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«Politics and Society» (18+)

¹ 5, 2013
Published since
2004 year

Theory of political sciences
P. 536 - 544
National security
P. 545 - 552
Ideology and politics
P. 553 - 562
Democracy and political processes
P. 563 - 567
National policy
P. 568 - 574
Social studies and monitoring
P. 575 - 586
P. 587 - 596
International policy
P. 597 - 605
People and work
P. 606 - 612
The nationality issue
P. 613 - 618
Religion and politics
P. 619 - 629
Political process
P. 630 - 640
History of political thought
P. 641 - 648
Legal history
P. 649 - 661
P. 662 - 667
Contents details