Social dynamics
He, Y., Elistratov, V.S. (2025). Analysis of Chinese Students' cultural and linguistic personality based on slang. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 1–20.
The purpose of this study is to analyze some features of the cultural and linguistic personality of modern Chinese students, manifested in the use of youth slang expressions. The scientific novelty of the proposed approach lies in the fact that the study of youth slang becomes part of the work on compiling a summary portrait of the cultural and linguistic personality of modern Chinese students in Russian and Chinese universities. Slang not only reflects the specific features of the cultural and linguistic personality, but also largely determines its uniqueness and complexity. The materials and results of the research were analyzed from the point of view of the national mentality of modern Chinese students, which is manifested in the choice of certain speech expressions, psychophysiological characteristics, as well as in the behavior. The research methods: the analysis of materials (a sample of vocabulary from electronic Chinese-Russian dictionary, as well as theoretical articles) and observation. The author concludes that the features of the cultural and linguistic personality of Chinese students are manifested through value dominants reflected in slang. The main criterion for selecting slangisms was the expression of the following most important value attitudes of Chinese students - the degree of independence from the group, the degree of manifestation of personality in class, sincerity in relations with teachers, attitude to food, attitude to work, attitude to the desired profession after graduation, attitude to life. The specified dominants associated with the axiological dimension of the image of the world in many aspects determine the speech behavior of students. Thus the slang becomes one of the most expressive forms of the culture and expresses the consciousness of modern youth.
psychophysiological characteristics, speech expressions, value dominants, poiesis, Russian-Chinese University, food cults, save face, independence from the group, cultural and linguistic personality, slang
Ontology: being and nihility
Kryuchkova, S.E. (2025). Nigitology: Heidegger vs. Leibniz. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 21–32.
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of attempts at ontological development of the problem of Nothingness, presented in philosophical systems Leibniz and Heidegger. The article shows that despite the fundamentally different premises and strategies of thinking, as well as the obvious opposition of styles of philosophizing - the clarity and validity of Leibniz's argumentation against the fluidity and hermeneutic "questioning" of Heidegger - in the course of philosophical searches for the ultimate foundations of Being, one can discover non-surface points of intersection in their reflections on the nature and status of negativity. The author examines in detail the methodological strategies of "thinking through" Nothingness and reveals similar intuitions in understanding the conceptual content and philosophical status of the category of Nothingness. The novelty of the study lies in identifying specific points of intersection between Leibniz and Heidegger in the philosophical discourse on the nature of negativity. It is particularly emphasized that despite the difference in styles of philosophizing and considering Nothingness, we are dealing with the “non-present presence of Nothingness”, where the latter appears not as a negation or “deprivation”, but is filled with positive content. The similarity of the philosophizing of Leibniz and Heidegger was also manifested in their search for new terms in an attempt to reform the language of traditional metaphysics. It is shown that historical and philosophical schematism with its “-isms” and “-ologies” is not always productive, since it simplifies and obscures some aspects that are not obvious and important for understanding the ideas of a particular philosopher. By penetrating the history of metaphysics with various methods in search of an answer to the question “Does the non-existent exist?”, they thereby support and develop the historical tradition of metaphysics as “philosophia perennis,” treating it as an eternal present.
Dasein, ontology, essence, Being, Nothing, metaphysics, Heidegger, Leibniz, history of philosophy, truth of being
Philosophy of religion
Pozdnyakov, A.V., Orlov, A.S. (2025). The influence of positivism on the understanding of the essence of religion by M. O. Menshikov (according to unpublished notebooks). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 33–48.
The object of this research is the worldview of the famous pre-revolutionary publicist, thinker and public figure Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov. The subject of the study is the problem of the influence of positivism on M. O. Menshikov's system of views on the essence and nature of religion. The current research talks about the instability of his religious views, sometimes about their inconsistency at different stages of his life. There is also a significant influence on Menshikov's worldview of positivism, one of the most important cultural trends of the XIX century. However, this question does not have a detailed consideration: what exactly did this influence manifest itself in, how absolute was it. Accordingly, the purpose of our study is to examine Menshikov's views on religion from the point of view of their ideological origins in positivism. The research material is Menshikov's early diary entries, which have not been published at the moment and have not been studied in a similar context. The methodological base of the research includes both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, causal, etc.) and private scientific methods (hermeneutical, biographical and comparative historical analysis). Their totality is aimed at an objective study of the continuity of ideas, taking into account Menshikov's biography and the historical context in which Menshikov's personal arguments were written. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying and describing the direct influence of positivism on Menshikov's worldview in general and on his idea of religion in particular. A comparison of the semantic structures of the thinker's statements about religion with the key principles of the positivists of the 19th century allows us to conclude that the continuity of the ideas of positivism is partial. His understanding of religion is based on the binary intersection of positivist and rationalistic principles. On the one hand, Menshikov, like many positivists, refuses a metaphysical understanding of the essence of religion. He calls for rechecking her system of views with empirical and exact sciences. But on the other hand, it leaves the deductive method of decisive importance in essential cognition. Also, the principle of evolutionism is accompanied by the rejection of agnosticism, which was then characteristic of positivist philosophy. This puts his views on this issue in opposition to positivism.
worldview, positivism, instinct, conscience, religious feeling, Islam, christianity, Menshikov, mythology, religion
Philosophy of postmodernism
Zhernosenko, I.A., Dunilov , I.M. (2025). Is postmodernism outdated? On the relevance of the concept at the beginning of the 21st century. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 49–60.
At the turn of the XX – XXI centuries, there is a certain "fatigue" in the humanities from the term "postmodern" / "postmodernism", various works appear summarizing and offering alternative concepts to describe modernity. The article attempts to analyze the arguments in favor of preserving or replacing the concept of "postmodernism", advanced by theorists, many of whom participated in the initial discussions about "postmodernism". In order to identify the essential markers of this concept, formulated initially by Western researchers rather amorphously and vaguely, the authors of this study analyzed individual texts of both pioneer theorists, which undoubtedly include Ihab Hassan, Fredrik Jamieson, Brian McHale, Terry Eagleton, Linda Hutcheon, and scientists who joined the debate later: Alan Kirby and Stuart Jeffries. The conceptual basis of the article is the theory of F. Jamieson, who defines "postmodernism" as the cultural dominant of capitalism at its "late" stage. The comparative method is used in the course of the study. The following grounds of criticism are revealed: the initial failure of the term, its semantic uncertainty (I.Hassan); institutionalization, lack of a theory of political agency (L. Hutchenon, T. Eagleton), overestimation of universality (B. McHale, T. Eagleton); obsolescence and inconsistency with modern realities (A. Kirby). On the other hand, F. Jamieson retains his previous argumentation, abandoning the very term "postmodern" / "postmodernism" in favor of "globalization", and makes some corrective changes. S. Jeffries believes that new technologies have accelerated the spread of postmodernism and contributed to its revival. Such ongoing discussions suggest that the concept of "postmodern" / "postmodernism" retains a certain heuristic potential, and, according to the authors, radical socio-economic and environmental changes pose a real threat to it.
Alan Kirby, Linda Hutcheon, Terry Eagleton, Brian McHale, Ihab Hassan, Fredric Jameson, capitalism, postmodernism, Postmodernity, Stuart Jeffries
Philosophy and art
Pashentsev, I.D. (2025). The contribution of E.H. Gombrich to the study of the primitivism. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 61–75.
The article is dedicated to the researches of the famous art historian of the XX century E.H. Gombrich (1909–2001) of such a phenomenon as primitivism. The subject of this work is the mentioned term in the works of this scholar. The purpose of the article is to present the evolution of Gombrich's views on the primitivism in the theory and history of European art throughout his scientific career: from the works of the 1950s to the latest monograph "Preference for the Primitive: episodes in the history of Western Taste and Art" written in 2002. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that there are no researches in Russian historiography that develop the problem of the "primitive" in E. Gombrich's theory of art, so the article is intended to correct this gap. To achieve this set goal, source studies, comparative-diachronic, hermeneutical methods are used. Based on this methodological basis, it became possible to analyze Gombrich's works and their context, compare texts from different periods of his scientific activity and interpret them. Using the methods described above, it was managed to trace the development of the researcher's views and establish certain chronological stages of the study of primitivism, as well as to show the connections of his works with the previous historiographical tradition. The most important conclusion of this article was to determine the significance of the scholar's monographs and articles in the study of the "primitive" in art: firstly, he virtually described the history of this cultural definition from its origins in European thought of ancient times to its flourish in the early-mid-20th century as a full-fledged artistic trend; secondly, Gombrich deduced an aesthetic and, simultaneously, a psychological explanation of the preference for "primitive" features in art throughout almost the entire European art history.
the Cicero’s law, taste, value, preference, progress, history of ideas, art history, historiography, primitivism, pattern