Citations count: 8
Mysovskikh L.O. —
The Writer and Existentialism: Fiction as a means of expressing existential ideas
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.4.37743 URL:
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The article examines the existential paradigm in fiction through the prism of the literary theory of the French philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre. The author explores the relationship between the writer and the reader in their social context. It is argued that the task of a literary critic is mainly to study the writer's technique. The task of a philosophical critic can be defined as the study of the metaphysics of a writer. Writers need the freedom of the reader for their work to exist authentically. Without this, they will cease to exist as authors, and their works will be in obscurity. Literature is an ideal means for both the writer and the reader to realize their own freedom and each other's freedom.  The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Sartre's ideas are still relevant today. As the concepts of nationality and belonging are being revised and changed, the process of globalization is underway, Sartre's theories allow critics to contextualize writers beyond such obvious boundaries. Today it seems interesting to find out whether Sartre's ideas about existentialism and literature can be applied to writers and their work in such a way that the "critic" can analyze both the metaphysics of the novelist and his artistic technique, and, moreover, assess his role in society and beyond. In the light of Sartre's theories, literature is the most appropriate way by which a person can realize and change society. The theories of literature and existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre can be applied to identify and analyze existential concepts in a wide variety of works of fiction, including retrospectively, which is demonstrated in this article by the example of Russian writers – M. Y. Lermontov and F. M. Dostoevsky.
Citations count: 4
Suleymanova O.A., Petrova I.M. —
Explanatory Potential of the Theory of Classies for Linguistic Research: Word Order in Attributive Group
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 52 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26758 URL:
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The subject of this research is the theory of classes from the point of view of its ability to exlain the word order in attributive group. The object of the research is the cognitive mechanisms that influence the word order in attributive group. The authors of the article demonstrate that each new object that arises in a speaker's area of interest is reffered to a certain class by the speaker based on particular relevant characteristics. The position of adjective in attributive group in relation to noun is determined by the importance of this particular class of words for a speaker at a particular point of his or her speech. Thus, the more important this class of words is for a speaker, the closer adjective is located to noun. The research methodology is based on the analysis of experimental data obtained by the researcher through using the Google search. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses an innovative linguistic experiment that allows to demonstrate how the word order depends on classes of words individually ranked by a speaker. By using the experimental material on the basis of the Google search, the authors have demonstrated and proved that aforesaid pattern and underlined some cultural features of attributive groups in the Russian and English languages.
Citations count: 4
Severina E.M., Larionova M.C. —
New philological practices: semantic edition of A. P. Chekhov’s texts
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 13 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.10.33970 URL:
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The authors present the concept of semantic digital publication of A. P. Chekhov's texts, giving special attention to the research project Chekhov Digital implemented in Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The goal of the project consists in creation of semantic marling of the compilation of writer’s works supported by the standards for digital publication Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) that allows presenting the text in format that can be processed by a computer, as well as the standards for electronic format of Russian-language literary texts displayed in the Semantic edition of the texts of L. N. Tolstoy. The crucial task of the project consists in provision of digital tools useful for the researchers, including convenient semantic search, statistical processing and visualization tools. The main source is the Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov in 30 volumes (1974-1983). Currently, a preliminary structure of markup is developed for some categories that exist in Chekhov's texts, notes, commentaries, and description of the volumes of Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov, which arranging semantic search of information, make editorial notes computer-readable, and more adjusted to studying not only the traditional approach, but also computer methods. It is underlined that text markup would expand due to inclusion of new categories; and the semantic edition itself would broaden its network due to inclusion of reference and editorial-peered texts that are beyond the scope of the Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov. Semantic edition Chekhov Digital gives grounds for a new type of commentary that incorporates meanings and facts, complicates and enriches the interpretation of text. Such edition is valuable for the researchers, pedagogues, students, and audience interested in the topic.
Citations count: 3
Shorova M.B., Borieva M.K., Tekueva A.A. —
The role of mass media in the development of intercultural communication in the context of digitalization
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 38 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.2.69924 EDN: VRSZCP URL:
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The subject of the study is the definition of the role of mass media in the development of intercultural communication in the context of digitalization. Intercultural communication in the modern world is actively developing in the context of globalization, and is also being significantly transformed through the mass application of information and digital technologies. The promotion of intercultural dialogue in order to form an understanding and acceptance of the specifics and identity of different cultures remains unchanged. The article formulates the author's definition of the meaningful characteristics of the role of the media in the development of intercultural communication through the prism of two main aspects of their functioning in this area: the transmission of socio-cultural values and traditions, as well as coverage of issues arising in the process of intercultural dialogue. Attention is focused on the complex nature of the influence exerted, which is manifested in the implementation of a number of functions by the media (educational, organizational and integration). Through a systematic analysis, the current state of intercultural communication has been studied, and the use of a structural and functional method has made it possible to determine the role of the media in the development of intercultural communication. Based on the application of empirical methods (observation, comparison, etc.), current trends in the functioning of the media in the context of digitalization have been identified. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that it takes into account the impact of the large-scale dissemination of information and digital technologies in the media, which significantly increases the availability of relevant materials to the public, and the degree of involvement of the media in the development of intercultural communication. The role of the media in the development of intercultural communication in the context of digitalization is determined, since the process of mass media dissemination currently has significant specifics and is important for the formation of a modern person's worldview. According to the results of the study, the authors conclude that the activity of the media in the context of digitalization, characterized by the transition to the Internet space, is of crucial importance for the development of intercultural communication. Conclusions and suggestions can be used in the development and reading of theoretical and practical courses on intercultural communication.
Citations count: 3
Kornienko E. —
Idiolect and Idiostyle: the Correlation of Terms
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 265 - 271.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.28871 URL:
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The article presents a theoretical research of the terms 'idiolect' and individual style or 'idiostyle'. The author fo the article outlines the problems in the sphere of studying the phenomenon of idiostyle and idiolect that need to be solved such as differentiatio between conventional and individual, the use of idiostyle outside creative writing, quantitative features of idiostyle, etc. The author offers a classification of idiostyle aspects such as cultural historical, genre, psycholinguistic, cognitive, axiological, systems structural, linguopoetical, semantic stylistical, etc. The author demonstreates that the communicative-stylistic (pragmatic) parameter is the most important for creating an individual style. To create the idiostyle model, the researcher defines the writer's intentions in the texts under study. The main instrument for the differentiation between terms is the terminological line 'linguistic personality - speech personality - communication personality'. The image of the writer is the result of his or her use of the idiostyle as part of text and intra-textual relations. The practical realisation of the communicative stylistic aspect is demonstrated based on the analysis of a creative legacy of a journalist, publisher and Russian educator of the XVIIIth century N. I. Novikov. The idiostyle is viewed as the key characteristic of the authorship and a result of targeted writing activity.
Citations count: 3
Vlasova Y., Vavichkina T. —
The Range of Problems Raised by Khani Nakshabandi in His Novel 'Confession of an Arab Woman'
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 158 - 168.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28208 URL:
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The subject of the research is the range of problems raised by a Saudi writer Nakshabandi in his new social novel 'Confession of an Arab Woman' (2007). Nakshabandi analyzes the gender topic and problems that arise between men and women in the West and East. The writer describes and compares their mentalities and raises the problem of inequal rights of men and women in Saudia Arabia. The writer discusses the free choice as an issue, casts light on the home violence experienced by Arab women, and brings forth the topic of women's loneliness. Using the methods of the historical analysis and systems analysis, the researchers prove that the problems raised by the writer are important and nettlesome for the Arabian society. As the main conclusion of the research, the authors of the article emphasize the need to change the patriarchal society of Saudi Arabia. Nakshabandi blames zealous muslims for being hypocritical and misrepresenting their ignorance as demonstrated religiosity. It is concluded that the main hero of the novel, Sarah, is a typical woman of the Arabic East who suffers from severe Shariat laws. Before death she sends off her biography to a journalist Khisham who becomes a critic of the Saudi Arabian society.
Citations count: 3
Zhavoronkov D. —
Writer and Critic: Letters of Mikhail Menshikov to Lev Tolstoy in the 1890s - Early 1900s
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 75 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26881 URL:
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The subject of the research is the correspondence of Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov, one of the most affluential Russian journalists, with Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, in relation to their ideology, creative writing and correspondence. The object of the research is the letters written by the journalist and the writer. The purpose of the article is to analyze the corpus of the letters exchanged by Tolstoy and Menshikov, to define the range of the main themes and topics discussed by those two, and to refer them to their biographies and historical period. As a journalist, Menshikov admired Tolstoy which allowed their contemporaries and researchers to consider him as an adherent of the writer. Meanwhile, Menshikov critized Tolstoy in 1900s. When writing this article, the author has practiced the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, determinism, viewing views and positions of Menshikov and Tolstoy in relation to the realities of their epoch. In his research Zhavoronkov has also used both general and special research methods typical for history and philology researches, in particular, comparative historical and problem-oriented chronological analysis. The author has also applied biographical and historical psychological methods. Based on the analysis of the correspondence between Mikhail Menshikov and Lev Tolstoy, most of their letters being discussed in the academic literature for the first time, the author proves that the journalist was not a 'blind' adherent of Tolstoy, disagreed with the great Russian writer on some points and even disputed with him in their letters. The results of this analysis have also uncovered circumstances of Lev Tolstoy publishing his article 'Hunger or Non-Hunger' which he asked Mikhail Menshikov to publish.
Citations count: 2
Latiypova Y.A., Spodarets O.O., Vorob'eva O.V. —
The Concept in the Cognitive-Synergetic Aspect
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 11 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.12.39507 EDN: SPOGIJ URL:
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The article considers the concept from a cognitive-synergetic standpoint. The concept is an open, dissipative, non-linear, fractal structure, the development of which is based on the law of spiral fractality and self-similarity. The concept evolves according to the recursive principle, goes in a circle, returning to the starting point on a new round of evolution. The origin of the concept is based on both external necessity and internal need. By the formation of a concept we mean its transition from the mental area, to the language area, and then to the speech area. The concept arises in consciousness in the form of a virtual image as a result of perceptual perception of reality, and is updated, stored in the language and embodied in speech. The concept strives for perfection, but never reaches it, reaching its peak, it starts the process of evolution again in new conditions.
Citations count: 2
Gordova Y. —
Comprehensive study of the toponymic landscape of the local territory: the area of the Ryazan villages of Dyadkovo and Vyshgorod
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 47 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.3.36812 URL:
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The subject of the study is the toponymy of the Ryazan district of the Ryazan region, which belongs to one of the concentration zones of the Old Russian toponymy of the region. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive survey of the toponymic landscape of the Ryazan villages of Dyadkovo – Vyshgorod with the identification of the most ancient layer of local names, their linguistic and chronological attribution. The sources of the material are Russian chronicles, scribal books, historical and modern topographic maps, as well as data from the author's toponymic expedition of 2021. In the analysis of the material, etymological, structural-semantic, formant, areal methods, the method of comparing linguistic, archaeological, geographical and historical data are used. The novelty of the research lies in the collection and systematization of the modern toponymy of the studied area, a comprehensive description of the Old Russian group of toponyms, identification of links with the territories of earlier Slavic settlement. It is established that the toponymy of this area does not reveal traces of a toponymic substrate, which indicates that the territory was fully developed in the past by the ancient Russian population.
The etymology of the names is related to the traditional Slavic geographical terminology (city ‘fortified settlement’, Vyshegorod ‘fortified settlement on a hill’ or ‘city laid upstream from another city’, bystrets ‘small river with a fast current’, raka ‘river with a narrow channel and high steep banks'), Slavic terms kinship or Old Russian namesake (uncle "father's or mother's brother", personal name Uncle). The existing etymologies of names that go back to geographical terms are confirmed by the geographical realities of the area. The appellatives of Ryazan toponyms reveal areal connections with the territories of the basins of the Dnieper, Dniester, Desna, the Carpathian zone, and toponyms – with the Kiev toponymy.
The study confirms the importance of conducting toponymic expeditions in the comprehensive study of the toponymic landscape of local territories, even taking into account temporary changes in relief, fauna and hydrographic network.
The results of the study are of interest for historical lexicography, regional and interregional toponymy, toponymic cartography.
Citations count: 2
Komkov A.V. —
World as the Will and World as the Beauty. Reception of Ontological Elements of Arthur Schopenhauer's Philosophical Picture of the World in Afanasy Fet's Writings
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 83 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.25844 URL:
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In his article Komkov analyzes the influence of Arthur Schopenhauer's irrational philosophy on Afanasy Fet's poetry. To define Afanasy Fet's attitude to Arthur Schopenhauer's teaching, the author of the article studies the correspondence of the Russian poet with Yakov Poklonsky and Lev Tolstoy. Based on the analysis of the poem 'Among Stars', the author analyzes the creative interpretation of Arthur Schopenhauer's ideas by Afanasy Fet. The researcher focuses on the comparitive description of ontological paradigms of the Russian poet and German philosopher. As a conclusion, the author emphasizes the correlation of the World as the Will and the World as the Beauty in Afanasy Fet's world view. The methodological basis of the research implies the use of possibilities offered by the systems approach, historical cultural, comparative historical and receptive aesthetic analysis. In his poetry Afanasy Fet used a lot of elements of the German philosopher's concept and picture of the world. Nevertheless, Afanasy Fet was an independent philosopher who maintained his ontological position in the face of the blind will that was viewed as the highest force in Schopenhauer's philosophy. Fet's poem presents an ontological paradigm in which he goes beyond Schopenhauer and views beauty as the idea of harmony that enables the fair fight with the universal loneliness and evil will.
Citations count: 2
Mankovskaya N.B. —
Painting and Poetry: the Problem of Priorities. The Dispute Between Josephin Peladan and Leonardo da Vinci
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 40 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.1.21473 URL:
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The subject of the research is the fundamental aesthetic problem of arts classification. Mankovskaya pays special attention to disputes around the relationship between painting and poetry held by Josephin Peladan, an outstanding representative of the mysticism branch of French symbolism, and Leondardo da Vinci. In her research Mankovskaya covers such overarching issues as art and science, art and nature, aesthetic contemplation, mimesis, synthesis of art, artist, creativity, gift, genius, canon, beautiful, sublime, ugly, aesthetic perception that Peladan used to fundamentally oppose to the main idea of Leondardo's 'A Treatise on Painting'. Peladan defended the primacy of poetry and literature in general over fine arts. To prove his point of view, Peladan successively dissaproved of Leonardo's main theses. Considering that the present research has many aspects, the researcher has applied a number of methodological approaches such as philosophical-aesthetical approach, art history analysis, comparative and interdisciplinary methods. The main conclusion of the research is the author's statement that Peladan's concept of art life is marked with his belief in metaphysical essence of art and his anagogic mission defining mystic symbolic hermeneutics as the method of art history studies. As for the dispute about the relationship between arts and principles of their classification, it is an important issue even today and still far from being completed. There are new arts being created such as technical arts (photography, cinematograph, video art, virtual art, etc.) and their list is still to be continued. What is the relationship between them and how are they related to classical arts taking into account contemporary interest in art genres and branches mix? This is the problem that is worthy of further analysis. The author's special contribution to the topic is that Mankovskaya performs her research based on original material. She introduces aspects of French symbolism that have never been studied before. Josephin Peladan's views on aesthetics and metaphysics of art are studied in Russian science for the first time.
Citations count: 2
Zenkevich I.V. —
Factors that Form Interest in Studying the Russian Language in the USA
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 99 - 106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30343 URL:
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The subject of the research is the prefaces to Russian language study books written by American authors for the US audience. The author of the article analyzes these prefaces for motivational information the authors of study books decided to include in order to encourage American students to study Russian. The object of the research is motivation or factors that may form interest in studying Russian. The author of the article divides these factors into categories depending on language peculiarities and countries where Russian is an official language. The research methods used by the author include the continuous sampling method, analysis of information from prefaces, synthesis and classification. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes prefaces to Russian study books written by American authors for American students and examines motivational factors for studying Russian in the USA. The author concludes that all these factors can be divided into culturological, linguistical, geopolitical, social and scientific. The author of the article also suggests that at this stage of relationship between our countries, these factors must play the key role in promotion of studies of Russian in the USA.
Citations count: 2
Khakimova G. —
To the question on the efficiency of Greek-Latin terminological elements within the German veterinary system of terms
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.3.32617 URL:
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The subject of this research is the auxiliary terminological elements of Greek-Latin origin, determined by the author at the current state of study from the German one-word veterinary terms. The article considers the problem of word creation within the veterinary terminological system of German language using the terminological material of classical languages. The goal consists in identification of the most efficient morphological ways of word creation based on affixation, derivational activity of auxiliary Greek-Latin terminological elements in creation of derivative veterinary terms in German language, as well as review of the semantics of most frequent initial and completive terminological elements. Based on the analysis of the corpus of factual material, the author concludes that the most efficient out of morphological ways of derivatives of nouns and adjectives is the prefix-suffix method. The novelty of this research consists in determination of the most frequent initial and completive auxiliary terminological elements in German veterinary sublanguage among one-word derivatives.
Citations count: 2
Kuzmina A.A. —
The specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 89 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.5.35560 URL:
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This article examines the specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia (Yukaghirs, Evens, Evenks, Yakuts) of the Soviet period. The goal consists in studying the specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period and tracing the dynamics of development of such representations. The subject of this research is the geocultural images that characterize the attributes of cold, such as “cold”, “winter”, “snow”, “ice”, “permafrost”. The study leans on works of the scholars dedicated to examination of the folklore worldview, “northern text”, anthropology and conceptology of the cold, and the questions of mythopoeia. The author employs linguoculturological, cultural-historical, semiotic, and geopoetic approaches. The novelty of this research consists in comprehensive examination of the peculiarities of representations on geocultural images with attributes of the cold and extensive coverage of the folklore and literary material based on the folklore materials and literature of the Indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period. It is revealed that the indigenous peoples of Yakutia have different representations on these natural phenomena. In the folklore worldview, the representations on the cold mostly have negative connotation. The Yakut national literature of the early XX century adhered to the canons of the traditional worldview, and since the second half of the XX century, the severe climate of the North started to be perceived as something unique and positive. The acquired results can be applied in the field of folklore studies, literary studies, and anthropology in examination of the peculiarities of cultural texts of the North and the Arctic.
Citations count: 2
Nerents D.V. —
New approaches towards creating journalistic content in the US media
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 48 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36115 URL:
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Media convergence and digital revolution have become the reason of the important transformation processes that affected the editorial offices of all mass media. Constant information flow, public access to foreign media resources contributed to an unprecedented struggle for the audience. At the same time, the development of new technologies and software prompts the journalists to draw attention to the new opportunities and prospects that open up due to this. The subject of this research is the modern approaches towards interaction between the journalists and journalist with their audience, as well as use of technological capabilities within the framework of creating journalistic materials in the US mass media. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to explore and systematize the new approaches towards creating media content that have emerged in the United States in the first half of the XXI century due to information and communication technologies and globalization of the information space, and commence to appear in Russia. Such research would allow to not only reveal the peculiarities of implementation of new techniques and methodologies in the US journalism, but also to see the development trends of the Russian journalism, since the experience of foreign colleagues has been used for decades. In conclusion, the author highlights the shift in priorities of the journalists, who prefer cooperation in creating large-scale resonance projects, rather than competition. Moreover, livening up the audience allows the journalists to involve it to creation of media content, and artificial intelligence may significantly reduce the time and financial costs to produce journalistic stories.
Citations count: 2
Minova M.V., Mamukina G.I., Kazimirova I.S., Dolgova E.G., Fedorova A.V. —
Formation of new phraseologisms as word creation
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 40 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.6.38232 URL:
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This article is devoted to the review of the main ways of increasing the phraseological units of the language in the context of word creation. The purpose of this article is to study phraseological neologisms as one of the forms of word creation in the lexical system of English, Spanish, French and Russian languages, as well as to identify the main trends in the formation and functioning of new phraseological units. The research is based on lexicographic, descriptive, comparative methods, as well as lexico-semantic analysis and the continuous sampling method. The peculiarities of the formation of phraseological neologisms are illustrated by numerous examples in English, Spanish, French and Russian from modern media, blogs and social networks. The scientific novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the emergence of new phraseologisms in different languages. Phraseological neologisms can either be an integral part of the vocabulary of a particular language, or have only a temporary, momentary, occasional character. The conducted research has shown that in the creation of new phraseologisms, certain samples are most often used, and the most productive ways are borrowing phraseological units, the formation of new phraseologisms by analogy and the creation of author's phraseological neologisms. Of particular interest are cases when the source of new phraseologisms are the titles of books and films, as well as the lyrics of songs.
Citations count: 2
Gorchakova O.Y., Larionova A.V., Aleksandrova Y.K., Petrov E.Y. —
The peculiarities of sociopolitical news discourse on the example of regional news public pages in the social network VKontakte
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.3.35234 URL:
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The subject of this research is the news content of public pages in the social network VKontakte. The goal consists in examination of peculiarities of organization of the regional news discourse, comparison of Tomsk and Novosibirsk news public pages. For achieving the set goal, the article employs the methods of qualitative (manual coding and machine learning) and quantitative data processing (content analysis, thematic analysis, psycholinguistic analysis). The empirical material contains regional news reports on sociopolitical topics, available for public viewing in the social network VKontakte (Tomsk and Novosibirsk). Analysis is conducted on the 3,786 postings in Novosibirsk and 887 postings in Tomsk. The author determines peculiarities and differences of media consumption depending on the region. It is noted that the federal news enjoy greater popularity among the users of the social network VKontakte; Tomsk residents are more concerned with the news reports covering regional events. The article reveals the specifics of creating news content characterized by the tendency towards narrativization of the news discourse. The prevalent narrative strategy of the media authors of regional news public pages consists in factual interpretation of the material with responses of high-ranking officials, authorized representatives of various structures, as well as regular persons (their opinions and attitudes, value judgments).
Citations count: 2
Grunina Y.A., Terentieva E.D. —
Russian School of Poetic Translation: the path from letter to Image
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 80 - 91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.6.38329 EDN: UDJUQF URL:
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The subject of the research in the article are the principles of literary translation of foreign authors in our country. The object of the research are the works of famous Soviet and Russian translators of foreign literature, as well as the views on the translation art of such outstanding researchers as K. I. Chukovsky, I. A. Kashkin, S. F. Goncharenko, A.V. Fedorov, E. G. Etkind, etc. Special attention is paid to the problem of translating folk speech. As an example, the authors of the article consider translations of the "Poem about One Day" by the Spanish poet and thinker Antonio Machado, made by I. Tynyanova and N. Gorskaya. Biographical, descriptive and cultural-historical methods were used in the work. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of two versions of the translation of one of the works of A. Machado is carried out. The relevance of this article is due to the importance of the problems of literary translation in Russian culture, the insufficient level of research of A. Machado's creative heritage in Russian Spanish studies and the lack of a detailed analysis of translations of his works into Russian. The main conclusions of the work confirm the refusal of domestic translators of foreign poetry from the "literalist" approach to translation, the desire to convey the spirit, images, and rhythm of the poetic text by means of the native language. This is also confirmed by the comparison of two ways of transmitting live folk colloquial speech in the analyzed translations.
Citations count: 2
Osovskii O.E., Kirzhaeva V.P. — They Ascribe to me...: the Disputed Texts in Bakhtin Studies of the Late 1980s - 1990s
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 156 - 168.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.27297 URL:
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The subject of the research is Bakhtin heritage reception in Russian literary studies of the late 1980s - 1990s. That was the period when researchers came close to the problem of so called 'disputed texts' using new approaches of literary studies and other humanities. The object of the research is the polemics about the authorship of Medvedev-Voloshinov corpus of texts. The authors of the article analyze arguments of protagonists and opponents of the point of view that the texts were written by Mikhail Bakhtin. Based on the traditions of academic literary studies, experience in textual analysis, and case studies technique, the authors offer a complex method of viewing the aforesaid problem in the historico-literary and sociocultural terms. Keeping in mind that for many decades there has been a tradition to think of Bakhtin as the author of 'the disputed texts', memoirs published in 1990 and a great number of researches including those that were not so famous allow the authors of the article to conclude that already in late 1990s a Russian expert in Bakhtin studies N. Nikolaev offered a model and text analysis methods that proved the authorship of Mikhail Bakhtin.
Citations count: 2
Demiral H. —
Estrangement and Loneliness of the Man of Culture as the Matter of Artistic Introspection in Vladimir Makanin's Novel 'She-One and He-One'
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 66 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27390 URL:
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This article is devoted to the estrangement of a modern representative of intelligentsia in Vladimir Makanin's novel 'She-One and He-One'. Demiral talks about the process of estrangement of an intelligent from the society under the influence of modern circumstances, and his changed relations and attitudes to others as a result. This research implies psychological and social analysis of the image of a member of the intelligentsia. Demiral focuses on the philosophical message of loneliness of a member of the intelligentsia in a modern society. In his research Demiral discusses the principle of Makanin's narration which is the principle of the mirror of composition elements. As a result of his analysis, the researcher comes to an interesting conslusion that culture and life, literature and reality in Vladimir Makanin's novel 'She-One and He-One' swap places. The writer who describes the lives of his prototypes and thinks about loneliness comes to the conclusion that he is lonely, too.
Citations count: 2
Shelomentsev M.A. —
Metaphoric Models in the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly for 2016 as a Method to Present the Reality
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.1.22274 URL:
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The object of our research is the metaphoric models that can be found in the political discourse. The subject of our research is not only general but also specific peculiarities and patterns that are used by Vladimir Putin to describe the reality in his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly for 2016. The author of the present article examines such aspects of the topic as peculiarities of metaphorization in the political discourse. Special attention is paid to the role of the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly in creating the metaphoric reality. The methodology of the present research is based on George Lakoff's and Mark Johnson's idea about the conceptual metaphor based on the cognitive discourse paradigm. The main conclusion of the research is that the great variety and particularities of metaphoric models allow not only to change the contents and methods of presenting messages and the meaning of Vladimir Putin's political discourse but also make his speech more expressive and convincing. Thus, metaphoric models allow to demonstrate the variety of means to present the reality in the political discourse.
Citations count: 2
Surovtseva S.I., Salimova I.M. —
Concerning the Component Analysis of Temporal Phraseological Prepositions
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 191 - 196.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28189 URL:
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The subject of the research is the phraseological prepositions of temporal semantics. The aim of this research is to carry out a component analysis and comparison of phraseological prepositions in the Russian and French languages. Within the framework of this research, the author has studied components of adverbs and verbal adverbs. The empirical basis of the research is the original card catatologue of phraseological prepositions of temporal semantics. The cases of how these prepositions are used were taken from the National Corpus of the Russian Language and National Corpus of the French Language. Based on the results of the practical research, the authors conclude that adverb components are quite often used in the Russian language. In the course of their research the authors have used the following methods: component analysis, descriptive method including elements of analysis, comparison and generalisation. The main conclusion of the research is that adverb components are frequently used in Russian while more rarely used in French. The authors describe semantic features of phraseological prepositions with adverb and verbal adverb components in Russian and adverb component of infinitives in French.
Citations count: 2
Lyubimov N.I. —
Mythopoetic image of silver in the philosophical lyrics of Zoya Dudina
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 73 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.7.36066 URL:
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Within the framework of studying the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, this article analyzes the mythopoetic image of silver in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina. Based on the compilation of poems “Kuanyshym, Kuem Ondal...” (joyful to hug a birch tree… (2012), the author determines the semantics and article functions of this image, which represents the philosophical view and perception of the world of the poetess that in a certain way characterizes the lyrical heroine. From such perspective, the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is examines for the first time. The research methodology employs structural-semantic analysis of the literary works, which allowed describing the structural-semantic aspects the image of silver, revealing the authorial concept of the world and man, as well as the character of the lyrical heroine. It is proven that the Mari poetess Zoya Dudina consistently refers to the image of silver in her lyrics. For the poetess, silver is not a precious metal, which attracts people as jewelry, it is a mythopoetic image, the semantics of which is interrelated with the traditional (pagan) culture of the Mari people. Most of the time, this image is depicted within the structure of the natural picture, and reflects the view and perception of the lyrical heroine; it impersonates natural purity, nobility, faithful love, strong friendship, good intentions, unity the of man, nature, and the traditions. It is also underlined that in the mythological context for the lyrical heroine, silver can even resemble the mood.
Citations count: 2
Karaban' N.A., Dikareva A.V. —
Verbal Aggression in Internet Communication
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.25581 URL:
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The object of the research is Internet communication as a new sphere of language functioning. The subject of the research is the methods of expressing verbal aggression on the Internet. The authors of the article pay special attention to new forms of verbal behavior that are specific for virtual communication, these are flame, flood and trolling. Based on the example of two genres of Internet communication, forum and commentaries, the authors of the article analyze specific expressions of verbal aggression in virtual environment, describe what causes users' aggression and offer ways to prevent it. The source of the reserach is non-specialized forums and newspaper websites deoted to various topics and nettlesome issues the majority of citizens concern about. By using the method of continuous sampling, the authors have chosen over 500 polylogue discussions of a conflict nature. Verbal aggression is a complex phenomenon that still remains understudied despite a great number of researches in various branches of knowledge. On the Internet verbal aggression is not only frequently met but has also acquired new forms of expression. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors describe new verbal phenomena that needs to be further studied and systematized.
Citations count: 2
Bardamova E.A. —
Corner within the Russian linguistic worldview
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 257 - 264.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31347 URL:
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This article analyzes one of the fragments of Russian spatial worldview on the example of the lexeme of corner. Relevance of this research is defined by the fact that corner within the Russian linguoculture represents a specific method of verbalization of spatial objects and relations alongside other means of supplying information about space. The indicated lexeme, as the entire spatial lexis, demonstrates the ability to serve for marking other semantic ideas. Attention is given to stereotypical representations of the Russian native speakers on the corner that objectifies not only the geometric conceptualization of space, but also cognitive interrelation of the basic spatial objects. The research material contains the dictionary definitions of the main lexicographic sources of the modern Russian language, data of etymological dictionaries, information on the word corner in the Russian language as a system reflected in the Russian National Corpus. For solving the tasks of interpretation of semantic minimum of the indicated lexeme, the author used the following methods: descriptive method, sememic analysis, cognitive interpretation in terms of the cognitive-semantic approach. The article presents the results of studying Russian National Corpus, demonstrating that corner manifests as a nomination of place, district, region, dwelling or its par, locus of potential danger, vector of chaotic movement, etc. The novelty consists in the reflection of semantic and communicative-pragmatic peculiarities of the lexical-semantic variation of lexical unit. It is proven that corner is a source of figurative filling and development of the indirectly derivative nomination. The analysis allowed establishing both, lexicographically determinable semantic zones, as well as usual.
Citations count: 2
Gerasimova S.A. —
The formation of the scientific identity of J. L. D'Alembert and his contribution to the development of literary genres of the XVIII century
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 19 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.8.38171 EDN: YGVWDG URL:
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The article aims to analyze the reception of the personality of J. L. D'Alembert, a French educator, scientist and writer of the XVIII century, to identify the ways of formation of his multifaceted scientific identity. The name of J. L. D'Alembert belongs to science, philosophy and literature, the extraordinary biography of the scientist is considered in the socio-cultural context of the time, in close connection with the development of the humanities in France of the XVIII century. The question of the attitude of J. L. D'Alembert to encyclopedists who did not stand aside from the literary processes of their time is clarified. The appeal to the biographical method helps to identify the role of cultural and social factors in the formation of the personality of J. L. D'Alembert as a writer and creator of a number of literary genres. The scientific novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive analysis of the scientist's contribution to the development of scientific and literary genres of that time - preliminary reasoning, elogies, an encyclopedic article, which became a historical and literary phenomenon of the Enlightenment era. The study of the work of J. L. D'Alembert allows us to identify him as a versatile personality who possessed communicative leadership and encyclopedic dominance. It is interesting to study the reverse impact of the personality of J. L. D'Alembert on the socio-cultural situation of the period of his scientific and literary creativity. The result of the study is the identification of four "passionate phases" of the biography of J. L. D'Alembert, the stages of the formation of the scientist, which contributed to his self-identification as a person: achievements in mathematics and hydrodynamics, inclusion in the circle of the academic scientific elite, the creation of an "Encyclopedia" and cooperation with D. Diderot, literary activity and scientific and artistic understanding of science.
Citations count: 1
Akayeva K.A. —
Complex Characteristic of Classical Mechanics Terminological System as a Fundamental Terminological System (Based on the Material of the Modern English Language)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 125 - 139.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.3.23461 URL:
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In her article Akaeva gives a complex characteristic of classical mechanics terminological system drawing on the material of the modern English language. An attempt is made to describe the corpus of classical mechanics terminological system as a fundamental terminological system on the basis of the elaborated criteria of differentiation of terminological systems verbalizing fundamental and applied knowledge. The author studies the correlation of the notions «terminology» and «terminological system», analyzes the peculiarities of terminological zones of classical and quantum mechanics as parts of physics. During the research the corpus of the Russian- and English-language classical mechanics terms of the total amount of 1350 units of each language taken by the method of continuous selection from special texts on the topic in question is analyzed. The following methods have been used during the research: the methods of contextual and component analysis, reconstruction of structural, word-formative and semantic models of the lexical units under study, and quantitative and statistical processing of data. As a result of the research the author comes to the conclusion that the corpus of the English- and Russian-language terms verbalizing scientific notions of classical mechanics is a separate terminological system, the constituent parts of which are closely interrelated and used for the formulation of laws, theories, theorems, rules, principles within the conception. Classical mechanics terminological system is mainly of fundamental character and has a number of general and particular features of terminological systems. The character of terminological system to a certain extent influences on the formed structural and semantic, as well as cognitive peculiarities of terminological units, on the selection of terminological elements in the process of terminological nomination and determines the specificity of use of terms in certain genres of scientific discourse.
Citations count: 1
Minasian S. —
Grotesque Coding of the Attitude toward the Occupation of France in First Novels of Boris Vian
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 168 - 178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29401 URL:
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The subject of the study is the grotesque reflections of the occupation period in France in first novels Of Boris Vian. The shocking news about the payments of pensions to collaborators of the Nazi regime to the present day makes us turn again to the topic of the occupation of European countries in the Second World War and actualizes the reflection of this period in the literature. These considerations determined the choice of the author by considering the work of Boris Vian. Firstly, the first novels by Vian were created directly during the occupation of France, and secondly, a writer is known for his non-engagement. For this reason, many scholars of Vian's art do not give a proper evaluation of his political views, describing him as a dreamer, cut off from the war by lively parties and jazz. The methodology of the work is determined by the tradition of historical and literary research: the writer's work is examined in connection with the literary and socio-political process of the era. The novelty of the research is due to the decoding of the deep meanings of the civil identity of the writer encoded in comic grotesque, pataphysically constructed world of his first works. The author of the article concludes that such violent desire to make the reader laugh in his first novels, which reaches a grotesque limit, looks like an attempt, if not to laugh in order not to cry, then certainly to laugh in order not to think. It is shown that Vian will carry the awareness of the war through his entire life even being cut off by non-engagement. The rebellious tendencies encoded in his first novels and which have not received the worthy embodiment in real acts, invisibly become the reason of duality of the personality of the writer, and in some cases and are frankly expressed in his creativity.
Citations count: 1
Vlasova Y., Vavichkina T. —
The role of snow in the novel by Kafa Al-Zoobi “Leila, Snow and Lyudmila”
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 57 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31627 URL:
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The subject of this research is the role of snow in a psychological novel of the modern Jordanian writer Kafa Al-Zoobi “Leila, Snow and Lyudmila” (2010). The author describes the relationship issues between a man and a woman in the East and West; compares the Arab and Russian mentalities; raises a problem of happiness in the era of changes; underlines the problem of loneliness of our contemporary. The snow personifies a rampant, erratic and free male beginning. It is a symbol of the cold northern country, where all the characters of the novel reside. Snow embodies a pure blank page, on which the female characters can write their biographies; it helped them to become independent, liberating them from prejudices and insecurities. The applied methods of historical and systemic analysis demonstrate that snow personifies a mysterious Russian soul, which the foreigners try to understand. Some of them succeed (Leila), and some fail (Rasheed). Thanks to the Russian snow, the young lady from Jordan – Leila toughened up, built her career and found her true love. In the era of globalization, the theme of synthesis of the Eastern and Western culture and mentalities is relevant not only for the Russian and Arab society, but also the entire world.
Citations count: 1
Varukha I.V., Shamsutdinova Y.K. —
The methods of studying emotive vocabulary
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 67 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36278 URL:
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This article is dedicated to studying the lexical composition of language, namely lexical units that denote emotions. The choice of topic is substantiated by certain difficulties in creating the methodology for working with vocabulary, due to the amorphous nature of this language component, as well as the importance of studying the part of vocabulary that describes the emotional sphere of human existence. The subject of this research is the linguistic content of emotive lexical units. Emotive vocabulary is analyzed using several methods of linguistic analysis: method of semantic field, component analysis, transmission of meaning, analysis of significances, word formation, and method of inner form. The novelty of this research consists in application of comprehensive approach towards studying the linguistic content of lexical units denoting emotions. Special attention is given to the description of practical component of the used methods based on denominations of emotions in the English, Russian, German, and French languages. The author concludes on the need to develop a specific methodology for studying lexical material, and the cumulative application of these methods for the most comprehensive examination of the linguistic content of words denoting emotions in different languages.
Citations count: 1
Vlasova Y. —
Customs and traditions of the Sultanate of Oman and their reflection in Jokha Alharthi's “Celestial Bodies”
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 27 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36929 URL:
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The subject of this research is the rituals and customs of the Omani people and their reflection in the novel “Celestial Bodies” by Jokha Alharthi. The author traces the changes that took place in the Sultanate of Oman. Life of the Omani people is depicted on the example of several generations of the large family of Abdallah ibn Sulayman of the Hilal. Comparison is conducted on the living conditions of provincial population, namely the village of al-Awafi and the capital Muscat. The problem is raised about people’s happiness in the technological era, and the topic of loneliness of our contemporary. The methods of historical and systemic analysis prove that the traditional structure of Omani society remains in rural areas. It represents a fusion of Islamic and African customs, Muslim and pagan beliefs. The description of engagement, wedding, childbirth, and funeral ceremonies creates a holistic picture of the life cycle of the Omani people. However, urbanization and technological development force people to move from the rural areas to cities and change their mentality. The protagonist Abdallah falls out of touch with his native land, changes his living condition, and reaches an impasse. Nourishing the memories of the pleasant past, they do not experience joy from the present. The novelty consists in the fact that the ethnographic research is conducted by the Professor of Sultan Qaboos University – Jokha Alharthi in form of a literary work. The scholar comes to the conclusion that due to shift of life paradigms, the senior generation of Omani people is experiencing a fateful moment. The way out of the crisis should be sought in the educated Omani youth, who does not want to blindly follow the customs of their ancestors and shelter themselves behind the adults. Youth of the XXI century does not fear difficulties and willing to make own decisions. Thanks to support of the family, London – the daughter of Abdalla – became a medical doctor. The audience is fascinated with discovering the culture of the Land of Frankincense through the prism of Jokha Alharthi.
Citations count: 1
Goncharuk E.Y. —
Silenñe and its Impact on Effectiveness of Communication in the Russian Everyday Interaction
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 58 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.1.21464 URL:
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The subject of the research is the phenomenon of silence in verbal communication. The object of the research is the verbal communication of a Russian language speaker in a situation of everyday communication. The author pays special attention to the effect of silence on efficient communication in the Russian everyday interaction. As the material for analysis, the author has chosen to study recordings of spoken language and dialogues from contemporary movies. For the first time in the academic literature the phenomenon of silence is described from the point of view of its influence on efficient communication in everyday interaction. The research was carried out using the the method of the integral (communication-pragmatic and linguistic) analysis of language materials as well as the method of description. The main result of the research is the author's discovering the main types of silence represented in everyday life communication: unwillingness to give information to a partner, ignoring a communicative partner, and a lack of etiquette reaction. Silence has a negative effect on communication and lowers its efficiency because silence provokes negative emotions and creates a negative atmosphere for communication.
Citations count: 1
Bezrukov A.N. —
«Moscow – Petushki» by Venedikt Erofeev as Synthesis of Intermedia Codes
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 106 - 115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.4.24164 URL:
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The article presents a content analysis of Venedikt Erofeev's poem «Moscow – Petushki» from the standpoint of intermedia poetics. Postmodern construct has a large number of musical inclusions (reminiscences, allusions, inkling, paraphrases, quotations) that create multiple versions of readings and interpretations. Relevance the topic is caused by the fact that the author provides a synthesis of the aesthetic categories that shape a text array. The combination of the poem's Ven. Erofeev with a number of classical music defines the originality of the research. The methodology of work is based on principles of comparative, structural analysis, comparative studies and receptive aesthetics. Functions of intermediality in the «Moscow – Petushki» is focused on the stabilization of the narrative and the variance of signification. The multiplicity reality of the text is achieved by accretion of allusions, reminiscences, paraphrases from the music context. «Moscow – Petushki» by Venedikt Erofeev is a significant phenomenon, which will realize the birth of new principles of perception reality. Consequently, aesthetics of the poem literally in synthesis of linguistic, literary and discourse-intermedia.
Citations count: 1
Vladimirova S.M., Dubrovskaya S.A., Dubrovskaya D.A. —
Middle Eastern Chronotope in the prose of S. S. Kondurushkin of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries: to articulation of the problem
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.2.35012 URL:
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The object of this research is the early prose of S. S. Kondurushkin (1874-1919), journalist and writer, who served five years as a teacher in the schools of the Middle East, an active participant in Russia’s literary-social life, an employee of the newspaper “Rech”, war correspondent, author of several compilations dedicated to the Middle East, Russian Volga Region, Novaya Zemlya, and Siberia. The subject of this research is the techniques and approaches of creating the Middle East in the essays and stories, which were published for the first time in the journals “Russian Wealth”, “Russian Thought”, and “History Herald”. Reference of the Russian writer to the problems of the Middle East at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries, development of artistic techniques, reconstruction of the flavor and the corresponding elements of the narrative require indicating the methodology used in the article. Along with the traditional for academic literary studies comparative-historical, historical-cultural, imageological and biographical methods, the author turns to the colonial/postcolonial, as well as imperial/post-imperial formats of research, micro-history approach, “deliberate” and "distant” reading, as well as holistic analysis. The article is first to examine the artistic peculiarities of the early prose of S. S. Kondurushkin in the context of his interest in problems of the Middle East. Special attention is given to analysis of the essay “Damascus” (1903) that demonstrates that everyday life of the religion serves for the writer as a part of the Middle Eastern chronotope, within the structure of which there are not only historical time with its transformations, not only historical space and its modern modifications, but also the current events. Such articulation of the problem defines the novelty of this research and outlines its prospects in further examination of the Middle Eastern chronotope of Russian literature of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries, and academic pursuits dedicated to the creative path of S. S. Kondurushkin
Citations count: 1
Zhabin D.V. —
Tempo-rhythmic characteristics of spontaneous speech of speakers of certain types of mental accentuations of personality in states of psychoemotional tension
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 105 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.3.43460 EDN: LYCXAO URL:
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The subject of psycholinguistic research is the formal signs of spontaneous sounding speech of the speaker in conditions of emotional tension. In our opinion, indicators of emotional tension of speech in perception are, first of all, formal means of sounding speech at the level of rhythm, tempo, speech failures, which are in relation to complementarity with the semantic content of the phrase and signal the degree of tension of speech. Thus, the state of emotional tension is transmitted by a complex of formal signs of sounding speech. As an example of the psychological factor of emotional tension, we considered court hearings in criminal cases. The object was audio recordings of spontaneous sounding speech of native speakers of the Russian language in a situation that determines the state of emotional tension of the speaker. The novelty of the research lies in the use of qualitative experimental methods in the analysis of spontaneous sounding speech in a situation of emotional tension. Obtaining objective results becomes possible on the basis of auditory linguistic analysis, which allows with a certain degree of reliability to assess the emotional state of the speaker (deviation from the norm, anxiety, tension, the presence and type of emotions, for example, excitement, surprise, fear / anger, etc.), psychophysiological state (abnormality, the presence of pathology), finally, establish boundary criteria for determining a stress disorder for a particular mental type. Of particular interest is the appeal to the psychological typologization of the personality of K. Leonhard, which makes a reliable analysis not only of the characteristics of the character (the so-called psychological phenotype of the personality), but also of his temperament (the psychological basis of the personality).
Citations count: 1
Agakishieva U.D. —
Regional and National Features of Eremey Aipin's Language Personality Structure
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 152 - 157.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25608 URL:
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The subject of the research. The article is devoted to analyzing the language personality of a Russian-speaking Khanty writer Eremey Aipin from the point of view of regional and national components of the language personality structure. In her research Agakishieva analyzes various levels of the writer's language personality (verbal-semantic, linguocognitive, pragmatic motivation, connonative levels) and defines nationally and regionally marked language means at each level. This includes ethnographisms, exoticisms, author's use of capital letters, etc. (verbal-semantic level), particularities of such concepts as 'family', 'home', 'faith', 'culture', 'nature', etc. (linguocultural level), poeticization and aestheticization narration (pragmatic motivation level), combination of emotionally neutral and expressive elements (connotative level). The research methods and methodology. The authors have used a combination of methods aimed at analysis of a literary novel: description, continuous sampling, observation, analysis and synthesis. The novelty of the research and conclusions. Eremey Aipin's novel intends to transmit the author's message and purpose, that are to preserve national identity of the Khanty, and give us an insight into their mentality, conceptosphere, attitude to life and world that are typical for the ethnic group. The writer describes the everyday life of the Khanty, imitates their slow pace of talking, and demonstrate their ability to experience deep emotions hidden by their behavior.
Citations count: 1
Vorobev K. —
The Saturday Akathist Service in Slavonic Triodions of the 12th - 14th Centuries
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 26 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26670 URL:
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The subject of this research is the structure of the service devoted to the fifth Saturday of the Great Lent (the Saturday Akathist). This is a unique service because it is when Akathist, the ancient hymn in the honor of the Holy Mother that relates to the Feast of the Annunciation, is being read. The object of the research is a series of manuscripts of Slavonic Triodions of the 12th - 14th centuries. In his research Vorobiev presents and analyzes data from nine manuscripts. Eight manuscripts were studied de visu, and a fascimile edition of one manuscript was studied. The main research method used by the author is the typological analysis that allowed to define similiarity between the present Saturday Akathist service and the services described by Greek sources that described the procedure of the Byzantine service. The results of the research demonstrate that the Saturday Akathist service was often compiled on oe of famous West Byzantine liturgical models. Such compilation can be proved by both typological and textological features. This conclusion made by the author creates a new understanding of the process of creating and changing the Slavonic-based Triodion liturgical books.
Citations count: 1
Khalkharova L., Luvsantserengiin T. —
The Image of Child in Mongolian Folklore
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 81 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30336 URL:
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This article is devoted to Mongolian folklore, first of all, heroic epic and fairy-tales. The authors give comparative typological analysis of variants of The Epic of King Gesar, Epic of Jangar, and several fairy-tales from Mongolian and Buryat folklore. Lately there have been a lot of in-depth researches of folklore and influence of folklore on the development of literature and culture. This is what causes the rationale of the research. The aim of the research is to define artistic-stylistic peculiarities of images of children, i.e. expressive means that are used to depict heroes in epics and fairy-tales. The object of the research is Mongolian folklore. The subject of the reseasrch is the images of children in heroic epics about Gesar and Jangar as well as Buryat and Mongolian fairy-tales. The research methods included description, comparison, structural-typological methods that allowed to analyze the genre of heroic epic and fairy-tale as integral works and to compare Mongolian and Buryat variants of epics and describe their differences and similarities. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in Mongolian studies the author makes an attempt to reveal images of children in epics and fairy-tales from the lexical-grammatical and semantical points of view. The authors describe lexical-semantic peculiarities of epics and fairy-tales and expressive means used therein. They conclude that images of children are marked with conventional epithets that describe their talents.
Citations count: 1
Romanova N.G. —
Consumption of information provided by mass media and professional competence of a student
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 9.
– P. 18 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.9.33932 URL:
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The subject field of this article is the problem of formation and actualization of professional competences of future specialists in the area of advertising and public relations in the context of peculiarities and dynamics of information consumption of modern youth. Articulation of the problem on the one hand is substantiated by the relevant vectors of scientific works – transformation of the practices of media consumption by mass audience, crisis of confidence in broadcast media and the institution of journalism, quality and specificity of modern media texts, professional competence of the representatives of mass media; whole on the other hand – by the need to resolve practical tasks in educational process in terms of formation of philological fundamentals of professional activity. In the course of this research, the author applied sociological methods. The respondents became the firs-year students majoring “Advertising and Public Relations”, who proceeded with discipline “Theory and Practice of Mass Media”. The first part of the questionnaire allowed determining the general attitude to the phenomenon of mass information and the key behavioral patterns of the students as its consumers, as well as the levels of identification and personification of the modern mass media. The second part was focused on the criteria of selection and the desired set of characteristics established by mass media, as well as potential development prospects of mass media. As a result of the conducted survey, the author determined variations of the content-thematic structure of information requests, range of time input, “standard” requirements of young audience to modern media sources, overall picture of consumer preferences of the students by the type of mass media, which altogether defines the relevant model of media consumption. The article reveals the problematic areas within the system of perceptions of modern media, which are substantiated particularly by insufficient level of information culture among the first-year students: difficulties with identification of the representatives of mass media sphere, stereotypical assessments and “desirable” qualities of new mass media. The conclusions and recommendations are formulated on practical implementation of the acquired results with regards to solution of the task of formation professional communication qualities of a specialists of media sphere.
Citations count: 1
Melezhik K.A., Petrenko A.D., Khrabskova D.M. —
Technological innovations in teaching foreign languages – from connectivism to hyperconnectivity
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 11 - 22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.1.34846 URL:
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The subject of this research is the influencing factors of information and communication technologies upon the theory and practice of teaching English language in the institutional and noninstitutional environments. The object of this research is the analysis of structure and content of Android and iPhone applications. Special attention is given to the development of mobile services as a prevalent model of using information and communication technologies, which open the possibility for individualized range of hyperconnectivity regulated by resource of a personal phone. The authors examine distance learning, which allows implementing innovations and creativity, employs new technologies, performs social task on expansion of technologically uniform educational space. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) of e-learning pedagogy requires the results of pedagogical practice in both, institutional and noninstitutional programs and courses; 2) the modern online learning of English language features new methods of implementation of hyperconnectivity in the Internet on the basis of technological and pedagogical innovations, active interactions and common culture. The scientific novelty consists in the statement that the use of distance learning is especially relevant on the current stage of modernization of education system, as it incorporates innovation technologies of teacher-student interaction. The current situation is characterized by the long-term trends associated with globalization socioeconomic relations, as well as by COVID-19 pandemic that requires taking immediate and radical measures in order to ensure protection of educational community from possible disastrous consequences in record time. The primary task of the authors consists in the analysis of relevant aspects of using information and communication technologies of teaching foreign languages, namely mobile applications, as well as in substantiation of the thesis on transition from collective connectivism towards individual hyperconnectivity in the educational process.
Citations count: 1
Belolyubskaya V.G. —
The concept of “color” as an element of ethnic worldview on the materials of Even language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 56 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.1.31387 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of color concept, which is one of unique phenomena of Even language. Color reflects the fundamental spiritual value, which is based on the cultural-ethnic worldview of one of the ancient nations the North – Lamuts. The Lamuts are nomadic people. The entire lifestyle of a northerner is inseparably connected with nature; thus, color represents one of the key fragments of the linguistic worldviews that create a certain visual image. The subject of this research is the semantics of linguistic unites that define color concepts in the Even linguistic worldview. The theoretical analysis of the works on linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, ethnography and linguistics became the method for this study. The author applies the methodological principle of systemic analysis of the elements of Lamut culture. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the concept of “color” as an elements of ethnic worldview demonstrated on the material of Even language has not been comprehensively studied before. The article is first to present new material on the topic in question the concept of color in Even folklore, meaning of color in deer farming culture of Lamuts, symbolism of color in Even traditional garments. Color, as a component of ethnic worldview, requires future examination.
Citations count: 1
Zolotareva L., Nguen A. —
Phraseological Syntax Construction 'What kind of...' in Publicistic Writing
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 19 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.4.24992 URL:
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The subject of the research is the sentences constructed according to the phraseological scheme that has the component 'what kind of...'. This phraseological construction has an expressive meaning, serves to express both positive and negative estimation and is charañterized by a great pragmatic potential. The construction can be used not only in informal conversation and literary texts but also in publicistic writing. According to the authors, the way this construction is used in newspaper texts depends on whether this is a question-like or exclamation-like construction as well as on the lexical content of a variable component. In their research the authors have used the methods of context and communication analysis (cases of using this syntax construction in publicistic writing) and component analysis (description of the lexical content of variable components in the construction). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define particularities of using this conversational phraseological construction in newspaper texts (based on the analysis of the texts of the National Corpus of the Russian Language). The main functions of phraseological sentences with 'what kind of...' is to introduce the topic, focus on journalistic investigation, present the main problems of the article, attract the readers' attention, and express the author's or the reader's opinion. The authors of the article also underline that the construciton mostly presents the negative estimation in publicistic writing.
Citations count: 1
Balygina E.A., Yarovikova Y.V., Ermolova T.V., Krukovskaya O.A. —
Functional-semantic aspects of translation of psychological terminological phrases of English language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.5.32967 URL:
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Multiple scientific works are dedicated to studying the impact of linguistic factors upon the translation process. However, relevant remains the task of determining dependence of the translation strategy on the peculiarities of semantic development and functionality of terminological units. This article examines the functional-semantic aspects of translation of the adjective-substantive terminological phrases of English language that reflects the scientific notions of psychology. An attempt is made to develop the methods for translating terminological phrases that would consider syntagmatic aspects of interaction of the meanings of its components. Attention is focused on determination of the impact of peculiarities of terminological meaning of terminological phrase upon the choice of its conveying in translation. A conclusion is made that the translation process of terminological phrases from English to Russian are influenced by such factors, as the level of semantic closeness of terminological phrases and communicative significance of its adjective component. In conclusion, the author discusses strategies of selection of the way of translation of terminological phrases, taking into account the aforementioned factors.
Citations count: 1
Kabalina O.I. —
Verbs of movement in long-acting forms in modern German
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 86 - 99.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34620 URL:
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The subject of the study is the characteristics of verbs of movement in the German language. The aim of the work was to identify the features of German verbs of movement, implemented in forms expressing long-term action ("Verlaufsformen"). These forms were peculiar to colloquial speech, but now some of them are already used as a language norm. After determining the corpus of analyzed verbs, each verb of movement was analyzed according to three possible forms of long-term action recorded by the dictionary. The characteristics of the presence/absence of a direct complement, a reflexive particle in the verb were considered, the frequency of territorial use and the possibility of implementation in speech were analyzed. The research methods were the continuous sampling method, the comparative analysis method, the description method, and the statistical method. Â The scientific novelty of the study consists in a comprehensive description of the features of the functioning of movement verbs in long-acting forms in modern German. As a result, it was found that most verbs are implemented in the same long-acting form, some verbs are used in several forms, but at the same time a priority form is noted, all verbs have a similar implementation according to other signs indicated in the study. The results obtained can be used in the development of materials for theoretical courses on German grammar, theory and practice of translation, interpretation of text in German, communication with native speakers.
Citations count: 1
Andreeva E.V., Arkhipova M.P. —
Linguistic manipulation as a method of influencing public opinion in the time of COVID-19 pandemic
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 52 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.6.35922 URL:
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The subject of this research is the effective methods of linguistic manipulation and communication, which allowed controlling the situation to prevent public panic and destabilization of situation in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) during the pandemic. The authors explore such phenomena as persuasion and linguistic manipulation, analyze the existing in Russian and foreign practice scientific and practical approaches towards using linguistic manipulation in sociopolitical discourse. Based on the example of speeches of the Head of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) A. S. Nikolayev, the authors analyze the linguistic means and techniques used in the course of development of epidemiological situation for influencing public opinion in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia); determine the reasons and frequency of application of such techniques, the degree of persuasion of public opinion by the head of Yakutia depending on the used communication channels. The research employs the website content of the Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), regional news sites, and addressed messages in social networks. The main results lies in the conclusion that the most effective methods of linguistic manipulation are persuasion, convincing and prompting, which affect emotions and feelings of the people and appeal to the key social agenda – safety of the population in the time of pandemic. It is noted that social networks are the effective communication channels, which is justified by the geographical and sociopolitical peculiarities of the region, such as large territory preservation of the elements of traditional political cultures (power of the authority, leader, direct communication with the government and a sense being protected). Linguistic manipulation allows influencing public opinion, avoiding mass disturbances, instilling the sense of security into population.
Citations count: 1
Knyazeva N.V., Kurkova N.V. —
Language game in publicistic writing of V. V. Nabokov: transformation of meanings and peculiarities of word usage
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 58 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36123 URL:
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In the light of deliberate attention of modern linguistic science and a range of social disciplines to the problem of personality and language, the unresolved question of the nature of language game in the texts of different stylistic orientation remains relevant and polemical. Comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon at hand requires the study of linguistic material that would reflect the specific nature of language game, which represents the organic synthesis of genre-stylistic affiliation and creative uniqueness of linguistic personality. Therefore, the examination of language game in the authorial publicistic writing, namely publications of V. V. Nabokov draws particular interest. The subject of this research is the various manifestations of language play on the lexical-semantic level, which implies occasional alignment of semantic plans, change of the usual meaning of the linguistic unit. It is established that the publicistic heritage of V. V. Nabokov is notable for the artistry that is atypical for such genres; it can be traced in the choice of lexical means, their subsequent interaction and transformation. The usual linguistic units acquire the new plane of content, which largely determines the functional-pragmatic vector of publications and the authorial position that reflects the the tendentious suggestive intentions characteristic to the authorial publicistic writing: accusatory, critical, etc. Change of the usual plan of perception is achieved by various means; most typical is the reference to semantic invariant, which in the authorial context contravenes the known presuppositions. The observations indicate that the language game based on the partial or full change of usual meaning of the word is of syncretic nature: as a rule, the new metaphorical level is not limited by modification of a single lexeme, but extends to the entire structure and compositional volume of the sentence.
Citations count: 1
Zoidze E.A. —
Promotion of a book in the publishing Internet discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37279 URL:
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The relevance of this research is substantiated by sustained interest in the study of discourse applicable to various social institutions. Publishing discourse appeared in the limelight of the linguists not that long ago. The activity of publishers as a discursive practice intersects with the activity of commercial organizations and libraries. The communication of publishers with other actors in the process of book distribution is also carried via Internet. The goal of this research lies in examination of the means of book promotion in the online publishing discourse. The study leans on the material of the three websites of the English-language publishers. Analysis is conducted on the verbal text and audio-visual communication channels between the publishers and the audience. The analysis of practical material demonstrates that the publisher’s abstract implements the informational and evaluation functions. The additional sources of information on the publisher imply the citations from peer reviews, information about the author, various polycode texts (images and videos), as well as hypertext links to other commercial resources. The leading role in implementation of the informational-advertising functional is assigned to lexicon. Namely the nouns and adjectives affect the appellative-emotional functions. Perlocutive effect of the publisher’s abstract is enhanced by inclusion of citation text, both from the promoted work and reputable sources (newspapers and journals). Citations from peer reviews are usually presented fragmentary, and contain only complimentary statements, which form the attractive image of the book. The conducted research contributes to the development of marketing linguistics, the study of publisher’s paratext, publishing activity as discursive practice, and has prospects for further research in the area of marketing strategies aimed at promotion of books of various formats and genres on the offline and online platforms.
Citations count: 1
Novospasskaya N.V., Haddad A., Kolmykova Y. —
The cultural aspects of ecological non-commercial advertisements in Arabic and Kazakh
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 9 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.6.40833 EDN: DOQCZM URL:
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Non-commercial environmental advertisements is a topical social phenomenon in many countries around the world. Studying its multidimensional aspects is the subject of several disciplines in human sciences. The linguistic analysis of non-commercial advertisements is aimed primarily at studying the verbal component of a polycode (print advertising) or polymodal (video clips) text. The connection of verbal and nonverbal components (images of various types) and codes, such as color and kinesics, is subject to the intention of the creator of the advertisement. One of the approaches of researching these ads is the comparative analysis of the tools used in polycode texts in two or more languages. The purpose of our comparative analysis is the study of polycode text in printed environmental advertisements in Arabic and Kazakh. The hypothesis of the study suggests that there are two kinds of characteristics to this form of advertising: the universal characteristics resulting from the effect of globalization on covering the traditional subjects in environmental advertising, as well as the cultural characteristics of non-commercial advertisements in Arabic and Kazakh. The study showed that the advertising strategy is based on constantly raising the viewer’s awareness about the environmental issues and projects by including culturally specific elements (moral guidelines, ethnic symbols, precedents of national and civilizational levels, colloquial and topographic vocabulary). Universal elements of non-commercial environmental advertisements have become the use of colored fonts, imperatives, paragraph-based means, poster designs.
Citations count: 1
Golovanivskaya M.K., Efimenko N.A. —
The idea of anger in Russian and Chinese cultures.
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.1.68809 EDN: DMMHKX URL:
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The article examines the idea of "anger" in two linguistic worldviews - Russian and Chinese. The study is a contrastive one, the obtained results are compared. The description of each concept follows a clear algorithm: the etymology of the word is explored, the mythological roots of the concept are examined, its collocations are analyzed, and the substantive connotation is extracted from the collocations following the approach of V. A. Uspensky. Dictionary definitions are also compared. The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the representation of the idea of "anger" in these cultures based on the material of semantic fields in the Russian and Chinese languages. Furthermore, a comparison is made to identify similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples. The research employs various scientific methods, such as the comparative-historical method, the method of generalization, and the method of semantic analysis. This topic is relatively underexplored and relevant since there have been no previous linguistic and cultural studies analyzing this concept in Russian and Chinese languages and cultures, which represents the scientific novelty of the work. The results obtained will contribute to establishing mutual understanding between cultures, serving as a kind of conceptual bridge for representatives of different cultures. These findings will be used in the teaching of regional studies, comparative cultural studies, and in the instruction of relevant languages in higher education institutions.
Citations count: 1
Dondik L.Y. —
Assessment of the quality of poetic translation (based on the material of translations of British poetry into Russian)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 16 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.2.69934 EDN: VUITDC URL:
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The subject of the research in the article is the peculiarities of assessing the quality of translation of poetic texts. The object of the study is the translation of a poetic text as a complex multidimensional process. In this paper, we will be interested in criteria for evaluating the quality of translation of a poetic work, since a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a poetic translation remains an unresolved problem, and the need for such a procedure remains. The criteria for evaluating poetic translation mean such signs of high-quality poetic translation, on the basis of which a standardized assessment of any poetic translation can be made, for example, in the conditions of a translation competition. To develop evaluation criteria, the author examines in detail the difficulties of translating poetry. The results of a comparative analysis of original and translated poetic texts are analyzed on the basis of the selected criteria. The work uses methods of directed sampling, comparative linguistic (phonetic, semantic, syntactic) analysis of parallel texts, linguistic and pragmatic analysis using elements of cultural and stylistic analysis, as well as quantitative data processing methods. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a method of analyzing a poem based on an assessment of the quality of poetic translation is proposed. The concept of the quality of poetic translation is clarified, criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of poetic translation are formulated. A comparative analysis of parallel original and translated texts – works of British poetry and their translations into Russian, performed by professional translators, is carried out.
The quality of a poetic translation can be the object of a comprehensive assessment, which is carried out using a number of criteria: the preservation of the original author's idea, composition and rhyme of a poetic work, the selection of appropriate equivalents by the translator, the absence of significant permutations, omissions and distortions, as well as compliance with the norms of the translation language. The criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of poetic translation can be recommended to the organizers of translation contests to evaluate the works of the participants of the contests, as they reduce the effect of subjective factors in the analysis of quality and make it possible to rank translation options, identify the most qualitative of them.
Citations count: 1
Mamutova Z.E. —
Phraseological Semantic Field of Emotional State of a Person in the Crimean Tatar Somatic Phraseology
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 215 - 222.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29607 URL:
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The subject of the study is the semantic analysis of the phraseological units of Crimean Tatar language, reflecting the emotional state of a person, and also the study of idioms in the framework of communicative linguistics. Phraseological nests and fields, consisting of somatic idioms, are presented as interconnected system elements. The object of the study is phraseological units of idiomatic character. Idioms are phraseological units that have stability, reproducibility, expressiveness, and the meaning of which is not derived from the sum of the meanings of their word components. Idioms were selected from the dictionaries by the method of continuous sampling. The methodological basis of the research is the works in the field of phraseology by N. M. Shansky [18], A. M. Emirova [20-27] and other scientists. In the process of the analysis of the somatic phraseology of the Crimean Tatar language, microfields of phraseological units with the meaning of positive and negative emotions, emotional states and reactions were revealed. Calculations showed that the microfield of somatic phraseological units characterizing negative emotions exceeds the microfield of phraseological units expressing positive emotions in a 2:1 proportion.
Citations count: 1
Smolina A.N. —
Religious Lexis in Russian Ecclesiastical and Religious Auto-documentary texts: Typology and Stylistic functions
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.4.37821 URL:
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The subject of the study is Christian religious vocabulary, which has several specific features and forms a special church-religious lexis style. The purpose of the presented research is to show the main features of Christian religious lexis in Russian church-religious auto-documentary tests. The importance of the work is determined by the fact that it is carried out in line with theolinguistics - an actively developing direction of modern philology. The basis of the study is published spiritual letters, spiritual diaries and spiritual memoirs of Russian Orthodox church writers of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. The analysis of those materials is based on theolinguistic, linguostylistic, typological and contextual methods, as well as the method of philological commentary. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it examines in detail the types of religious lexis used in Russian ecclesiastical-religious auto-documentary texts; provides illustrations of their existence; identifies the ideological reasons for their use by church writers; shows the stylistic functions of the types of religious vocabulary; highlights the features of their use, in particular, the types of contexts in which the studied language units are used. It is established that the most common types of religious names found in Russian ecclesiastical and religious auto-documentary texts are theonyms; biblionyms; hagioanthroponyms; icononyms; ecclesionyms; names of angels; names of biblical events; names of evangelical heroes; names of Christian sacraments; linguistic units related to the corpus of Orthodox vocabulary of spiritual and moral content; names of persons associated with Christian religious activity; linguistic units denoting Christian texts; Christian georthonyms; names of religious-Christian groups of persons; linguistic units denoting concepts related to Orthodox eschatological representations; names of infernal entities; identified religious names are used in such stylistic functions as pictorial, characterological, emotive, evaluative, prescriptive, syndicative, semantic, axiological, text-forming, nominative, explanatory. The results of the study are of interest for lexicology, stylistics, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology, theolinguistics.
Citations count: 1
Pavlova T., Ustinovskaya A.A., Drozdova E.A., Belousova O.G. —
"I'm some kind of anti-Browning": the counterpoint of the English pretext and subtext in the "Poem without a Hero" of A. Akhmatova
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 21 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.5.37960 URL:
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The subject of the study is the intertextual dialogue of the "Poem without a Hero" by A. Akhmatova with texts by Robert Browning: the poetic diptych "Porphyria's Lover" and "My last Duchess". The object of the study is the counterpoint of the pretext and subtext of English literature in the multilayered and polysemantic text of the "Poem without a Hero", to which Akhmatova herself attributed the "triple bottom". The authors consider in detail the overlap of the motives of Browning's poems with the text of the "Poem without a Hero" and demonstrate the systemic "mirroring" of the reflection of situations: the complexes of the motives of the Browning diptych in Akhmatova are inverted. Particular attention is paid to the issues of various interpretations of the text of the poem "Porphyria's Lover" and related interpretation options for individual scenes and fragments in the text of the "Poem without a Hero". The main conclusions of the study are the establishment of an unambiguous semantic connection of the "Poem without a hero" with two Browning poems. The research methods include comparative-historical and intertextual. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the substantiation of the trace of Robert Browning's diptych in the text of "Poems without a Hero": traditionally, another work of Browning is indicated among the sources of the poem. The novelty of the research is determined by the involvement of new material and the proposal of a new reading of Akhmatova's self-identification as "anti-Browning". These words should be deciphered not only by projecting the relationship of the Browning and Barrett pair onto the Gumilev and Akhmatova pair, but also as a reference to the mirror reversal of the situations described by Browning in the dramatic monologues of the diptych.
Citations count: 1
Skorik K. —
The Definition of 'Land' in Anglo Saxon Charms
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 187 - 195.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.29114 URL:
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The subject of the research is the vocabulary with the semantic component 'land', basic tokens of which is the ancient English eorþe and the following semantic units composing the semantic field land, eorþe, folde, turf, grund, æcer and others. The process of the development of the term reflects perception and organisation of the surrounding world in human's mind. The term 'land' is one of the universal language and cultural phenomena in the picture of the world of different nations. Anglo-Saxon charms is the source that allows to achieve the research targets and establish representation of land as an important frament of the picture of the world in ancient English language. The aim of the research has determined the use of such methods as structural semantic and historical etimological analysis. The research is based on the texts of Anglo Saxon charms published by F. Grendon in his book 'Anglo-Saxon Charms'. The results of the research have allowed to conclude that the term 'land' is represented in the texts of Anglo-Saxon charms by such lexical units as land, eorþe, æcer, folde, feld, turf, grund, plot, plōh, toft, furh, lǣs. The author has defined the frequency of the use of aforesaid lexemas in the texts of charms. According to the author, the most frequently used lexemas that represent the term 'land' in old English is land and eorþe. The author's special contribution to the topic is that the analysis of lexical units with the meaning 'land' and 'eorþe' in Anglo-Saxon charms has allowed to define semantic components and objectifying lexemas.
Citations count: 1
Belyaeva M. —
Onomasticon of the territories of resettlement: methodology of determination of specificity (on the example of linguoculture of Krasnodar Krai in the 1940’s)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 95 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31180 URL:
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The subject of this research is the specificity of onomasticon of Krasnodar Krai in the 1940’s. The material became the 23,000 last names of the residents of four administrative-geographical objects located in the endpoints of the Krai with head up to interim cardinal points. The author calculated the correlation between the amount and parameters of anthroponomical units of onomasticons; selected and systematized from the perspective of volume, dissemination and semantic specificity of forming last names of first and second ranks (repeating first and second ten last names). Application of the method of antinomy allowed extending the research material due to Adyghe last names, adjust the representation of frequent last names of onomasticon of the Krai. Ethnic orientation of morphoderivational structure was defined with the help of ethnomarking affixes. The author revealed the indexes of Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian origin of the repeating last names. The specificity of onomasticon of the 1940’s manifests in polyethnicity and predominance of Adyghe last names in southwest of the Krai, presence of onyms of Urkanian origin, difference of repeating last names in particular districts. The records obtained by preceding researchers on the latitudinal dissemination of last names across Russia, acquire somewhat different view reflecting the specificity of settlement of Kuban.
Citations count: 1
Mutalov R.O. —
The functionality of class-numerical indicators in suffixes of adjectives of the Dargin languages
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 55 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.12.37175 URL:
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This article examines the class-numerical indicators functioning in the suffixes of adjectives of the Dargin languages that belong to the Nakh-Daghestanian language family. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that these languages have rich morphological system; however, many grammatical categories are yet to be studied. The goal of this work is to determine the etymology of suffix indicator -ch-b (-v,- p), which forms the adjectives and contains an Aslaut changing class indicator. For achieving the set goal, the article employs comparative-historical analysis and descriptive method; for collecting verbal material of various idioms – the methods of field linguistics. The novelty consists in the fact that this attributivizer is analyzed from the comparative-historical perspective in the Dargin studies for the first time. It is established that the morpheme under review is formed from the short form of the adverb of place chedi (ch-) “upwards”. In the Dargin languages, it functions in form of the essive comprised by affixing class indicators to the lative form. With evolution of the language, this morpheme has been grammaticalized. The acquired results can be applied in preparing comparative-historical grammar of the Dargin languages, teaching the course of the Dargin literary language, as well as in typological research.
Citations count: 1
Glukhova E.S. —
Features of the use of cognitive biases in native advertising
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 90 - 102.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.2.69683 EDN: WETNCC URL:
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The aim of the study is to detect cognitive biases embedded in native advertising articles and their hidden influence on the addressees in order to increase sales of their product. The identification of cognitive biases and the linguocognitive mechanisms behind them is aimed at combating manipulative practices in advertising and increasing awareness of a wide audience when perceiving advertising messages. This study is a development of the concept of effective communication and the technology of "Smart tuning". Cognitive biases in native advertising are chosen as the object of research, and the subject is the ways of verbalization of cognitive biases. The research material is selected from sponsored content articles in both Russian and English segments of online communication. The relevance of this research lies in the significance of analyzing native advertising in media discourse from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics within cognitive-discursive and biological approaches. The main research methods are the method of interpretation, the method of discourse analysis and random sampling statistical method. It is determined, that the use of cognitive biases to persuade addressees into making purchases is widespread in native advertising, particularly in the form of sponsored content. At least one cognitive bias was identified in 80% of the analyzed advertising articles. The following cognitive biases were identified: bandwagon effect, framing effect in various subclasses, authority effect, emotional reasoning, fear of missing out, narrative fallacy, halo effect, compromise effect, contrast and anchoring effect, confirmation bias, catastrophizing. These cognitive biases involve such linguocognitive mechanisms as framing, imagining in the form of intensification and positivization, focusing, inspiration, involvement in communication and in the game , pseudo-dialogue, personalization, spin doctoring, catastrophizing, which indicate a synergistic cognitive impact on the addressee.
Citations count: 1
Babkina V.A. —
Stereotypical Modelling of the Image of Russia in Modern German Mass Media Taking into Account the Aggravation of Russian-German Relations
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 76 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.1.21865 URL:
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The article is devoted to the image of Russia in the minds of German people and bases on studying conceptual metaphors that can be found in jouranlistic texts and represent numerous stereotypes that have been formed in the minds of German people through many centuries of state-to-state relations. The conceptual metaphor represented in modern cognitive linguistics as a mental operation and way to get to know and explain the world is one of the language means that provoke adoption and representation of stereotypes. The author of the present article analyzes conceptual metaphors that develop the image of Russia in German mass media taking into account the aggravation of Russian-German relations. The author used the continuous sampling method to define metaphors used by journalists of German newspapers and journals in 2014 - 2015 and then classified those metaphors according to the following stereotype spheres: geographical location, foreign policy relations, domestic policy relations, soc io-economic environment, culture. The author concludes that German stereotypes that have been existing in the minds of German people for many centuries are still actual and working. German journalists actively use metaphors to actualise these stereotypes of Russia. Taking into account the aggravation of international relations between these two countries as a result of the Ukranian conflict, journalists have started to use more metaphors that create a negative image of Russia.
Citations count: 1
Krotova D.V. —
The Principles of Modeling Autobiographical Myth in P. Krusanov’s Works
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 19 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.3.23656 URL:
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The article is devoted to P. Krusanov’s autobiographical myth. The author of the article has discussed the principles of designing an autobiographical myth in articles, essays, interviews and fiction of this writer. She has also identified the basic elements of Krusanov’s autobiographical mythology such as ironic self-presentation, the idea of literature as a form of leisure, writing as entertainment, and a writer as a person prone to self-indulgence and idleness. Using hermeneutic, receptive and comparative methods the author of article analyses deep discrepancies between created myth and true Krusanov’s understanding of functions of literature and his own writing tasks. In fact, literature is perceived by Krusanov as the field of discussing the most important issues such as national identity, national destiny, past, present and future of our country. This range of problems is at the heart of the novels "Where the Crown Does Not Lie" (and, accordingly, "The Night Inside"), "Bom-Bom, or the Art to Cast Lots", and "Angel Bite". The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines and gives a description of Krusanov’s autobiographical myth. The researcher makes conclusions about the reasons for modeling an autobiographical myth by Krusanov such as aspiration to avoid didacticism, and specific perception of literature in modern society. Krusanov’s autobiographical myth allows the writer to combine the jocular form with an expression of deep reflection on human personality and its inner structure, the issues of time and memory, national character and the future of our country.
Citations count: 1
Mironenko V.V. —
Positive and Negative Connotation of Phraseological Units with a Colour Component (the Case Study of the English Language)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 352 - 358.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28013 URL:
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The subject of the research is the semantics and structure of phraseological units which reveal the concept of ‘colour’ in the English language in terms of their universality and ethnic identity, as well as cognitive processes underlying the formation of phraseological values and their functioning in modern English. The phraseological units presented in the article, containing in their composition colour names and various images in the linguistic picture of the world, are the most expressive elements of the phraseological fund of the English language. The methodological basis is formed by the lexical analysis of phraseological units; a complex methodology is applied, based on lexical-semantic and descriptive research methods involving linguocultural analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the phraseological units of the modern English language containing the component ‘color’ are analyzed from the point of view of identifying cognitive mechanisms with the help of which concepts are rethought. The social and emotional evaluation marking of phraseological units through stylistic analysis is revealed for the first time.
Citations count: 1
Tatarinov M.K., Britsyna N.M., Kovshikova E.V. —
Common differences between the Anglo-American and Romano-Germanic legal systems as the main extralinguistic factors in verbalization of criminal and criminal procedural law
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 9 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.6.33097 URL:
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This work examines the fundamental differences between legal systems, defining uniqueness of the Russian-language and English-language criminal legal discourses, which should be taken into consideration during communication. Moving general-to-specific, the authors analyze the main differences at the legal system level, directly impacting translation of criminal procedural terminology (primary source of law, its role in formation of juridical technique, etc.), and concentrate their attention on the unique traits of lingual and non-lingual element (idea of the criminal legal system, ways of verbalization, etc.), characteristic to Russian and Anglo-American criminal legal discourses. The novelty of this research is justified by the fact that extralinguistic factors of legal discourse and their role during representation has only been generally studied, without sufficient work being done on verbalization of criminal legal system in the Russian and English languages. Referring to separate articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the authors propose a way of transmitting the essence of the Russian legal institution of investigation and the stage of preliminary inquiry by means of Anglo-American legal terminology.
Citations count: 1
Seregina M.A. —
Tourism discourse: linguosemiotic peculiarities of functionality of paremias
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 59 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.3.33475 URL:
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The subject of this article is the determination and analysis of linguosemiotic peculiarities of functionality of phraseological units of syntactic level in the tourism discourse. The object of this article is the Russian and German paroemias as a hyperonym in relation to proverbs, proverbial expressions and sententious sayings. These set phrases have grammatical structure of the sentence and are used in the literal and figurative sense. The goal of this research is to determine and analyze the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic peculiarities of implementation of paroemias in guidebooks and brochures in the Russian and German languages, which demonstrate ethnocultural specificity of the peoples. The author employs interdisciplinary approach, which is substantiated by active use of the scientific category “tourism discourse" in different sciences. The main conclusion consists in the presence of linguosemiotic peculiarities of the functionality of paremias in guidebooks and brochures. Using the analysis of lexical-semantic structure of the Russian and German paremias, the author determines the semantic dominants of paremiological representation of the concepts of tourism discourse in the Russian and German linguocultures that contain ethnocultural stereotypical representations of the peoples on traveling; and this defines the author’s special contribution. The novelty lies in proving fact that the functionality of paremias in the language of guidebooks and brochures has syntactic peculiarities that are revealed in their integration into the context for cohesiveness of the tourism discourse. Pragmatic peculiarities are determined by the choice of strategies and tactics aimed at drawing attention of the tourists and increasing interest in the services rendered.
Citations count: 1
Kozachina A.V. —
Implementation of the discourse practice of legitimation of values in pedagogical discourse (on the example of strategy of reference to authority)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 9.
– P. 38 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.9.33953 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the discourse practice of legitimation of values in pedagogical discourse, which is regarded as a translator of value attitudes relevant to the existing ideological formation, which implicitly forms the value worldview of each new member of linguocultural community. The goal consists in determination and description the specific characteristics of implementation of one of the four discourse strategies the practice of legitimation, highlighted by the representative of the British School of Critical Discourse Analysis T. Van Leeuwen – strategy of reference to authority. This strategy is implemented through six substrategies: reference to personal authority, reference to impersonal authority, reference to expert authority, reference to role model authority, reference to authority of tradition, and reference to authority of conformity. The research material includes the corpus of texts representing the Japanese pedagogical discourse: the textbook “Our Morality" and commentary on work program for the teachers of elementary and middle school. The novelty of this study consists in the description of discourse practice of legitimation of values implemented within the framework of pedagogical discourse. It was established that the strategy of reference to authority is implemented in the Japanese pedagogical discourse in full force; however, in interpretation of Japanese linguoculture, this strategy features the set of preferred and non-preferred substrategies.
Citations count: 1
Kuleshova V. —
Cognitive analysis of terminological system as a methodological basis for creating a special purpose dictionary
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.7.35939 URL:
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Creating field-specific dictionaries, the scholars face multiple challenges, such as delimitation of terminology and inclusion of prepositional phrases into dictionary. This article demonstrates the possibility of using cognitive analysis of the semantics of a term to develop a toolset for creating terminological dictionary. The author provides an overview of the conceptual and thematic analyses of terminology of photonic crystals, which underlie the three methods of systematization of terminological lexis in the dictionary; carries out the analysis of original settings of special dictionaries with cognate field; as well as determines the problems that were taken into account in development of the methods of systematization of terminological lexis in the dictionary. The following systematization of terms was conducted: by donor sciences, by stages of research, and by thematic groups. Each of the described methods or all of them together denote the boundaries of terminological system, determine the place of the term in this terminological system, systematize knowledge on the subject, and contribute to learning new terms. Moreover, such approach towards creating special dictionaries adapts the dictionaries to the needs of researchers, discover the previously unexplored phenomena, and facilitate adding new terms into the dictionary. The relevance of this research lies in development of comprehensive approach towards creation of field-specific dictionaries.
Citations count: 1
Dondik L.Y. —
Strategies for translating English filmonyms into Russian
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 37 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.1.69490 EDN: INCSCW URL:
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The subject of the research in the article is the peculiarities of the translation of filmonyms from English into Russian. The methods of comparative, semantic and pragmatic analysis with elements of cultural and stylistic analysis are used in the work. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is based on the material of parallel English- and Russian-language filmonyms released over the past two decades. The obtained results contribute to the development of translation studies and the theory of onyms. Choosing a strategy is one of the most important decisions of the translator which is associated with the linguistic features of the filmonym and the cultural specifics of the translation audience. The closer the cultures of native speakers of the original language and the target language are, the more opportunities there are for using forenization, a translation strategy in which the translator strives to preserve the content and the form of the original title. Forenization strategy was used to transmit 25.34% of the English-language filmonyms of the sample, which is significantly inferior to the number of filmonyms translated according to the domestication strategy, which make up 69.34% of the sample. The high frequency of the domestication strategy is explained by the fact that using translation transformations allows overcoming such difficulties in translating filmonyms as discordance of interlanguage equivalents, mismatch of meanings of similar words, undesirable associations with precedent phenomena, dysphemisms, the emergence of meanings that disorient the viewer, untranslatable wordplay. In the examples that make up 5.32% of the sample, the binomial translation construction of the onym was used; the forenized title of the film is included in the first part before the colon, and the second part is a variant of the name adapted as part of the domestication strategy.
Citations count: 1
Dubrovskaia S. —
Reaccentuation of the Laugher Word in Osip Senkovsky's Prose of the 1830s
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 120 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.26205 URL:
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The object of the research is the creative writing of Osip Senkevsky. The subject of the research is the means of transformation of the laughter word in the literary consciousness of the 1830s. The aim of the research is to analyze peculiarities of the narrative strategy used by Senkovsky, and his intention to create the parodic game world. Dubrovskaya focuseds on the analysis of the laughter word in his words that he wrote under the name of Baron Brombeus. Dubrovskaya demonstrates that the creative experience of Brombeus relates to both the polemic attacks of the writer against the established laughter word in writings of his contemporaries (Alexander Pushkin and Nikolay Gogol) as well as his orientation at parodic comic discoveries of the European literature (starting since the French enlightenment and Laurence Sterne and till the late period of German romanticism). The methodological basis of the research implies the concept of the laughter word offered by M. Bakhtin. In his researches M. Bakhtin, in fact, created the theory of the laughter word that later became an important tool for reserch of the comic discourse of the Russian and foreign literature. Senkovsky-Brombeus' laughter word is of satiric, epigrammatic nature and, on the one hand, serves as the means of polemics, satire and paradoy, and, on the other hand, aimed at entertaining the reading audience. The results of the research demonstrate that there is a shift in accents in a comic writing as well as an entertaining laughter register of the discourse. The research results also allow to describe the process of transformation of the laughter word in the literary consciousness of that period.
Citations count: 1
Konovalova M.V. —
Regarding Definitions of Media Text and Media Discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 212 - 219.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26685 URL:
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The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical interpretation of definitions 'media text' and 'media discourse'. Within the framework of this research, media text is viewed from the point of view of media linguistics. Konovalova clarifies the definition of media text based on Teun Adrianus van Dijk's interpretation taking into account modern approaches thereto. The aim of the research is to analyze features of media text and media discourse in classical and contemporary concepts. The object of the research is media discourse, the subject of the research is media text as a static cut of it that enables the analysis of verbal components and discursive featurse of a media speech work. In her article Konovalova provides an example of the analysis of a media text where she analyses linguistic means used to represent discursive features of media texts. The research methods include observation, analysis of media text parameters based on T. Dobroskkonsky, elements of the discourse analysis of the formal content and contextual cognitive levels of media discourse. The novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author provides the theoretical substantiation of the interpretation of news media text as a static 'cut' of media discourse as well as carries out a practical study of the language means of representing its formal content and contextual cognitive levels. The main results of the research is the description of the language means, and their classification depending on the levels and features of media discourse.
Citations count: 1
Abaeva E.S. —
Statistical Assessment of Conveying Humourous Effect in Translation
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30278 URL:
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The object of the research is an original literary text and its translation, in particular, evaluation of the quality of conveying humorous effect in translation. The subject of the research is the opportunity of statistical assessment of humorous effect in original texts and their translations followed by analysis of obtianed data. Generally, the author suggests to approximate the descriptive evaluation procedure to statistical assessment. To illustrate her research, Abaeva analyzes an English text and two variants of its translations to Russian. The main research method used by the author is the method of comparative analysis of original texts and their translations completed with the continuous sampling method, statistical method and others. Statistical comparison of the presence of humorous effect in a literary work demonstrated in this article allows, firstly, to view one of the elements of the author individual style from a more objective point, secondly, to present the melody of a text and thirdly, to compare texts without focusing on minor losses that are inavoidable in literay translation.
Citations count: 1
Guskina E.N. —
Functioning of the Text Connector 'However' with Conjunctions
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 87 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.5.31058 URL:
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The matter under research is functioning of the text connector 'however' used with conjunctions in different contexts (mostly literary and publicistic texts). The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that linguistic studies should also cover language units that perform the connecting functions in a text. The importance of the research is caused by the need to continue to analyze texts and what makes texts cohesive and integral as well as the use of the means of text cohesion and integrity. One of these units if the word 'however'. In the course of the research the author has used introspective-inductive, descriptive and comparative methods that have allowed the author to discover regular patterns of functioning of the word 'however' in different texts and then to summarize and systematize the results. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author discovers peculiraities of the combination of 'however' with conjunections 'but, and, although' (mostly in literary and publicistic texts). When analyzing contexts, the author also makes an attempt to interpret the communication intent of a speaker in each particular cause and the influence of the word 'however' on this intent.
Citations count: 1
Kalinin O.I. —
Comparative characteristic of linguistic representation of the concept of Trade War in mass media of the People’s Republic of China and the United States
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 93 - 107.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.11.32650 URL:
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This article is dedicated to analysis of the concept of Trade War in Chinese and American linguocultures. The initial position of the research is the thesis on unavoidable conceptualization of the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in language, and possibility of their studying by means of conceptual analysis. The subject of this research is the specificity of representation of the concept of Trade War in media discourse in Chinese and English languages. Special attention is given to the semantic core of the concept and its speech representation in the news materials. The research methodology is based on a two-stage conceptual analysis. The first stage implies the analysis of core of the concept by means of definitional and etymological analysis of representative word; while the second stage marks quantitative and qualitative content analysis for determination of similarities and differences in peripheral meaning of the concept. The main theoretical conclusion consists in substantiation of using content analysis for determination of specificity of speech representation of media concepts. The practical result of this research lies in identification of significant differences in the concept under consideration in two linguistic cultures: Chinese media texts review Trade War primarily as a “struggle to gain economic profit”; and the US media view it as a “competition in trade industry”. The formulated conclusions largely correlate with the peculiarities of mentality of the residents of People’s Republic of China and the United States.
Citations count: 1
Zvereva M.I. —
Taboo. Political correctness. Euphemism. Correlation of concepts
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 52 - 59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.6.33109 URL:
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The inspiration source for writing this article became the detected in scientific literature fusion of terms and concepts denoted by them. The object of this research is the concepts of “taboo”, “political correctness” and “euphemism”. The subjects is the key characteristics: functional and semantic peculiarities that allow correlating these concepts. The analysis captures the contamination of dictionary definitions, as well as examples from the texts of modern media. The author examines such aspects of the topic, as the general characteristics of taboo, political correctness and euphemism, their semantic structure and function. Special attention is given to interpretation, search of the meeting points, and demarcation of the notions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time these concepts are being analyzed “in tandem”, and that taboo is viewed in relation to euphemism and political correctness as a linguistic phenomenon (word-taboo) and non-linguistic phenomenon (rule-taboo). The main conclusions consist in the following: firstly, reasoned confirmation of the diversity of the concepts of taboo, political correctness and euphemism; secondly, correlation between the word-taboo and euphemism as the “replaced” and “replacing”; and thirdly, the determination that rule-taboo and political correctness are two powerful boosts for creation and utilization of euphemisms.
Citations count: 1
Ivlieva P.D. —
From P. Corneille to L. Ulitskaya: the Evolution of Medea's Image in European literature
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 117 - 124.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.3.23441 URL:
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The development and rethinking of one of the most striking mythological images is traced in the work. The image of Medea, most often interpreted in the literature of the twentieth century, is skipped through the prism of modern conflicts with author's creative "arbitrariness", demonstrating its timelessness and relevance. The subject of the study is the image of an ancient Greek sorceress Medea, who became the source of inspiration for many writers, from where they got ideas, symbols, images, motifs, plot lines. The object of the study is the process of mythmaking through which the role of the mythological plot about Medea and the degree of its rethinking in works of fiction is revealed.The author uses a complex approach to the study of literary phenomena, cultural-historical and comparative-typological methods of research. The main conclusion of the study is that the realities of a new time, such as the phenomenon of women's emancipation, the protection of human rights and freedoms, military themes, social conflicts, information wars are reinterpreted and embodied in the text through author's mythicizing. Taking as a basis the mythological plot of each of the authors demythologize it to a greater or lesser extent, imparting individual distinctive features, putting emphasis differently.
Citations count: 1
Iarovikova I.V. —
On the Question about the Categorial Definition of Ekphrasis
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 144 - 151.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.28507 URL:
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The article is devoted to ekphrasis as a verbal description of an artwork in finction and non-fiction. At the present time pretty much is known about the theory and practical use of ekphrasis. However, we can't say that this area lacks methodological gaps. There are still a lot of questions, in particular, about the definition of ekphrasis. Thus, the subject of this research is the correlation of such categories as 'genre' and 'discourse' in relation to ekphrasis. The aim of the research is to trace back the genesis of ekphrasis and describes prerequisites for transformation of an ancient rythoric exercise into an individual device/genre/discourse. The researcher focuses on the role of ekphrasis as a device/genre and the genre-creating function of an English ekphrasis discourse. As a result of the research, the author describes invariant features of ekphrasis writings and outlines the main genre invariants of an English akphrasis discourse. The results of the research make an important contribution to the further development of theoretical issues that relate to the definitions of ekphrasis genre/discourse and demonstrate the degree of the problem development at the modern stage.
Citations count: 1
Gotovtseva L.M. —
Russian Lexical Borrowings in the Category of Clothes of Heroes of Olonkho Epic
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 207 - 214.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29036 URL:
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The subject of the study is the vocabulary borrowed from the Russian language. The object of the study is the vocabulary denoting the names of pieces of clothes of Olonkho Epic. The aim of the article is to identify the borrowings denoting pieces of clothes, in the course of which the following issues are solved: determination of the composition of the borrowed vocabulary of the names of clothes; general characteristics of thematic groups; consideration of the features of their functioning in the Olonkho epic. The primary attention is paid to the determination of the factors of penetration of lexical borrowings into the Olonkho language space. The study uses various methods of linguistic analysis: the method of continuous sampling, comparison, and descriptive method.The methodological basis of the study was the works of scientists on lexicology and linguostylistics: D. N. Shmeleva, L. P. Krysin, P. A. Sleptsov, A. T. Hrolenko.The specificity of the functioning of words of foreign origin in a folklore work remains an insufficiently studied object of research, which led to the novelty of the study. The main factors of penetration of lexical borrowings into the Olonkho epic space are alliteration and assonance. Since in the description of the portrait of the Olonkho hero the most important role belongs to his attire, the detailed description of his clothes also served as the basis for the appearance of lexical borrowings in the Olonkho epic.
Citations count: 1
Mavleev R.R., Fomin A.G. —
Confrontation Rhetoric in the USA and the PRC Military-Political Discourse (on the Material of the Inaugural Speech of US President Donald Trump and Speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 148 - 161.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29931 URL:
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The subject of the study is the military-political discourse in Chinese and English languages. The aim of this article is to identify of the pattern and specifics of military-political confrontation rhetoric in Chinese and English languages, and also a to conduct a cognitive discourse-analysis of the inaugural speech of US President Donald Trump and speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The article indicates that the speech of US President Donald Trump and the speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping reflected the confrontation rhetoric between two countries. Moreover, it is confirmed that the materials chosen for the analysis are an example of military-political discourse (MPD).The methodology of the study provides the following stages: (I) analysis of the political language functions, reflecting the confrontation rhetoric in Donald Trump and Xi Jinping's speeches, (II) creation of cognitive maps, and also (III) creating an integrated cognitive-structural model of MPD. For the first time, the rhetoric of confrontation in the military-political discourse of China and the United States is concluded based on a comparative analysis of the speeches of the heads of states of China and the United States.As a result of political language functions analysis, descriptive analysis of an integrated cognitive-structural model of the discourse, and also creating cognitive maps of the speeches of US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the hypothesis of the existence of the confrontation rhetoric between the heads of the two countries, who entered into a dialogue-confrontation even before the first official meeting, was confirmed.
Citations count: 1
Borisova Y.M. —
Main methods of Russian-Yakut translation of legal terms (based on the material of Russian-Yakut legal dictionary by B. N. Alekseev, V. N. Nikonov)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 10 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.8.33644 URL:
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The subject of this article is the methods of terminographical translation of legal terminology of the Sakha language employed in the Russian-Yakut legal dictionary. The goal of this work consists in determination of peculiarities of legal terminological lexicon and ways of conveying it to Yakut language. Terminographical analysis of the dictionary demonstrated that there is no strict rule for selecting the framework legal terms and terminological phrases. For example, the legal status of some commonly used words is questionable; the so-called “non-terminological” parts of speech manifest as the head term, and the form of feminine gender is presented excessively, which the authors propose on the equal basis with the form of masculine gender. This article is first to conduct a detailed analysis of instances of application of Russian-Yakut translation techniques of legal terms, such as equivalent, alternative translation, calquing, transliteration, as well as descriptive, situational and other translation methods. The article is based on the inductive-deductive method and method of selective sampling for terminographical analysis of translations of translation of legal terms and terminological phrases. The results terminographical analysis of the Russian-Yakut translation of legal allow concluding on the need for comprising the more extensive Russian-Yakut dictionaries of legal and sociopolitical terms.
Citations count: 1
Vasileva A., Egorova T.P. —
Translation of epic literature of the cognate linguocultures (on the example of Yakut translation of the Altai epos “Maadai-Kara”)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 22 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34501 URL:
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The subject of this research is translation techniques of the epic literature of cognate linguocultures – Altai and Yakut. The relevance of this work is substantiated by the fact that mutual translation of epic texts is continued within the framework of international translation project for releasing a series of bilingual editions “Epic monuments of the Peoples of the World” initiated in Yakutia in 2014. The team translators and editors requires theoretically grounded recommendations for translation into cognate languages using the intermediary language, which in this case is Russian. The difficulties of translation consists in the fact that both epic texts have common origin, similar literary-poetic characteristics and plots. In the course of this research, the author applied the analysis of lexical translation techniques and methods of reconstruction of syntactic peculiarities of the original; compares the similarities and differences between the literary techniques of both epics texts; describes the essence of translation transformations conducted by the creative team in translation of Altai epos into the Yakut language Conducted in the Soviet time academic translations of epic texts of the peoples of the USSR into the Russian language are of high quality and conveyed national identity of the original. Russian language as an intermediary language gives fullest possible comprehension of the content of the original. If the language is of third linguistic culture and incapable of accurately conveying the national realias and poetic beauty of the original, the translators can refer to the original in the language unfamiliar to them. In order to adequately convey a particular realia, the translators should understand the similarity of common Turkic realias in both linguocultures and resist the temptation to replace the Altai realia with the analogous of their native linguoculture; as well as be able to shape a new word or phrase so that they would sound organically in the target language, but at the same time look non-native, alien, and foreign.
Citations count: 1
Anikina T.V. —
Phonostylistic peculiarities of English-language and Russian-language online advertising
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 41 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.1.34885 URL:
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Modern advertising became a part of communicative culture. Therefore, the language of advertising draws attention of scholars from different fields. However, the task of determining and studying linguistic means that encourage attention of customers remains relevant. This article examines the phonostylistic means that allow creating a certain emotional background after reading an advertisement. The research materials contains advertising texts and slogans from various websites and social media (such as Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook). Methodology implies the selection of practical material, identification of the basis phonostylistic means used in English-language and Russian-language advertising texts, comparison of such means in both languages. The conducted research demonstrates that alliteration, assonance, annomination, wordplay, and rhyme are most frequently used means in the English-language and Russian-language online advertising. The English-language online advertising most often employs alliteration, while the Russian-language online advertising most frequently uses phonostylistic means. Such pattern is associated with the number of vowels and consonants in the alphabets of these two languages. The application of phonostylistic means makes the text lean, melodiousness, and expressivity. Advertising agencies focus on audio and stylistic presentation of advertising text for impacting the audience.
Citations count: 1
Glazkova M.M. —
The embodiment of the dialogue-polemic of A. Zhid with F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche in the artistic space of the story "The Immoralist"
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.8.37306 EDN: YFKCTI URL:
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The object of the study was the work of A. Zhid "The Immoralist" (1902). The work reveals and analyzes the originality of the artistic thought of the French writer, which manifests itself through an oxymoronic combination of the concepts of two philosophers-thinkers – F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche. The reading of the work of A. Zhid in the context of a kind of dialogue is used. On the one hand, it is a dialogue with F. Nietzsche, with his idea of the role of a superman who takes the place of God in a world where "God died". On the other hand, with F. M. Dostoevsky, for whom the gospel truths remain indisputable. At the same time, it is a dialogue between F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche in the artistic space of the work of the French writer. It is determined that the dialogue, carried out in a kind of triangle, reveals the main moral and philosophical problems of the "Immoralist" – the clash of Christian morality and Nietzschean absolute freedom. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the analysis of the little-studied work of A. Zhid "Immoralist" was carried out in the parameters of an exclusive dialogue-polemic with radically opposite thinkers, F. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche, who significantly influenced the spiritual climate of the twentieth century.
A. The Jew combines two opposing concepts in one artistic space, but no one wins in this struggle. F. Nietzsche and Dostoevsky reinforce the peculiar disturbing reflections of A. Zhid about the moral conflicts of the modern world.
The work comprehends a number of general issues essential for the study of the history of literature, in particular, these are questions of philosophy, religion, morality.
Citations count: 1
Kuzmina R.P. —
The "Bear" Concept in Evens' World View
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 223 - 231.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29935 URL:
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The subject of the study is a semantic and etymological analysis of determining the nominative features of lexical units and the classification of totemic nominations of the bear in Even language. As a result of the study of comparative analysis of evens' totemic vocabulary with other languages of the Manchu-Tungus linguistic group, the peculiar features of lexical units functioning in subdialects and dialects of Even language are determined. The survey of ethnographic and folklore studies reflecting the cult worship of the bear in the culture of the minority ethnic group, which led to the emergence of a whole complex of rituals, is carried out. In the work, the method of linguocultural analysis, contextual, comparative, and introspective methods were used. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that at the first time the linguistic analysis of totemic names of a bear possessing the ethnospecific features in the linguistic picture of the world of the Evens is carried out.The relevance of the study is due to the importance of language research within the anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics, and an insufficient study of zoonymic vocabulary in the dialects of the Even language, revealing the features of the linguistic picture of the world of the people.
Citations count: 1
Kalinin O.I., Selezneva D.V. —
Metaphoricity and Classification: Experience of Comparative Analysis
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 72 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30695 URL:
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The subject of this research is intra-linguistic factors that effect the intensity of influence of a political discourse expressed by public speeches in different languages. The aim of the research is to find the relationship between the level of metaphoricity of texts in Chinese, Korean, English and Russian languages and their classification features. The research material includes speech messages of the same genre, time of creation and addressee such as public speeches made by the leaders of the Russian Federation, Peoiple's Republic of China, Great Britain and Republic of Korea over the last three years (2016-2019). The reserach methods include selection of the material, analysis of the main features of languages under research, discovery of metaphors in speeches made by the countries' leaders and calculation of metaphor power index. As a result of the research, the authors conclude that Chinese texts have the hightest level of metaphoricity, maximum isolation and least synthetism while Russian texts have the least level of isolation and highest level of synthetism and the lowest level of metaphoricity. Languages of isolated type are limited in their syntactic transformations, this is why effect made at the level of a lexical metaphor is the most accessible language means.
Citations count: 1
Itskovich T.V. —
Modern Orthodox sermon: categorical-textual aspect
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.4.35269 URL:
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Examination of functionality of the genres of religious functional style is a relevant direction of modern linguistic research, which is substantiated by the change of social situation in Russia at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries, and thus, the growing role of religion as a form of public consciousness and a type of human activity. Sermon is a genre that functions in the Russian language, which makes it understandable and influential. The author applies the categorical-textual method, which gives an objective perspective and determines the characterological features of the genre, perceived as a type of similar texts with a standard way of explicating text categories; it also allows identifying the signs of invariant and outlining the transformative trends in the genre of sermon, substantiated by the new communication channels. The sermons delivered during liturgy belong to the core of the genre and feature predominant reverent tone, thematic duality: mandatory spiritual theme, with explication of situational and sacred themes, and reduced explication of profane theme; classical compositional structure, where the main theme is accompanied by spiritual interpretation, comprising a compositional complex, while the situational theme serves for creation of a circular plot. Sermons delivered outside liturgy are attributed to the mediated distant communication, which employs modern media channels: television or Internet, which substantiated a way of explication of textual categories that differs from the invariant. Non-liturgical sermons are classified as periphery of the genre and characterized by prevalence of the preaching, and at times aggressive tone, implementation of profane theme in the text, and reduced role of sacred and spiritual themes. Compositionally, non-liturgical sermons are noted for optional introduction and conclusion, with situational theme, which is explained by usage of modern communication channels. The categorical-textual method allows observing the transformation of the genre of sermon from the core towards the periphery.
Citations count: 1
Nerents D.V. —
The specifics of working with “big data” in modern media
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 28 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.4.35354 URL:
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As of today, Big Data is the source of information that journalists can no longer neglect. Data sets, databases, unstructured data on the official websites of the government or commercial institutions are a resource for the work of journalists. Big Data is not only the source of information, but also the evidence base. Using quantitative and statistical indicators as the arguments for their theses, the journalists increases the level of audience loyalty and trust to the publication. Data analysis, establishment of correlations, making forecasts and ratings allows creative exclusive, attractive and reliable content that attracts the audience and improves reputation of the publisher. This article is dedicated to determination of the role of “big data” in the work of information and analytical departments of the publisher, as well as in coverage of the socially relevant topics and outlining trends in further work of the journalists with such information. Over the study period (from 2017 to the present) the author employed the methods of description, comparative analysis, and generalization. In conclusion, the author notes that the collection and processing of the data requires a strong approach and utmost attention of the journalists.
Citations count: 1
Zakharova N.E., Zakharova A.E. —
The Content of the Concept of "Native Language" in the Linguistic Picture of the World of Modern Dolgans of the Khatango-Anabar Region (Sociopsycholinguistic Aspect)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 46 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.12.39556 EDN: OYJJEL URL:
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Subject of research: the content of images of linguistic consciousness of Dolgan Khatanga district of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Anabar district of Yakutia. Objective: to identify the features of the linguistic consciousness of modern Dolgans of two adjacent regions of the Russian Federation.
Tasks: 1) to consider the extralinguistic situation in the places of compact residence of Dolgans separately and in the whole region; 2) to consider the linguistic situation in the region; 3) to consider the content of the concept of "native language".
Methods: 1) a directed associative experiment was conducted among the SS population. Popigai, Syndassko Khatansky district of Krasnoyarsk Krai and ss. Yuryung Khaya, Saskylakh Anabar district of Yakutia. 2) sociolinguistic research of places of compact residence of the Dolgans of Russia (questionnaire survey, interview, observation, indirect observation (study of documentation). The novelty of the research: the Dolgan language consciousness has not yet been the subject of special research and the concept of "native language" in the Dolgan concept sphere has not been considered before. The results obtained are also interesting from the point of view of sociolinguistics, since the Khatango-Anabar region is a multilingual and multicultural region, respectively, bilingualism and multilingualism are actively developing. It was important for us to find out what a modern native speaker of the Dolgan language puts into the concept of "native language". The subjects were asked to answer the question: "What is a native language?". Basically, the content is built around the meaning of the first word of the stimulus "native", so the figurative component prevails.
Citations count: 1
Useinova E.U. —
Detail Functionis in Nadezhda Teffi's Literary Works
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27328 URL:
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The article is devoted to detail as the means of creation of a female image used by Nadezhda Teffi in her literary works. It is a minimal element of a text that contributes to the formation of the entire image. Useinova focuses on details that describe the inner world of a character. Characterological detail has got benefits as it can be used to express a general impression of an item or phenomenon and conveys the overall psychological tone. Detailed description of portraits and psychological states of characters and what things surround them makes the impression as if the reader could actually see them. The research methodology includes the contensive-structured and comparative typological approaches accompanied with immanent and contextual analysis. The methodological basis includes researches on Nadezhda Teffi's creative writing by L. Chernets, L. Babenko and E. Trubilova. In Nadezhda Teffi's emigree tales details performed a number of important functions such as psychological, distinguishing and symbolic. However, the psychological function of details is more often found there. Detailed description of portraits and psychological states of characters and what things surround them makes the impression as if the reader could actually see them. The results of analyzing the role and functions of a literary detail demonstrate that detail does not only contribute to the development of a certain motif in Nadezhda Teffi's writing but also helps to understand the imaginative world better.
Citations count: 1
Osipova O.I. —
The peculiarities of “magic realism” in E. Nekrasova’s novel “Kalechina-Malechina”
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.33372 URL:
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The subject of this research is the novel by the contemporary author Evgenia Nekrasova “Kalechina-Malechina”. The novel contains the elements of fantasy and mysticism, which can either have purely rational, materialistic explanation or irrational – surrealistic. Therefore, the composition is viewed through the prism of synthesis of the elements of magical, irrational and familiar everyday reality. Such approach allows attributing the novel to “magic realism”, which is interpreted not as a school or direction, but a literary method used by multiple authors of various national literatures. The key characteristics of the methods as follows: system of the two worlds, binary chronotope, duplicity, and mythological implication. The complex methodological approach includes intertextual analysis and mythopoetic commentary. The conducted analysis allowed determining the peculiarities of structuring artistic world in the novel; principles of creating chronotope and conflicts between individual and the society; principles of narrative structure; and motifs. The novel by E. Nekrasova “Kalechina-Malechina” represents an example of the literary method of magic realism, which manifests on the level of system of the two worlds and development of the chronotope. Narrative structure is built on the synthesis of child’s worldview of the heroine and the author’s vision, which leads to an ambivalent perception of the world. The article provides a detailed overview of the storyline, which main theme is the initiation of the main heroine into the adult life assisted by a magical helper – Kikimora.
Citations count: 1
Iarovikova I.V., Balygina E.A., Ermolova T.V., Logvinova O.K. —
The satirical grotesque in Evelyn Waugh's novel "Decline and Destruction"
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.1.34812 URL:
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The present research is carried out in line with literary stylistics, focusing on the linguistic and expressive means of artistic representation of reality and the peculiarities of their use by one or another author. The research material was the novel "Decline and Destruction", written by one of the recognized masters of the English satirical novel Evelyn Waugh. The "Decline and Destruction" of twentieth–century England is a cross-cutting theme of the entire work of I. Vo, whose stylistic dominant is the satirical grotesque. The above-mentioned determined the purpose of the study, which consists in explicating the main mechanisms and means of creating a satirical grotesque in the novel, exposing and ridiculing the vices of English society in the 1920s, sharpening and criticizing the shortcomings of the existing education system in privileged educational institutions in England.  In accordance with this goal, the article considers the problem of the emergence of the term "grotesque", its connection with the aesthetic category of the comic is indicated, the role and place of this artistic device in the work of I. Vo are indicated. It is revealed that with the help of a satirical grotesque, Vo creates his own special – secondary to the real – world, violating the boundaries corresponding to our ideas of plausibility, for which any means available to the author are suitable. The study showed that the key mechanisms determining the grotesque beginning of the novel are a combination of mutually exclusive, hyperbolization, reification of characters, etc. A special satirical expressiveness and tragicomism, brought to the point of absurdity, is manifested at various levels of the work's organization (lexical, onomastic, morphological, syntactic, graphic). From this point of view, the novel "Decline and Destruction" is being studied for the first time, which determines the novelty of the research undertaken and outlines further prospects in the field of research devoted to the work of Evelyn Waugh and the satirical grotesque, in particular.
Citations count: 1
Sulaimanov M.U. —
The peculiarities of compositional and semantic arrangement of text in Shakir Selim’s literary-criticism article “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife”
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 8 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.5.35501 URL:
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This article attempts to determine the peculiarities of compositional and semantic arrangement of text of the literary-criticism article by Shakir Selim “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife” in the context of its genre uniqueness. The article employs the approach of methodological pluralism using the key hermeneutical and a range of auxiliary methods. In analyzing the text, the author reviews the criteria of literary work, such as fabula, plotline, chronotope, author’s modality, etc., which allow revealing the peculiarities compositional and semantic arrangement Shakir Selim’s work. The relevance of this article is defined by the lack systematic research dedicated to compositional and semantic arrangement and genre diversity of the literary-criticism texts in the Crimean Tatar literature. The subject of this research is the compositional and semantic arrangement of text on the example of the literary work “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife”. The author describes the genre diversity alongside the elements of time and space presented in the article, as well as explores the author’s representations and modality. This article is first to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of compositional and semantic arrangement and genre diversity of the S. Selim’s work “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife” by means of methodological pluralism in the aspect of various structural components of the composition and content of the text.
Citations count: 1
Keler A.I. —
The genre of prayer: classification criteria
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 29 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.7.36072 URL:
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The religious functional style is currently being actively studied not only in theology, but also in philology. On the one hand, this fact is substantiated by the change in the sociopolitical situation in Russia, while on the other –by the need for scientific comprehension and description of the experience of religious communication implemented in particular genres. Prayer is one of the genres of religious functional style, which are referred to as basic or representative. Both in literary studies and linguistics, prayer is viewed from the perspective of different approaches; therefore, the researchers offer various classifications for the genre of prayer. The subject of this research is a prayer as the religious genre. Analysis is conducted on the existing classifications of prayer based on the material of Christian prayers, and generalizes them for the purpose of deriving general classification and its further application to the corpus of prayer texts created within the framework of the New Apostolic teaching. As a result of the conducted research, the author provides a summary table, which indicates seven criteria for the classification of prayers: position of the addressee (type and number of addressees); type of addressee; method or form of saying the prayer; formal-substantive rigidity of the text; leading intention / content / key function of the prayer and their number; place of creating the text; time of creating the text. The article also presents an example of application the summary theoretical data to particular material—a corpus of 220 prayers created by New Apostolic parishioners, and records of the prayerful life of the Christians from the catechesis of the New Apostolic Church.
Citations count: 1
Shuiskaya Y.V., Murzina O.V., Karpov E.S. —
Linguistic peculiarities of text component of the creolized Internet memes
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 30 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.12.37123 URL:
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The object of this research is the text component of Internet meme as a signifier of special type. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of text captions to the images posted in the Russian-speaking and English-speaking segments of the Internet. The authors dwell on such aspects as the syntactic, theme-rhematic, and orthographic peculiarities of the text component of Internet memes. Special attention is given to the problem of intentional misspellings in text captions. In most cases, namely the text actualizes the image; the memes usually involve film stills, drawings, and photo images, and text captions turn these images into the relevant Internet memes. The main conclusions lies in determination of the peculiarities of the text part of creolized Internet memes on all linguistic levels. Due to the specificities of Internet memes, the texts usually represent short sentences. The syntactic structure of used phrases often resembles a marked construction, and in a number of instances with intentional misspellings. The novelty of this research lies in the analysis of Internet memes from the perspective of linguistics. Although there are Russian and foreign research dedicated to semiotic and communicative components of the Internet memes, as well as their evolution and transformations, the analysis of linguistic component is carried out for the first time.
Citations count: 1
Khoroshikh P.P. —
Psycholinguistics: From an Individual Branch of Knowledge to Polyscientific Knowledge
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 231 - 236.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.22196 URL:
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In his article Khoroshikh analyzes the modern status of psycholinguistics as a branch of scientific knowledge. The author notes that this science has developed as a result of the dichotomy of humanities and natural science, thus combining these two approaches. This is the specific relation of psycholinguistics research object, subject and methods that allows to refer it to complex science. Different definitions of psycholiguistics demonstrate that there are different approaches to interpreting it as a science. The author of the article analyzes how psycholinguistics correlate to other sciences. For example, psychology and language studies have contributed a lot to the development of psycholinguistics as a complex science in general. These sciences have formed the basis and methodologies of psycholinguistics. Khoroshikh pays special attention to the role of anthropology, development and transformation of human as a system in the process of philogenesis and anthropogenesis. Psycholinguistics offer a new concept, so called 'language personality'. The mutual influence of psycholinguistics and anthropology have also formed the basis for a new approach, anthropocentrism. The development of anthropocentrism ideas in psycholinguistics has also given an impulse to studying the language as a special form of culture. Thus, it can be seen that psycholinguistics is still at the stage of development and gets into contact with different branches of knowledge.
Citations count: 1
Petrova N.V. —
Multicomponent Transport Logistics Terms in the Modern English Language: Their Structure and Peculiarities of Translation into the Russian Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 86 - 97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.3.23174 URL:
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The article reveals some peculiarities of multicomponent transport logistics terms in the modern English language from the point of view of their structure and translation into the Russian language. The carried out analysis is based on the material of the selection of multicomponent terminological units of the total amount of 500 units taken from texts, dictionaries and glossaries on logistics (in particular, transport logistics) in the Internet. The morphologic, morpho-syntactic and syntactic ways of term formation offered by S.V. Grinyov-Grinevich serve as a basis for the structural and word-formative analysis of terms. The author examines in detail some structural and word-formative peculiarities of two-, three-, four- and five-component terms and specificity of translation of the latter. The following methods have been used during the research: the method of continuous selection, component and etymological types of analysis, methods of reconstruction of structural and word-formative models of the lexical units under study, and quantitative processing of data. As a result of the research the author concludes that multicomponent transport logistics terms in the modern English language are mainly presented by two- and three-component units formed as a result of syntactic term-formation. In the process of translation of the English-language logistics terms into the Russian language, a selection of full or partial equivalent, explication (descriptive translation), loan translation, transcription / transliteration or a certain combination of these methods. While translating transport logistics terms from English into Russian it has been pointed out that less than half of the terms keep their multicomponent structure (model of term formation, number of components).
Citations count: 1
Karaban' N.A., Dikareva A.V. —
Netiquette, or Rules of Verbal Behavior on the Internet
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25379 URL:
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The aim of the article is to define particular features of the speech etiquette in the virtual environment. The object of the research is the netiquette as the rules that regulate verbal and nonverbal behavior of users in the process of the Internet communication. The authors of the article examine such aspects of the topic as the role of the modern Russian language and development of verbal behavior standards in the Internet communication. The authors examine language and speech means and methods of exercising etiquette intentions. The authors focus on differences between netiquette and traditional etiquette. The research involved various official and unofficial genres of the Internet communication (e-mails, forums, chats, blogs, commentaries, etc.). Based on the authors, the netiquette semantics are start starting to be developed and thus need an integral analysis, description and systematization. These factors cause the scientific novelty and rationale of the research. The authors define netiquette functions caused by particularities of a new communication channel, first of all, anonymity, absence of physical presentation, freedom of expression, etc. As a result of their research, the authors conclude that despite the fact that netiquette is based on universal moral principles and values of speech behavior and traditional etiquette, netiquette has prominent features.
Citations count: 1
Kieva Z.K. —
Aspects of Interpretation of Comparative Phraseological Units Used in the Ingush Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 39 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30495 URL:
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In her article Kieva analyzes comparative phraseological units used in the Ingush language from the point of view of formal, lexical and grammatical and syntagmatic aspects of their presentation. The author offers her own structural and grammatical classification of idioms with comparison semantics and states that estabished phraseological units perform a certain syntactic function. Comparative semantics of Ingush idioms is formally expressed as the object of comparison. In speech comparison may be expressed by different means incuding comparative phraseological expressions that take a special place in phraseology of different languages. Kieva presents and uses the following methods: 1) the method of structural organisation when a formal component of a phraseologica unit is anayzed; 2) lexical and semantic aspect of presentation of phraseological units; 3) valence of opportunities presented by idioms with comparison semantics. The material presented in the artice provides an insight into the linguistic picture of these estabished expressions in the Ingush language. These comparative phraseoogica units or established expressions in the Ingush language have different component contents from the point of view of lexical and grammatical reference of the main word in an idiom.
Citations count: 1
Vavilova K.Y. —
Symbolism in the Russian folk art (on the example of romantic ballads)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 108 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.11.34242 URL:
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The subject of this research is the symbols characteristic to the genre of folk ballade. The object of this research is lyrics of the Russian folk ballads. The following compilations of ballads served as the material for this research: “Russian Ballad” (edited By V. I. Chernyshev, N. p. Andreev, 1936), “Folk Ballads” (edited by D. M. Balashov, A. M. Astakhova, 1963), “Russian Folk Ballad” (edited by D. M. Balashov, 1983), “Ballads” (edited by B. P. Kirdan, 2001), “Epics. Historical Song. Ballads” (edited by A. V. Kulagina, V. A. Kovpaka, 2008). The author carefully examines the peculiarities of ballad symbolism and its functions. In the course of research, the following conclusions were formulated: consistency of the genre order depends on the presence of the system of artistic visual means; central in the poetics of ballad belongs to symbolism, parallelism, antithesis, epithets, and metaphors; symbolism in the romantic ballads is presented quite extensively; often a symbolic situation becomes a part of psychological parallelism presented in many ballad concepts; syntactic parallelism can be placed in any thematic link and amplifies by antithesis. In certain instances, antithesis appears an important technique for creating a tragic effect. Ballad poetics is subordinated to explication of the overall genre trend, including the reflection of fundamental universals and principles. The novelty of this work consists in the attempt of textual analysis of the major compilations of ballads, as well as in selection of the symbols for their further analysis within the framework of implementation of genre characteristics.
Citations count: 1
Vinokurova A.A., Egorova S.I., Belolyubskaya E.N. —
Women's lyrics in the Even poetry
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 71 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34561 URL:
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The object of this research is women’s lyrics in the Even literature. It is underlined that women's poetry, represented by the Evdokia Nikolaevna Bokova, Maria Amamich, Maria Prokopievna Fedotova-Nulgynet, Varvara Grigorievna Belolyubskaya-Arkuk, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Gerasimova-Aynady is not broadly reflected in literary studies, although the topic was discusses by the writers, literary scholars and critics, such as V. B. Okorokovs, V. Shemetov, V. Sivtsev, A. Burykin and others. The subject of this research is the works of Evdokia Bokova and Varvara Arkuk. The article explores the genre uniqueness of poems, as well as cognitive, educational and aesthetic meaning of lyrics in the works of E. Bokova and V. Arkuk. Relevance of this study is defined by the need for conducting contextual analysis of the Even women’s poetry. The scientific novelty consist in characterization of aesthetic uniqueness of women's poetry in the Even literature, and in analysis of certain aspects of the works of E. Bokova, V. Arkuk as a remarkable hue in description of the images of nature and inner emotions of the people of the North. The poems of E. Bokova and V. Arkuk are familiar to wide audience. The collections of poems that enriched the Even poetry with women’s lyricism were published in the mid-1990s in the Even language.
Citations count: 1
Magomedova P.A., Gasanova M.A. —
Representation of the Concept of FAITH/IMAN in Russian-language Religious (Islamic) Discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 63 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.12.39474 EDN: MUEWAX URL:
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The article considers the concept of FAITH/IMAN as a key component of the religious worldview of Dagestanis. The value component of the analyzed concept, its specifics of verbalization and its role in the Russian-speaking Islamic discourse are determined. The relevance of the proposed topic is determined by the increased interest of scientists in recent decades to the problems of the relationship between language and religion (as evidenced by the emergence of a young science of theolinguistics); on the one hand, the prospects and relevance of research in the field of cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. The material for the analysis was the paremiological units of the Arabic and Dagestan languages (in Russian translation), Quranic sayings, hadiths, religious texts of theologians, etc. The paper uses linguoculturological (conceptual) analysis as the main one. Since the subject of the study is particularly complex and multifaceted, a number of interdisciplinary methods and techniques are used in the study, including hermeneutic and partially phenomenological methods in analyzing the content of religious texts. The linguistic and cultural analysis of the religious concept of FAITH/IMAN in the Dagestan linguistic and cultural space has revealed the key dominants that have absorbed the ideas about the qualities of a true believer, which generally correspond to universal moral ideals. The specificity of Dagestan religious discourse lies in its syncretic nature, in which the canons and moral and ethical norms of Islam were synthesized with pre-monotheistic beliefs.
Citations count: 1
Todosienko Z.V., Bryleva R.F., Mingazetdinova R.F. —
Integration of English Language Borrowings and Neologisms into Different Structured Languages (Based on the Material of Lexical Units of the Coronavirus Period)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 37 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.1.39704 EDN: LNMCYG URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the latest word formations in different structured languages that appeared in the information Internet space during the coronavirus pandemic. Lexical units of Russian-, French- and English-language news resources are considered. In the process of analysis, the authors apply the methodology of classification of models of neologisms and borrowings and identify the degree of their integration in the recipient language. Various ways of forming new lexical units with the help of numerous word-forming operations are also studied and their complex morphological structure is revealed. The authors investigate the prerequisites for the emergence of neologisms in English, as well as English borrowings in Russian and French using examples from various news sources. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to make a comparative study of borrowings and models of integration of the latest English borrowings in Russian and French Internet information sources, and also studies the specifics of the mechanism of adaptation of neologisms in the English-language information system. The word-formation methods of the formation of the newest lexical units are studied in detail, their complex structure is confirmed. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that most lexical units have a complex morphological structure, arrive in the status of mastering the recipient language. It is also found that the integration of borrowed vocabulary in a language is a long-term process, as a result of which one state of the lexical stock is replaced by another.
Citations count: 1
Kletckaya S. —
Concerning the Grammar Status of Incorporated Direct Speech (the Case Study of S. Petrushevskaya's Works)
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 169 - 177.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28126 URL:
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Based on the analysis of L. Petrushevskaya's creative writing, Kletskaya examines the grammar status of incorporated direct speech, a special kind of presentation of someone else's speech when a hero's remark is transmitted through the author's speech using an asyndeton. Quite often incorporated direct speech is not marked with punctuation marks and is never accompanied with an introduction remark of an author. This makes a hero's remark to look as an element of an object-and-event narration. Incorporated speech is one of the most interesting speech techniques used by L. Petrushevskaya in her prose. In the process of her research Kletskaya applies such methods as observation, induction and deduction, description, taxonomic description and opposition analysis. Incorporated direct speech is close to direct speech and opposes to indirect and improperly direct speech, first of all, because it does not look as a special syntax construction, and, secondly, because of its expressivity. All these facts altogether allow to make a statement that incorporated direct speech is a special syntactic phenomenon which cannot be identified with any form of someone else's speech communication described by modern linguistic studies.
Citations count: 1
Prosiannikova O.I. —
Verb Forms in the Texts of Anglo Saxon and Russian Charms
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 176 - 186.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.29055 URL:
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The object of the research is the texts of Anglo Saxon and Russian charms that have one common feature. This feature is the organized word formulas that imply the use of certain verb forms, the latter being the subject of the research. Considering that the structure of charms includes directions, pleas and orders, charms are usually created as imperative mood verbs and charm links are spoken as subjunctive mood verbs. Ancient English of Anglo Saxon charms had its own distinguished features, in particular, the use of verb forms. The peculiarity of the subject has determined the choice of the descriptive method for the analysis including observation, interpretation and generalisation. Based on the comparative analysis of texts, the author of the article has defined similar feature s in the use of verb forms of imperative and subjunctive mood, differences in the future time forms as well as the use of verb forms of perfect and imperfect type in relation to the differences in the system of verb forms of the ancient English and Russian languages.
Citations count: 1
Podchasov A.S. —
The concept of glory in the Russian religious culture and secular discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 36 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.8.31778 URL:
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This article is dedicated to conceptualization of the notion of glory in the Russian religious culture and secular discourse. Texts of the Holy Scripture indicate etymological relation of glory to the Ancient Hebrew root kbd (to be heavy, important, liver), which imposes additional meanings to the concept, not recorded in the dictionaries. For example, ancient Jews interpreted glory as a true value of the objects of corporeal and incorporeal world, which could be measured, “weighed”. Usage of the word glory in folklore, particularly in Christmas carols, as an imperative incantation can testify to the belief in the magic qualities of this word, as well as to connection of paganism and a religious rituals in people’s mind. As a result of comparative and hermeneutic analysis, the author concludes that in the religious context, glory retains the idea of the interconnectivity and interconditionality of hearing and speech, typical to the Indo-European root kleu, from which is stems from. A centuries-old process of de-ontologization led the loss of the internal form and value elements of semantic structure of glory, which caused distortion of this Christian concept in consciousness of the Russian native speakers. In the secular, profane discourse, fame became the key meaning of glory. However, in consciousness of the Russian native speakers, the word glory remains a significant source of cultural-linguistic information, which cannot be understood without reference to the history, traditions and religion of the nation.
Citations count: 1
Minova N.P., Kasimirova I.S., Mamukina G.I., Phedorova A.V., Suprunov S.E. —
Calquing of the English-language collocations as one of the productive ways of borrowing in the modern French language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.2.32352 URL:
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The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact colloquial languages are in a state of constant change and development, generating new words and expressions for designating new concepts and phenomena. The understanding of neologism even in the native language often can be fraught with certain difficulties, as such words and phrases are registered by dictionaries behind time. It also can create problems in translating neologisms into another language, as well as their borrowing by other languages. The goal of this work consists in examination of the process of calquing of the newly formed English-language collocations by the French language. The subject of the article is the full calques and half-calques of collocations of English origin in the process of their integration into the modern French language. Methodology is based on the lexicographic, descriptive and comparative methods, cognitive and lexical-semantic analysis, and continuous sampling. The conducted research displays that in borrowing collocations from the English language by the modern French language, the generalized-descriptive reconsideration of the entire phrase is observed in formation of a new phraseological with regards to both, full calques of English phraseologisms and phraseological half-calques. Special interest present the calques of the English collocation of phraseological and non-phraseological nature, which in the French language get an expanded meaning, or become the basis for formation of new phraseologisms due to broadening of their meaning.
Citations count: 1
Shigurov V.V., Shigurova T.A. —
Functional adverbialization of substantive word forms of the "winter" type through the prism of indexing
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 92 - 102.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.6.38016 EDN: UMTKKT URL:
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the degrees of adverbialization of the "winter" substantive formations in peripheral adverbs. The relevance of the work is due to the need to study peripheral zones in the grammatical structure of the Russian language, explicating syncretic language units at different stages of intercategory transposition. The novelty of the approach consists in using the methods of oppositional analysis and indexing the degrees of adverbialization of nouns, which made it possible to minimize the element of subjectivism in the evaluation of adverbializing word forms in typical contexts. General scientific and general linguistic, special methods of material analysis (comparison, generalization, descriptive method, elements of component, distributive and transformational analysis) are also used in this research. The focus is on word forms such as "in winter" demonstrates that different circumstances interacts differently with nouns and adverbs. The study of the degrees and limits of their functional adverbialization showed that in the structure of substantive adverbs like "in winter", signs of nouns and adverbs are synthesized in different proportions. It is established that as a result of the grammatical transposition into the class of temporal adverbs, the word form "in winter" reveals 4% correspondence of differential signs of the original noun "winter (winter)" and 78% compliance with the substantive adverb meaning of "sometimes". The zone of the periphery of adverbs serves as the limit of categorical transformation for the forms of the nouns "in winter", "in spring", "in summer", "in autumn", which do not violate the semantic identity of the original substantive lexemes.
The results of the research can be used in the further development of the problem of transitivity and syncretism in the field of significant and official parts of speech, in the creation of a transpositional grammar of the Russian language and in lexicographic practice – when writing dictionaries of interparticle homonyms.
Citations count: 1
Barebina N.S., Fan . —
On the question of the linguistic and cultural features of the Eastern Argumentative Model in Political Ecology
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 15 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.10.43598 EDN: AXXUES URL:
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The article discusses the issues of argumentation of the environmental agenda, which occupies a significant place in the modern linguistic society and is implemented in various discursive practices. The authors proceed from the fact that the environmental problem is a universal topic that is approved by all people. Therefore, the discussion of environmental problems has a great unifying force. The reaction of the audience to the discussion of environmental plans is always predictable, this topic is approved by all segments of the population. It can be said that the media and politicians always make the most of environmental issues. The combination of political speech and ecology, covered in the media, is a synergistic effect when the sum of the components is greater than a simple addition: 1+1+1→5. The synergy of politics and ecology is the object of this work, and the subject of the study are argumentative structures that provide this synergy. The article contains a review of works showing the specifics of logic and the philosophical tradition of China, which were the basis for specific models of reasoning that make up the Eastern model of argumentation. The purpose of the work is to analyze the argumentation in the speeches of Chinese politicians on the environmental topic and to monitor the implementation of the Eastern or Western model of argumentation. The main conclusions of the article are conclusions about the universality of the Western style of argumentation, which is implemented in arguments about environmental problems. The authors also point out the undesirability of leveling argumentation styles. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that these conclusions, being projected on the field of political ecology, allow us to conclude that the linguistic and cultural characteristics of each country affect the implementation of environmental policy. The authors' contribution to the research of the topic consists in a comparative analysis of the Eastern and Western styles of argumentation and in observing the implementation of one of them in ecological topos in Chinese.
Citations count: 1
Demidova M.M. —
Specific Features of the Representation of the Concept of 'Man of God' in the English Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 75 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.26230 URL:
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The subject of the research is the process of verbalization of similar terms in different languages. In particular, Demidova analyzes the meaning of the term 'Man of God' in the Russian and English languages. As a rule, the language representation of the term implies a set of lexical means that are used to express a thought. The author of the article analyzes a set of means that are used to nominate the concept of 'Man of God' in the English language using rich illustrative material (Russian and English translations of the Bible). Demidova focuses on the semantic features of representatives. The main research methods include comparison that allowed to define the means of language representation of the term in the English language, and lexiographical analysis that enabled to discover differences and similarities of the semantic contents of representatives. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author selects language nominees of the term 'Man of God' in the English and Russian languages as the subject of research. As a result, the author concludes that the term 'Man of God' is more developed in the Russian culture so there are all grounds to assert that this term is one of the most important cultural constant in the Russian language.
Citations count: 1
Antonova N.A., Ignateva T.S. —
Patterns of Formation of Phraseological Units in the English and Chuvash Languages
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 259 - 265.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.27236 URL:
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The aim of this word is to study the process of formation of phraseological units in the English and Chuvash languages. The authors of the article try to analyze phraseological variants, explain their origin and patterns of formation, and to define how these are related to the units that existed in the language before them, and what units remain in the language today. The subject of the research is the phraseological units expressive means in the English and Chuvash languages. The main research method used by the authors is the structured semantic analysis of phraseological units. The research material includes Shakespear's plays as well as writings of Chuvash authors. The researchers describe the origin of a certain group of phraseological units in detail. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used in further comparision and analysis of the English and Chuvash languages, as well as in teaching English and Chuvash. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that cross-lingual matching of phraseological units in English and Chuvash is an understudied topic in the academic literature. As a result of analysing variants from the point of view of semantic relations between interrelated components, the authors come to the conclusion that substitution of components with synonyms is possible not only in free word combinations but also phraseological units. The increasing number of variants does not make a word combination 'free' but leaves it within the borders of phraseology.
Citations count: 1
Ryadovykh N.A. —
The category of chronotope in Akathist genre
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 54 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.10.34061 URL:
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The object of this research is the category of chronotope – a significant complex text category that reflects the semantic coordinates of the text and extra-textual reality. The category of chronotope intertwines the isomorphic components of textual time and textual space. The Akathist genre belongs to an insufficiently studied functional religious style. Examination of the category of chronotope in the context of Akathist genre is relevant trend in the modern functional stylistics. The research material contains the texts of Orthodox Akathists dedicated to the canonized saints. The objectivity of scientific research is justified by the choice of texts from various time periods. The author applies the method of categorical-textual analysis, which reveals the linguo-stylistic technique of formation of the components of general communicative-pragmatic meaning of the text. The novelty is defined by the fact that the use of categorical-textual method in the analysis of the Akathist type of text, interpreted as a generalized textual structure with typical genre-forming components, allows determining with a high degree of objectivity the genre specificity of Akathist and religious functional style. As a result of the conducted research, the author highlights the categorical-textual typology of chronotope, which characterizes the systematic uniformity of Akathist texts. The article describes the methods of explication of the sacred, objective (objectively-sacred and objectively-profane), and subjective (subjectively-sacred and subjectively-profane) types of time and space. Temporal indicators and locative units of the determined types of chronotope reconstruct the dichotomy of the divine and the earthly in the Akathist, which is inherent to the Christian worldview and constructively substantiates the uniqueness of the religious functional style. The conducted analysis reveals the communicative-pragmatic focus of the complex textual category of chronotope. The research materials can be used as an illustrative textbook in the practical course of the stylistics of modern Russian language.
Citations count: 1
Dubova M.A., Larina N.A. —
Philological analysis of the text: reception of I. A. Bunin's short fiction “The Epitaph”
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 71 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.12.35179 URL:
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The object of this research is Ivan Bunin’s prose of the early period – “The Epitaph”. I. A. Bunin is a Neorealist writer of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries, publicist, a unique representative of the white émigré. The subject of this research is the reception of “The Epitaph” by modern audience based on the command of philological text analysis. Having analyzed the traditional semantic components of the literary text (that are part of the concept of “philological text analysis”), the authors offer modern approaches towards representation of the established semantic categories of the text, demonstrate their functionality on the linguistic level, analyze the methods of their lexical representation and verbalization, which determines the novelty of this article. The goal lies in philological analysis of I. A. Bunin's short fiction “The Epitaph”, taking into account the historical-cultural context of its creation, the role of extralinguistic factors in the text, and their reflection on the linguistic level, semantics of the title and keywords in the ideological-thematic content of the work and expression of the authorial position. Alongside the traditional methods of academic philology, such as historical-cultural, biographical, commentary reading, linguistic-stylistic analysis, the research employs the techniques of cognitive linguistics. This article is first to describe the experience of a commentary reading of I. A. Bunin's short fiction “The Epitaph”, which is based on cognition of the semantic components of the work through the prism of a linguostylistic approach within the framework of philological analysis. The authors reveal techniques of reading the text, placing emphasis on the lexical means of representation of the key semantic categories, which on the one hand reflect the writer’s worldview , while on the other – form his individual writing style. Such articulation of the problem determines the prospects for the study of other proses of I. A. Bunin.
Citations count: 1
Urazmetova A.V. —
Functional capacity of audio guides
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.10.36496 URL:
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The subject of this research is the audio guide as a relatively new multimedia product used in the sphere of tourism and education. The author determines the key advantages of using audio guide, as well as functional-linguistic peculiarities of organizing this genre of tourism discourse. Classification of audio guides is carried out based on their target audience and content. Special attention is given to examination of the prospects of using audio guides in teaching foreign languages. The author outlines the functions performed by audio guides in foreign language classes, such as entertainment, promotional, scientific-enlightening, scientific research, and educational. The scientific novelty lies in consideration of the type of educational activity that used audio guide as a modern and highly effective means of mastering foreign language skills. Audio guide not only creates favorable conditions for the implementation of educational-pedagogical activity, but also has a wide range of variations for solution of educational tasks. The use of audio guides is particularly relevant in studying the disciplines related to cultural-historical heritage of the country of origin of the language taught; they can also be used in expanding vocabulary, learning grammar, phonetics, etc. The article describes the most popular software and services for working with audio materials, as well as the examples of using a multimedia product in the classes of English phonetics.
Citations count: 1
Gavrilov V.V. —
“Ugric text” as a cultural phenomenon: towards articulation of the problem
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 67 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36710 URL:
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Leaning on the conceptual analysis, the article describes “Ugric text” as a special cultural phenomenon. Approximately fifty works by Ugric writers (both, poetic and prosaic) were analyzed using the Internet program, “Morpher”. Despite the obvious differences stylistic and thematic differences in their works, both poets and prose writers use a common set of basic concepts that comprise the backbone of cultural space of the region. The conclusion is made on the similarities that unite the texts of Ugric authors into a single cultural phenomenon. The goal of this research lies in the description of Ugric text as a unique cultural phenomenon. The article employs the results of the latest scientific developments in the field of philological regionalism and geopoetics, as well as literary works by the Ugric authors. The main result consists in elucidation of the concept of “Ugric text”, its differentiation with the concept of “literary school”. Having studied the texts of prominent Ugric writers – E. D. Aypin, S. S. Kozlov, O. B. Richter, P. A. Sukhanov, N. V. Sochikhin, Y. Shestalov and others – the author concludes on the basic concepts that determine the common mental space of Ugra and ensure the semantic integrity of Ugric text as a cultural phenomenon. It is established that due to the common conceptual framework, Ugric text not only exists as a unified whole, but also evolves, remains contemporary, and meets the spiritual needs of the audience. Comprehensive analysis of the literary works indicates that the common concepts in the poetic and prosaic Ugric text evolve and refract within the framework of the authorial linguistic worldview. The scientific novelty consist sin the fact that this article is first to analyze Ugric texts as a cultural phenomenon from the perspective of conceptual approach.
Citations count: 1
Nerusheva T.V., Bondareva N.A., Zaitseva N.N., Zamurueva N.A., Mertsalova S.L. —
The Ways of Transferring of the Aspect Meanings of the Russian Verb into English
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 237 - 250.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.24272 URL:
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The Russian language being inflectional and English being analytic, the translation of the of the as-pect meanings of the verbs raises difficulties and problems. That’s why the object of the research is the form Perfect of the English verb, functioning in the different kinds of fiction, the subject being the comparative analyses and the ways of translation of the aspect meanings of the Russian verbs into English. At a comparative research of the functional and semantic complexes of a verb the similarities and differences in the compared languages reveal. In Russian aspectual-temporal meanings of a ver-bal form correlate with semantic components of the verbal action, in English both parts of verbal semantics being implemented by the compound category Tense-Aspect. At the same time the inter-nal asymmetry of verbal forms and meanings for each of the compared languages appear. Moreover if there are imperfective and perfective aspect in Russian, the translation of these particular forms into English may have more different ways, in particular, it may be both continuous and non-continuous forms, both infinitive and modal constructions. The novelty of this research is caused by the appeal to the deep language semantic characteristic of a grammatical form. The search of equiv-alent means of transferring of the complex of meanings of the Perfect form in Russian while trans-lating, the analysis and the methods of development of adequate translation of the content of the verbal Perfect form, the comparison of the Russian tense and aspect complexes of a verb to Tense-Aspect category for the Perfect form are the points for consideration. The offered variants of translation of concrete lexical units and structures will help trainees to understand nuances while translating both languages. Having analyzed a number of syntactic structures, we have come to conclusion that comparing the semantics of aspect and the ways of ver-bal action in Russian with the semantics of the English Perfect the asymmetry is revealed, which is determined by interlingual structural-typological distinctions, in particular, by existence - absence of similar forms, their various semantic, analytical and synthetic tendencies. The asymmetry is shown especially brightly in translation process. It is a contextual environment of the categorial meaning that is a starting point for the trans-lation and helps to avoid both a positive, and negative interference of both languages.
Citations count: 1
Kartushina E.A. —
Semantics of English Loan Words in the Russian Language in Terms of the Language Play
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 244 - 258.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26654 URL:
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The aim of this research is to derscribe functions of English loan words in the Russian language communication, in particular, based on the analysis of lexical meanings of English loan words and processes of their semantic transformation under the conditions of the language game. The author also focuses on the contextual use of these lexical units in mass media and Internet as well as everyday Russian speech. The object of the research includes five English loan words, trash, pressing, drive, driver, and holly war. The subject of the research is the transformation of the loan word meanings in the functional space of the Russian language. The author appeals to vocabulary definitions of the aforesaid English loan words. Then the author analyzes how these words are usually used and, finally, at the stage of analysis, the author provides the data of an association experiment. The research sources include English and Russian dictionaries, texts and polycode mass media texts and Internet posts. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines and differentiates the meanings of English loan words in accordance with semantic changes. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the opportunity to use the results of the research to complete definitions of English loan words, carry out psycholinguistic and cross-cultural communication researches, and for further analysis of borrowings from foreign languages.
Citations count: 1
Poulaki P., Beigi M. —
Development of Avant-Garde in Persian Poetry of the XXth Century: Surrealism of Hushang Irani
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 36 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.5.30861 URL:
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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the Persian avant-garde poetry of the 40-50s of the XXth century. The subject of the research is the most marginal branch of new Persian poetry attributed to Hushang Irani whose works had not been on the list of official Persian literature records for a long tiem and still remain an understudied topic in Irani studies. Based on the analysis of the journal خروس جنگی (Heeler), the authors analyze the phenomenon of a literary journal as an important tool for communicating the ideas of modernism and avant-garde in Iran studies. The authors pay special attention to the second period in the history of the aforesaid journal that was related to the activity of an innovative poet Hushang Irani who wrote and published the manifest of Persian surrealism. Analyzing the manifest, the authors describe the difference between the 'new art' and 'old art'. In order to 'rehabilitate' the author and define his true role in the history of new Iranian poetry, the researchers carry out an integral analysis of Iranian experimental poetry (they analyze goals, grounds, peculiarities of the method, poetical principles and techniques) that imply particular language 'deviations' (at the level of graphics, phonetics, vocabulary, syntaxis, semantics, style, etc.) according to the classification of J. Leech. In addition, the authors make an attempt to analyze Irani's poetry, from the one side, in terms of Russian formalism and, from the other side, in terms of European surrealism. Based on the research of T. Tavusi - Irani the authors conclude that there is a certain similarity between literary manifests of Irani and A. Breton and that Irani's poetry is close to the theoretical and practical ideas of surrealism.
Citations count: 1
Kuzmina R.P. —
Analysis of the word-formation nest with the meaning of “nomadity” in the Even language
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 21 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.6.32943 URL:
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The subject of this research is the means of modeling cognate formations within word-formation nest with the top of “nomadity” in the Even language. The relevance of this research is justified by the need for systematization and comprehensive research of Even word formation. The goal of this article is to determine the semantics and word formation structure of derivative words of Even word-formation nest with designation “nomadity”, not previously examined in the works of Even language experts. The acquired results can be used in creation of word-forming dictionary of the Even language, and can be included into materials of special courses on lexicology and word formation. Based on the research of the word-formation nest with the meaning of “nomadity”, a discovery is made on the main features of the key concept, expressed using word-forming means. The authors also determine the semantics of these lexical units, and introduce new linguistic material on jargon and dialects of the Even language into the scientific parlance.
Citations count: 1
Mysovskikh L.O. —
The existential paradigm of F. Tyutchev's creativity in the context of philosophical and aesthetic research of the first half of the XIX century
// Philology: scientific researches.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.1.38574 EDN: ERUKWI URL:
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The article examines the work of F. Tyutchev in the light of aesthetic phenomena of Russian literature of the XIX century. A comparison of the works of Tyutchev and lyubomudrov is made. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the generation of creators to which Tyutchev and Lyubomudry belonged has developed a kind of type of Russian philosophy, whose specificity consists in the fact that it is expressed through art, and primarily through literature. Tyutchev's poetry reveals a number of unique existential-philosophical concepts: the prerequisites of the borderline situation described in the existential theories of K. Jaspers in the twentieth century, as well as analogies with reflections on the death of the founder of the religious trend of existentialism – S. Kierkegaard. The author of the article concludes that Russian philosophical thought tends to be expressed through the language of art, in particular, the language of poetry. Tyutchev and the Moscow idealists create a new type of hero – thinker. He is faced with such existential problems as the place of man in the universe, the meaning of human life, understanding of the psyche and human feelings. He asks questions about the higher powers that rule the world. He faces "damned problems" that will worry Russian writers of the second half of the XIX century. It was poetic thought that contributed to the development of such a great psychologism in the second half of the XIX century.