S.M. —
Precincts of Police Officers in 1878: the Experience of Quantitative Research (on the Example of Kazan and Perm Provinces)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 41 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.5.38868 EDN: GRMWYY URL:
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The object of the study is the institute of police officers, introduced in the Russian Empire in the last quarter of the XIX century. The subject of the study is the district land plots created in the framework of the reform in the Kazan and Perm provinces. The purpose of the study is to analyze their quantitative characteristics. The theory of modernization is chosen as a general methodology. To achieve this goal, quantitative methods are used, first of all: formal quantitative, correlation and multidimensional (cluster) data analysis. The basis for the quantitative analysis was the "Information" on the distribution of provinces into the district plots (1878), deposited in the Russian State Historical Archive. The main conclusions of the study are the idea that the situation of the police constables of the Perm province was much worse than in Kazan, and the work of the constables was hindered by a significant number of the population of 1/3 of the police stations. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian historiography, correlation and multidimensional cluster analysis by the k-means method was used to analyze the uryadnik sites of the Russian Empire. As a result, for the first time, the classification of district plots was created. 1) sparsely populated; 2) Kazan-type; 3) scattered; 4) overpopulated; 5) too large; 6) scattered and overpopulated district plots were identified.
Citations count: 1
Bystritskiy N.I. —
The Study of Networks in Historical Sciences
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 39 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.21919 URL:
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This article is an overview of the research methodologies used in the study of networks with consideration of the recently opened wide possibilities for its effective application for a more wide-ranging comprehensive study of historical facts. The study of networks in historical sciences could help to deepen our understanding of the formation and development mechanisms of various social groups and structures in historical perspective. Their functioning is mainly conditioned by the relationships characteristics between the elements, which are determined by the interactions in the exchange of information and resources, and social capital. The professional use of the analytical apparatus and visualization tools in the study of networks allows a scientist to more clearly and in greater detail understand the essence of a complex historical phenomenon and to present the results with clear evidence. The article examines the general methodology of social network analysis (SNA) and offers examples of its application in various fields of modern historical studies. Today, the study of networks gained significant popularity among specialists in various scientific and industrial spheres around the world. The relevance of network studies in history will increase, as the effectiveness of its methods is already confirmed in many areas of historical knowledge: economic history, archeology, genealogical studies, numismatics, sigillography, art history, linguistics, etc. But despite the growing interest of scientists, the material for the application of the methods of network studies in historical sciences, published in Russian, are extremely few. This article aims to fill this gap.
Citations count: 1
Yumasheva J.Y. —
Secondary Archival Documentation and Its Role in the Informational Support of Historical Sciences
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 52 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22319 URL:
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The subject of this study is the main component in the system of the scientific and reference apparatus of archives (secondary document information) - archival inventories and its containing archival descriptions of storage units. Archival inventories and archival descriptions are analyzed from the point of view of how the results of archival search (archival heuristics) conducted on their basis is representative of the body of information, in order to form a source base for specific historical studies. The author poses and consequently answers the three key questions of archival heuristics: are archival inventories uniform throughout their entire existence? What is the subject of the archival description? And what were the methods of creating the archival descriptions of the different types of storage units? The answers to these questions are key in determining the degree of "reliability" of the scientific and reference apparatus of the archives and the possibility of using it for archival search. This study used the following methods of research: historical-systematic, historical-genetic, comparative-historical, historical-typological, historical-descriptive.The main findings of the study are:- the establishment of the fact of the existence of various types and kinds of documentation (more than 200) used in the archival practice for archival inventories;- the establishment of the fact of the lack of uniformity in the view of an object's archival description;- the identification of the inadequacy of the methods for creating archival descriptions for the described objects and the purposes of using the created descriptions in research practice within the framework of archival heuristics.
Citations count: 1
Khomenko S. —
The First State Duma: the Means of Influence of the Social Democratic Parties on the Population of the Taurida Governorate (According to the Materials of the Social Democratic Periodical Press)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 74 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.5.27150 URL:
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The article presents an analysis of the information from periodical publications of Social Democratic parties and organizations (“Soldier” and “Yuzhnaya Narodnaya Gazeta”) and archival sources in order to identify the parties' means of interacting with the population during the election campaign and to examine the work of the First State Duma. The article's research object is the periodicals of Social Democratic parties and organizations operating in the Taurida governorate during the election campaign for the First State Duma. On the basis of periodical press, it was possible to identify the means of influencing the electorate and attracting new supporters, which is the subject of this research. The author examines in detail the various ways the Social Democrats won over the new electorate and attracted supporters within the framework of local history. The understanding of the views and characteristics given in periodicals makes it possible to trace the particularities in the work of Social Democrats with the local population. The author compares and contrasts the data taken from various types of periodical publications and archival materials. The author's main methods of research are the chronological, historical-comparative and historical-typological methods. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that for the first time in historiography an attempt is made to examine the local periodicals of the Taurida governorate of the early 20th century with the aim of studying the period of the election campaign and the activities of the First State Duma. An important role for the study of this period is the involvement of illegal press. The author's use of periodicals as the study's main source made it possible to recreate the living history of the election period and the work of the first parliament, to reconstruct specific historical details and particularities in the interaction between Social Democratic parties and the population in an important region of Russia, which the scholar could not elucidate from official documentation.
Citations count: 1
Smirnova A. —
Gianroberto Casaleggio and His Role in the Creation of the Five Star Movement in Italy
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 151 - 161.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.1.28339 URL:
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The article is focused on one of the key figures in the foundation of the "Five Star Movement” - Gianroberto Casaleggio. He remains unjustifiably overlooked in Russian historiography, overshadowed by the extravagant comedian B. Grillo, although he played a significant role in making certain decisions related to the promotion of the "Five Star Movement" in Italy’s political arena in the early years of its existence. The Milanese entrepreneur worked in the field of IT services for a long time, but in 2004 decided to combine his knowledge with the incredible charisma of the Genoese comedian. The author analyzes the work of the Milanese entrepreneur in the process of founding a new political association in Italy in the 2000s and his views on the development of Italy in the future. The author comes to the conclusion that G. Casaleggio's unique role in the process of creating the “Five Star Movement” is equal to that of the Genoese comedian B. Grillo. The author also reveals the political views of G. Casaleggio and his attitude towards the Internet and modern methods of communication, which helped the movement enter the body of the Italian Parliament in 2013.
Citations count: 1
Kryukova G.M. —
The Fight Against Childhood Morbidity During the Great Patriotic War (Based on Sources from the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 48 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.5.30851 URL:
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The article examines the issues concerning childhood morbidity during the Great Patriotic War. The research subject is the means applied in combating childhood morbidity during these years of war. The aim of this publication is to present the basic methods of preventing and fighting childhood morbidity in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the years of the Great Patriotic War. The author focuses particular attention on analyzing the strategy implemented in the Bashkir ASSR for the prevention and elimination of the epidemics that erupted in this region, which had affected children and the younger generations. The article's research methodology is based on the principles of systematics, historicism, and objectivity. In this work, the author applied the historical-genetic and retrospective research methods. The scientific novelty of this study is that it is based on the analysis of archival materials for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, and specifies in the context of one defensively important war region of Russia during the Great Patriotic War - the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the medical strategy used for preventing in 1941-1945 infant mortality and morbidity. The author considers the struggle against infectious and acute gastrointestinal diseases among children both living and evacuated to the Bashkir ASSR during the war.
Citations count: 1
Chediya A.R. —
The Work "Cihannuma" ("Description of the World") by Katib Chelebi as a Source for Studying the History and Geography of the Western Caucasus
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 8 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.5.27156 URL:
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The research subject of this article is a fragment from Katib Chelebi's "Cihannuma" ("Description of the World"), which contains valuable information on the peoples and parts of the region of the Western Caucasus. Katib Chelebi was a prominent cartographer, geographer, and historian of the Ottoman Empire of the 17th century. His work "Cihannuma" ("Description of the world") contains within itself valuable information about the peoples and countries of different parts of the world. The Western Caucasus is presented in a brief but informative narration, in which we find descriptions of the parts and peoples of this region. Upon writing this article, the author conducted an analysis and generalization of the main information indicated in the above-named work. In translating the relevant passage of the "Cihannuma", the author used the main theoretical and practical methods of historical research. The scientific novelty of this research is defined by its introduction into scientific circulation of the previously not studied, as well as unpublished in Russian, valuable passage from the work of Katib Chelebi. In connection with this, the indicated passage will supplement the already available information on the peoples and various regions of the Western Caucasus.
Citations count: 1
Semenov M.A. —
Dynamics of the network of evacuation hospitals in Novosibirsk Region during the Great Patriotic War
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 36 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.6.37147 URL:
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The subject of this research is the dynamics of the network of evacuation hospitals that were formed and operated in Novosibirsk Region. The relevance of this topic is substantiated. Analysis is conducted on the available information on this topic in the scientific and local literature. Leaning on the archival materials, the author traces the formation, displacement, and dissolution of evacuation hospitals located on the territory of Novosibirsk Region in its modern borders. Description is given to the fundamental changes in the network of evacuation hospitals: dynamics in the number of hospital beds, and specialization of the evacuation hospitals. The dependence of changes in the network of evacuation hospitals in the region on the role and place assigned by the highest military sanitary administration to homefront hospitals overall. The novelty of this work lies in determination of the key stages in the dynamics of the network of evacuation hospitals based on the detailed tracking of changes. The first stage (July – October 1941) is characterized by expansion of the network of evacuation hospitals due to the local formations. The second stage (October 1941 – April 1942) is associated with violent fluctuations, substantiated by the rapidly changing situation at the front and, and thus, transformation of the views of the military medical administration upon on the role and place of the homefront hospitals, including Novosibirsk Region. The third stage covers the period from April 1942 up until Victory, marking gradual stabilization of the network of evacuation hospitals in Novosibirsk Region. They filled their niche by rendering medical aid to the wounded with long treatment periods, which justified the evacuation of the wounded from the front to remote Siberian hospitals.
Citations count: 1
Salomatina S., Bozhinov A.B. —
The Ñrisis of Municipal Banks in the Russian Empire in the 1880s: A Financial Stability Analysis of Historical Data
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 174 - 199.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.6.39231 EDN: SWDBVD URL:
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This study deals with the causes of the crisis of municipal banks in the Russian Empire in the 1880s. The focus is on the most difficult years of 1882–1887, when 39 banks were closed. In total, 60 out of 287 banks (more than 20%) left the market between 1878 and 1893. Municipal banks were accountable to city councils, which were responsible for these banks’ operations; therefore, their success or failure had a serious impact on cities’ fortunes. This study is based on the public accounting statements of municipal banks from 1877–1894. Through a financial analysis, it proves that the crisis was largely caused by the weak stability of the banks’ operations. Many banks did not employ sufficient care to insure the risks of their operations in case of a possible crisis, throwing an excessively large proportion of their highly liquid assets into circulation. This behavior left them virtually defenseless against a panic withdrawal of deposits. Similar trends were observed in many banks, but the surviving banks were on average more conservative than those that eventually closed during the crisis. By the mid-1890s, the financial stability of municipal banks had markedly improved, which was largely the result of tightening regulations.
Citations count: 1
Artemov N. —
Crypts in the History of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin: Discovery, Origin, Dating.
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.2.39858 EDN: BSKUYV URL:
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The article is devoted to the crypts recorded during earthworks in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and next to it. In different years, brick, white stone and underground crypts were recorded in the cultural layer on this territory. These funerary structures are atypical both for temples-tombs of the XIV- XV centuries North-Eastern Russia, as well as for the medieval dirt cemetery, which was located on this site before the construction of the cathedral.
The subject of the study is the origin of these crypts and the history of their discovery. The purpose of the study is to review the history and details of the discovery, summarize all known information about the objects of research and, based on this information, propose hypotheses about the origin and dating of these burial structures.
The results of the study were the generalization of information about the crypts, the interpretation of their origin and dating. The results obtained can be applied in the field of studying the history of the formation of the oldest cult center of Moscow.
The scientific novelty of the article is the generalization of fragmentary information about the crypts found in the underground space of the Assumption Cathedral and next to it. For the first time, the question of the origin of these crypts is considered, on the basis of which their typology and dating are proposed.The brick and white-stone crypts found near the cathedral, apparently, were disposable structures. In this case, their origin is connected with the secondary reburial of the disturbed remains of a medieval cemetery located on this site before the construction of the Assumption Cathedral. The time of construction of the white stone crypt can be attributed to the 1470s, the brick one - to the middle of the XIX century. The crypt found directly under the floors of the cathedral should be dated to the end of the 1470s. This structure, apparently, marks the burial place of the only prince buried in the temple - Yuri Danilovich.
External crypts will be considered in the article in the order of their discovery. The intra-temple crypt will be considered last.
Citations count: 1
Kerchelaev I.V. —
The American and European directions of Azerbaijan's foreign policy and their impact on the Caspian region in 2003-2019.
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 28 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.4.43583 EDN: SWTZEX URL:
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The object of the study is the international relations of Azerbaijan in the XXI century.
The subject of the study is the North American and European directions of the foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2003-2019. The author dwells in detail on the interaction of Azerbaijan with the United States of America and the European Union within the specified chronological framework. The greatest attention is paid to bilateral relations, as well as partnership within the framework of various international projects. This perspective allows us to consider Azerbaijan as one of the main keys of access to the Caspian region for the United States and the EU, which have considered the region as strategically important since the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
The research methods are content analysis, discourse analysis and historical research methods. The choice of chronological framework is due to the fact that 2003 is the year of the beginning of the presidency of Ilham Aliyev. In 2019, Azerbaijan, together with the whole world, entered a pandemic, which marked the transition to the transformation of almost all spheres of life. However, apart from the pandemic, the Karabakh crisis has become another event in the life of the state, the significance of which has yet to be studied. The scientific novelty of the study is that the foreign policy activity of the Republic of Azerbaijan is reflected quite briefly in Russian historiography. The main attention of researchers, as a rule, is paid to the relations between Baku and other actors in the South Caucasus and the Caspian region, however, it should be noted that the US and the EU had a great influence on the political climate of the entire post-Soviet space and the Caspian Sea was no exception. The main conclusion of the author is that the influence of the West reached its apogee in the middle of the "noughties", but then, for various reasons, its curtailment followed. It is also worth noting the multi-vector approach that allowed Azerbaijan to strengthen its position in the international arena at the beginning of the XXI century, which helped Baku to overcome the Karabakh crisis relatively painlessly.
Citations count: 1
Gasanov A. —
Industrial heritage in Russia and abroad: traditions and innovations of the interdisciplinary direction
// History magazine - researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.1.69571 EDN: QURKNV URL:
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This article discusses the evolution of the study of industrial heritage in domestic and foreign historiography. According to the Nizhny Tagil Charter of the International Committee for the Preservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), industrial heritage means the values of industrial culture that have historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific significance. Despite the fact that industrial heritage has been a topic of study for more than half a century, it is still often overlooked (not included in the register of cultural heritage), which sometimes puts industrial monuments at risk. Interest in industrial heritage is not a momentary trend or a local topic of individuals, but a significant scientific direction for decades, deserving the attention of researchers, the public and the state.
Post-industrial development, characteristic of the XIX century, leads to the completion of the life cycle of a large number of industrial objects, which turn out to be unclaimed due to changes in production processes and, therefore, the loss of their original functions by objects. The question of how the future fate of the former industrial buildings should develop remains open.
Therefore, it becomes important and necessary to collect and comprehend many years of experience in interdisciplinary work in the field of studying and preserving industrial heritage. Attention is also paid to innovations in this field, such as the use of virtual 3D-reconstruction and virtual reality technologies in the study and preservation of industrial monuments, which became possible both due to the rapid development of technologies and a large amount of work carried out by researchers to integrate these technologies into scientific research.
Citations count: 1
Rozhdestvenskiy I.D. —
"Avenged Department": the Role of Symbolic Destruction in the Fate of the War in the Vendée
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 59 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.1.23864 URL:
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The subject of this study is the war in the Vendée (1793-1795), one of the key events of the French Revolution, which ended with the suppression and death of tens of thousands of people. The Republicans perceived the residents of the Vendée through the prism of a certain image system: within the framework of this system, the rebels appeared in the minds of the rest of the French population, as the main enemies of the First Republic. It was so important for the Republicans to put an end to this uprising that they hastened to proclaim the end of the war even before the plan for the reconciliation of the region was approved. The main methods of research of this study are the historical-problematic and systemic approaches that make it possible to study the Republicans' views from the position of imagology and anthropological history. The subject of this article is the Republican views on the Vendée. The scientific novelty of this article is determined by the author's efforts to trace the process of designing mental images in the era of the French Revolution of the 18th century. Based on a wide range of sources, the article puts forward the conclusion that since the beginning of the uprising, the Republicans had principally only discussed ways of fighting the insurgents with force. The Vendée was the first region that placed itself outside the legal field of the Republic and refused to recognize the authority of the National Convention. The Republicans had to find a way to return the Vendée back to the bosom of the state, but the peace option was ruled out because the Vendée, according to the French population, was the concentration of all counter-revolutionary forces. The "symbolic destruction" of the Vendée not only confirmed that the department fell out of the legal field but also strengthened this status. The peaceful discourse was not accepted, since the people of the Vendée ceased to be subjects of law in the eyes of the Republicans and lost the opportunity to return to the bosom of the Republic, except through vengeance.
Citations count: 1
Fedyushko D.I. —
The Reforms of the United States' National Security Council in the late 1960s
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 7 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24343 URL:
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The article's research is focused on the reforms to the US National Security Council (NSC) carried out in the late 1960s by President Nixon's National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger. The author allocates special attention to the organization's role in the development of the United States' foregin policy, as well as its place in the consulting structure of the White House. The article examines in detail the changes made to the National Security Council's structure, introduced at the turn of the 1960s-1970s, with the aim of improving its efficiency. The methodological basis for this study is the historical-genetic approach and the descriptive method, which allow to describe in detail the history of the establishment and development of the National Security Council, as well as its reform under H. Kissinger. The study's novelty lies in its detailed analysis of the structural changes made to the National Security Council, undertaken by the United States' authorities at the turn of the 1960s-1970s. The article for the first time in Russian historiography clearly shows the establishment of the Council as the main consulting mechanism of the White House and its subsequent decrease in importance due to the increase in H. Kissinger's personal contribution to the development of the United States' foreign policy.
Citations count: 1
Yakupova D.V., Yakupov R.A. —
Soviet Union in the 1970s – 1980s in the mirror of foreign documentary heritage
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 61 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.6.34463 URL:
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The subject of this article is the content of the foreign electronic archival documents of U.S. departments dedicated to the analysis of situation in the Soviet Union. The goal consists in carrying out a historiographical analysis of foreign documentary heritage of the United States within the framework of comprehension of historical experience of the development of the Soviet Union in the 1970s – 1989. The object this research is the published materials of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Historical Sector of the U.S. Department of State, which contain records on the analysis of development of the Soviet Union during this period. Relevance of this topic is substantiated by increased of the publically available foreign electronic archival materials, which requires their analysis, description, determination of information capacity, as well as assessment of information contained therein for further utilization in the historical (humanities) research on the contemporary history of Russia. The novelty is defined by the fact that this article is first based on interpretation of foreign historical sources to describe the capabilities and limitations of different types of published intelligence documents of the CIA and the U.S. Department of State that characterize the development of the Soviet Union in various spheres. Introduced into the scientific discourse documents allow concluding on the prospects of using the heritage of the U.S. electronic archives in the scientific research, as well as assessing their veracity and reliability. The authors note that these materials contain valuable information on the U.S. policy with regards to the USSR, and analytical awareness on socioeconomic development of the Soviet Union during the 1970s – 1980s. It is established that in many cases publication of the foreign archival documents is often of tendentious nature.
Citations count: 1
Zagorodnyuk N.I. —
The influence of modernization processes on the formation of a network of settlements in the Yamalo-Nenets National District in the 1920s and 1930s
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 176 - 187.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.6.69302 EDN: IIECCY URL:
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In the modern world, the Arctic region retains its important strategic importance. Close interest in the formation and development of a network of settlements in the polar countries can be traced in modern research. The purpose of the work is to trace the influence of modernization processes on the transformation of the settlement network on the example of the Yamalo-Nenets National District in the 1920s and 1930s. The object is the settlement network of the studied region, the subject is its spatial and quantitative characteristics. The analysis of the data obtained takes into account the influence of natural, geographical, socio-economic and other conditions for the development of a network of settlements. In the study of the processes of settlement network formation and its transformation, various methodological approaches are traced. In this regard, the modernization theory of social development is of interest, where, according to the concept, urbanization is viewed through the prism of not only demographic, but settlement processes in both cities and rural areas. The work is based on the materials of the Circumpolar Census of 1926-1927 and the All-Union Census of 1939. To analyze documentary sources, a set of statistical methods was used, as well as historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological research methods, methods of graphical representation of the obtained statistical data. Based on the newly introduced and published sources of statistical accounting of the population of the Yamalo-Nenets National District, the influence of modernization processes on the development of the settlement network is traced. The factors contributing to the growth of the number of settlements have been identified. In 1939, the national settlements of the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra were the most numerous – out of 222 settlements, almost half were yurts (107), more than a quarter (44) were trading posts. During the 1920s and 1930s, new features in the settlement network of the district can be traced on the territory of the district: the district center was transformed into a city; the number of working settlements increased; new types of settlements appeared, most of their names reflected the features of industrial and economic activity (fishing, fish patch, sand, St. John's wort, forest patch, state farm, farm, weather station, radio station). Thus, against the background of the preservation of the complexity of the economic life of the population and the traditional types of settlement, some features of urbanization were traced.
Citations count: 1
Volodin S.F. —
Tula Weapons Industry on the Eve Great Patriotic War
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 136 - 145.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.2.22524 URL:
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The subject of this article is the mobilization experience of Tula's military industry in the years preceding the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The article traces how under the conditions of an exacerbated worker deficit, following the repression of 1937, the military factories in the city of Tula solved the key question of the time – the preparation for the upcoming war with Fascist Germany. In particular, the author analyzes in detail the experience of conducting such important pre-wartime campaigns as the urgent technological upgrade of production, the reevaluation towards the increase of the production norms, the introduction of criminal responsibility for violating labor discipline, and the solution to the problems of labor deficit through the means of moving multi-machinists and combining professions. Based on the methodology of social history, as well as the provisions of the theory of modernization, the author for the first time examines the work of the Tula military factories during the cited period, in a complex manner and in a single topic field. The article's author comes to the conclusion that despite the serious social-economic difficulties, in the years of the third five-year plan in the Tula military factories as a whole worked capable collectives, which were able to modernize the military production and to execute intensive government assignments. In the first place, a significant part of the labor collectives at military factories in Tula were composed of experienced highly qualified workers. Secondly, the administration of these enterprises during the years of the first five-year plans accumulated not only a unique experience of remolding "raw" masses into qualified labor force, but also the experience of non-standard solution to technical problems. And thirdly, it is impossible not to consider the mobilizational charge of the growing military threat that stood against the growth of deviating behavior at the guild level. The research results can be used in preparing specialists in the field of management in the context of understanding the phenomenon of national economy through the lens of social practices, specifically, management experience under critical conditions.
Citations count: 1
Egorov S. —
The Missionary Work of Soviet Protestants (Based on the Materials from the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 155 - 164.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.25130 URL:
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The research subject of this article is the conceptual categories that highlight the missionary work of the Protestants who lived in the Soviet Union between 1944 and 1965. At the heart of the source base for this study lie the documents stored in the collections of the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, primarily from the collection of the commissioner for Moscow and the Moscow Region. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic features of these documents, many of which combine terminology from different cultural areas. The research was carried out within the framework of the methodological approach to the history of concepts, which involves examining both the terminology used and the context of their application. Relevant terms are analyzed not only as components of the professional language but also as tools for carrying out political activities. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time in scientific research the history of the missionary work of Protestants during the Soviet period is examined within the framework of the methodology of the history of concepts. The author shows how the use of such categories as "agitation", "recruitment", "evangelism", "teaching", "missionary work" and "mission" influenced the perception of the work under examination by the target audience of the research documents.
Citations count: 1
Gevorkyan G.N. —
The Phenomenon of Heterogeneity of the Armenian Diaspora in Moscow (Late 20th - Early 21st Centuries): Towards the Topic Establishment
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 102 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.1.31883 URL:
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The subject of this research is the phenomenon of heterogeneity among the world's oldest Armenian diaspora. The research object is the modern Armenians living in Moscow. The author examines in detail the concept of “heterogeneity”, its essence and the need to use this term in order to comprehend the basic components of the national and cultural identity of the Armenians and its binding foundations. To describe the multi-layered nature of the Armenian diaspora, which was formed as a result of migrations for centuries, the author examines the particularities and the general formation process of the Armenian diaspora in Russia and particularly in the capital. The empirical basis of this study is the "field" materials from the year 2018 that were collected within the framework of the project “The Formative Features and the Development of the Armenian Diaspora in Moscow at the End of the 20th - Beginning of the 21st Centuries”, supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant No. 18-59-0500718. The survey of participants, representatives of the Armenian diaspora of different sex, age, place of birth and social status, was carried out in the form of a questionnaire with elements of a formalized interview. Based on the survey, the author provides a classification of the Spyurk into national-cultural subgroups, as well as a currently relevant analysis of the specifics of the Armenian diaspora's functioning in Moscow. As a result of this study, the author made a number of preliminary conclusions about the most relevant assimilation and integration trends among representatives of Moscow Armenians.
Citations count: 1
Kuzmin Y.V. —
The world aircraft industry of the XX century: quantitative analysis
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.3.38375 EDN: QFUVQQ URL:
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Based on the collection of data on more than 20,000 airplane models created in the world in the XX century, and more than 40,000 records on their manufacturing, world airplane production dynamics was reconstructed year by year in pieces and tons.
An analysis year by year by aircraft purpose and by leading countries is prepared.
The output was calculated not only in pieces, but also by the total mass of structures. The second approach corresponds more precisely to the power of the aviation industry, allowing to differentiate labor and material costs in the production of light and heavy airplanes.
These graphs are constructed and published for the first time.
The role of leading countries in world production is revealed.
It is shown that the decline in production after the First World War more pronounced not in Russia, but in the UK.
It is shown that the USSR firmly held the second place in aircraft production in the world from the mid-1930s to 1990, and in the mid-1930s briefly came out on top in the world.
The influence of the repressions of the 1930s on the aviation industry of the USSR, expressed in a noticeable decrease in the rate of new aircraft models development, is shown.
It was revealed that in the second half of the XX century, the share of combat airplane in production was constantly decreasing, and by 2000 over 80% of the world's airplane industry capacity was occupied by the production of commercial aircraft.
Citations count: 1
Zhuravleva A. —
Language Conflicts and Their Resolutions: the Case of Switzerland
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.2.21733 URL:
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The article focuses on language conflicts in Switzerland, the main factors behind them and how they were resolved. Despite having four official languages, Switzerland is comprised mainly of territories with one official language with only a small number of bilingual cantons and communes. The main conflicts occurred between the French- and German-speaking populations, but the article also examines the situation concerning the Italian and Romansh languages. By analyzing the term Röstigraben, the Franco-German conflicts in the cantons of Bern, Jura, Fribourg and Valais, as well as the Italian and Romansh parts of Switzerland’s linguistic diversity, the author has singled out the common characteristics of these conflicts and the principal means of their resolutions. The conclusions are the following: the language conflicts in Switzerland always had political or socio-economic reasons. Among the resolutions implemented, the most significant are the referendums for self-determination, the quotas of representation prescribed by the law, the principle of territoriality, and federal subsidies. A leading role was played by the self-identification of the Swiss as citizens of a multi-lingual state, including the constant support of the Italian and Romansh languages. The article’s novelty lies in its comprehensive description and analysis of the history and modern state of Switzerland's linguistic diversity on the federal and cantonal levels.
Citations count: 1
Zadorozhnaya O.A. —
The Steam Fleet of the "Comradeship of the West-Siberian Steamship and Trade» (1898-1917)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 167 - 178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22338 URL:
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The relevance of this research lies in the fact that modern historical literature practically does not discuss the topic of the formation and replenishing of the river fleet of business companies, which is reflected in the unilateral approach of analyzing the activity of capitalists’ associations. The subject of this research is the steam fleet and its qualitative characteristics, which were the foundation for the "Comradeship of the West-Siberian Steamship and Trade" to have the leading position in carrying out river transportation from 1898 to 1917. The article's aim is to highlight the specifics of the process of "acquiring" steamships by the river association with the consideration of the technical and qualitative characteristics. The study focuses on the characteristics of the steam fleet, the dynamics of its numbers, reflecting the general trends in the development of steam transport in Russia. The research is based on the chronological approach and the analytical method, as well as the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. The study's results can be used in the field of studying the economic history of the outskirt territories of the Russian state. The novelty of this study is that it introduces for the first time to scientific the use unpublished sources on the history of the largest shipping company, Ob-Irtysh Water Basin. The particular contribution of the author to the development of the named topic is the indication of the question of the formation of the river boat part of the "Comradeship pf the West-Siberian Steamship and Trade" in view of their technical characteristics. During the research process, the author discovered that the shareholders in the course of their activities focused not on the acquisition of the newest types of steamboats, but on the repair and reconstruction of old ships, which was cheaper.
Citations count: 1
Burachonak A. —
Changes in Entrepreneurial Activities in Belarus Under the Influence of the Modernization Processes of the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 105 - 115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.2.23968 URL:
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The subject of this study is the impact of modernization processes on the development of entrepreneurship in the field of trade and industry in Belarus in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The author reveals the main factors that led to the transformation of economic life in Belarusian provinces and characterizes how the Russian Empire government’s lawmaking affected the organization of private entrepreneurship and taxation. Additionally, the author reveals the particularities behind the legal regulation of land ownership and land-use by persons belonging to national minorities in Belarus. The article provides an analysis of the changes in transport infrastructure, the population structure of the Belarusian provinces and how they influenced the particularities of regional enterprise distribution. The author identifies the role of shared capital and monopoly associations in trade and industrial enterprise development in Belarus in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Consequently, the author comes to the conclusion that the influence of modernization processes on the territory of Belarus had caused changes in the forms and conditions of entrepreneurship realization, as well as in the structure and composition of entrepreneurs. This influence had also fostered the emergence of new production facilities and market institutions that supplemented the existing ones, rather than replace them. All this led to an increase in production output, the entrance into new markets and, as a result, an increase in trade turnover.
Citations count: 1
Medvedeva T.A., Bushueva S. —
The Socio-Economic Crisis in the Nizhny Novgorod Governorate and its Role in the Loss of Legitimacy of the New Democratic Government during the Period of February-October 1917 (Based on the Materials of the Press of Nizhny Novgorod)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 89 - 103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.2.24635 URL:
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The Socio-Economic Crisis in the Nizhny Novgorod Governorate and its Role in the Loss of Legitimacy of the New Democratic Government during the Period of February-October 1917 (Based on the Materials of the Press of Nizhny Novgorod)The subject of this study is the particular features of the social and economic crisis in the Nizhny Novgorod governorate between February and October 1917, as well as its influence on the level of confidence and the legitimacy of the new democratic power among the governorate's population. On the whole, the revolutionary euphoria that prevailed in the governorate and the spontaneously formed popular consensus provided a huge opportunity for the new government to become truly legitimate. The aim of this article is to establish: why in October the population of Nizhny Novgorod turned their backs on the new democratic government, which was enthusiastically welcomed only eight months previously. The study is based on the main methodological principles of historical science: historicism, objectivity and the social approach to historical phenomena. In addition, concrete historical methods were used: logical, comparative-historical, and problem-chronological. As the principal source for the study of this topic, for the first time in scientific literature, the materials of local periodicals were used. Their analysis allowed the author to more accurately assess the socio-economic and political situation in the named governorate between February and October 1917, the mood of the population, to identify the main factors behind the failure of the economic and, above all, food policy of the authorities of Nizhny Novgorod. The authors come to the conclusion that local authorities during March-October 1917, having become hostage to the inability of the Provisional Government to solve the two main issues for peasants - land and food -, and unable to cope with the socio-economic problems nor with the public chaos and anarchy in the governorate, lost the support and trust of the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod.
Citations count: 1
Kirillov A.K., Sorokin M.D. —
Income, Housing and Inequality in Barnaul and Tomsk in the early 1910s. Based on the Materials of the Presence on the Apartment Tax
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 69 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.6.39342 EDN: WAWMHK URL:
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The subject of the study is the degree of severity of stratification of the urban population in pre–revolutionary Russia. The authors set the task to calculate the decile coefficient and identify other indicators useful for understanding the degree of inequality among the citizens of two large Western Siberian cities of the early XX century. For this purpose, rarely used sources are taken, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The advantageous difference between apartment tax documents is that they allow you to estimate the income of citizens for the period when there was no income tax in Russia yet. The advantage of the "Statements of homeowners on apartment tax" in comparison with other sources on this tax is that they contain information not only about rich citizens (tax payers), but also about those who were exempt from tax due to poverty. The authors conclude that the decile coefficient indicators in two large Western Siberian cities work rather in favor of the pessimistic tradition that considers inequality in pre-revolutionary Russia to be high. The difference between Tomsk and Barnaul was revealed by the following characteristics: the gap in apartment prices between homeowners and tenants ("housing scissors"), the share of tenants among citizens, the share of householders living "on the settlement" with tenants. These differences are associated with a higher level of development of the rental housing market in Tomsk, which can be explained by its greater attractiveness as an economic, cultural and administrative center. The authors consider it useful to study living standards as one of the ways to study inequality.
Citations count: 1
Salomatina S. —
Banking Crisis of the 1880s in the Russian Empire: New Quantitative Data and Estimates
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 85 - 108.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.1.39571 EDN: GMGWPV URL:
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The study deals with the most significant crisis in the history of Russian banking, which occurred when 49 municipal banks and 13 mutual credit societies went bankrupt from 1882–1889. Historians have explained the causes of the crisis in various ways; however, these explanations are not fully verifiable due to lack of consolidated quantitative data on operations for municipal banks and mutual credit societies. Therefore, a new quantitative data set on these credit institutions was composed for this study. Comparison of the dynamics of joint-stock commercial banks, municipal banks, and mutual credit societies for 1875–1895 revealed that the decline in municipal banks was particularly sharp and deep, and it did not correlate with the dynamics of other banking institutions. This paper proves that the municipal banks crisis was caused by the accumulation of bad loans, poor financial stability, and the lack of proper control by municipal councils and the Ministry of Finance. Overcoming of these problems launched a new phase of banking regulation and supervision in the Russian Empire, which has been underestimated in historiography. The “pushing out” of municipal banks from risky operations was necessary to protect the financial interests of the municipal self-government associated with these banks. However, the crisis also had a pronounced regional perspective because most of the bankruptcies occurred in the Central Black Earth Region, and therefore the crisis was caused by a contraction in agricultural exports due to falling prices, combined with local crop failures in the first half of the 1880s.
Citations count: 1
Kulakov A.A. —
Customs war between Russia and Germany at the turn of the XIX-XX
centuries: periodization problem
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 54 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.4.43745 EDN: UKKKQY URL:
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The article considers the main approaches that exist in domestic and foreign historiography to the periodization of the customs war that unfolded between Russia and Germany at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The author draws attention to the difficulty of determining its chronological framework. Unlike an international armed conflict, a customs war is not characterized by the separation of the stages of declaration and end of war; the beginning of a customs war is often due to the defensive actions of the "victim of the attack"; it is difficult to identify the tariff and non-tariff measures being taken as "military operations". The author believes that the beginning of a customs war should be discussed only when restrictive measures are selective and applied to a single country or group of countries. On the basis of archival documents, the author made an attempt to cast doubt on the prevailing position that the trade agreement of 1894 put an end to the customs war between the Russian and German empires. The trade agreement of 1894 marked a truce in the customs war, periodically violated by one side or the other. The point of view is substantiated that the end of the protracted economic conflict is connected with the beginning of the First World War and the subsequent break in Russian-German trade relations. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author proposes his own approach to the periodization of the customs war between two empires.
Citations count: 1
Soloveichik M.V. —
Organization of service for the protection and escort of persons detained in the Russian Empire in the period 1718-1917 on the example of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
// History magazine - researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 196 - 204.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.4.70222 EDN: SNGULJ URL:
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The subject of the study is the specifics of the organization of the service for the protection and escort of persons detained in the Russian Empire in the period 1718–1917, using the example of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The object of the study is the main directions of organizing the activities of the Peter and Paul Fortress as a place of detention in our country for the protection and escort of persons held in it in the period 1718–1917. Studying the history of the experience of organizing the activities of places of detention in our country is necessary to understand the origins of the requirements for the organization of security and escort services for persons held in modern similar institutions. After all, ensuring security during protection and escort is part of the overall national security of modern Russian society. Research method: general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, description, comparison) were used, the basis was the dialectical method of cognition. It was important to study the historical experience of the organization of this service and to trace its transformation and change of tactical techniques for its improvement during the time indicated in the title in order to understand the main weaknesses of these activities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it was proved that during the specified historical period, only constant vigilance during the guard and escort service in relation to persons in custody made it safe for the employees themselves and for the citizens of the country. It is concluded that the measures for protection and escort on the basis of the specified place of detention were improved depending on the behavior or actions of the persons held in it. Therefore, every modern employee of the convoy service of our time should remember that any tricks of persons in custody will be stopped if you are brave, vigilant and resolute. In this regard, it is important to conduct classes and trainings based, among other things, on the experience of previous generations of convoy units, since the tricks of detainees may be repeated over time, taking into account the development of new technologies.
Citations count: 1
Konovalov I.A. —
The Features of the General Police Reorganization in Siberia During the Second Half of the 19th Century
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 164 - 171.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.5.22538 URL:
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The topic of this article is the general police in Siberia. The research subject is the reorganization of the agencies of the general police in Siberia in the post-reform period during the second half of the 19th century. The history of the pre-Revolutionary Siberian general police has not yet been the focus of scholars' close attention – only some aspects of this topic have been underlined in studies of a more general nature. Returning to the forgotten traditions of the organization and activities of the police agencies, it is important to take into full account the historical experience that had been accumulated over the centuries. It is also necessary to take a new look at already known facts and events in light of today’s realities in order to overcome the old myths and misconceptions and also to prevent the appearance of new ones. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is made up of such principles of historical knowledge as objectivity, historicism, determinism, alternativeness and the social approach, which require an unbiased approach to the analysis of the researched problems, as well as a critical treatment of the sources. The author comes to the conclusion that the powers of the police agencies in the region had their own specificities and were much broader than in the central provinces of the Russian Empire. The reorganization of the general police in Siberia during the second half of the 19th century changed the structure and method of staffing the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was not of a fundamental but rather of an external character. The police reform of 1867 in Siberia left almost unchanged the limits of power, the subjects of the department, the distribution of duties, the procedures, the responsibility and accountability of the general police, pending the transformation of the administrative and economic management and the judicial system. The police agencies were left with a fairly large circle of prerogatives. In addition, many policemen continued to work in the old-fashioned way, trying to ignore the changes in the current legislation. The legislator had failed, as local leaders and visiting auditors admitted, to place the uyezd's internal affairs agencies within the strict framework of the law.
Citations count: 1
Volodin S.F. —
The Problem of Labor Efficiency in the Pages of Journal Periodicals in the 1920s
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 140 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.4.23112 URL:
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The subject of this research is the process of understanding the problem of labor efficiency in the Soviet industry in the 1920s as developed in the pages of specialized economic journals of that time. The issue of the New Economic Policy's crisis is considered in the article through the prism of the current analytical work of the leading economist of that period with regard to the main issues of industrial production – the growth of labor production and the role in this of wages and labor discipline. In addition, the author examines not only the analytical work of the economists-Trudoviks itself, but also the social-historical context that determined its horizon and depth. The article applies the methodology of the historiographical analysis with relation to the contradictory unification of the two sides of the object of this research: the development of social practices and its introspective reflection on the conceptual level. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the following theses. The works of A. M. Ginzburg, V. G. Groman, B. A. Gukhman, A. I. Rabinovich, S. G. Strumilin, A. B. Khalatov and others reflect the nodal questions concerning the issue of labor efficiency in the industry of that period. These are questions regarding the stimulating role of wages, he intensification of labor, the prospects of production rationalization, the establishment of labor discipline and others. The leading economists-Trudoviks of that time were clearly aware of the structural limits for the radical growth of labor productivity: technical, institutional and historical. Of course, with such an outlook the prospects of labor efficiency were becoming more grounded, which could not arrange the higher political leadership under the conditions of the folding of the New Economic Policy. From then on it was necessary to follow a clear strategic line founded on unconditional political loyalty, but these requirements could not be met by many of the authors writing for journal periodicals in the 1920s.
Citations count: 1
Mikheev D.V. —
The Migration Policy of Northern European Countries and its Changes Under the Conditions of the Migration Crisis (2014-2016)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 112 - 120.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25250 URL:
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The subject of this article is the evolution of the migration legislation of Northern European countries, which were initially monoethnic in the composition of their population. In the 20th - early 21st centuries, due to the high level of development of the social sphere and the lenient migration legislation, the countries of the named region became the final destination on the route of numerous settlers coming from both the EU member states and from outside of Europe. This process, because of the growing inflow of migrants in the context of the migration crisis of 2014-2016, led to the modernization and tightening of the migration policies of Northern European countries. The article's research is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, while the methodological base of the study is the historical-genetic method, which allows to trace the successive evolution of the attitude towards migrants and migration legislation in the countries of Northern Europe. The article summarizes the information concerning the changing attitude towards migrants and migration legislation in Northern European countries. The author notes the current trends in migration processes in this region. The main conclusions of the conducted study can be attributed to the assertion that the migration legislation of Northern European countries had the tendency to tighten in a number of states already before the outbreak of the migration crisis. The remoteness of the region's countries from the main routes of illegal migration did not guarantee their safety from the excessive influx of immigrants who penetrated into the countries of Northern Europe both through the territory of the European Union and through the North-Western region of Russia, which acted as a transit territory and was the so-called Northern route for refugees headed for the European Union.
Citations count: 1
Dolzhikova I. —
The Religious Factor of the Swedish Emigration to America in the Second Half of the 19th Century
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 138 - 145.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.2.25429 URL:
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The research subject of this article is one of the most important factors of the Swedish emigration to America in the second half of the 19th century: religion. The research object under study is the Swedish emigrants who left their homeland specifically for religious motives. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as pietistic movements and religious contradictions in Swedish society that indicate a certain kind of split within the Church of Sweden, which was closely tied to the social life of the country. Particular attention is focused on the role of religious "pioneers" and their contribution to the overall course of the Swedish emigration. The methodological basis of this work is the chronological and problematic approaches, as well as the method of new historical demography which has made it was possible to link social processes with demographic ones. The author comes to the conclusion that religious motives in the Swedish emigration came to nothing only after the reforms adopted by the state in the 1870s. The freedom granted to citizens from then on erased the existing disagreements within the Swedish society. The novelty of this study lies in that the author highlights religion out of all the reasons for emigration among the Swedish population.
Citations count: 1
Zadorozhnyaya O.A. —
The Structure of River Traffic in the Ob-Irtysh Water Basin in the Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries (on the Example of the "Partnership of the West Siberian Shipping Company and Trade")
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 8 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.6.27895 URL:
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The relevance of this study is derived from the fact that the commercial activity of the above-named river company in the eastern outskirts of the Russian state is poorly reflected in modern historical literature, which therefore does not fully depict the process of Russian society's industrialization. This article's subject is the transportation of cargo and passengers along the rivers of Western Siberia and the analysis of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, which makes it possible to identify the main features of the organization behind the most profitable direction of the enterprises of river companies. The study's aim is to identify the structure and transport mechanism of the “Partnership of the West Siberian Shipping Company and Trade” on the rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin. The research methods used by the author in this article are the statistical and problem-chronological methods, as well as the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. The study's results are the following: the author's examination illustrates the development process of cargo transportation of Western Siberia's largest shipping company with the features of a capitalist enterprise, which can be used to study the formative process of capitalist elements in Siberia. The author's conclusions are: the dynamics of increasing or decreasing profits from transportation of the entrepreneurial company in the Ob-Irtysh basin highlights the signs of a capitalist organization in the “Partnership of West Siberian Shipping Company and Trade”: the main source of profits was freight transportation, the creation of a transportation structure for each route, the abandonment of low-income river routes, and the allocation of various types of vessels. For a successful economic development it was necessary to change not only the rules of transportation, but also the mechanism of the relations with partners and clients. The development process of river transportation demonstrates that a capitalist company is not only an economic enterprise but also a participant in the relationship between clients, customers, the state, partners and competitors.
Citations count: 1
Klimova A. —
The Restoration of Relations Between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Jerusalem and Antioch Patriarchates in 1946–1948 (on the Question of Appointing Representatives)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 124 - 134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.5.30925 URL:
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The article's topic is the question of the appointment of representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate to the Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchates in 1946 - 1948. The participation of the Moscow Patriarchate in Soviet Middle Eastern politics sought to strengthen ties between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Eastern Patriarchates. According to the staff of the USSR diplomatic mission to the State of Israel, the Jerusalem Orthodox Church was considered no less important, and in some respects more significant than the Constantinopolitan one. The article's main focus is concentrated on the spectrum of actions on the part of the Moscow Patriarchate in the process of intensifying international church contacts and restoring its prestige in the Middle East. During the course of this study, the author based the topic's research on the principle of historicism, which involves taking into account the concrete historical conditions in the development of the process of interest. Since the source base of this study is founded on a collection of archival documents from the funds of the Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR State Archives of the Russian Federation (GA RF), the author used source and archive methods, in particular, the method of critical analysis that allows to determine the influence of circumstances on the document's creation and the degree to which the position of the author is affected. Based on the analysis of archival materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the author concludes that the issue of appointing representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate to the Jerusalem and Antioch Patriarchates was a key issue in the process of renewing relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Eastern Patriarchates in 1946 – 1948. In 1946, a representative was appointed from the Russian Orthodox Church (MP) to the Patriarchate of Antioch (Beirut), and two years later, to the Jerusalem Orthodox Church (in the territory of the State of Israel).
Citations count: 1
Khodorov O.I. —
The Events of the 1877 Campaign on the Territory of Greater Sochi: One Little-Known Page from the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 129 - 146.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.1.31811 URL:
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The subject of this research is the military operations during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 on the territory of Sochi's Black Sea coast, in particular: the repulsion of Turkish landings near Adler and Sochi; the local military clashes during reconnaissance missions of ungoverned territory south of the river Kherota in the Sochi department; the relationship between the administration of the department and the mountain population of the Kichmay and Krasno-Aleksandrovsky aulys; the issues of the evacuation of the civilian population and the damage of civilian private property by the rebel Abkhazian population, soldiers and Cossacks deployed on the territory of the department; and the impact of the war on the peaceful development of this Black Sea territory. The author used the traditional scientific principles of historicism and objectivity in this research, as well as the traditional methods of analysis and synthesis, the narrative method and the methods of concretization and generalization. This has made it possible to comprehensively study and analyze the source material and to identify causal relationships. A source analysis has allowed the author to conclude that although the war was notable for its small number of military clashes and casualties, the peaceful colonization of the new outskirts of the Russian Empire was temporarily interrupted. After this, it was revived with renewed vigor in the post-war period.
Citations count: 1
Stepanova I., Karpova M. —
Cluster settlement structure in Toropetsky Uyezd according to the cadastre of 1540
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 52 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.5.36548 URL:
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The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of settlement structure in Toropetsky Uyezd of the XVI century. In the XIV – XV centuries Toropets land was the eastern outskirts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and in 1503 joined the Moscow state. The cadastre of 1540 describes the structure of Toropetsky Uyezd as the clusters of settlements, characterized by commonness of names and detected both in state (58 clusters) and local (79 clusters) lands. They differ in size, i.e. the number of settlements and court indicators. Mapping of the clusters of settlements reveals their location in the territory of uyezd, land area, and population density. Geographical reconstruction is carried out via geoinformation technologies. It is demonstrated that most developed part of the uyezd is Toropets Volost and the adjacent territories, such as eastern districts of the uyezd in the basin of the Western Dvina River, developed in the pre-Mongol period, and the basin of tributaries of the Kunya River. The model of settlement structure in Toropetsky Uyezd most likely corresponds to the type of land relations inherent to Syabry community, in which peasants jointly owned land, agricultural and fishery areas. Such settlement structure retained due to the peripheral position of Toropets and its relative autonomy. Common names served as a means for identification of the object of taxation. This settlement model gradually diminishes after Toropets has joined the Moscow State, first and foremost it pertains to the local lands. Common names are preserved as the geographical landmarks; while the individual names are widely used within such clusters, as the court indicators increase.
Citations count: 1
Ilikaev A. —
Myths about the world creation from an egg of Baltic-Finnish peoples in comparison with cosmogonomic myths of Mary and Udmurts
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 140 - 153.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.2.40547 EDN: RVNPYG URL:
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The subject of this study is the motives of the myth of creation from an egg among Mari and Udmurts. Until now, the myth of the world creation from an egg (MCE) has been noted in the tradition of the Baltic-Finnish peoples, as well as the Mordvins and Komi. An analysis of Mari cosmogonic myths and folk songs reveals two mythological motives related to MCE: 1) a cuckoo builds a nest on an oak tree with six branches; 2) a duck (goose) breeds five, six, seven, twelve chicks right on the water (the top of the grass growing in the river middle).
The main conclusions of the study are the following provisions. The image of a duck of the Eastern Mari is not so popular and is replaced by the images of a cuckoo and a swan. A wagtail and an ermine are also mentioned in the Mari folklore which finds parallels in Ainu and Nenets myths. Udmurt variants of folk songs include the mythologem of a duck (goose) with ducklings. The myth of a creator eagle and two ducks was perhaps characteristic not only of the Finns, Hungarians and North American Indians but also of the Mari. The Udmurt myth of creation is characterized by the presence, in addition to Inmar and Shaitan, of a cancer which finds a parallel in the Buryat cosmogonic myth. The motif of primordial ice and frozen primordial earth was probably widespread in the traditions of Izhora, Mari, part of the Bashkirs who were descendants of the Finno-Ugric peoples, Nganasan. And, thus, this motif was apparently present in the Proto-Uralic mythology.
Citations count: 1
Mironova N., Koroleva V. —
The Studies on the Introduction of Fodder Plants by Agrobiologist K. A. Moiseyev in the 1950s-1980s in the Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 178 - 191.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24447 URL:
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The subject of this article is the development of the scientific direction on the introduction of new fodder plants in the Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Soviet era and within the context of the interaction between government and science. The research object of this study is the scientific biography of the scientist-agrobiologist Konstantin Alekseevich Moiseev (1904-1984). On the basis of archival documents, the article analyzes the scientific biography of the scholar and his contribution to the development of a new scientific direction - the introduction of fodder plants in the North. The research is based on the principle of historicism in the analysis of events and phenomena. Additionally, the author uses the methodology of scientific biography, which allows the examination of the scientist's personality in the general historical context. The study's scientific novelty consists in its examination of the scientific biographies of specific scholars who worked during the Soviet era, since through the lens of "scientific" and "personal" biography one can trace the historical background and conditions, socio-cultural orientations and values of the time. These questions are covered in the article on the example of the scientific biography of K. A. Moiseyev, whose life and activity is closely tied to the history of the foundation and development of scientific studies in the North in general and in Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences in particular. The analysis of the scientific biography of this scholar has allowed to trace not only the vicissitudes of the becoming and the professional growth of a specific person, but also gave the possibility to demonstrate the most general processes of interaction between science, the Soviet state, the official ideology and the personality of the scholar during various periods of time: from the fall and accusations at the end of the 1940s to the universal recognition and fame in the 1970s-1980s.
Citations count: 1
Romanova E.N., Stepanova L.B. —
The Diary of A. N. Nikiforov: Biography as a Communicative Space
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 30 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24879 URL:
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The personal context of history, the individual world of experience and the perception of historical events are today the main topics of modern historical sciences. Into the circle of the research space of this article, the authors have included a range of sources of personal origin (diaries, memoirs, letters) that project the national-cultural experience and scientific strategies of the first intellectuals. The subject of this study is the life and fate of a representative of the Yakut national intelligentsia through the lens of autobiographical evidence (his personal diary) in the context of social communications and strategies. The object of this study is the history of academic training and the formation of the Yakut national intelligentsia in the context of the activities of Russian intellectual communities. In this article, the authors have undertaken an attempt at creating a historical comprehension of the "self-narrative" within the framework of a biographical discourse, where the interpretation of the autobiography acts as social practice. The conducted biographical analysis of the diary entries of A. N. Nikiforov has allowed to reveal only a fragment of an important "story about self" as a representative of a certain spiritual and religious community. The reconstruction of the "life" world of the first intellectual A. N. Nikiforov in the context of social communications and strategies of practice is one of the methodological novelties of this study. The analysis of the behavioral code of the first intellectuals, characterized by selfless service to science with a deep sense of duty and responsibility for the preservation of the disappearing life of the northern ethnicities, makes it possible to talk about the formation of a special intellectual culture in Yakut society during the period under study.
Citations count: 1
Sokolova M.V. —
Country Houses from the Epoch of Queen Victoria and Their Owners: the Sociological Aspect
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 100 - 108.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.1.27547 URL:
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The article addresses one of the most important sociological aspects of studying the topic of Victorian estate architecture: the aspect of the client. The Victorian era was accompanied by a particular boom in the field of suburban construction. The research subject of this article is the social composition of clients of the English country house during the Victorian era, which was very variegated and diverse. The author sets before himself the task of uncovering the most common motives that caused British landowners of this era to start building country houses or to rebuild their family nests. In this article, the author applies the method of art sociology, which is widely used in contemporary art history studies, and which considers the history of art and, in particular, architecture as a reflection of the characteristics of a period's social life. Using the example of British art sources, the author attempts to tie the topics in the history of suburban residential architecture of the 19th century with the social processes taking place in Victorian Britain. They can be most clearly seen, in the author's opinion, in such aspects of examining the historical material as the topic of the client, when not only his wealth but also his various ideological ambitions directly influence the architectural process.
Citations count: 1
Smirnova E.S. —
On the Study of Andrey Rublev's Work: Some Lessons from Recent Research and the Exhibition in 2010–2011
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 77 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.6.28239 URL:
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The article is focused on the difficulties of studying the works of the outstanding Moscow icon painter of the early 15th century Andrei Rublev and the masters of his circle. In this article, the author considers above all the icon of the Trinity by the hand of Andrey Rublev, the icon of Deesis, known as the Zvenigorod Tier, as well as the murals of the Uspensky Cathedral in Vladimir and the ensembles of iconostases of the first quarter of the 15th century. The author examines the modern views on the attribution of these monuments as reflected in the concept of the exhibition “Andrey Rublev. The Feat of Icon Painting” (State Tretyakov Gallery, 2010–2011) and its accompanying catalog. The article presents a critical analysis of the structure and organization of the exhibition and draws historical parallels with the fundamental exhibition of 1960, which marked the beginning of the modern stage in the study of the works of Andrey Rublev. The presented article is based on the results of recent studies of the Zvenigorod Tier, the icon of the “Holy Trinity” by Andrey Rublev and other works conducted in the State Tretyakov Gallery. The author used information from Medieval written sources and the methods of formal and stylistic analysis of Medieval artworks. The article confirms the dating of the icon of the Holy Trinity to about 1425, when the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral at the Troitsa-Sergieva Lavra was made, gives a characteristic of the style of the artwork within the framework of Byzantine painting of the Late Palaeologian period and Moscow works from the first quarter of the 15th century. The author comes to the conclusion that the artistic style of the icons of the Zvenigorod Tier is significantly different from Rublev's Trinity, but he suggests that the master's handwriting could have changed over time.
Citations count: 1
Strogalova A. —
Russian Pro-Soviet Student Organizations Abroad and Their Relations with the Proletstud of the USSR
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 96 - 106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.4.29904 URL:
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The article is focused on the creation and work of pro-Soviet Russian student organizations outside of the USSR in the 1920s. The research subject of this study is the activities of pro-Soviet public organizations of students in the first half of the 1920s. The research object of this study is the Russian students abroad.The aim of this article, based on an examination of the statutory documentation and correspondence of foreign pro-Soviet student unions and associations in the first half of the 1920s, is to study the nature of their work and their relationship with the Soviet public student organization Proletstud. The methodological basis of this study is the principles of historicism and objectivity; in this work, the historical-genetic and the historical-comparative methods are applied. The study's novelty lies in the analysis of unpublished (archival) and published (periodical) sources pertaining to the activities of pro-Soviet unions, which was carried out for the first time in historiography. The article is written on the basis of documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (collection no. 5574), the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (collection no. 17, op. 60), and information from periodical publications of emigrant and Soviet student press. The topic of the life of Russian students abroad has previously attracted the attention of scholars [1, 12-16, 19, 22-24, 27-29], but they focused solely on anti-Bolshevik youth organizations.
The article concludes that in the early 1920s, along with student emigrant organizations in European countries, student unions were created, which adhered to pro-Soviet positions. These unions were oriented towards active cooperation with Soviet organizations and students from the USSR represented by the Proletstud. The initiative to establish relations with the Proletstud came from foreign unions, but the contacts were unofficial and unstable for a number of reasons, and negatively affected the work of the unions.
Citations count: 1
Sivkina N.Y. —
Mythologization and rationalization of the image of the famous Queen of Macedonia
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.1.37557 URL:
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One of the famous women of ancient history – Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great – is represented in the sources as a cruel, vindictive and domineering woman. Traditionally, it is believed that the formation of such an image was influenced by the peculiarities of the sources: the non-Greek origin of the authors, the writing of works in later times, misunderstanding of Macedonian customs and mores. The purpose of this work is to consider some well-known facts from the life of the Olympiad in a mythological context. Highlighting the characteristic features that influenced the image of this famous queen that has developed in historiography will allow us to change modern ideas about her. The study used traditional methods and approaches for ancient history. The principle of historicism is necessary for understanding cause-and-effect relationships, the principle of consistency is important for systematization of preserved data about this queen. The general philosophical methods of analysis and synthesis are supplemented by special ones: comparative historical, the method of retrospection. The novelty of this research lies in the author's attempt to show the influence of mythological images and symbols on Hellenistic historiography and highlight the rationalistic constructions of ancient authors. As a result of the research, the author concludes that the image of the Olympiad, which has become entrenched in historiography, was influenced not only by the negative attitude of ancient historians towards it, but also by their attempts to rationally explain events based on knowledge of the consequences. However, the mythological consciousness also left its mark on their work. The life of Alexander the Great was overgrown with myths, and all the people close to him also fell into the sphere of mythological representations. Therefore, in the sources, the image of the queen is not just greatly distorted, but is endowed with symbolic characteristics characteristic of myths.
Citations count: 1
Artemyeva E.V. —
The Financial Policy of the Ministry of N. K. Bunge in the Evaluation of the Journal «the Herald of Europe»
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 153 - 158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.4.23122 URL:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the publications in the journal «the Herald of Europe» regarding the financial policy of Russia undertaken by the ministry of N. K. Bunge. The aim of this study is to reveal the perception of the liberal publication on the activity of the ministry of finances during the period of the second half of the 1880s. The author analyzes separate articles on this specific topic, as well as publications from the permanent sections "From the social chronicle" and "Internal review". In the indicated period this journal occupied one of the leading positons in the social movement in Russia, including in its liberal wing. In writing this article the author used the following scientific methods: historical-comparative, descriptive, historicism. The methodological basis of this article is the publications of V. A. Kitaev, A. A. Alafaev, V. L. Stepanov. The author comes to the conclusion that the liberals were far from idealizing the activity of the above-mentioned politician, criticizing the events concerning the drinking issue and the stabilization of the national currency, and protectionist measures. However, the publicists of «the Herald of Europe» were very impressed by Bunge's desire to strengthen the state's participation in the country’s social and economic sphere. Carrying out the idea of the authorities' responsibility in the field of finances and economy, «the Herald of Europe» departed from classical liberalism towards its social invariant. The study's novelty lies in that it conducts for the first time an analysis of relations of one of the leaders of liberalism in Russia in the second half of the 19th century to the liberally-minded politician N. K. Bunge. The examination of this issue, undoubtedly, will enrich our understanding of the nature of the relationship between the authorities and society during the last quarter of the 19th century and the nature of liberalism in Russia. The article is aimed for the community of scholars on the history of public though in Russia.
Citations count: 1
Usatiuk D. —
The Change in US Leadership Strategy Towards the European Conflict in the Context of the German Limited Submarine Warfare in 1915
// History magazine - researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 14 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.5.30579 URL:
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The article examines the transformation of the US neutrality policy during the First World War in the context of analyzing the reaction of President W. Wilson's administration to the aggravation in February – August 1915 of the Anglo-German confrontation that significantly affected American interests. The aggravation of this confrontation resulted in the unfolding of German limited submarine warfare in order to interrupt Britain’s Atlantic communication in response to the strengthening of the British naval blockade of Germany. The author places the main focus of the study on a set of ideas and actions that laid the foundation for a new US leadership strategy regarding the European conflict, which moved away from strict neutrality to a more active involvement in the European situation. The study is based on the application of the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is the systematic approach. The research methods are the problem-chronological, historical-genetic and comparative methods. Based on a comprehensive study of the available statistical data, diplomatic documentation, and sources of private nature, the author identifies and evaluates the whole of domestic and foreign policy factors that determined the transformation of American neutrality from maneuvering between the two warring coalitions to an open orientation towards Great Britain, which subsequently led to its entry into war against Germany. As a result, the author concludes that already in 1915 the position of President Wilson’s administration, the economic and political interests of the United States made genuine neutrality almost impossible.
Citations count: 1
Vorobeva E.E. —
Transformation of camp system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics “On the Changes to the Development Plan of 1953”
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 65 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.1.34874 URL:
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The subject of this research is the examination of the first stage of reforms of camp economy: its transformation after adoption of the Decree “On the Changes to the Development Plan of 1953”. The goal of this work consists in determination of consequences of the large-scale reduction of the economic activity of the GULAG. The question of impact of the Decree on the Changes to the Development Plan upon economic activity of forced labor has not previously been the subject of a separate research. The author analyzes the incidence of reduction of economic activity of the GULAG, as well as generalizes the data on the activity and fate of the forced labor camps assigned to the constructions under liquidation. The conclusion is made that the changes to the development plan of 1953 became the first and crucial step in the GULAG reforms, which predetermines its final liquidation in 1960. After adoption of the decree, work was immediately halted on twenty largest construction objects of the GULAG, combined cost of which amounted to 49.2 billion rubles.
Citations count: 1
Gerasimov D.I. —
Between the Kuomintang and the CPC: the Policy of the Soviet State in China
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 14 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.5.38944 EDN: HVFCZA URL:
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The purpose of the article is to analyze the foreign policy actions of the Soviet state in China both from the official diplomatic course of the NKID and from the Comintern. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author, based on published sources and new archival materials of the Russian State Archives of Socio-Political History, examines little-studied issues in Russian historiography, such as the role of the Comintern in the Soviet-Chinese negotiations of 1918-1924, the clash of the geopolitical goals of the NKID and the ideological tasks of the Comintern on the example of the status of Outer Mongolia and thus produces a deep analysis of the policy of the Soviet state in China against the background of internal contradictions existing there between the main political forces – the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang – the party of the national bourgeoisie. Comparing the propaganda measures and diplomatic steps of the USSR in China, the author comes to the conclusion that the Soviet foreign policy was of a dual nature: on the one hand, the Soviet state promoted the line of the Comintern aimed at creating a "base of socialism" in China, and on the other hand, it defended its own geopolitical interests in the Asian region, which consisted in solving common foreign policy tasks to preserve the former "imperialist" treaties with China.
Citations count: 1
Shimbireva O. —
The Image of the Union of the Russian People and its Leaders in the Perception of Contemporaries: According to the Material from the Archives of the Union of the Russian People
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 81 - 91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22964 URL:
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The article allocates particular attention to the source study of the documental complex of the "Letters of the Chernosotentsy and other people" from the aspect of their informational value in the reconstruction of the perception by the letters' authors of the role, authority and significance of the Union, the publication of "the Russian Znamya" and their leaders in solving critically important to the writers issues, disputed conflict situations and daily struggles. The analysis of the information contained in these letters was conducted from the point of view of the communicative approach: messages are examined as consisting of three components: author, transmitted message, addressee, which has allowed to analyze them in the context of a certain dialogue between contemporaries and the Union, including the examination of the relation of the correspondents to the addressees. The source study analysis included a series of stages: classification of correspondence according to addressee, characteristics of the "types" of messages depending to who's name they were addressed, analysis of the informational value of the messages for the study of the perception of the Union by its contemporaries. The examination of the letters has allowed to make the following conclusions: in the first place, the correspondents, as a rule, deliberately chose a particular addressee for their messages. The Union of the Russian People was for them an organization whose heads and governing bodies were well-known to them. Secondly, the authors shared the main ideas of the Union, which they clearly demonstrated through their messages. The correspondents sought those powers’ protection that were close to their views. Thus, the analysis of the perception of the Union by the letters' authors offers information not only for the reconstruction of the image of the Union in the eyes of its contemporaries, but also provides the basis to analyze the social mood in general. Thirdly, the characteristic trait of the letters is the paternalism actively broadcast by the authors that points to the preservation of the behavioral stereotypes characteristic of patriarchal society, including such a component as the desire to delegate the worry of solving one's daily problems to the political power capable of protecting and solving the conflict "in fairness".
Citations count: 1
Pozdnyakova A.S. —
"You Are Road Crew..." (from the History of the Vyatka Branch of the Emergency Commission on the Czechoslovak Front)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 105 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24392 URL:
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The article is focused on the study of one of the lesser-known Emergency Commissions of the Civil War period: the Cheka (the All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage) on the Czechoslovak front. On the basis of previously unstudied documents from the State Archive of the Kirov Oblast, the State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Kirov Oblast and the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the author examined the conflict between the uyezd party workers and the chairman of the Vyatka branch of the Cheka at the Council of People's Commissars, revealed its causes and demonstrated the work of the local authorities. The article describes in detail the polemics of the Urzhum Bolsheviks on the issue of interacting with the emergency structure. In solving this study's research questions, the main approach used was the historical-typological method, and as auxiliary ones: the comparative-historical and the historical-systemic methods. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that the author introduces into scientific circulation previously unknown archival materials. One of the work's main conclusions is that the conflict between party workers and representatives of the Emergency Commission in the Urzhum Uyezd of the Vyatka Governorate was provoked, mainly, by a material factor.
Citations count: 1
Seniukhin A.A. —
The images of Siberia in English and American travelogues of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 107 - 115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.6.34114 URL:
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The subject of this research is the images of Siberia conveyed in the travelogues of English and American travelers who visited the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. Using the method of imaginal geography, the author attempts to reconstructs the initial representations of foreigners on the region, and their transformation during the visit. Interest towards Siberia among the travelers aroused due to the writings of G. Kennan, who translated image of the land, where political prisoners were exiled to. The authors of travelogues did not hide their desire to see the depicted horrors, although their trip to the region has transformed these perceptions. The conclusion is made on versatility of the image of Siberia in the writings of English and American travelers. The initial representations on the land of exiled were rather clarified; the focus of attention shifted from the political prisoners to the criminogenic situation of the region. However, most travelogues tried to show a “different Siberia”, creating a new image of the resourceful Russian colony, which has yet to fulfill its economic potential and overcome cultural and economic discrepancy with the European “core”. Such shift of tone, from the land of exiled to the land of opportunities positively affected opinion of the society on the Russian authorities.
Citations count: 1
Timshina E.L. —
The Historical Policy of the Russian Communists at the Present Stage.
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 131 - 143.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.5.38749 EDN: LNMSVV URL:
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Unified assessments of the past for mass political movements representing the extreme flanks of the political spectrum have become an integral part of party identity in modern society. The activity of political parties can have a significant impact on the memory of society, change collective memories of individual events and even entire historical periods. The author of the article analyzes the attitude of modern Russian communists to the key events of history, identifies the features of their party historical policy, compares approaches with other political parties and narratives of the Soviet era. The main sources were official documents of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the party "Communists of Russia", as well as speeches, interviews and publications of their leaders. The Communist parties turn mainly to the history of Russia, starting with the revolutionary events of 1917. Although Communists actively use formulations from Soviet narratives, their own attitude has been formed to a number of events and processes. The most important differences are related to the assessment of the February Revolution and its results, the perception of the policy of I. V. Stalin. Many historical events (de-Stalinization, the collapse of the USSR) of the party are explained by the presence of international conspiracies, not internal processes. The "Communists of Russia" and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation use their ideas about the past in different ways: the former actively propagandize them during election campaigns and build their election programs on them, the latter weakly use historical politics during electoral battles, making the programs as neutral as possible, but during the inter-election period they actively promote their vision of the past.
Citations count: 1
Klimanov A. —
Issues of Personnel Policy, Professional Training and Retraining at Enterprises of the Machine-Building Branch in the 1960–1970s (on the Example of the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Machine Tool Building Plant)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 172 - 188.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.5.23128 URL:
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The subject of this study is the efforts of industrial enterprises in using various methods for intensifying the work of their labor collectives, which acquires a qualitatively different nature with the beginning of the Kosygin economic reform in 1965. During this period a lot of attention was focused on improving the personnel policy directly in production. On the basis of archival materials from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Machine Tool Building Plant, the article examines the measures undertaken on improving the personnel potential in one of the leading plants of the Soviet machine tool building industry in the 1960–1970s. The author analyzes the concrete forms of educating the production personnel, as well as the material incentives for stimulating labor, used at this enterprise. Additionally, the author also analyzes the reasons for the gradual decrease in attempts to perfect the professional training and retraining of labor workers at the end of the 1970s – beginning of the 1980s. The specific-historical approach found its reflection in the problem analysis of the personnel policy model, developed at the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Machine Tool Building Plant. The scientific novelty of this research consists of its concretization of the system of working with labor personnel at industrial sites during the period of the Kosygin economic reform on the example of the famous machine tool building plant in Moscow. The study of specific historical materials allows to evaluate the real possibilities of plant administrations to introduce progressive options for stimulating industrial workers in increasing production results. Of particular scholarly interest is the interrelation dynamics between the specific plant and the industry management structures from the point of view of the latter’s assessment of the practical experience and specific developments on the spot of perfecting the whole system of training and retraining labor personnel in the machine tool building industry.
Citations count: 1
Breslavskii A.S. —
The results of Soviet urbanization of Chita Oblast: structure, count and functional significance of urban settlements
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 157 - 167.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34014 URL:
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The article is dedicated to the results of urbanization of Chita Oblast in the late Soviet period. The author examines the established structure of urban settlements, count of cities and industrial townships, as well as their functional designation in the late 1980s. A brief characteristic of production base formed in the Soviet period (organizations, enterprises, etc.) is given by each city and large worker’s settlement. Calculation is conducted on separate demographic parameters of urbanization of the region: share of the urban population, share of the population of cities and industrial townships in the urban population, etc. The research leans on the official results of the All-Union Census of 1989, as well as the data from the official websites of urban settlements in Zabaykalsky Krai. It is underlined that by the end of the 1980s, on the territory of Chita Oblast was formed a broad and dispersed network of urban settlements, which for the most part scattered along Trans-Siberian Railway and southward towards the border with China. Trans-Baikal Railway and mining industry played the leading role in formation of majority of cities and workers’ settlements. The structure of urban settlements highlighted the capita of the region – Chita by demographical and functional aspects. However, nine more cities and five large townships with over 12,000 population and developed infrastructure, smoothed out the territorial imbalances in urbanization of the region.
Citations count: 1
Drozdov A. —
Glass production on the Lava factories
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 159 - 174.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.6.34227 URL:
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This article describes the finds (glass pieces, byproducts, fragments of items) discovered on the site of former Lava factories, which were initially owned by V. Elmsel (1730), and in 1738 passed to the public coffers. Factories on the Lava River manufactured window glass by casting on a metal plate, as well as hot-glass items and window glass using lunar method. The glass composition and color varied: ash matter (“Cherkass glass”) was green; and potash glass was pale blue or grayish hue, discolored with cobalt and manganese. The factory also produced blue glass painted with cobalt. The analysis is conducted on the document that contains the order of the Palace Chancellery for manufacturing glass items on the Lava factories. The scientific novelty consists in the following: establishment of the location of glass factories on the Lava River; systematization of the finds and conclusion on hot and cold glass manufacturing techniques; description of the discovered fragments of glassware, mirror and window glass in comparison with similar items preserved in the museum collections and found during the archaeological excavations in Moscow; description of cooperation of Lava factories with the Saint Petersburg glass factory in execution of the Palace. The conducted research allows attributing certain items stored in the private and museum collections to the items manufactures by Lava factories. The author concludes on the need for archaeological excavations on the site of Lava factories.
Citations count: 1
Karagodin A.V. —
“Do as good as abroad”: the resorts of the south coast of Crimea during the World War I
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 83 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.4.36056 URL:
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This article raises the virtually unstudied in Russian historiography topic on the development of resorts of the south coast of Crimea during 1914–1919, the World War I, and revolutionary events of 1917. The situation in the Russian tourism sector in the years of World War I is consonant with the current situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The Russian people, who prefer vacationing abroad, descended on the Russian resorts, which were not ready for such turn of events. This caused a public discussion on the topic of improving the Russian health treatment facilities, the materials on which are barely introduced into the historical discourse. The theme of economic and sociocultural development of the south coast of Crimea in the early XX century, which until recently was farmed out to historians and art historians, remains relevant. In the course of working on this article in the libraries and archives, the author reveals and introduces into the scientific discourse various types of sources that can shed light on the transformation of the south coast of Crimea after the beginning of the World War I. The three most promising vectors for further development of the topic are outlined: work with verbatim reports of the Congress on the improvement of health treatment facilities (1915), advertising materials and documentation of the newly established resort towns Laspi and Foros, as well as the sources of historical memory (memoirs, correspondence, diaries), which reflect the everyday life in the resorts of the south coast of Crimea during the wartime and revolutionary period.
Citations count: 1
Shchetinina A.S. —
On the Possibility of Studying the Wage Inequality of Mining Workers and Employees in the Period from 1861 to the Beginning of the XX Century. According to the Documents of the Siberian Archives
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 78 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.6.39366 EDN: ZGUKGM URL:
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The purpose of the study is to analyze archival materials of the State Archive of the Altai Territory and the State Archive of the Tomsk Region for the possibility of studying differences in wages of mining workers and employees based on them. The prospect of studying the archival funds of the Kemerovo region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory is also indicated. The subject of the study is the information potential of archival sources of these archives. The chronological framework of the study covers the period from 1861 to the beginning of the XX century. The relevance of the study is justified by the need to expand the range of sources for a broader study of the topic of income inequality in the regional dimension. The paper considers and analyzes archival materials containing information on the salaries of full-time employees and the earnings of freelance workers at various enterprises and institutions of the Altai Mining District, as well as at private and state-owned gold mines and fisheries of nearby Siberian territories. Conclusions were drawn about the different information potential of the considered sets of sources, about their suitability in aggregate for studying the issues of wage inequality for different types of activities, categories of employees or positions, at different enterprises and territories, and the shortcomings of the identified materials were identified.
Citations count: 1
Sekirin A.A. —
The Statistics on Sectarianism and the Old Believers in the Voronezh governorate in the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries (Based on Material from the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 137 - 154.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.21888 URL:
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The article investigates the policies of local provincial organs of state power of the Russian Empire on the collection and analysis of statistical information regarding sectarianism and the Old Believers on the example of the work conducted by the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics. The article reviews the history of the establishment of provincial statistics committees and the main normative legal acts that regulated their activities. It is shown that the activity of the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics in the collection and study of statistical data concerning sectarianism and the Old Believers in the Voronezh governorate, and the author also considers the many statistical materials released by the Committee which allowed to determine the numerical and religious composition of the population in the Voronezh governorate during the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The article examines the various statistical materials published by local Voronezh provincial authorities: the collections of official reference information about the province: «commemorative books» and «address-calendars», which were published annually by the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics, and «overviews of governorates», which were an annex to the governors' annual reports. These materials, regarding the Voronezh governorate, were collected by the governorate statistics committee and annually sent to the Central Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and enable us to investigate the numerical and religious composition of the population of the governorate, according to various sects and directions of the Old Believers. This article, based on an analysis of these sources, presents extensive statistical information on sectarianism and the Old Believers in the Voronezh governorate by counties and settlements, in different years, and also shows the changes in the numerical composition of the governorate's population, according to various sects and directions of the Old Believers during the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.
Citations count: 1
Tam H. —
Firing Structures of the Sevastopol Defence Area in 1941: Analysis of the Features and Issues
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 78 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.3.26310 URL:
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The author describes in this article the features of the firing structures of the Sevastopol Defense Area (hereafter referred to as the SDA) in October - November 1941. Special attention is paid not only to the issues of construction and arrangement of the firing structures of the SDA (including artillery pillbox and bulwarks, machine guns and bunkers, but as well to other types of firing points), but also a number of structural problems concerning the formation and strengthening of SDA structures, including strategic and tactical flaws and errors in the location of these firing structures, which were one of the key reasons for the subsequent defeat and capture of Sevastopol. The source base for this article is made up primarily of archival materials. The author examines the original battle plans, maps, charts, and tables. It can be positively affirmed that the comparison of the data and figures of the constructed pillboxes, bulwarks and other SDA firing points in the beginning and in the middle of November 1941, along with a careful analysis of the location of these firing structures on maps and charts, is a fundamental means of explaining a number of historical facts and formulations in the analyzed material. In the article the author comes to the conclusion that the firing structures were necessary for the defense of Sevastopol and had positive combat effects in real battles at the initial stage. At the same time, the author recognizes that in planning the construction and location of long-term firing structures there was a number of serious problems, both objective and subjective, and shortcomings that had a very negative effect on the overall combat capability of the SDA.
Citations count: 1
Tesaev Z.A. —
Korotakh Cap in the Light of New Epigraphic Data
// History magazine - researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 33 - 40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2022.5.39028 EDN: GDCSET URL:
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The article discusses the headdress found during the study of the tower-shaped crypt of the village of Korotakh in the historical-geographical region of Malkhist (Itum-Kalinsky district of the Chechen Republic) and stored since 2016 among the exhibits of the National Museum of the Chechen Republic. The subject was introduced into scientific circulation in 1977 by R. A. Dautova and was repeatedly mentioned in scientific publications later. The fabric from which the cap is sewn was made in Italian weaving centers, and, according to radiocarbon dating, was made between 1430–1480. A certain discussion in the circles of researchers was caused by the origin of the dress and the circumstances under which it ended up at the disposal of the buried. The most plausible was the version of the capture of Italian fabric with Christian symbols as a trophy, followed by a deliberate partial trimming of the halo of Christ and the figures of the archangels. The author of the article for the first time provides a translation of the surviving part and a restored version of the text-embroidery on the headdress, which was identified by an associate professor of Ilia state university Temo Dzhodzhua as an old Georgian text composed in the Asomtavruli script. In the light of these data, the author examines the epigraphic monuments of the Argun Gorge and historical information reflecting close Chechen-Georgian cultural and religious contacts, which, in combination with the translation of the inscription on the headdress and the place of its discovery (on the border with Georgia), rejects, in the opinion of the author of the article, the version about the trophy origin of the headdress, and at the same time, perhaps, the opinion about the deliberate deformation of part of the Christian symbolism when sewing the cap. It is assumed that we can talk about technical reasons or not so reverent attitude of the local population to Christian symbols after the destructive campaigns of Timur.
Citations count: 1
Yakupova D.V. —
Sociocultural space of the Penza region during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 156 - 172.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.4.40990 EDN: UTAMDI URL:
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The subject of the research is the study of the content, forms and methods of practical activity of cultural organizations, associations of the Penza region and creative workers during the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear, as well as socio-cultural interaction in order to form patriotic sentiments.
Special attention is paid to the coverage of the activities of cultural institutions of the Penza Region, creative associations, as well as the work of the authorities to achieve the goals and objectives of ensuring the preservation of a high level of socio-psychological motivation of the Soviet population in the fight against the Nazi invaders.The study is also a collection, generalization and updating of local history material on the transformation of cultural life of the Penza region caused by evacuation processes. Within the framework of the work, new historical sources that were not previously involved in scientific circulation are published, to study the socio-cultural space and creativity of cultural figures of the Penza region during the Great Patriotic War as a system of interaction and education of patriotism, adaptation strategies of the Soviet man in the conditions of mobilization and extreme living conditions. The thesis is substantiated that the response of art workers to the needs of wartime was not just a formal execution of a state order, but an internal call, a philosophically grounded meaningful action of each employee. It was the inner desire to be useful during the war, coupled with creative potential and a sincere desire for self-realization, that became a vivid example of the manifestation of spiritual and moral values traditional for our Fatherland.
The material collected and analyzed in the work can be used in research work, in the preparation of teaching aids, in university and school training courses, including local history, as well as in the work of museums and in the preparation of scientific literature.
The methodological basis of the work was logical, historical-logical, system-structural, socio-cultural, comparative-legal, generalization, commenting method.
Citations count: 1
Perviy A.I. —
The Normative Aspect of the Labor Unions' Work in Labor Protection and the Perestroika Policy of the USSR
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 114 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.5.25952 URL:
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The research subject of this article is the regulatory and legal basis of the activities of Soviet trade unions regarding labor protection in 1985 - 1991. The author gives a description of the main formative stages of the unions' work. The article's aim is to give an idea of the ties between the regulatory-legal framework of the labor unions' activities concerning labor protection and the changes taking place in the country. To achieve this goal, the author pays particular attention to the state of the regulatory-legal framework at the beginning of the policy of Perestroika, namely, its integrity and its changes in 1987 - 1991 caused by a change in the country's domestic policy. The methodological basis of this study is founded on the principle of historicism. According to this principle, the regulatory and legal basis of labor unions' work in labor protection in 1985 - 1991 should be considered in close interconnection with the political and socio-economic processes occurring in the Soviet state. The author's general scientific method of synthesis made it possible to draw a picture of the presence or absence of a unified system of normative and legal acts of the labor unions' work in labor protection at various stages of the implementation of the Perestroika policy. The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that despite the existence of scientific interest in the analysis of the regulatory basis of labor unions in labor protection, the period 1985 - 1991 remains practically unexplored. The author introduces new historical sources into scientific circulation. Analyzing the data presented, the author presents a holistic view of the link between domestic policies and the changes in the regulatory base in labor protection and the deterioration of workers' position at the final stage of the Perestroika policy.
Citations count: 1
Kovalenko M.I. —
Foreign trade of Russia and the German states in 1815-1837 in the context of customs reforms
// History magazine - researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 145 - 158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2020.6.34238 URL:
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The object of this research is the trade relations between Russia and the German states after the Congress of Vienna, established in the conditions of the large-scale customs reforms. Such changes were substantiated by the provisions of the Final Act and the need for renewal of trade systems in accordance with the relevant requirements. The article examines the stages of trade relations prior to the creation of the German Customs Union, which led to fundamental changes in trade situation in the German space. The author also analyzes trade in the initial years of existence of the German Customs Union for assessing its effectiveness and role in foreign trade relations between the German states and Russia. The main conclusion consists in confirmation of the thesis on sustainable trade relations with Prussia as the key trade partner of Russia in the German space. This conclusion was made due to the absence of evidence in the available sources and historiography on trade relations with other German states, except scarce information on the trade with Hanseatic League. After the establishment of the German Customs Union, Prussia is still in the picture of the Russian foreign trade statistics, which testifies to its crucial role in the new union and international disregard of the German Customs Union in the initial years of its existence. The article may be valuable for the audience studying the economic history of Russia and the German states in the first half of the XIX century.
Citations count: 1
Britova V.R. —
Key foreign policy vectors of the Republic of Korea at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 109 - 120.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.6.36697 URL:
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The decades since the end of the Cold War, the foreign policy of the Republic of Korea has undergone multiple changes; besides the traditional commitment to maintain and develop relations with its military and political ally – the United States – the new vectors have emerged. . The Korean government turns attention to such directions as: international status of the country; its authority on the world stage; as well as autonomy combined with globalism and autonomy through neutrality. The subject of this research is the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries. The object is the main foreign policy trends. As a result of the conducted research, the author determines the vectors in foreign policy of the Republic of Korea: orientation towards alliance with the United States; globalism with intention to form new alliances; pursuit of cooperative autonomy; and acquisition of autonomy through neutrality. The article reveals cyclicity in the shift of attitudes depending on the political affiliation of the leader of the country: conservative presidents aim to maintain the alliance, while democratic presidents strive for autonomy. Although, the recent foreign policy vector of the Republic of Korea, which suggests acquisition of autonomy through neutrality, seems impossible due to the existing responsibilities, it remains relevant.
Citations count: 1
Martyukova E.A. —
Position of the Soviet Union in the United Nations on settling the Greek conflict (late 1947 – 1951)
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 94 - 112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.5.36772 URL:
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This research is dedicated to the analysis of the role of the Soviet Union in the United nations on settling the Greek conflict (late 1947 – 1951), which drew the attention of international community. The article covers the process of curtailing the UN programs due to deterioration of relations between the USSR and the United States in the conditions of active bipolar confrontation, which involved Greece. The goal lies in examination of the approaches, tactics, and nature of the Soviet delegation in the United Nations on resolution of the international and regional crises. Based on the documentary materials of the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations, assessment is given to the results of the efforts undertaken by the Soviet government on settling the Greek conflict. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive examination of the positions of the USSR in UN on settling the Greek conflicts using the relatively unknown documentary materials of the United Nations. In the scientific literature, this topic has not previously become the subject of special research. The author reveals the method of settlement of the Greek conflict. Having compared the positions of the parties to the conflict, the author describes the course of political struggle around making final decisions on resolution of the complicated and controversial Greek conflict. The conclusion is made the achieved results were not satisfactory for all parties, since their interests differed. Overall, the UN played a positive role as an international arbiter, since the critical war stage of the Greek conflict has been ceased, and the conflict has been localized with the active participation of the United Nations.
Citations count: 1
Bochkarev M.M. —
On the authorship of a letter to V. A. Zhukovsky about the death of A. I. Turgenev
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 120 - 138.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.3.40638 EDN: GNZSPV URL:
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The sudden death on December 3, 1845 of the famous public figure, historian and writer Alexander Ivanovich Turgenev caused a lot of sympathetic responses. Many «mournful» letters were received by an old friend of the deceased, the poet V. A. Zhukovsky. This article attempts to prove for the first time that the author of one anonymous letter sent to Zhukovsky was Turgenev's close friend Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Sverbeeva. This assumption is justified by comparing «the letter of an unknown person about the death of A. I. Turgenev» with other letters of A. I. Turgenev's friends and acquaintances (both published and introduced into scientific circulation for the first time). The first part of the article describes the relationship of A. I. Turgenev with the Sverbeev family; the second part compares «the letter of an unknown person» with the letters of N. A. Melgunov to V. A. Zhukovsky; the third part compares «the letter of an unknown person» and one of the messages of E. A. Sverbeeva to A. N. Popov. As a result of the conducted research, it can be stated with full confidence that the author of «the letter of an unknown person» was E. A. Sverbeeva. Firstly, it is clear from the usage of words in the compared letters that the addressee was in close friendly relations with A. I. Turgenev (the case of E. A. Sverbeeva); secondly, «the letter of an unknown person», the letters of N. A. Melgunov and E. A. Sverbeeva have several similar plots and textual coincidences. The materials used in the article may be useful in the further development of the topic of A. I. Turgenev's relations with the Sverbeev family, as well as expand and detail the idea of the intellectual atmosphere in Moscow of the Nicholas time. The article also touches upon the general problems of the methodology of source studies: questions about possible ways to find the author of the document and the limits of using the comparative method in the analysis of epistolary sources.
Citations count: 1
Chernov A.Y. —
A New Dating of the Text of Laskaris Kananos
// History magazine - researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 104 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2018.2.25908 URL:
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The research subject of this study is the "Periplus of the Baltic Sea", a text by Laskaris Kananos, who was the first Byzantine to travel to the countries of Northern Europe and who left a brief description of his trip. From the end of the 19th century, when this text was discovered and published, and up to today scientists dispute the time of its creation. There are several variants of the dating of this text in historiography, the most recognized of which is 1438-1439, the beginning of the Ferrara-Florence council. The article examines in detail all existing hypotheses, each of which has its drawbacks. The author sets as his goal the establishment of a new, supported by the source itself, dating of the "Periplus of the Baltic Sea". The main scientific method of this article is to compare the information contained in the text with the historical realities of the Baltic countries during the 15th century with the perceptions of the Byzantine contemporaries of this region. By identifying the similarities and differences, the author determined the degree of originality of the message of the Byzantine traveler and the approximate period to which it corresponds. The main contribution of the author to the study of this topic is the establishment of a new dating of the text of Laskaris Kananos. The most probable time for a Byzantine to have traveled to the Baltic countries is 1442-1448 or 1457-1466. Given the approximate time required to return from the trip and to write the essay, the source can be finally dated to the 1440s-early 1450s or 1460s.
Citations count: 1
Kolot B. —
Change in the Turreky’s Balkan policy of Turkey under the rule of the Justice and Development Party: the Davutoğlu effect
// History magazine - researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2021.2.34817 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of Turkey's foreign policy aimed at achieving regional leadership after the Cold War, as well as the changes that took place therein under the rule of the Justice and Development Party) since 2002. The author describes the principles of Turkey's policy in the Balkans under the rule of the Justice and Development Party, which are founded on the doctrine of strategic depth proposed by Ahmet Davutoğlu in 2001, who was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2009 (until 2014). The following questions arise: are the political priorities and goals outlined in the theory compatible with the Turkey’s foreign policy in the Balkans, which holds an important place in the doctrine; and what is the impact of the neo-Ottoman approach adopted in relation to Muslim communities in the Balkans affect the policy conducted against the non-Muslim communities? Besides the Davutoğlu’s doctrine, the article employs archival documents obtained from the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, as well as publications and books by various Turkish and foreign experts that allow reconstructing the true picture of events. The goal of this work is to comprise a broad picture of Turkey's position on the international arena in the 2000s and foreign policy perception of the Justice and Development party overall. In this regard, analysis is conducted on Turkey’s interests in the Balkans and the policy for achieving them under the rule of the Justice and Development Party.
Citations count: 1
Timshina E.L. —
Features of the Historical Policy of the LDPR
// History magazine - researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 126 - 140.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.1.39392 EDN: HSLAAK URL:
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The LDPR is the oldest of modern Russian political parties, a permanent successful participant in federal elections. Parties occupying extreme positions in the political spectrum are characterized by having their own ideas about the past, which they actively promote. Over the decades of active activity, the LDPR has managed to develop its own distinctive historical policy based on the views of the long-term leader of the party, V. V. Zhirinovsky. The author of the article analyzes the attitude of the Liberal Democrats to the key events of national history, identifies the features of their party policy in the field of memory, compares approaches with other political parties. The main sources were official documents of the LDPR, interviews, books and articles by party leader V. V. Zhirinovsky, publications carried out with the support of the party. Unlike other political parties, the LDPR addresses not only the historical events of the turbulent XX century, although it occupies a major place in the historical policy of the party. The main leitmotif of the national history of the LDPR considers opposition to the collective West, which for centuries after the collapse of the united Christian Church, tried to eliminate a competitor in the face of the East, and in particular Russia. The expansion of the West took place both by force and ideologically, which the party assesses as more destructive. Through the prism of this confrontation, the LDPR considers most of the key events, the most striking example of Western intervention was the 1917 revolutions inspired by him. The party considers the Russian Empire to be the ideal of the state. The formation of the LDPR's historical policy has not been fully completed, and the party has not yet formulated a single point of view on certain issues.