Krylova, M.N. (2020). Euphemisms in satirical monologues (S. T. Altov, M. N. Zadornov, L. M. Izmailov, V. M. Koklyushkin, A. A. Trushkin) . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 1–10.
This article examines the usage of euphemisms in the language of one of the genres of humor discourse – the satirical monologue. The subject of this research is the functions fulfilled by euphemisms in the monologues of S. T. Altov, M. N. Zadornov, L. M. Izmailov, V. M. Koklyushkin, A. A. Trushkin). Euphemisms in satirical monologue have not yet been the objects of linguistic research, although the analysis of their specificity would broaden the knowledge on the functions of this linguistic means. The methods of observation, continuous sampling, description, analysis, and synthesis were applied for studying euphemisms. As a result, the author determines that in humor discourse, the euphemisms become not only the means for concealing the forbidden content, but also effective elements for creating humor. In the genre of satirical monologue, the author and the performer traditionally create a vivid image of the character, and usage of euphemisms depends on the nature of this image, first and foremost, on the level of its education and culture. Moreover, euphemisms harmonize with other means of creating humor (puns, repetitions, metaphor, metonymy, outplaying of precedent phenomena, and stylistic contrast), forming a distinct satirical space in each of the monologues. Satirists tend to uniqueness with regards to structuring euphemisms.
Lion Izmailov, Mikhail Zadornov, Semyon Altov, euphemism, euphemia, satirical monologue, humorous discourse, humor, Viktor Koklyushkin, Anatoly Trushkin
Kuzmina, A.A. (2020). The concept of creation of folklore subcorpus of the national corpus of Yakut language: articulation of the problem, structure, and technique. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 11–18.
This article is dedicated to the creation of a folklore subcorpus of the national corpus of Yakut language. The need for creating a folklore subcorpus is substantiated by fact that it illustrates the initial, historical path of development of a particular language, cultural and linguistic richness, and folk traditions. Language corpora are considered incomplete if not contain folklore texts. The development of such subcorpus has a number of theoretical and technological difficulties, which defines the relevance of this work. The object of this research is the folklore subcorpus of the national corpus of Yakut language. The subject is articulation of the problem, structure, and technique of creating this subcorpus. Attention is focused on the problematic of creation of a folklore subcorpus. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this article is first to develop the concept of creation of the Yakut folklore corpus and determine the cognate problems, structure and technique of its formation. It is revealed that the structure of folklore subcorpus must reflect the genre differences, forms of record, authenticity, various databases that characterize a folklore text, its performer or register. The author determines the work stages and preparation technique of the folklore subcorpus. The conclusion is made that the folklore subcorpus can serve as a method for solution of fundamental and applied tasks of Yakut philology, as well as one of the ways to preserve folklore heritage of the Sakha people.
metadata, corpus folklore, Yakut folklore, Yakut language, national corpus of the language, folklore subcorpus, markup, textual criticism, concept of creation, databases
Literary criticism
Gadzhilova, S.M. (2020). Sonnets by Magomed Akhmedov and the development of sonnet genre in modern Avar poetry . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 19–31.
The subject of this research the artistic distinctness of the sonnets by M. Akhmedov in the context of evolution of sonnet genre in modern Avar poetry. The sonnets of M. Akhmedov represent a significant part of his poetic path, and are viewed as a new phenomenon in modern Avar poetry, the origin of which is associated with the works Of R. Gamzatov and M. Abasil. The object of this research is the sonnet genre in Avar literature. The goal consists in determination of the sonnet in multigenre poetry Of Magomed Akhmedov, as well as comprehension of their artistic content and form in conjunction with development of the genre in modern Avar poetry. Special attention is turned to the stages of evolution of the indicated genre in Dagestan, and namely Avar, literature. Emphasis is placed on the artistic distinctness of M. Akhmedov's sonnets, their comparative analysis, imagery structure, and ideological- thematic peculiarities. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this is first to review M. Akhmedov’s sonnets, which hold a special place in development of the sonnet genre in modern Avar poetry. The acquired results demonstrate that the examination of M. Akhmedov's sonnets allow revealing not only the range of his poetic pursuits, but also richness of the genre system of modern Avar poetry. The sonnets by M. Akhmedov draw attention by synthesizing the old and new traditions of the poet's precursors and contemporaries. The authors’s special contribution is defined by carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the sonnets M. Akhmedov that fill the gap in studying the evolution and development of this genre in particular, and poetry of M. Akhmedov overall.
literary process, evolution of the genre, poetic form, classical genres, Avar poetry, sonnets, genre system, figurative sistem, canonical structure, artistic idea
Cheng, J. (2020). Category of tonality in the genre of essay (on the example of essays of V. M. Peskov). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 32–40.
The subject of this research is the category of tonality — one of the key text categories that reflects mentality of the author of the text. Essay, as a peculiar genre that functions at the intersection of publicistic and fiction styles, has its own typical range of tonality. Examination of the category of tonality in essays is a relevant trend in the humanities. Well-known Soviet essays written by V. M. Peskov, which are considered exemplary, representative, and retain their relevance, served as the material for this work. The conducted analysis of V. M. Peskov’s essays reveals versatile means of explication of tonality and individual manner of the author. The novelty consists in observation that the texts of V. M. Peskov reflect the general tone of freedom and friendliness, the tone of conversation with the audience. His essays also reflect a clear authorial “Self”. Different essays mark different means of explication of tonality: in essays dedicated to nature, the author often applies metaphors, personifications, neutral words with positive connotations and words that express rational evaluation for imagery depiction of landscape with love for nature; in essays dedicated to people, the essayist often uses neutral lexicon with rational-evaluative or positive-evaluative connotations for creating image of the character; in essays dedicated to local culture, V. M. Peskov often applied emotionally expressive lexicon, words with suffixes of subjective evaluation, expressively syntactic constructs, special visual expressive means (personification, epithets, hyperbole, etc.) and colloquialism for admirable depiction of the local life and culture. Different techniques of explication of the category of tonality impose descriptiveness, attractiveness and influential power on the essay.
tonality category, text categories, essay, genre, artistic style, journalistic style, functional style, evaluativeness, emotional tone, Peskov
Wang, X. (2020). Staples "NOT ENOUGH OF THAT" and "NOT ENOUGH OF THAT": syntactic functions. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 41–48.
The subject of the research in this article is a comparative characteristic of the introductory expressions "not enough" and "not enough of this", used as a means of communication, mainly in the text – as text staples. The relevance of the research subject is determined by its involvement in the study of the linguistics of the text, in particular the linguistic units that perform binding functions in the text. The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the syntactic functions "not enough" and "not enough of this". In the course of the study, an introspective-inductive, descriptive and comparative method was used, which allowed us to deduce the features of the use of "not enough" and "not enough of this".   The research is conditioned by the need to continue studying the text, ways to achieve its coherence, integrity and means of expression in context. The main conclusions of the study are that both clips are used in the following cases: firstly, as a text clip at the beginning of a statement; secondly, in the function of a phrase clip; thirdly, as a means of communication within a sentence - complex and simple. The most typical for both staples is the text clip function. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a description of the introductory units "not enough" and "not enough of this" was created in the syntactic aspect.
introductory word, lexicographic data, complex sentence, a simple sentence, text, means of communication, paper clip-phrase, text clip, graduation, syntactic uses
Question at hand
Lenkhoboeva, T.R. (2020). Criminal TV report: assessment methodology (on the example of the Republic of Buryatia) . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 49–55.
This article attempts to develop methodology for assessing criminal TV reports. The subject of this research is the criteria for assessing the quality of criminal TV report. For conducting detailed assessment of criminal TV report, all criteria were divided into four groups: compliance with legal norms; observance of ethical standards; usage of legal terminology; and adherence to technological parameters. For the assessment of first criterion, all legal norms in criminal TV report can be divided into the following categories: appropriate coverage of investigation, coverage trial, and coverage of situation when the offender or the victim is a minor. In assessment of the parameter “usage of legal terminology", it is emphasized that the journalist should apply such terms as “suspect” and “offender” properly. In analysis of the third parameter, we author relies on the criteria proposed by S. A. Muratov. The questions of improvement of TV content, specifically with regards to criminal journalism, remain relevant. This described methodology would help to improve the forms of submission of the materials and heighten the interest of target audience of mass media. The research was conducted in several steps. Firstly, the author examined the structure of criminal content of Arig Us TV channel. Secondly, , carried out classification of criminal TV reports by topic. Thirdly, developed parameters and criteria for quality assessment of criminal TV reports. And finally, at the stage of testing, analyzed the quality of criminal TV reports. The methods used in the course of this research include classification, analysis, and paperwork.
technique, ethics, evaluation algorithm, quality criteria, TV channel , criminal television report, criminal journalism, precepts of law, classification, analysis
Literary criticism
Danchinova, M.D. (2020). The role of categories of space and time in creation of artistic worldview in the works of Buryat writers (on the example of tales by Baradiĭ Mungonov “Call of the Ancestors and Sounds of the Forthcoming” and Dorji Erdyneev “Toonto”. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 56–64.
This article explores the worldview in tales of the Buryat writers. The subject of this research is the role of categories of space and time in the architectonics of artistic image of the world in tales “Call of the Ancestors" by B. Mungonov and “Toonto” by D. Erdyneev. These works have not previously become the object of research in Buryat literary studies from perspective of significance of space-time interrelation. This defines the novelty of this article, and allows revealing other aspects of artistic vision in the works of Buryat writers. The key methods for studying the categories of space and time in a literary text include descriptive, comparative, and mythopoetic. It is demonstrated that the categories of space and time are localized in various artistic images, symbols and meanings, contain the concepts of endlessness, infinity, relativity and discreteness, as well as allow creating a vivid unique palette of artistic vision of the world in tales of the Buryat writers. Analysis is conducted on the artistic architectonics through the prism of correlation between the categories of space and time in tales of B. Mungonov “Call of the Ancestors and Sounds of the Forthcoming” and D. Erdyneev “Toonto”. Peculiarity of the categories of space and time in the artistic picture of Buryat writers is reflected in Eastern outlook upon the world, which is based on the models of cyclicity and substantiality. In the tale of B. Mungonov prevails the category of time. In the artistic worldview, one stems from the other. In the tale of D. Erdyneev “Toonto” dominates the by category of space. Toonto is translated from Buryat as a particular space, birthplace of a man, where him and his ancestors have roots. Tales of B. Mungonov and D. give thoughts on the value of life and chances to repair past mistakes.
cyclicity, infinity, discreteness, architectonics, time, space, hero, world, image, metamorphosis
Literary criticism
Gorelov, O. (2020). Surrealistic conceptual framework as a system: notional and functional analysis . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 65–77.
The object of this research is the conceptual framework of surrealism as a literary trend. The subject of this research is the specific surrealistic system of concepts and paradigms implemented in literary texts. The author examines such aspects of the topic, as notional tools and the logic of interaction between the concepts of surrealistic theory, possibility for surrealistic system text analysis, specificities of correlation between surrealistic system, text, and surrealistic code as the regulatory structural formation that defines the general principles and rules of functionality of surrealistic system. Special attention is given to one of the types of notions of surrealistic system — incipits, which include such categories that launch the mechanism of inosculating the contradictions, i.e. “initiate” the realization of surrealistic; such categories Desire, Dream, Imagination, Freedom, Utopia, and Unconscious. The main conclusion of conducted research consists in recognition of possibility for description of surrealistic conceptual framework as a relational system, which includes functional interaction of the three types of notions (incipits, routers, and nodes) using the fourth type of notions (mediators). Functionality of similar typological network consists in actualization of the key principles of surrealistic code and their implementation in particular literary texts. The novelty lies in the fact that the combination of concepts of surrealistic theory and feature writing is analyzed as an open, non-regulatory system, which allows carrying out stylistic analysis of the texts that contain surrealistic elements. The research intuitions are corroborated by notional and functional analysis.
objective chance, desire, dream, imagination, surrealism, conceptsphere, surrealist code, poetry, topology, relational
Literary criticism
Illarionov, V.V., Chegien, A.E. (2020). Comprehension of the ideological content of P. A. Oyunsky's poem “The Red Shaman” through the lens of modernity. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 78–92.
Over the past decades, public consciousness has undergone reconsideration of the spiritual values. This heightened the interest towards the works of the classics of world literature, including Yakut. Among the compositions of Yakut literature, the dramatic poem by P. A. Oyunsky “The Red Shaman” is of definite interest. This work, as an example of high art, continues to heat the imagination and gives food for thoughts. Since its first publication, “The Red Shaman” arouses interest of multiple literary scholars and linguists. There is an urgent need for revising its ideological content through the prism of universal outlook upon the world as demanded by time. An attempt is made to reveal the true content of P. A. Oyunsky’s dramatic poem The Red Shaman” from the perspective of new generation of the audience, by detection of literary techniques applied by the author, examination of conflict situations, interaction between the images that requires axiomatic method, as well as usage of the method of abstraction within the framework of anthropomorphic principle of research that suggests reference to the primary source for ethical-philosophical interpretation based on the new approach. The attention of both, audience and researchers is currently focused on comprehension of the authentic content of P. Oyunsky's compositions outside the influence of traditional interpretations. For the contemporary audience “The Red Shaman” disclosures the new sides of its ideological-literary content. This work contains the author's profound reasoning on the trends of development of modern society, which requires a different approach towards the artistic heritage of the prominent poet.
form, human values, ideological meaning, images symbols, red shaman, song-olonkho, dramatic poem, creative heritage, poem, tragedy
Kalinin, O.I. (2020). Comparative characteristic of linguistic representation of the concept of Trade War in mass media of the People’s Republic of China and the United States . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 93–107.
This article is dedicated to analysis of the concept of Trade War in Chinese and American linguocultures. The initial position of the research is the thesis on unavoidable conceptualization of the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in language, and possibility of their studying by means of conceptual analysis. The subject of this research is the specificity of representation of the concept of Trade War in media discourse in Chinese and English languages. Special attention is given to the semantic core of the concept and its speech representation in the news materials. The research methodology is based on a two-stage conceptual analysis. The first stage implies the analysis of core of the concept by means of definitional and etymological analysis of representative word; while the second stage marks quantitative and qualitative content analysis for determination of similarities and differences in peripheral meaning of the concept. The main theoretical conclusion consists in substantiation of using content analysis for determination of specificity of speech representation of media concepts. The practical result of this research lies in identification of significant differences in the concept under consideration in two linguistic cultures: Chinese media texts review Trade War primarily as a “struggle to gain economic profit”; and the US media view it as a “competition in trade industry”. The formulated conclusions largely correlate with the peculiarities of mentality of the residents of People’s Republic of China and the United States.
US media, Chinese media, qualitative content analysis, mediaconcept, content analysis, conceptual analysis, media discourse,, trade war, comparative analysis, cognitive research
Vavilova, K.Y. (2020). Symbolism in the Russian folk art (on the example of romantic ballads) . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 108–119.
The subject of this research is the symbols characteristic to the genre of folk ballade. The object of this research is lyrics of the Russian folk ballads. The following compilations of ballads served as the material for this research: “Russian Ballad” (edited By V. I. Chernyshev, N. p. Andreev, 1936), “Folk Ballads” (edited by D. M. Balashov, A. M. Astakhova, 1963), “Russian Folk Ballad” (edited by D. M. Balashov, 1983), “Ballads” (edited by B. P. Kirdan, 2001), “Epics. Historical Song. Ballads” (edited by A. V. Kulagina, V. A. Kovpaka, 2008). The author carefully examines the peculiarities of ballad symbolism and its functions. In the course of research, the following conclusions were formulated: consistency of the genre order depends on the presence of the system of artistic visual means; central in the poetics of ballad belongs to symbolism, parallelism, antithesis, epithets, and metaphors; symbolism in the romantic ballads is presented quite extensively; often a symbolic situation becomes a part of psychological parallelism presented in many ballad concepts; syntactic parallelism can be placed in any thematic link and amplifies by antithesis. In certain instances, antithesis appears an important technique for creating a tragic effect. Ballad poetics is subordinated to explication of the overall genre trend, including the reflection of fundamental universals and principles. The novelty of this work consists in the attempt of textual analysis of the major compilations of ballads, as well as in selection of the symbols for their further analysis within the framework of implementation of genre characteristics.
poetics, folklore, expressive means, syntactical parallelism, symbolism, genre, ballads, characteristic features, songs, analysis
Prokopуeva, A.E. (2020). The formation of intransitive verbs from the base of quality processes in Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 120–128.
The subject of this article is the intransitive verbs in Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language. In Yukaghir linguistics does not feature special research on the verb word formation of this dialect, which defines the relevance of this work. The object of this article is the affixes used for the formation of intransitive verbs from the base of quality processes (qualitives). The goal of this article is to describe the formation of intransitive verbs from the base of quality processes of Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language, as well as to clarify the meanings of word-forming affixes. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis and description of the formation of intransitive verbs from the base of quality verbs of the language of wood Yukaghir folk. The results lies in determination and specification of the semantics of word-forming affixes of intransitive verbs, formed from the base of qualitaty processes, such as -mu (reducing to various changes), -kie (acquisition of a certain quality or transition from one state to another), -ba ~ - ge, - lye, - d (completed action or process), - buo (semi imposition of a quality), - de and the suffix of one-time action – s’ - (completed action or process).
quality process, verb, morphology, Language of the forest Yukaghirs, Kolyma dialect, Yukaghir language, word-formation, affix, base, word
Alieva, Z.M., Khalilov, M.S. (2020). Comparative analysis of wishful thinking and curses of the Bezhta and Chamalal people . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 129–137.
The subject of this research is small folklore genres, namely wishful thinking and curses. The goal of this article consists in the comparative analysis of most used emotional and expressive lexis in the Bezhta and Chamalal languages. Currently, in the context of irreversible process of narrowing and unification of linguistic palette of humanity, its preservation requires the creation of full descriptions of the living” languages. This list also includes the non-written Bezhta language (from Tsez subgroup) and Chamalal language (from Andi subgroup) – two of the 18 minority languages existing in Dagestan. The research employs field material collected by the authors during expeditions of 2018-2020). Analysis is conducted on wishful thinking and curses in different ontological situations of the Bezhta and Chamalal communities. The relevance of studying small folklore genres of Bezhta and Chamalal people is substantiated by uniqueness of the type, is observed to a different degree in the folklore of different peoples. The key research methods contain analytical (analysis of theoretical literature and factual material on the matter), continuous sampling, descriptive and comparative methods. The methods of field work were applied in the course of expedition to Bezhta and Tsumadinsky Districts of the Republic of Dagestan in terms of collection of the materials on paremiology of Bezhta and Chamalal languages.
ethnic culture, structure, curses, good wishes, Chamalin language, Bezhta language, unwritten languages, specificity of national mentality, tradition, folklore