Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Nikolay Karamzin's Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 301–303. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68539
The article is devoted to the great contribution of Nikolay Karamzin to the reformation of the Russian language. Many words created by Nikolay Karamzin are now commonly use4d. However, the process of their creation was not so easy or socially recognized. It is partly due to the competition in word invention that was famous in the 18th - early 19th centuries and performed by not only poets such as V. Grediakovsky or M. Lomonosov but also historians and literary critics. Each word-forming experiment was based on a certain ideological or philosophical tradition. It was rather difficult and risky to look into the future of the langauge and linguistic tendencies under the conditions of ideological disputes of those times. Nikolay Karamzin's achievements were faultless from this point of view. Certain words used by him did not only enrich the Russian language but also promoted serious philosophical research. The author of the present article uses the principle of historicism that allowed to demonstrate not only the results of the word polemics of those times but also the process of their painful and difficult development. Analyzing Nikolay Karamzin's achievements in the Russian langauge reformation, the author tries to show the change in linguistic preferences of Nikolay Karamzin, to reveal failures of some experiments and define general cultural attitudes and trends in the Russian language improvement typical for that time. According to the author of the article, due to Nikolay Karamzin's 250th jubilee many his achievements in the spheres of philosophy, history and literature have been finally appreciated and described. As for Nikolay Karamzin's language and linguistic tendencies, this part of his heritage still needs to be researched further.
Slavic wisdom, style, aesthetics, literature, epistolary (correspondence) genre, linguistics, reform, language, language arts, Karamzin
Levdik A.A. (2016). Verbalization of the frame «Education» as part of the script «Career» within the Russian worldview. . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 304–307. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68324
The research article is dedicated to the development specifics of the script «career» as part of structuring frame «Education» into blocks which present information about definite situation. The information due to lexical-semantic analysis of language units and relations between them determine dynamics of the script. The knowledge of certain language community is relatively presented within frame structure which is explained by strictly analyzing autobiographical details and memoirs of outstanding Russian characters.
script, frame, slot, lexeme, cognitive, representation, verbalization, slot completeness, career, education
Literary criticism
Bagirov A. (2016). Contemporary Issues of Literary Translation (the case study of Russian-Azerbaijanian Works). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 308–313. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68540
The object of the present research is the principles and problems of contemporary literary translation based on the analysis of actual Russian-Azerbaijanian translations. The subject of the research is the origin and stages of the development of Soviet translation studies including the translation theory as an independent scientific concept created in Azerbaijanian literary studies during the Soviet period. The author also pays much attention to the analysis of spiritual and aesthetic functions of a literary text aimed at promoting human morals in the globalizing world. The main purpose of the research is to underline a distinguished contribution of translation to achieving mutual understanding, dialogue and better cross-cultural communication of the two nations that are quite close to each other mentally, Russian and Azerbaijanian. The research was carried out using such methods as analytical-cultural, historical and comparative. Important tools of Russian-Azerbaijanian literary translations of the Soviet period usually receive negative comments. The novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that as a result of thorough analysis, the author provides an objective evaluation of literary translations made by Russian and Azerbaijanian authors, and underlines the positive influence of Russian-Azerbaijanian literary relations. In his article Bagirov proves the mutual contributions and emphasizes the need for such translations not only during the Soviet or post-Soviet periods but also today and in the future.
translation studies, translation equivalence, word-for-word translation, nativism (national peculiarities), text adequacy, cultural relations, literary text, translation theory, cross-cultural communication, translation problems
Sabanchieva A.K. (2016). Some Peculiarities of Terms as Special Lexical Units (the Case Study of Astronomy Terms). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 314–324. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68541
The article reveals some peculiarities of terms as specialized lexical units based on the example of the English-language astronomy terms. The carried out analysis is based on the material of the selection of terminological units of the total amount of 2000 units taken from dictionaries of astronomy terms and other sources. Two approaches to the study of the term’s nature are substantiated: normative and descriptive. The author of the article examines the requirements to the term as a special lexical unit such as systemacy, independence from the context, monosemanticity, exactness, conciseness, etc. The following methods have been used during the research: the methods of contextual and etymological analysis, component analysis of the structure of terminological units, reconstruction of structural and word-formative models of the lexical units under study, and quantitative processing of data. As a result of the research the author comes to the conclusion that the obligatory requirements of the astronomy term include the conformity with the norms and rules of the modern English language, systemacy, presence of definition, exactness, and conciseness. Desirable characteristics of the English-language astronomy term are relative independence from the context, monosemanticity, absence of synonyms, expressive neutrality and harmony. If the major part of astronomy terms meets the requirements of absence of expressiveness and harmony, one third of the amount of terminological selection does not satisfy the requirements of monosemanticity and non-synonymy.
constellation, star, dictionary, terminological system, requirement, astronomy, terminology, term, celestial body, synonymy
Character in literature
Fetisova E.E. (2016). The Structure and Genesis of Neo-Acmeism: Evolution of the Author's Individual Path and Typology of Cultural 'Codes'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 325–333. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68542
The article is devoted to neoacmeism as an understudied cultural paradigm and phenomenon of the Russian Renaissance of the 20th century, its history, grounds, structure and genesis, and the concept of 'semantic poetics' as a traditional ontological 'core' thereof. In her article Fetisova analyzes mythopoetics of neoacmeism in terms of its philosophical-artistic platflorm. Within the framework of the research mythology is viewed as an ontological core of 'semantic poetics'. The given article presents an attempt to develop a philolosophical and cultural paradigm of neoacmeism as well as to create some universal methodology of hermeneutical anaysis within the framework of synergetic grounds of philosophy and philology (literary studies) through the unified ontological discourse. An independent status of methodology implies that it includes ontology which creates a model of the world. This factor is especially important for analyzing a poetic text because acmeists' creative work is a priori ontological and creates an author's 'world-forming' reality. Methodology has a purpose to provide scientific (including humanitarian) knowledge through using a precise normative system for an approved analysis of a scientific object or phenomena, in this case, a poetic text. This is the reason why the author of the present article uses methodology as a method to study and classify creative work of all neoacmeists and bring neoacmeism as a major philosophical and cultural paradigm to a common standard by analyzing samples, norms and rules of poetic analysis. Herein it is also necessary to take into account that it is philosophy that has the methodological tools which serve as a model for literary research and can be successfully applied in the course of analyzing a poetic text. In terms of philosophical, philological and culturological methodologies literature is described as a single text, or, if you like, a single meta text. Based on the results of her research the author concludes that individual mythology and typology of 'cultural codes' used by acmeism adepts (Nikolay Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova) creates a powerful association area that allows to view neoacmeist writings and world literature within its scope as a part of a single meaning-forming mechanism of the philosophy of culture as well as its grandious ontological phenomenon, 'The Acmeism Project'. The author also proves an important thesis that there are certain ontological constants (anthropocentrism, subjectivism, revival of cultural achetypes, and the memory about the past that 'was not in vain) in the 'semantic poetics' of a single acmeist text. These constants create an internal mental code of Russian culture that takes into account individual traits of each poet, at the same time keeps the entire system (philosophical and cultural paragim of neoacmeism) from falling apart and unites very different artists, thus enabling the paradigm to exist throughout the 20th - 21st centuris. This 'code' becomes an axiological constant of Russian culture and makes it unique. The research strategy allows to reconstruct the aforesaid mental code in a new historical context. The author also classifies 'Akhmatova's myth' and comes to the conclusion that 'synchronous reminiscental chronotope' creates a 'polyphonically based monologue' and specific mythology which forms, first of all, a poetic model of the world.
ontological concept, anthropocentrism, philological hermeneutics, cultural paradigm, Russian Renaissance, mental code, persona, meta-level, acmeism, mythology
Zavarzina S.A. (2016). The Role of the Associative Mechanism of Inference in Constructing the Semantic Coherence of the Text. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 334–342. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68543
This article deals with the study of the associative mechanism of inference and its role in the restoration of the text integrity. Inference shows the dependence of textual content on the background knowledge of the reader and contributes to the integration of linguistic as well as extralinguistic knowledge in the semantic structure of the text. The reason for this is that inference reveals the conceptually significant elements in the propositional structure of the text and, by means of associative connections, opens access to the cognitive structures which components are relevant to the text. The fact that inference relies on associative connections between semantic elements within conceptual systems allows the reader to reconstruct missing conceptual features in the semantic gap of the text space. Inference brings the associative mechanism to a minimum as it activates the meanings that correspond to the local context. These theses are proved by the results of the conceptual-semantic analysis of the story “Genesis and Catastrophe” by Roald Dahl with the use of the software TROPES V84 which enabled to identify and structure the relevant semantic units in the text. The main conclusion of the research is that inference is the mechanism that is based on associative connections in the semantic space of linguistic units and serves to find a relevant uncontroversial context while association is a free message for inference taking into accuont semantic connections.
semantic structure of the text, semantic gap, semantic analysis, proposition, cognitive structures, cognitive mechanism, inference, computational method, background knowledge, associations
World literature
Aristova L.Yu. (2016). The Experience in the Written Reproduction of Sloven Literature at its Milestones. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 343–346. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68544
The master's thesis of a famous Slavic scholar Victor Grigorovich devoted to the literary process of Slavic ethnoses is interesting not only as a masterpiece of the Russian Slavic science but also profound cultural research. The thesis became a subject of intense disputes between Victor Grigorovich and an anonymous reviewer from St. Petersburg who then turned out to be Pyotr Preys. In his review Preys agreed with Grigorovich' philosophical ideas about the role of Slavic nations in the history and importance of Christianity for the destiny of Slavic ethnoses. In her article Aristova analyzes the main stages of their intense polemics, and philosophical, historical and cultural aspects of their polemics as those reflected different views on the essence and overall cultural orientation of the Slavic literary process as they were expressed by two famous Slavic scholars of the 19th century, Victor Grigorovich and Pyotr Preys. Having analyzed the main stages and nature of disputes evolving around Victor Grigorovich' thesis, the author of the article describes the initial period in the development of Russian Slavic studies, as she defines it. Thus, at the dawn of its development, Russian Slavic studies applied culturological but not narrow philological research methods and included comprehensive studies of religion, mentality and culture of Slavic nations.
slavonica (Slavic literature), cultural reciprocity, Slavic antiquities, ethnography, ethnology, cultural studies, Slavic studies, Preys, Grigorovich
Oladyshkina A.A. (2016). Secondary Ethnonyms in the Hungarian Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 347–350. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68545
In her article Oladyshkina analyzes Hungarian nicknames that are understood as stylistically marked names of ethnic groups containing imaginative-expressive characteristics of the given ethnos as well as attitude of the person who gives such a name. In a broad sense, ethnonyms are viewed as names used to call residents of not only independent states but also certain districts or regions. The author of the article views Hungarian Urbanolect as a kind of urban dialect that combines all forms of the language commonly used in a particular city or town. The author also analyzes the main methods of secondary ethnonym formation: semantic change, morphological derivation and borrowing. The word formation anaysis of secondary ethnonyms involves a corpus of Hungarian secondary ethnonyms created as a result of сontinuous sampling from dialectic and variantological dictionaries. The author discovers that peculiar features of a language or dialect, typical names for professions, landscapes, personal names, etc. can serve as the basis for formation of secondary ethnonyms through derivation. The author also offers her classification of the main morphological methods of word formation as well as borrowed ethnic nicknames. The author makes a conclusion about ethnic stereotypes of Vienna residents when one commonly encountered or observed feature of ethnos representatives substitutes the entire ethnic diversity.
word formation, language world view, Variantology, Austrian German, Urbanolect, ethnic stereotype, ethnophaulism, Viennese Urbanolect, semantic change, morphological derivation
Skvortsova E.L., Lutskiy A.L. (2016). Existentialism in Japan and its Infuence on Siina Rindzo's Creative Writing. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 351–360. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68546
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of introduction and perception of existential philosophy in Japan, in particular, the influence of the existential philosophic thought on Siina Rinzo’ works. The authors of the article state that within the Japanese culture a traditional attitude to a human being as a creature deeply involved in the natural and social world had been (at least up to the middle of the 20th c.) opposed to the Western one, taking a human being as an individual withdrawn into himself. Also, a considerable proximity can be found between existential and Buddhist mentalities which had favored the spread of existential philosophy in Japan. However, spreading of Capitalism in Japan led to strengthening of individualistic tendencies in Japanese society. Consequently, the main problem for existentially-oriented Japanese writers became “maintaining and determination of their own Self” (Jiga). The method of research: The empirico-hermeneutic methodology was applied: i. e. the method of correct description and interpretation of original sources; dialectical methodology supplemented with the principle of complementarity. Scientific novelty and conclusions: for the first time in Russian history of literature studies, the original texts both by Siina Rinzo (in the light of existential thought in Japan) and Japanese literature critics, texts by dedicated to Siina had been translated and analyzed; the authors also conclude that Siina’s existential motives are much closer to those of Dostoevsky than to the Western representatives of existentially-oriented literature. The characters in Siina’s works show obvious signs of their creator’s ethical striving which leads Siina to the ideals consonant to be ones of a Catholic representative of existentialism Gabriel Marcel.
nihilism, individualism, Buddhism, Dostoevsky, Buddhist-Confucian tradition, the “Sengoha group”, Japan, Siina Rinzo, existential philosophy, person
Stream of consciousness
Maslova E.G. (2016). Development of Magic Realism Traditions in the Creative Writing of African American Authors. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 361–365. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68547
The subject of the research is the phenomenon of magic realism, creation and development of magic realism traditions in literary practice of African American writers. The author of the article views magic realism as a peculiar type of creative thinking developed in Western literature of the 20th century that was especially expressed in writings of Charles Chestnutt, Zora Hurston, Alice Walker, Naylor and Toni Morrison as those writers used peculiar expressive means and methods synthesizing the 'magical' and real events in their stories. The methods used in the course of the research included: comparative historical, systems approach principles to study cultural and literary phenomena, and comprehensive analysis of a literary text. The main conclusion of the research is taht the author defines specific features of African American creative thinking that determined the unique nature of magic realism traditions in the writings of black writers. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author extends the scope of interpretation of magic realism exceeding the borders of the Latin American phenomenon and carries out an in-depth analysis of magic realism development in creative writings of African American authors.
supernatural, mythology, African American folklore, oral tradition, literary tradition, African American literature, magical realism, Toni Morrison, American literature, identity
Author's Mask
Zidan Zh.R. (2016). Self-Perception and Perception of the Other Based on Luis Avvad's Memoirs 'Foreign Student's Memories'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 366–371. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68548
The subject of the research is the work written by an Egyptian writer and critic Luis Avvad 'Foreign Student's Memories' where he described his student years when he attended Cambridge in the Great Britain. Special attention is paid to the analysis of his description of a foreigner's life in the Great Britain as well as the image of the Other represented by Avvad in his book. Within the framework of the present article, the Other stands for the entire European society of the 30s- 40s of the 20th century. The author of the article touches upon the issues of adjusting to new realities, analysis of the history of one's own country, comparison of cultures and customs and etc. The methodological basis of the research involves an in-depth analysis of the book written in Egyptian dialect. The author of the article also carries out a comparative stylistic and content analysis of the book to other works written in the travelogue genre of the Arabic literature. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that neither Russian nor Arabic scientists ever before appealed to that book. Having analyzed the book, it is possible to trace back changes in the perception of self and others, way of thinking experienced by the writer during his years of life in Europe.
Arabic studies, travel, memoirs, Self, the Other, Egypt, new arabic literature, rikhla, Luis Avvad, travelogue, Arabic literature
Porva O.N. (2016). About Combining Communicative Roles of a Chief Editor and News Presenter on a Regional TV-channel (Based on The Vladivostok State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 372–380. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68549
The object of the present research is journalist's universal activity, the subject of the research is an expert in media communication who combines several professional roles, in particular, presenting news and acting as a chief editor. Appearance of these universal journalists still remains an understudied topic, however, it is quite an urgent topic due to the growing requirements for experts in TV broadcasting, radio broadcasting and newspaper publishing. The process of combining editor's and news presenter's functions are being analyzed based on the example of a regional state TV and radio broadcasing company 'Vladivostok'. The main research method used by the author of the article is observation that allowed to record facts of how a universal journalist behaves in his or her natural environment. The author has also used methods of descriptive and comparative analysis to analyze activities performed by a number of practical specialists, their functions and speech strategies. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author defines a new type of universal activity when a specialist is both an idea provider, informational flow aggregator and news broadcaster. The author of the article describes pluses and minuses of universal journalism and offers practical recommendations regarding performing such activity. In the course of the research the author makes a conclusion that this combination of two communicative roles is ambivalent: on the one hand, it destructs the composed function of each universal journalist, on the other hand, it creates free interpretation as a result of an actor's sovereignty.
communicative roles, universal journalist, Chief Editor, speech strategies, combination of professional roles, universalism in journalism, media communication, addressee, communicative skills, news presenter
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2016). 'Shall Hear Your Enchanting Voice' (About the Creative Work of a Russian Philosopher and Writer Mikhail Gershenzon). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 381–388. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68550
The article is devoted to the review of the three collections of selected works that included works of a well-known philosopher and writer Mikhail Gershenzon. These are 'Selected Works. The Triadic Image of Perfection', 'Selected Works. Notes on History' and 'Selected Works. Images of the Past'. Mikhail Gershenzon played an unvalued role in the development of Russian culture. His rich intellect, doubtless literary talent and gift for philosophical research made him a distinguished figure of Russian culture. Mikhail Gershenzon was particularly interested in the history of the modern period in the Russian society development over the past three or four generations. The philosopher was indeed a master of individual analysis. In a sense, Mikhail Gershenzon can be considered to be part of Russian history of psychology because he was not only a historian but also a genious psychologist. His gifts allowed him to compare different epochs and find common features and traditions of different periods of Russian history. His works published in the above named collections also prove that he can be considered to be one of Russian philosophers. In his research Gurevich has used the principle of historicism that was so often used by Mikhail Gershenzon. The method allowed to compare historical epochs and define rules and patterns of social development. These publications gave an opportunity to analyze an enormous contribution of Mikhail Gershenzon to the development of Russian culture and thus was undoubtedly a very important project carried out by a famous researcher and editor Svetlana Levit. It certainly was such an effort to find and publish these three collections of selected works. As a result, publications provide us with broad materials that enable an adequate evaluation of Mikhail Gershenzon's versatile activity. Kogan's words that 'perhaps, analysis of his achives and works will bring an insight into one of the most interesting problems of social studies and psyhology' actually came true. Many of Gershenzon's works have already become a rarity. The aforesaid collections also contain articles written by Russian philosophers and modern researchers V. Proskurina and Yu. Sineoky about Mikhail Gershenzon.
history, psychology, culture, sociality, personality, crisis, Slavophilia, human, philosophy, literature