Historical memory
Dudin P.N.
On the Question of the Fate of the Teachers at the Faculty of Law in Harbin Who Returned to the USSR
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 11-17.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68390
The subject of this study is the legal status and political fate of the teachers at the Faculty of Law in the city of Harbin who after 1935 arrived in the Soviet Union. Following the Japanese occupation, a number of teachers was forced to switch to Soviet citizenship and to return to the USSR, while the Faculty itself ceased to exist in 1937. The faculty staff subjected to repressions can be roughly divided into 3 groups: 1. Those sentenced to capital punishment; 2. Those serving their sentences in camps; 3. Those subjected to repressions but with unknown fates. All of them were prominent scholars in the field of Chinese government, law, history and economy. The article’s research is carried out through a study of archival data, report material from the Faculty of Law, information on sentences with regard to repressed citizens, memoirs and recollections. The study’s novelty lies, above all, in presenting for the first time a complete list of victims of political repressions among the teachers at the Faculty of Law in the city of Harbin; secondly, the article publishes for the first time the biographical data of the most important scholars-Sinologists of that time: N. E. Esperov, A. A. Kamkov, M. L. Shapiro and others.
Russian emigration, Repressions, Sentence, People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, Rehabilitation, North-Eastern China, Manchukuo, Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin, Faculty of Law
History and historical science
Alimdzhanov B.A.
The Discussion Around the Industrial Policy of the Russian Empire in the Turkestan General-Governorate
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 18-22.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68590
The subject of research is the questions regarding the economic policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan, in particular, the examination of the industrial policy of the metropolis in the region. In writing this article the author referenced for the first time in scientific use archival documents from the Central State Archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the press of the time. The primary aim of this article is to present an overview of the debate between the periphery (provisionally called "liberal") and the capital ("conservative") press on the industrial policy of the Russian Empire in the middle Asian region. As the basis for this discussion the author took the articles of famous journalists from the beginning of the 20th century S. Lapin (local Turkestan journalist), E. Fedorov (Saint-Petersburg journalist) and others. In the author's view, the discussion between the local and capital press reflects the fight between opinions regarding the present and future industrial policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan. The events were interpreted from the outcome of the general economic conditions in the Empire, as well as the widely used statistical and comparative historical methods. The author's particular contribution to this topic lies in that he proves, based on primary sources (archival documents, press) and a new reading of the historical documents, that the industrial policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan had failed. The reason for this lies in the fact that the discussion between the "liberals" and "conservatives" of resolving the industrialisation of the peripheries were of a strictly ideological nature and this is why it could not have an influence on the most important decisions regarding the industrial policy of the government circles of the Empire.
imperial economy, industry, Turkestan, metropolis, colony, periphery, discussion, liberalism, conservatives, British India
History and historical science
Volodin S.F.
Modern Russian Historiography on the Efficiency of Labor during the Years of the New Economic Policy
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 23-32.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68591
The article’s research topic is the modern Russian historiography's experience of understanding the problem of labor efficiency during the years of the New Economic Policy. The author subjects to analysis the works of L. N. Bekhtereva, Y. P. Bokarev, L. V. Borisova, L. I. Borodkin, Y. M. Holland, A. A. Iliyhov, L. N. Lutov, A. M. Markevich, E. I. Safonova, A. K. Sokolov, S. B. Ulyanova. The article presents the conclusion that historians, on the basis of using new sources and modern methodological approaches, significantly deepened the analysis of labor efficiency during this period. The methodological basis of this research is the historiographical analysis of historians' publications from the position of the research subject's unity, its development and continuity. The article research's novelty lies in it presenting a complex description of the achievements of modern Russian historiography in shedding light on the issue of labor efficiency during the years of the New Economic policy. The article's author comes to the conclusion that on the basis of using new sources and modern methodological approaches scholars were able to considerably deepen the analysis of the named issue, including through the prism of cultural anthropology, social psychology, labor motivation and organizational conflict. All of this, undoubtedly, enriched the understanding of the ambiguous industrial life during the period of the New Economic Policy. The historical analysis from the position of sociology and psychology of management also has its own perspective on this issue, which would allow to balance the often too categorical understanding of the multifaceted historical phenomenon of the New Economic Policy.
labor productivity, labor discipline, economic accounting, historiography, state industry, industrial relations, factory, New Economic Policy, labor dispute, wage
Historical sources and artifacts
Abdulin R.S.
The Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (USSR) as a Written Source of Information
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 33-39.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68592
The article examines the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (USSR) as the least studied written source on the history of government and legislature. In these resolutions, according to the author, apart from ideological factors, there are also interrelated directions of governing, administrative and educational natures, which are specifically directed at judges and executives at all levels of the judicial system. However, the most important aspect in understanding the unique content of this type of source is, in the opinion of the author, that the higher courts did not make the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR and USSR into merely a source of political influence on the courts, but skillfully used its possibilities in professional ideology and court administration. In the article the author masterfully used general and specific scientific methods of knowledge in an informatively meaningful unity and in complex combination, including: analysis and synthesis, abstraction, system-structural, historical-genetic, comparative-legislative, typological and other methods. In describing the material the author chose the dialectic method of knowledge, acting in the role of the methodological basis for writing the article, the main principles of which (the principle of development and the principle of historicism) were used as the base for the study of the work's topic. The scientific novelty of the article lies in it turning to the questions of understanding the place and role of the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR (Soviet Union) as sources of understanding government-legislative phenomena. In the text the author analyzes the characteristics of this specific carrier of historical information in the field of methodology and method of applying and using it in the research work of the historian-jurist.
resolution, Plenum, Supreme Court, role, place, history, source, classification, knowledge, information
Academic schools and paradigms
Rudakova Yu.V.
P. N. Tkachev “On People of the Future”
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 40-44.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68593
The research subject is the issue of "new people "in the publicism of the leader of the conspiratorial direction in populism -- the Russian Blanquist P. N. Tkachev. The object of research is the socio-political concept of the thinker. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the issue of the moving revolutionary forces in the perception of P. N. Tkachev, the necessity of correct education in the formation of the people of the future and the difficulties occurring during the realization process of this issue. Particular attention is paid to the role and place of the "new heroes" in the realization process of the social ideal of P. N. Tkachev. The study is conducted using the method of analyzing the publicist text of P. N. Tkachev written in the period from 1865 and 1877. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that this subject has been examined in view of the whole socio-political conception of P. N. Tkachev and its fundamental principles. The author comes to the conclusion that P. N. Tkachev highlighted the necessary conditions for the formation and the personal qualities of the "new people", which, according to the "Russian Blanquist", should bring about close the success of the revolution.
Petr Lavrov, Mikhail Bakunin, history of political thought, moving revolutionary forces, revolutionary movement, new people, people of the future, effective populism, populism, Petr Tkachev
Stepanova L.G.
The Soil of Valdai based on the Material from the First Russian Land Cadasters
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 45-55.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68594
The subject of research is the soil resources of Valdai, the territory of which was included in the Derevskaya piatina of the Novgorod land in the 15th - 16th centuries, and in the 18th century in the Valdai district of the Novgorod province. Based on comparable material from the first Russian land cadasters and the Economic notes to the material of the General Land Survey, the author investigates the quality of the land used for arable farming and the yield of basic grain-crops, as well as the features of the agricultural mastering of this region. In the cadasters of the 16th century the land is named "rich", "medium" and "poor". This terminology is still incomprehensible because of its vagueness. At the same time, in the Economic Notes to the General Land Survey there is some information about the composition of the soil, agricultural cultures and the land's fertility. Today, the comparison of the information about the quality and yield of the lands allows us to find out what kind of lands was cultivated in a greater degree. For the analysis of the mass data contained in the cadasters from the middle of the 16th century and the Economic Notes to the General Land Survey at the end of the 18th century, the author used the quantitative methods of research. For the creation of a database containing information on the land's fertility in the second half of the 18th century in the Valdai district of the Novgorod province, Access 2010 was used, which allowed to tabulate data, to conduct a search of the records, to filter data, and to input inquiries in the database for information retrieving. While working with the mass material from the Economic Notes in order to include the necessary information in the database it was necessary to use the method of continuous selection. The research itself is based on the local approach to the understanding of the role of nature in the history of humanity. The created database allowed the author to estimate the quality of the soil in the Valdai district during the second half of the 18th century and for the first time to compare the obtained data with the information on the quality of the land in the middle of the 16th century. It was discovered that in spite of the diversity of soil in the Valdai district, the silt-covered soils were predominantly used in the 18th century despite the fact that they needed fertilizes. The most part of grain-growing was sowed on light soils - silt-covered with sand and silt-covered with stony sand. To a greater degree the sizable and good harvests of grain-crops in the Valdai district during the 18th century were recorded on grey-sandy soils which were named sod-podzol soils in the Economic Notes. However, the amount of plough-lands with grey-sandy soil made up less than one third part from the general array. On the basis of this study the author comes to conclusion that during the 16th -18th centuries new plough-lands gradually appeared in the Valdai district, while the old ones were ploughed off, and therefore perceptions about the richness and leanness of the land were changing.
crop yield, cereals, priming, soil, land quality, scribe books, General Land Survey, anthropogenic factor, Valdai, natural environment
Shpirko S.V., Barankova G.S.
On Some Aspects of the Establishment of a Formal Genealogical Classification of Text Lists of Medieval Compositions Using the Theory of Fuzzy Sets (on the Material of “Zakon Sudnyi Liudem”)
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 56-64.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68595
The article examines the issue of the genealogical classification preserved in the copies of Medieval texts. For its understanding the authors propose an approach based on the use of the theory of fuzzy sets. This approach utilizes the matrix of the fuzzy preference relation, which is founded on the pairwise comparison of the lists with each other. Each element of this matrix is the summation of its components, whose value is determined by the end set of different value factors (types of lection). These factors are considered in their total sum in the form of weight coefficients, which are determined through expert means. In order to eliminate the unavoidable subjectivity in evaluating them, the authors of this work developed an indirect method of expertise. The aim of the proposed method lies in that the given factors are compared pairwise in their value with each other. This way the initial complex problem is substituted by the entirety of more simple ones. Meanwhile the experts operate not with quantitative, but qualitative evaluations. The proposed new approach of expert evaluation allows in a formal way to assess the value of one or another discrepancy in the text. Thus the use of the proposed method plays a key role in the fuzzy classification of the list of Medieval compositions (establishing a genealogical stemming). The use of the examined method is illustrated on a specific example of discrepancy typology.
typologyafuzzy classification, fuzzy relation matrix, function of accessory, weight coefficients, stemmatology, typology, theory of fuzzy sets, indirect expert method, discrepancies, text analysis
Interdisciplinary research
Radnaeva V.V.
The Concept of Soft Power in the Political Culture of China
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 65-71.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68596
The article discusses the concept of soft power in the political culture of China. The issue is examined in the historical context of Ancient Chinese philosophy and the modern development of the concept of “soft power”. The author analyses the interrelation between the spiritual, social and political spheres in the establishment and development of the Chinese Empire. The concept of “soft power” has great meaning in the modern political strategies of the leading world powers. The main principles of this concept had been laid out in China already in early Antiquity and go back to the beginning of its philosophical tradition. The research methodologies applied in preparing this article are the theoretical analysis and the generalization of the scientific literature and periodic press on the studied topic. The main conclusions drawn from the conducted research are that Confucius developed a paternalistic concept of state, which he defined as a big family. The political ethics of Confucius were generally directed at achieving peace between the high and low strata of society and the stabilization of power. The flexibility and ability to reinterpret traditional values in the spirit of modernity towards permanent self-renewal, artistic perception and adaptation to external cultural influences, building on the national tradition – this is precisely where the solution of the “Pacific Ocean Miracle” is essentially hidden – a gigantic leap of the “Asian dragons”, and China itself, in almost all spheres of life.
public diplomacy, empire, lAncient China, Confucius, politics, soft power, culture, civilization, history, society
Borovkov D.A.
Critical interpretations of Yaroslav I's Testament in the Historiography of the 20th – 21st Centuries (from the Svod of Nikon to the Nachalnyi Svod)
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 72-78.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68597
The object of research is the analysis of the critical interpretations of the chronicle tale about the testament ("ryad") of Yaroslav I (Yaroslav the Wise) in the Tale of Past Years ("Povest vremennyh let") under the year 1054, formulated in the source-study works of N. V. Shlyakov, A. A. Shakhmatov, L.V. Cherepnin, A. A. Gippius, V. Y. Petruhin and others. Particular attention is given to the question of the attribution of the chronicle tale to the year 1054 between the two development stages of the ancient Rus chronicle tradition, conventionally named the Svod of Nikon and the Nachalnyi Svod. By means of a comparative-contrastive analysis of the historiographical sources the author identifies the main and particular features in the formation of the critical perception on the testament of Yaroslav I and corrects the existing historiographical views on interpreting this phenomenon. As a result of the conducted research, it is demonstrated for the first time in historiography that in 20th-century works on history of the Ancient Rus chronicle writing dominated the attribution of the chronicle tale of Yaroslav I's testament to the Svod of Nikon in 1072-1073, as suggested in 1907-1908 by N. V. Shlyakov and A. A. Shakhmatov. In the beginning of the 21st century began a gradual transformation of this historiographical perception that resulted in the dominant attribution of this chronicle tale being made to the Nachalnyi Svod of 1090s, an attribution that traces back to the hypothesis formulated by L. V. Cherepnin in 1948.
Shakhmatov, Shlyakov, Cherepnin, Istrin, Priselkov, Likhachev, Nasonov, Gippius, Nikon, Yaroslav I
Bogdanov V.P.
The Old Believers' Booklore and Old Believers' books in the 20th-21st Centuries: on the Material of Polemical Works
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 79-88.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68598
The study continues the author's research in the field of the Old Believers' booklore. The widespread interest in this topic is founded primarily by the fact that the Old Believers' culture in many ways grew out of a careful treatment of the ancient book. The general reasons for the topic's development are formulated in the works of N. Y. Bubnov, N. S. Guryanova, I. V. Pozdeeva, N. N. Pokrovsky and others. At the same time, many studies are of a descriptive nature. The suggested by O. N. Bakhtina and E. E. Dutchak approach ("social archaeology") has allowed to tie the questions of the use of one or other monuments by the social environment in which they existed. In the presented article, based on the principles of this approach, the author attempts to trace the changes in the reading circle of the Old Believers in the 18th - 21st centuries. In contrast with the previous article, which was based on an analysis of the content of Old Believers' libraries in the second half of the 20th - 21st centuries, this new work is based on the polemical texts of the Old Believers. To these one can rather conditionally call upon not only the works written as a reaction to the leading discussion, but also the texts of the Old Believers on the history of their agreements. As a rule, the latter were written also as part of a polemical discussion with their opponents. On the basis of the polemical works of the 20th century, created primarily in South Vyatka and Verkhokamye, on the information of field diaries, the author traces the fates of Old Believer scribes and reconstructs their collection of reading. The article shows the transformation of the relationship of different generations of tradition-bearers towards polemical monuments composed by their fellow believers and their perceptions of the information contained in them.
polemical literature, Old Believer faith, Old Believer booklore, reading, expeditions, Verhokamye, South Vyatka, tradition, change, archaeography
Kleytman A.L.
The Activity of Government Agencies in Collecting Information on Russian Regions through the Use of Surveys in 1700-1760s (on the Example of the Lower Volga Region)
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 89-96.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68599
The research subject is the activity of the Russian government agencies on the central and regional levels in 1700-1760s in collecting information necessary for the study of the state’s territories in earth science and historic-cultural spheres, with the help of preparing and sending out particular surveys, as well as the result of this work – reports, answers to the surveys, books written on their basis. During this period scholars began a complex scientific study of Russian territories, with regard to which the named series of questions allows to trace how the development of the new methods of scientific mastering of the territory occurred, how the scientific study of these territories was tied to the actual government policy on the military-political and economic reclamation of the country’s regions. The research was conducted on the basis of the principles of historicism and objectivity with the application of the textual criticism and historic-comparative methods, and the method of systematic analysis. As a result of the conducted research it has been established that in 1700-1710s the collection and comprehension of the information regarding the geography, history, ethnography of Russian regions was carried out in the extreme conditions of constant military operations and implementation of vast government reforms. After the end of the Northern War, which chronologically coincides with the passage of the Tsaritsynskaya Watch Line that reduced the military pressure in the Lower Volga region, as one of the main means to collect information for the study of the region came to be used the distribution of surveys, the answers to which were prepared by the local clerks. The organization of surveys at this time, was primarily connected with the activity of several outstanding scholars, who realized the necessity of composing a general historical and geographical description on the Russian Empire – I. K. Kirillov, V. N. Tatishev, M. V. Lomonosov and G. F. Miller, and was not part of the constantly conducted government policy. Surveying allowed to accumulate information on the Russian regions, including on the Lower Volga region, in the Academy of Sciences and the Senate, but this method of collecting empirical material had a whole series of shortcomings, which under the existing conditions could not be overcome.
local studies, Volga-Don canal, Tsaritsynskaya Watch Line, surveys, Vasiliy Nikitich Tatishev, Gerhard Friedrich Müller, Ivan Kirillovich Kirilov, historiography, Lower Volga region, regional studies
Potkina I.V.
New Approaches to the Study of Legislative Sources during the Period of the First World War
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 97-106.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68600
The article's research object is the body of normative-legislative acts from the period of the First World War, published by the Senate press in the official volumes entitled "the Collection of Laws and Government Regulations". On the basis of this body of sources, counting 9297 regulations, the yearly lists of new laws on national economy were created, brought about by wartime circumstances. Their total number was 1279 documents, which were systematized into eight areas of the state's regulation of the economy: finances, prices, taxation, social sphere, internal market, foreign trade and enemy nationals. The article together with the traditional methods of historical research also uses statistical analysis, for the first time applied to these legislative documents. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is due to the unconventional approaches used on the studied material. Treating normative-legislative acts not as a single source but as a mass source has allowed to avoid the illustrative tendency in analyzing the particularities of economic regulation under emergency circumstances. Furthermore, this has given the opportunity to obtain new knowledge and to formulate conclusions on the substantial corrections to the management model and on the formation of a socially-oriented internal policy.
emergency legislation, government regulation, institutional changes, government regulation, minister order, regulatory act types, decision-making level, strategic management, operational management, First World War
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Musaev V.I.
The Implementation of the Indigenization Policy in the Russian North-West (1920s – 1930s)
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 107-114.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68601
The article deals with the so-called indigenization policy, initiated by the 12th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1923, which provided support for the self-government, language and culture of national minorities. It is considered on the concrete example of the Russian North-West. The unfolding of this policy under the influence of a number of factors, in nature both domestic and external political, occurred in the middle–the second half of the 1930s. For the first time a detailed study of the features of the indigenization policies in this region of the country is offered. The relevance of this kind of research is related to the fact that national issues did not lose their importance in contemporary Russia and that the past experiences of national policy, its achievements, as well as failures must be taken into account in the formation of the current national policy. In this work the author applied the empirical methods of knowledge (classification, analysis), methods of concrete sociological analysis, scientific methods of historical research (statistical, historical and descriptive, retrospective, historical and comparative).
North-West, interethnic relations, national policy, indigenization, local self-government, nationalism, national minorities, Finland, national staff, national written language
Issues of war and peace
Kholodilin K.A., Gerasimov T.Yu.
The Origin of the Housing Crisis and the Fight with its Consequences: Right-Bank Ukraine in 1914-1921
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 115-128.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68602
The object of the current research is the resulting from the First World War housing crisis and the reaction to it by the government. In this article the government's interference in the market of rental housing is examined on the example of Right-Bank Ukraine in 1914-1921. Within the framework of this study the authors identify the factors that prompted the authorities to regulate the relationship between the property owners and the house tenants, trace the changes in the housing laws on the regional and national levels and analyse the effectiveness of the government’s intervention. In this research the authors used the methods of: 1) the analysis of publications in the Ukrainian press from the time of the First World War in order to reveal the acuteness of the housing problem, the property owners' abuse and the attitude towards this issue by society; 2) the analysis and comparison of the legislative acts regulating in 1915-1918 the relations between the homeowners and the tenants. With the help of the second method the authors could identify the changes in the regulation intensity. The topic's novelty lies in it absolutely not being previously studied: despite the fact that Russia was one of the first countries that resorted to this kind of regulation, its origins and mechanism remain a white spot. In particular, the formation on this policy in different regions of the former Russian Empire remain completely unexamined.
government regulations, First World War, Right-Bank Ukraine, tenant protection, refugees, housing issue, housing crisis, daily life, rent control, rental housing market
Issues of war and peace
Babadzhanov Kh.B.
Functioning Problems of the Financial System of Uzbekistan in the Years of the Great Patriotic War
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 129-137.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68603
On the basis of newly introduced into scientific use archival material from the Central State Archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the article studies the almost unexamined in scientific historical literature problem of the financial system of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic during the Second World War. The author examines in depth such aspects as the budget system, the organization and operation of the financial institutions in Uzbekistan, as well as the provision of taxation in the country during the war. Additionally, the author investigates the influence of the taxation system on the population’s quality of life in the republic. In writing the article the author widely used statistical methods, as well as the method of historicism and the approaches of social history. The main conclusions of the conducted study are that from the beginning of the war the economic and financial instability started in the former Soviet Union. Under these conditions the economic system of the USSR mobilised all of its sources in order to finance its military expenditures. The financial system of the former Union, including Uzhekistan, were able to fulfill this task. But the severe economic measures undertaken upset the balance between productivity and production, and also brought about the quick emission of money. The low level of income among the majority of the population, the high rate of taxation, the lack of a sufficient normative and legislative basis of the financial system adversely affected the material side of the population's life.
budget, tax system, finances, military economy, mobilisation of financial resources, military production, inflation, Second World War, USSR
Beliefs, religions, churches
Shalyapin S.O.
Petr Chelishev on the Religious Life in the Northern Governorates during the Reign of Catherine the Great
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 138-145.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68604
The article's research subject is the traditional form of the religious life in the Northern governorates in European Russia during the 18th century, which formed under the conditions of a secular policy of Catherine's reign and which is characterized by multi-confessionalism and relative religious tolerance. The research’s object is the regional particularities of the religious life there, as noted in the travel Diary of P. I. Chelishev in 1791: the spread of Old Believers' faith, the collapse in authority of the traditional Orthodox faith by fault of the local clergy, and the desolation of local monasteries. The author analyzes in detail the passages in the manuscript of P. I. Chelishev which indicated the visible causes for the spiritual decline in the Northern region to the imprudent and inconsistent policy of the government's religious tolerance that did not have clearly positive effects and to the lack of the necessary education of the Northern borderlands. Particular attention is given to the circumstance that P. I. Chelishev, despite being a person who thought in the concepts of the Renaissance period which supported the policies of Catherine II, quite critically assessed the condition of the Russian provinces’ religious life at the end of the 18th century, resulting from Catherine's transformations. His Diary is a rare case of criticism of the government's secularism, stemming not from highest members of clergy, but from the secular side of educated society. The article's main methodology is the combination of narrative (descriptive) and comparative methods. Using the manuscript text of Chelishev's Diary for 1791, containing general information on the religious life on the visited by him governorates, as well as a series of the traveler's original commentaries and conclusions concerning what he saw, the author compares them with the information from other sources (statistical, legislative and others) in an attempt to reveal the degree of representativeness of the information recorded by Chelishev and the particularities of the observer's worldview, who had a unique perspective on the political and religious processes of his time. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the following: the secular epoch of the 18th century brought into the life of the Russian province, beside religious tolerance and withdrawal of the church's property, definite traces of the decline of official Orthodoxy as testified by the degradation of many monasteries, the lowering of the church's authority, the lack of educated clergy; the spread of the Old Believers' faith in the Northern governorates was a consequence not only of the government's liberal position but also the lack of the necessary education of the public, the domination of superstitions and customs; the critical point of view of P. I. Chelished, an educated aristocrat from the close circle of Radishev, in relation to the government policy of religious tolerance, testifies the presence in Russian society at the end of 18th century of a moderate-conservative positions on the issue of the position of religion and the church in society's life. In the weakening of the church's role in the traditional mode of society's life they saw a danger to the state's very foundation, in which they were supported by the majority of the highest members of clergy.
Old Believers, religious tolerance, monasteries, secularism, enlightenment, clergy, Orthodoxy, Russian north
Zharova E.Yu.
The Evolution of Graduation Examinations at Natural Sciences Departments of Physics-Mathematics Faculties of Universities in the Russian Empire (Part 1. Up to the Charter of 1884)
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 146-153.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68605
The focus of this research is placed on the transformation process of graduation exams at natural sciences departments of physics-mathematics faculties of universities in the Russian Empire up to the beginning of the 1880s. It is shown how under the effect of three charters – 1804, 1835 and 1863 – changed the procedure of taking graduation exams and took hold the particular system of so-called faculty examinations, when the decision on which specific subjects and how thoroughly the student of the graduating course will take was decided independently by the faculties, without the participation of the Ministry of Public Education. The research is based, in the first place, on the use of the comparative-historical method and is founded on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The author comes to the conclusion that the beginning of the formation of the system of graduation exams at the universities in the Russian Empire was laid out with the adoption of the charter “Provisions for conferring scientific degrees” in 1819, which added to the already existing degree of candidate of sciences the grade of an enrolled student. All this led to students finishing universities having to pass a graduation exam in order to have advantages in service and the right to the rank of the IVth class in the Table of Ranks. The final development of the system of the graduation exam is linked to the activity of minister S. S. Uvarov, when the new university charter and the new “Provisions” were adopted, while the Charter of 1863 and the “Provisions” of 1864 preserved the usual system of final faculty examinations.
physics-mathematics faculties, university charter, enrolled student, candidate, Ministry of Public Education, degree conferral, natural sciences departments, Russia Empire, universities, graduation examination
Babich I.L.
The Lost Moscow of Churches (the History of the Moscow Chapel with the Miraculous Icon of the Savior Mandylion by the Moskvoretsky Bridge)
// History magazine - researches.
2017. № 1.
P. 154-162.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68606
The article's research subject is the chapel in Moscow which housed for several centuries the miraculous icon of the Savior (the Merciful) Mandylion. The chapel is part of the Moscow-region monastery of Voznesenskaya Davidova Pustyn' (today Chehovskiy region). The research object is the history of this chapel from the 18th century to the 1920s. During the Soviet years, at the time of the nationalization of church properties, began the ownership fight over the miraculous icon in which took part several sides: the Soviet authorities, the monastic authorities, the congregation and the Gregorians. The chapel changed several times its status during the 1920s. The icon went missing at the end of the 1920s. This article traces, on the basis of the introduction of new archival material extracted by the author from the Central State Archive in Moscow, the history of the chapel and the icon, in which it was housed from the second half of the 18th century to the end of the 1920s. This is the first article dedicated to the history of the chapel by the Moskvoretsky Bridge and to the search of the holy object. The author collected all of the existing archival material at the disposal of scientists on this subject and through the method of historical reconstruction presented the history of the life of the named chapel. On the basis of archival material for the first time introduced into scientific study, the author describes the history of the chapel by the Moskvoretsky Bridge from the end of the 18th century to the 1920s and the fate of the venerated icon of the Savior Mandylion housed in it.
Savior, monastery, Nikitin, Zamoskvorechye, archive, merchants, Moscow, icon, chapel