Buchkova A.I..
Neutralizing the negative impact of digital devices and the Internet on children under 11: a sociological approach
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 12.
P. 65-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2024.12.72592 EDN: XJBGLE URL:
The work is devoted to the problem of excessive impact of digital devices and the Internet on the younger generation. The subject of the study was digital consumption by children before adolescence. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of introducing children to digital devices and the Internet, the positive and negative consequences of digital socialization, the forms of content preferred by children, the socializing functions and culture of digital consumption of children, as well as the role of adults in the process of forming the latter. It is noted that early introduction to digital devices has become an obligatory part of modern upbringing of children. The main attention is paid to the harmonization of digital socialization of the younger generation in the context of rapid development of technologies and information flows. The author conducted a sociological analysis of digital consumption by children under 11 years of age. The paper presents the results of a survey of 207 families from Moscow and the Moscow region in 2023, as well as an expert survey of 12 experts in the field of child rearing, preschool and primary school education in 2024. The study revealed that children are introduced to digital devices starting from the age of one and a half to two years. Negative consequences include health and developmental disorders, while positive impact is associated with increased competitiveness and development of cognitive skills of the child. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author offers specific recommendations for harmonizing digital consumption. A conclusion is made about the need to form a culture of digital consumption from an early age, as well as the role of parents and teachers as mediators in the process of digital socialization.
internet safety, impact on health, impact on development, upbringing, digital consumption's culture, child, digital socialization, internet, digital devices, digital consumption
Karas' N.M..
The impact of biomedical and information technologies on women's social roles
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 4.
P. 31-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.4.70083 EDN: HPIQEX URL:
The article examines the possibility of crisis phenomena in society as a result of the leveling of social roles caused by the development of biotechnologies, in particular reproductive and information technologies. In particular, the issues of changing women's social roles under the influence of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) are studied in the article in the context of the philosophy and gender. The author examines in detail the various forms of influence of technological inventions on social roles. Special attention is paid to the importance of preserving the social roles of parents for society. The need to maintain a special bond between parents and children, expressed in traditional social roles, is emphasized. Denial of social roles can cast doubt on belonging to humanity. The author pays special attention to the identity transmitted, in particular, through gender and social roles. The methodology is based on the study of currently known biotechnologies and information technologies, and a philosophical understanding of the impact of these technologies on the social structure of society. In the course of the work, a negative forecast was made: these trends may lead to the collapse of the social structure. The stabilizing role of women will gradually decrease, which will lead to a significant bias towards the male component of social roles. Also, new bioethics based on new reproductive technologies will gradually change social ties. Classical forms of social relations, such as the family, may die out. The author assumes that in the course of the gradual exclusion of women from the process of childbearing and reproduction of the population, society and social relations will be destroyed. The novelty of the research lies in the original focus of attention, in which the author examines the social roles of women in connection with the process of childbirth, as well as the perception of the social roles of women in the aspect of romantic relationships with a man.
technological progress, the concept of physicality, fatherhood, motherhood, virtual technologies, biotechnology, social roles, gender, reproductive technologies, virtual relationships
Gavrilova I.S..
Medical and social support for children with disabilities in hospitals
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 4.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2024.4.70306 EDN: QFRORW URL:
Children constitute a special category among the disabled and people with disabilities. Restoration or compensation of impaired functions cannot be achieved in full, but thanks to medical and social support and technical means of rehabilitation, adaptation to existing living conditions, it is possible to achieve a higher level of quality of life. Medical and social support for children with disabilities is considered from the perspective of the available resource potential of the hospital system itself - the competent application of medical and social technologies and the functional capabilities of inpatient or semi-stationary type institutions. The leading criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of medical and social support for children with disabilities in hospital and semi-stationary care was the criterion of satisfaction of the medical and social needs of rehabilitators and their family members (parents/legal representatives). The author used analysis of documents, questioning of children with disabilities and parents (legal representatives) to identify needs, assessment of satisfaction of medical and social needs of children with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives) using comprehensive medical and social support (interviewing). In the course of the work, the purpose of the study was achieved – a sociological analysis of medical and social support for children with disabilities was carried out. Based on the research data, it can be concluded that the most relevant in meeting the needs of children with disabilities in hospital and semi-hospital settings are the socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological components of medical and social support, while the medical and social components fade into the background. The explicit needs must be met not through a ready-made solution, but by teaching the child himself to accept and work with them until an optimal level of compensation is achieved, the use of medical and social support technology as a system in hospital and semi-stationary conditions, on the one hand, has stable invariance properties, on the other, has variability.
rehabilitation capacity, social changes, rent-seeking behavior, objects of law enforcement, social work specialist, social needs, medical and social support, children with disabilities, social institutions, interdisciplinary team
Mukhamedzhanova N.M..
Transformations of the family institution: from the pre-modern to the metamodern
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 4.
P. 42-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.4.70603 EDN: IJLPBY URL:
The relevance of the stated topic is due to the modern socio-cultural situation. On the one hand, the family is the most important social institution, the state of which determines the well-being of society. On the other hand, the modern family is experiencing a crisis, which finds its expression in a decrease in fertility rates, a narrowing of family functions, a growing number of divorces, etc. The purpose of the work is to study the relationship of the family as a mechanism for ensuring the translation and reproduction of culture with the processes taking place in society. The problems of the family are considered in the context of modernization processes in the world – in the context of the transition from a traditional society to a modern one, from a pre-modern culture to a meta-modern one. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Russian and Western authors exploring the problems of the family in a historical context. The interdisciplinary nature of the work determines the combination of socio-philosophical and cultural approaches to the problem of dynamics and possible prospects of the institution of the family. The paper examines the causes of family transformation, the consequences of the family crisis for the development of society and civilization, as well as possible options for the future of the family in connection with the changes taking place in the culture of the early 21st century. The author concludes that the fetishization of personal freedom and the spread of values of self-expression in postmodern culture contradicts the values of self-preservation of society as an integral, unique education. However, the crisis processes in the 21st century undermine the sense of existential security that was inherent in the postmodern era and caused the decline of traditional norms. In the culture of metamodernism, there is a turn towards transcendence and spirituality, which can become a turn towards traditional cultural values, including the family. And this, according to the author, is the positive significance of the modern socio-cultural crisis.
sociocultural crisis, metamodernism, civilization, postmodern culture, modern culture, family crisis, modernization, traditional family, family functions, social institution
Karimov A.G., Kadyrov S.K., Svinukhova Y.N..
Resource capital of a modern family in the Republic of Bashkortostan: differentiation of opportunities and compensating factors
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 12.
P. 103-117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.12.69054 EDN: NMDBMY URL:
The object of the study is families living in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of the study is the resource capital of a family with children. One of the important areas of research is the consideration of a family with children in the aspect of a resource approach. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to monitor and assess the needs and access to social benefits and services of families and their members, which will determine some mechanisms for improving their socio-economic status, respectively, well–being and quality of life, and will also determine the characteristics and degree of influence of various types of its capital in family education. The paper uses statistical data analysis, secondary analysis of sociological research data on related issues. The actual basis of the study was the data obtained during the study of the living conditions of the population in 2022 in the Republic of Bashkortostan conducted by the state statistics bodies. The paper considers the current socio-economic status of families living in the region. The factors causing the risk of reducing the well-being of families with children are identified, the directions of their impact are determined. Based on the data presented, it is shown that the risk of a decrease in the material well-being of families with children in the region is primarily caused by factors such as having many children and living in rural areas. The paper shows that the financial capital of families with children for a significant part of them acts rather as a factor limiting development opportunities and access to social goods and services. The social capital of families can act as a compensating factor and even expand life opportunities, in particular, in the field of education. Some mechanisms of leveling the factors that reduce the well-being of families with children are indicated.
well-being, welfare, quality of life, social capital, financial capital, needs satisfaction, socio-economic status, conversion of forms of capital, family, resource approach
Pereselkova Z.Y., Zakirova T.V..
Family education as a process of translation of ideals and values of culture
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 9.
P. 18-32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.9.43635 EDN: ZECQSC URL:
In the article, the authors consider issues related to the family as a social institution of society, which through the education system is a carrier, keeper and translator of cultural ideals. The subject of the study is family education, interpreted as the process of translating the ideals and values of culture. The article examines the concept and functions of the family as a leading social institution, sacred and profane ideals of culture and their mutual influence, types of family education, distinguished depending on the characteristics of the transmitted cultural values. When writing the work, such general scientific and private scientific research methods as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, comparison, historical method, analysis of empirical and sociological data on the studied problem were used. The general methodology of the work was compiled by scientific works of both domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the family as a carrier of cultural values. The analysis of scientific literature on research issues has shown that the modern family performs not only reproductive functions, but also the functions of preserving and reproducing cultural values, allowing society and the state to maintain stability and develop in the conditions of globalization and active influence on society through the imposition of new cultural values. The scientific novelty lies in the proposed author's typology of modern types of family education, depending on the transmitted cultural values. As a conclusion, the statement is substantiated that the family broadcasting religious and traditional values most correspond to the spiritual and moral ideals of Russian society, its civic interests, at the same time, the values of initiative, independence in decision-making, broadcast to a greater extent in the family of liberal values, are most relevant for the modern system of public relations, for personalities of the post-industrial type.
deviation, spiritual and moral ideals, the bearer of cultural ideals, the younger generation, cultural ideals, cultural values, family education, typology of family education, family functions, family
Kruglova E.L..
Economic stereotypes of Russian families through the prism of proverbs and sayings
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 7.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43831 EDN: VKXSSA URL:
Stereotypes and prejudices can influence our views and decisions in various spheres of life, including the economy. The author addresses the most important social group – the family and examines the features of the economic behavior of all its members in comparison with the models and patterns of behavior described in Russian proverbs and sayings. The family, both nuclear and extended, is the main object of research. Being the foundation of the state, the family remains the most important source of information for understanding the economic and financial culture of the population, the conditions for its formation and identifying strong points for further development. Sociological content analysis is chosen as the main method of analysis. The article is written at the intersection of sociological, linguistic, historical and philosophical sciences. The scientific novelty of the presented research is both the problematic topic itself, which was not previously presented in the scientific field, and the unification of three time modes during the author's analysis: past, present and future. During the content analysis, the author identified five thematic groups of proverbs and sayings that have semantic references to finance, attitude to money and economic roles in the family. Each of the groups is accompanied by up-to-date data from secondary sociological research and statistics in order to compare, highlight common and different in the economic life of Russian families over the past centuries. The focus of the research is focused on analyzing the dynamics of changes in the attitude of members of the Russian family to finance and the strength of the influence of economic stereotypes on families of the XXI century, expressed through specific linguistic forms. The conclusions of this research are of interest to a wide range of readers whose professional or social interests include economic sociology, demography, Russian history and historical linguistics, as well as population issues.
famiy budget, economic culture, budget, saying, family values, proverb, family, financial behavior, financial literacy, economic stereotypes
Bikkinina D..
The Discourse of Family Policy in Sociological Research
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 1.
P. 28-40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.1.39299 EDN: FAKXJO URL:
The subject of the study is approaches to assessing the effectiveness and principles of implementing family policy in developed countries such as the United States of America, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Spain, Finland, etc. The main objective of this article is to compare the views of foreign authors and discourses of family policy, taking into account the diversity of approaches to family policy. Priority directions of family policy research in selected publications of foreign researchers were considered. For the analysis, the principles that allow to represent the discourse of family policy are identified. In this regard, the tasks were set to identify the concepts of family policy in the reviewed foreign articles for the formation of tools that allow: 1) to determine the general characteristics and features of various approaches to family policy of the modern welfare state, highlighted in the works of foreign authors, 2) to assess the unity of positions in the field of family policy. A methodological model called "semantic-structural" analysis was used, which is based on a combination of content analysis and the method of information-target analysis. The analysis of scientific articles by foreign authors allows us to conclude that there is a unified approach to family policy in the welfare states of Western Europe, Asia and North America. A common place in modern studies of family policy is the emphasis on the importance of economic measures associated with the work of family members, the possibility of strengthening the relationship between parents and children through the implementation of social policy measures. The conclusions of the study showed the ambivalence of family policy due to the lack of opportunity to form a unified doctrinal idea of evaluating the effectiveness of family policy measures. The question of assessing the effectiveness of appropriate measures, the priority of a "broad" approach in relation to solving problems within the family remains debatable.
semantic and structural analysis, socio-economic dimension, traditional family model, public service, model of family relations, content analysis, state support, social security, family policy, social policy
Gabaraeva M.R..
The Impact of Social Benefits on Marital Behavior in the Republic of North Ossetia Alania
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 8.
P. 14-25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.8.38541 EDN: KIUSMP URL:
Marital behavior is an indicator of social, economic and cultural changes taking place in society. In the minds of many, the North Caucasus remains a stronghold of a traditional family with a high birth rate and rare divorces, but in the XXI century, the regions of the North Caucasus are subject to the same trends as Russia as a whole. The years of the COVID-19 pandemic have had an impact on many aspects of life, including family and marriage relations. In 2020, the Russian government introduced various measures to support families with children aimed at improving the well-being of families, but they led to the opposite results. The purpose of this study is to study the reasons for the growth of divorces in North Ossetia, where in 2021 the divorce rate equaled the marriage rate. Statistical indicators of marital behavior were studied, as well as a content analysis of social networks was conducted to determine the reasons for the increase in divorces according to users, the study showed that the increase in the number of divorces coincides with changes in the rules for obtaining various benefits for low-income families. Since April 2021, the zero income rule has been applied to receive benefits, only those families who have any income during the billing period or have a valid reason for its absence have the right to payments. To circumvent this rule, many people use a fictitious divorce, which allows them to claim financial assistance from the state. Analysis of other economic indicators suggests that the level of financial well-being of the population of North Ossetia is declining, which forces them to rely on social assistance, and not on their own income. The stability of marriages directly depends on the financial well-being of the family.
financial well-being of the population, stability of marriages, social benefits, North Ossetia, social network, content analysis, illegitimate children, family and marriage relations, divorces, marriages
Loboda P.E., Prokudina R.O..
Interdisciplinary study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family and marriage institutions
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 6.
P. 37-46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.6.35580 EDN: YCLYVI URL:
The object of the study is the family. The subject of the study is the institute of divorce. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the role of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the institution of divorce. The analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the directions of state development in the field of economics, demography, as well as regulation of family relations is carried out. The article reveals the content of the psychological aspect. In particular, it is said about the formation of psychological tension that arose due to the need to stay in a confined space for a long time. As a result, stress begins in subjects, which affects not only the psychological state of a person, but also the physical one, it can reduce immunity and resistance to coronavirus. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is to establish the indirect role of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dissolution of marriages. The main conclusion of the study is that coronavirus cannot be considered as an independent cause of marital divorce, but it aggravates the negative trends that occur in every family. Despite this, an increase in the number of divorces is inevitable, so it is necessary to take measures to optimize this process. A significant contribution was made by innovative changes in the field of notary in 2021. One of the innovations was remote notarial actions. Thanks to this, the notary actively implements electronic technologies in its activities, allowing not only to speed up the passage of all stages of the procedure, but also to increase the security and reliability of legally important information. Such changes have had a positive impact on the existing system, since they have made it the most simplified and convenient.
Psychological tension, Notary Public, Technological changes, COVID-19, Dissolution of marriage, Family, Family law, Demographic development, Alimony, Notarial actions
Sirotina T.V., Chukanova T.V., Antonovich I.V., Kalinina J.A., Mazailova T.A..
Respite care as a social service for families with children with severe and multiple disabilities
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 5.
P. 28-37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.5.37997 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the social services for families raising children with severe and multiple disabilities – "Respite Care". The implementation of the social service is aimed at providing legal representatives of children with severe and multiple disabilities with the opportunity to take a break from performing their duties, taking care of the child. The subject of the study is the possibilities and difficulties of implementing "Respite Care" as an innovative social service for families raising children with severe and multiple disabilities in the Altai region. The implementation of the social service is analyzed in the context of the ecosystem model of social work and normalization theory, paying special attention to ensuring decent living conditions for families of people with disabilities. The authors present the results of an empirical sociological study, the main empirical method of which was the survey of specialists of social service organizations, non-profit organizations and volunteers of the Altai region. The article discusses the definition of the "Respite Care", its content, the authors analyze statistical data on child disability in the Altai region. Based on the results of the study, both the possibilities and difficulties of implementing "Respite care" as an innovative social service for families raising children with severe and multiple disabilities in the region are identified, namely: training of specialists; development of methodological and consulting support for specialists; inclusion of social service in the state list of social services.
home service, social services, short-term care, social service programs, social service, families of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, disability, severe multiple disabilities, respite care
Klimenko L.V., Posukhova O.Y..
Gender peculiarities of professional identity in medical dynasties
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 9.
P. 27-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.9.36560 URL:
Despite the fact that female employees prevail in modern healthcare system, medicine retains gender differentiation in terms of distribution of authority, career trajectories, pay grade, etc. Such gender bias impedes balanced professional development of the medical personnel, affects their work motivation, and commitment to the profession. Medical dynasties are an important link in reproduction of human capital and preservation of the professional ethos of the medical practice. Therefore, this article explores gender peculiarities of professional identity of the hereditary physicians. The object of this research is the dynasties that have developed in medical environment with at least three generations of medical personnel. The empirical base for studying medical dynasties consists of 20 autobiographical narrative interviews (11 women and 9 men). Territorial localization of the informants is Volgodonsk, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov, Irkutsk, and Ufa. Interviews with the representatives of professional dynasties demonstrate that the process of professional identification of male physician is characterized by the strategy of self-fulfillment and self-assertiveness through work; while female physicians manifest coping strategies (if pertains to surgery particularly), as well as adaptation strategy. At the same time, namely women often reproduce conservative gender stereotypes in the professional sphere.
labour market, intergenerational transmission, professional dynasties, identification strategies, Russian physicians, medical dynasties, professional identity, Gender differentiation, succession, dynastic reproduction
Nadyrshin T.M..
The trajectories of extracurricular learning of children in Muslim families of the Republic of Bashkortostan
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 3.
P. 56-63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.3.35154 URL:
The subject of this research is the trajectories of extracurricular learning in Muslim families of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The educational trajectories of various ethno-confessional groups have certain focus areas or “blind zones” substantiated by the religious worldview, ethnic specificity, and other sociocultural factors. Muslim community of the Republic of Bashkortostan is also concerned with the problem of conveying cultural values to the next generation. The trajectories of extracurricular leaning of the children from religious families are reflected in a number of patterns that differ from the educational path of their agemates. The author determines the focus areas in upbringing and educational tasks of the Muslim families, the range of pedagogical literature of Muslim parents, as well as the main forms of extracurricular learning of children in Muslim families and the role of religious education therein. The article provides the results of sociological survey, which demonstrates that the physical and intellectual development of children is the priority vectors for the Muslim parents; while, for example, aesthetic development is not as important. It is also underlined that Muslim families not always can afford the desirable amount of activities for their children.
culture transmission, Muslim community, religious education, additional education, education in Islam, Islam, socialization, inculturation, muslim family, religious practice
Ivanov A.G..
Family memory and Its mythology: from the theory to daily practice
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 2.
P. 38-50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.2.32421 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of the dynamic aspect and mythological dimension of social memory. The structure of the latter distinguishes the two levels – “archaic” and ”conjunctural”. The “archaic” level plays a determinant role for the current functionality of mythology , including the mythology of family memory, which is interrelated with such spheres of everyday life as life, work, and recreation). The transformation of family mythology is viewed on the example of manifestation of myth-containing phenomena, such as the sacred leader (hero) and the victim, in everyday life. The following changes are indicated: the representations on causality and ratio between the part and the whole are imparted sacred meaning, while the representations on space and time are being rationalized. The systematic approach was applied towards studying the mythology of family memory. The theoretical conclusions are reinforced by the results of analysis of a series of narrative interviews conducted among the residents of Lipetsk Region about the history of their families. It is established that the basic (constitutive) events for the mythology of family memory indicate more abstract and profound phenomena (for example, hero or victim) than for the social memory. Special work is required for identification of these phenomena and further reconstruction of the mythology of family memory in each particular case. Special attention is given to observations of one of the respondents on the miracle as the phenomenon immanently inherent in life.
sacred events, narrative interview, everyday life, mythocontent phenomenon, archetype, sociocode, levels of mythology, social memory, miracle, transformation of mythology
Dzagurova N.K..
Gender aspects of everyday life of a modern Ossetian family
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 12.
P. 52-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34700 URL:
The purpose of the study is to analyze the gender aspects of everyday life in a modern Ossetian family. The subject of the study is the historical and cultural context that contributed to the formation and modernization of behavioral practices of everyday domestic work, power and role distribution in the modern Ossetian family. The object of the study is models of intra-family gender behavior. The paper uses the method of system analysis, which allowed us to consider gender relations in the family as system-forming elements of social relations. The use of the comparative historical method made it possible to comprehend the general patterns of the development of gender relations and to identify the prerequisites and mechanisms for the formation of a certain gender order in chronological order. The paper presents models of everyday intra-family gender behavior, formulated criteria on the basis of which these models are determined. The stages of historical and cultural formation of modern gender aspects in the context of the formation and modernization of intra-family behavioral practices are determined. Based on the analysis of the empirical base of the study, the prevailing models of intra-family gender behavior in the modern Ossetian family are determined. The reasons for the low prevalence of egalitarian attitudes in the region are outlined. It is concluded that despite the external presentability, the modern Ossetian family remains a carrier of gender asymmetry, maintaining the status of the norm regarding the "double employment" of women.
gender behavior, traditional worldview, everyday life, gender relations, gender asymmetry, Ossetia, ossetian family, gender role, gender aspects of everyday life, gender
Galynskaya Y.S., Zvyagintsev V.V..
Strategic framework for consolidation of family institution in Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 9.
P. 30-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.9.33487 URL:
The subject of this research is contradictory trends in transformation of the traditional Russian family into a family of modern type. The analysis of family transformation processes is conducted on the basis of the concept of familialism that puts family in the center of society, as well as on the basis of methodological foundations of the civilizational approach towards studying societal development. The perspective is substantiated that Russia as a separate civilization, with its own values and cultural foundations that differ fundamentally from the Western European civilization. It is demonstrated that the social institution of family is undergoing crisis in all civilized countries; but unlike an organic course of modernization in Western European, in Russia it is an inorganic modernization. The author explains the fatality of situation for the Russian family, when the external modernization processes contradict with the ethnic social archetype of the Russians. The article disputes the modernist concept of the transformation of family relations, which justifies the normality and naturalness of changes. It is underlined that modernization processes lead to the demise and extinction of family institution, which is disastrous for the society. The applied part of the article presents the results of the authorial research on determination of students’ stance on the family and family values; the respondents became the students of Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation in Novosibirsk. Student youth is the conveyors of traditional family values. On the verbal level, they translate tolerance and liberal values, and on the behavioral level are oriented towards family relations of traditional type. The recommendations are made on structuring the government policy in the sphere of family relations based on the foundation of Russian sociocultural values.
Pro-family policy, family-centric paradigm, familiism, primary value systems, social archetype, social values, civilizational approach, modernist concept, traditional value, family institution
Akutina S.P..
A modern student family: value aspects and life strategies
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 8.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.8.31890 URL:
The subject of this research is the value priorities of modern students. The goal consists in determination of value aspects and life strategies of student youth at the current stage of social development. Student family is key main strategic resource of modern society, and simultaneously, the most socially unadjusted group for creating a family and performing the role of responsible parenthood. An important aspect is that creation of a family is not trendy; the value preferences are oriented towards career aspirations and alternative forms of marriage and family relations. The conducted survey revealed the value orientations of student youth, their life strategies, and problems. The conclusion on students’ focus on starting a successful career and professional identity is empirically proven. The novelty lies in consideration of the concept of “value readiness of the students for creating a family", as well as the indicators of value readiness for family life. The author describes the main vectors in professional activity of the curators of student groups in the formation of students ' value attitude on family: social-value, personal-value, communicative-value, professional-value, and value-environment. The following criteria of life strategies and prospects of modern youth are defined: the strategy of well-being, life success, family and personal fulfillment. It is substantiated that preservation of feasibility of student families would be effective under the condition that university creates the family-preservation environment.
indicators, motivation, attitude, willingness, responsibility, life strategies, family values, Student family, activities, seven environment
Troshkina I.N..
Economic foundation of a modern family (regional aspect)
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 7.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.7.33243 URL:
The subject of this research is family as an element of economic relations. The object is the economic foundation of a modern family in the Republic of Khakassia. The author examines the economic foundation of a modern family on the national and regional levels (based on the materials of the Republic of Khakassia). Special attention is paid to micro-enterprises, which are the backbone of economic structure of a family. Emphasis is made on promising avenues of development of family enterprises. Empirical framework of this research is comprised of the statistical data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2002, 2010), Regional Federal State Statistics Service (2016, 2020), and other sources. The following conclusions were made: 1) Over the recent twenty-year period, national economy has undergone transformation in the structure of small and medium sized enterprises: the portion of small and medium businesses was reduced, while the portion of micro-enterprises was increased; the lowest structure of self-employed is established. This would allow solving the economic problems of a full, extended family, and society. 2) Regional specificity of the research manifests in the context of economic vector of a family – the upcoming five years mark preservation of the portion of medium and decrease of small and micro-enterprises. In the nearest future, the promising vectors in development of family enterprises in the Republic of Khakassia would become manufacturing and processing of products, as well as rendering information and tourism services. The author’s special contribution consists in covering the problems of development of the family types of economic structure of the society. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the regional component.
the Russian Federation, self-employed, family enterprises, micro enterprises, enterprises, economic basis of the family, South siberia, The Republic of Khakassia, khakass family, households
Topchiev M.S..
The impact of religious factor upon the formation of marital and family relations in the border region (on the example of Astrakhan Region)
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 3.
P. 63-74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.3.31390 URL:
The analysis of processes that significantly affect the formation of future families, namely in the border region, as well as crisis phenomena in marital and family relations, demonstrates that religion is one of the important factors influencing these processes. Religious differences is one of the paramount and most complicated aspects that impacts mutual understanding and communication. Within the framework of family relationships, religious differences along with the cultural play a crucial role. The authors set a goal to determine the influence of religion upon the formation of marital and family relations within the environment of modern student youth. The conducted sociological survey involved the representatives of different nationalities and religious confessions (V=400 of the respondents – residents of Astrakhan and Astrakhan Region), which also allowed analyzing the impact of various factors, including religious, upon the formation of values of a modern young family. It is also worth noting that the acquired results testify to the fact that the majority of respondents hold an opinion on the insignificance of religious affiliation of a person in consummation of their own marriage. Since in most instances an interfaith marriage suggests conversion of one partner into religion of the other, the obtained data confirms that more it is a man who initiates such transition.
mixed marriage, border region, transformation, youth, religious transgression, religion, marriage, family, unrelated peoples, ethno-religious factor
Ildarhanova C.I..
Paternity as a socially constructed phenomenon: gender aspect
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 12.
P. 162-169.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31492 URL:
The goal of this work consists in studying paternity as an important social phenomenon constructed on the basis of social norms, values, patterns, stereotypes and roles. The subject of this research is the determination of framework of the “male” and “female” parenthood and determination of their role upon the process of upbringing. The research is conducted with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research in terms of the scientific project “Generative Behavior of Russian Men and Women in the Conditions of Demographic Crisis: Volga and Northwestern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation (comparative analysis) No. 19-011-00644. Methodology leans on the gender approach, which allows carrying out a comparative analysis of studying the phenomenon of paternity from biological and social perspectives. The novelty of this article consists in recommendation to disengage from the formal representations of the role of father in parenting and change the perception of society and the state, thus increasing prestige of a father. The author notes that gender stereotypes and norms may harm and limit men in parenting.
social construct, generative behavior, father, motherhood, paternity, parenthood, gender, gender norms, gender attitudes, gender stereotypes
Troshkina I.N., Tuguzhekova V.N..
Key directions of modern scientific family studies (on the example of the Republic of Khakassia)
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 12.
P. 51-65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31346 URL:
The object of this research is the areas of family studies, while is the subject is the modern directions of family studies in the context of social sciences (for the past five years). The article explores the priority vectors of family studies of the national and regional levels (on the example of the Republic of Khakassia). Special attention is given to the most elaborated areas, examination of the regional question of studies with emphasis is made on the most covered and least discovered topics. The author’s main contribution into the research of this topic consists in the study of the modern priority research vectors of the family topic in the Republic of Khakassia. The novelty of this study research consists in studying the regional component of the main vectors of research of the humanitarian aspect on family. The following conclusions make: 1) the vector of modern research for the five-year period on the subject of family prioritize cultural foundation of family (family cultural resources, parenting in families, family socialization); 2) regional specificity of research manifests in the ethnocultural angle (family values, traditional upbringing, image of woman-mother, ethnocultural traditions of physical education, family structure, work ethics, etc.); 3) insufficiently covered areas in research over the five-year period on the Russian level are the state of health in the families, childhood, while on the regional level – marriage/divorce, family inter-generational relations, childhood.
family of the Republic of Khakassia, family studies Khakassia, regional family studies, studies of the Russian family, basic family studies, modern family studies, modern family, family institute, family, khakass family
Troshkina I.N., Smolina I.G..
State family policy as the basis for the functioning of the modern family (regional aspect)
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 11.
P. 20-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.11.31054 URL:
The object of the study is family policy, the subject of the study is the state family policy as the basis for the functioning of the family (regional aspect). The article examines aspects of the component impact of state family policy, in particular at the federal and regional levels (based on the materials of the Republic of Khakassia); highlights the stages of development of family policy in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Khakassia. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of the regulatory component of family policy, social support of the family, the regional component of family policy. Attention is focused on the features of family support in the main areas in the region. The methodological basis of the research consists of the principles and categories of dialectics, methods of analysis and synthesis, system-structural and functional analysis of social systems. Empirical base – materials of current reports of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Khakassia, statistical materials, regulatory and legislative acts, concepts of family policy. The main conclusions are the following: 1. State family policy of Russia for the period XX – beginning. The XXI century has passed four stages of its development, the regional level is experiencing the third stage of formation. 2. The dynamics of the main components of family policy has a cyclical spiral trend. 3. The component of the legislative and regulatory framework is more susceptible to dynamics, less so is the regional family policy. 4. The component of regional family policy in Khakassia is characterized by a "catch-up" character, a minimal system of support for families. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the study of the dynamics of the main components of state family policy, the foundations of family policy in the Republic of Khakassia. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the regional component of the state family policy.
regulatory and legislative framework, family policy of Khakassia, federal family policy, components of family policy, modern family, family, regional family policy, the family of Khakassia, stages of family policy, family support
Lebedeva L.G..
Transformation of family and continuity of generations
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 9.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.9.29437 URL:
The goal of this research lies in the analysis of family issues from generational perspective related to continuity of generations. Modern family experiences a drastic transformation, accompanied by the significant issues in all spheres of family and social life, including the continuity of generations. There are differences in understanding of the meaning and values of life, particularly family and children. Are the self-expression and quality of life the opposite values to family and children? It deserves a more profound scientific study. The article is based on the data of sociological survey “Youth of Samara Region of 2018”. The object of research is the 1,200 respondents, aged between 14 and 60 (14-30 years of age, 31-45 years of age, and 40-60 years of age). The concurrence of the key social and demographic parameters of Samara Region with the average nationwide allow speaking of the importance of sociological results not only in the regional dimension. Attention is drawn by certain peculiarities characteristic to the middle-age group regarding marriage and family, which might be related to the consequences of market transformations and difficult socioeconomic situation in the 1990’s that forced people to sacrifice their families. Namely in the 1990’s the current middle-age group was entering adult life along with the difficulties of unstable “market” conditions. Young generations (in this case – middle-age group) have less children per family than the representatives of older generations, but they still have time to expand their families.
younger generations, children, transformation of family, attitude towards family, continuity of generations, socialization of the personality, generations, family, senior generations, youth
Barinov D.N..
State of social anxiety and fear: essence, structure, and peculiarities of functioning
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 7.
P. 39-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.7.30136 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of social anxiety and fear, determination of its essential characteristics, structure, and specificity of genesis and development. Within the structure of social anxiety, the author examines such components as mentality, rationality, emotions and feelings, practical character qualities (assertiveness, will); describes the mechanism of the influence of anxiety upon public attitude and social actors. The analysis is based on generalization of the key elements of the various concepts of social mood, and secondary analysis of the results of applied sociological studies of this phenomenon. The article explores the results of all-Russian sociological surveys, which illustrate not only the peculiarities of functioning of the sentiments of anxiety and fear, but also characterize the specificity of anxiety of the modern Russian society. The conclusion is made that the transformation of anxiety, concerns and fear over a certain period of time, their intensity and range reflect not just the dynamics of public attitude towards the changing living conditions, which either contribute or impede addressing the needs and fulfillment of vital interests, but also the transformation of social values and its axiological orientation.
social consciousness, social threat, public anxiety, structure of social sentiment, social fear, social anxiety, mood dynamis, social mood, functioning of social mood, values
Belova O.N., Akutina S.P..
Violence against women as a social issue
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 3.
P. 18-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.3.29282 URL:
This article presents the factors that directly or indirectly influence the problem of abusive treatment with women in a family. The authors analyze its key components and causes: aggressive behavior, violence, violent behaviors, weak social guarantees, stressful environment in the family. The study describes the factors leading to occurrence of family violence, as well as analyzes phases of family violence against women. The medical and social work as an effective activity in solving the urgent social issues is considered. The correlation between violence and aggression is traced. The authors examine the vectors in the problem of violence: socio-philosophical, culturological, psychological, and socionomic. Based on the materials of sociological study, the authors identify the main reasons of abusive treatment of women; define the types of family violence – physical, psychological, economic, and sexual; and determine the techniques of social work with women, who suffered from abuse.
continuity, solidarity, the polymodality, ecosystem, social guarantee, family violence, behavior, aggression, violence, constructive stimulation
Antonova N.L., Merenkov A.V., Valeeva M.V..
Body as a factor in choosing a spouse
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 11.
P. 45-50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.11.27110 URL:
This article presents the analysis of body as the factor of spousal choice. Leaning on the conceptual ideas of the classics of sociological thought along with the modern perception and interpretation of corporeality, the author determines that the assessment of body and its attractiveness holds leading positions in the procedure of choosing a spouse. The object of the empirical sociological research is the representatives of two generations – youth in the age between 18 and 30 and representatives of parental generation. The goal of this work lied in identification of the impact of bodily attractiveness upon the spousal choice. The research results testify that the female physical attractiveness is an important resource that expands her marriageable circle. According to the women’s opinion, men’s body is attractive from the perspective of wellness and reproduction health. The results of this work can be valuable for the areas related to the development of family institution and matrimonial relations.
sociology of the body, physical attractiveness, marriage choice factors, biosocial human nature, marriage selection, corporality, body, youth, generation, sociological research
Churkina N.A..
Masculinity and femininity in modern society: state and transformation trends
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 5.
P. 16-20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.5.26276 URL:
The subject of this research is the masculinity and femininity as the elements of gender mentality structure of a human. The author determines that the acquisition of masculinity and femininity is a result of socialization process, in terms of which a person grasps the values, stereotypes and etalons ascribed to the male and female. It is also underlined that the establishment of masculinity and femininity is certainly affected by the gender archetypes that reflect the profound universalities of human gender. Within the framework of the claimed problem, is revealed that in patriarchal society the gender mentality forms r to the principle of binarity, while the masculinity and femininity are opposite and labeled axiologically. Methodological foundation contains the synthesis of existential and gender approaches towards characteristic of the human gender. Such synthetic analysis allows revealing the naturally substantiated, as well as sociocultural grounds of the gender and overcome the extremes of the aforementioned approaches. The scientific category that unites the indicated research areas is the gender mentality of a human. The conducted analysis of gender mentality determines the content of masculinity and femininity, as well as denotes the transformation trends of the gender mental structures in modern society. The main conclusion lies in the statement on the inversions of structural content of gender mentality in modern society. The process of women’s masculinization is an evident feature of modern gender relations: females adopt the male behavioral strategies and effectively implement them; while the males somewhat lose the traditional to them behavioral patterns.
gender roles, gender socialization, gender mentality, sex, gender, femininity, masculinity, gender stereotypes, archetypes, androgyny
Zapevalova E.A..
The population of Nizhny Novgorod region in conditions of the transforming social and cultural environment (second half of XIX – beginning of XX century). Marriages, divorces
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 5.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.5.22340 URL:
Object of research is public life of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod province in the second half the XIX beginning of the 20th century in the conditions of the transformed sociocultural environment. The author has considered numerical, age, class structure of the population of the province during the specified period. The matrimonial legislation of the Russian Empire of the end of the 19th century is studied. Marital status of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod province, age of marriage, number of stains, the reasons of stains, difficulties which the spouses wishing to dissolve a marriage met is investigated. The ratio of legitimate and illegit-imate children in the Nizhny Novgorod province in the second half of the 19th centu-ry is revealed. A methodological basis of a research are as general scientific methods of knowledge (the analysis and synthesis), and special (comparative and aggregate, i.e. collecting the separate facts from sources of different types and types). Novelty of a research first of all consists in introduction to a scientific turnover of a new circle of sources of this perspective. The author has studied fundsCentral archive of the Nizhny Novgorod Region: fund of the Nizhny Novgorod state chamber, fund of Office of the prosecutor of the Nizhny Novgorod district court, fund of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. In the conclusion the author comes to a conclusion that in the Nizhny Novgorod province in the second half of the 19th century practically in all age and social groups prevailed women. The traditional family was characteristic of the bulk of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Number of stains and the number of convicts for crimes against the semeystvennykh in the Nizhny Novgorod province is right was insignificant. Article can be of interest to experts in historical demography.
divorce, criminal punishment, marriage, marital status, population distribution by age, population census, Nizhny Novgorod province, spiritual Consistory, illegitimate children, crimes against family
Guseva M.A..
Axiological grounds of reproductive behavior of families who have a child with oncological disease in the conditions of medicalization and social control
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 5.
P. 98-107.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.5.23028 URL:
Usurpation by medicine and desacralization of the traditional family functions is defined by modern sociology as “medicalization”. Birthing, sex, and death – the intimate and emotionally important natural life phenomena – became “alienated” from their meanings, transforming into the simulacrums of modern life, which turned out to be one of the factors of crisis of the family institution. In this work, the peculiarities of the reproductive behavior of families who have a child that suffers from disease with high mortality threat, are being interpreted in conjunction with families’ discovery of new life values and meanings, when death is no longer an abstract concept, but is seen as a realistic boundary of a particular life. The goal of this work is to determine the axiological bases and specificity of the reproductive behavior of families with a child diagnosed with an oncological disease in the state of remission on the modern stage of development of child oncology. This article discusses the hypothesis, according to which under the influence of existential experiences actualized by the personified experiences of suffering and death, the family becomes closer, the emotional connection between the parents and the sick child becomes stronger, which gives the parents realization of the magnitude of the value of children and family relations and defines the peculiarities of reproductive behavior in these families.
expected number of children, children, desired number of children, oncological diseases, life values, reproductive attitudes, paediatric oncology, family crisis, medicalization, reproductive behavior
Bukhtiyarova I.N., Grudina T.N..
Image of a family with multiple children from the perspective of public opinion
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 5.
P. 108-119.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.5.23041 URL:
The subject of this research is the image of family with multiple children in the modern Russian society. Special attention is given to the means of formation of an image of family with multiple children. The authors provide analysis of public opinion on such phenomenon that was acquired in the course of sociological study of reproductive behavior of the population. The article examines the reasoning and comments made about the families with multiple children, as well as the support provided to such families at the stage, regional, and social levels. The scientific novelty consists in contribution of the authors into the analysis and generalization of the modern international and Russian research pertaining to the questions of family-demographic policy that reveal the regional and national problems of the large families, influence of public opinion upon the functionality of such type of family in Russia, and analysis of expert opinion on this matter. In the process of analysis, there has formed a perception on the status of family with multiple children in the existing reality, as well as relation of government authorities, social and religious organizations, and population as a whole to them.
reproduction of the population, reproductive behavior, motherhood, family, public opinion, birth rate, family with multiple children, demographic crisis, family values, family and demographic policy
Tsurikov V.I..
About the traditional family and reasons of matrimonial relations transformation
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 3.
P. 47-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.3.20717 URL:
The subject of this research is the reasons of transformation of matrimonial relations in the Christian world. The article contests the views and concepts, according to which the main causes of such transformation can be found either in tragic indifference to the traditional values and ideologies that lead to deformation of the perception of love, duty, and intergender relationships; or autonomy of the demographic processes manifesting as a key factor that defines changes in the economic and social spheres. Special attention is given to determination and analysis of the factors that had a stabilizing impact upon the traditional family in pre-industrial period, as well as such that caused certain inner tension. The research carries interdisciplinary characters with application of the economic approach. It is demonstrated that as a result of economic growth and realization of women’s ability to earn a living reached through industrialization, the level of her financial dependence from a man has significantly lowered. The further economic growth alongside women’s acquirement of economic independence resulted in revolutionary liberalization of gender morality and drastic changes in priorities within the system of family values and attitude towards marriage. The analysis of trends allows suggesting that the established as a result of industrialization and urbanization nuclear quasi-planned family represents a certain transitional type from the traditional (patriarchal) family towards the new type of family with the inherent diversity of forms and models of relationship.
Snokhachestvo, Urbanization, Industrial revolution, Traditional sex morality, Sex revolution, Transformation of family relationship, Matrimonial relations, Marriage, Nuclear family, Traditional family
Tsurikov V.I..
The traditional sexual morality in Christian world
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 9.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.9.20001 URL:
The subject of this research is the traditional sexual morality in Christian world, and particularly in Orthodoxy, as well as the causes of formation of the most characteristic to it peculiarities. The author contests the opinions, according to which the main causes of the currently observed transformation of the marriage-family relations can be found in the tragic neglect of the traditional values and orientations that resulted in deformation of the ideas about love, responsibility, and relation between the genders. Special attention is given to the analysis of the influence of Christian asceticism upon the establishment of the traditional sociocultural norms that regulate sexual and reproductive behavior. The research carries an interdisciplinary character and is conducted primarily within the framework of the historical method, which allows determining the inner logic and prerequisites for changes in sexual morality, as well as the family and marriage institution. The main conclusion consists in the following: the norms of Christian asceticism produced a tremendous and rather ambiguous effect upon the history of the Christian world. The negative side of such influence is expressed in the spread and imposing of the false and disingenuous attitude towards the sexual love and something “dirty” and sinful. In Russia alongside many Western European countries, the main reason for contraposition of the spiritual and carnal components of love between a man and a woman consisted in the early Christian asceticism, the initiator of which was Apostol Paul.
Traditional sexual morality, Carnal love, Spiritual love, Christian religion, Sexual behavior, Family, Marriage, Traditional values, Christian asceticism, Deadly sin
Gurnak A.V..
Reasons of the rift in U. S. feminist movement at the end of the XX century
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 8.
P. 34-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.8.19812 URL:
We live in a remarkable time. The time of intertwinement of the absolute liberalization of same-sex marriages and maximized antisexist policy on Europe and the United States on one hand, and epic popularity of the book “Fifty Shades of Grey” by Erica James along with the mass departure of young ladies to the Near East – on the other. All of these social processes, as well as weakening of the institution of family and marriage, decrease in birthrate, and elevated heterophobia represent the embodiment of the stage of feminism crisis. This, in turn, is a result of confrontation of the two ideologically different trends within the single feminist movement. In this work, as an objective field, the author analyzes the U. S. feminist movement of the 1970’s – 1990’s. The subject is the very rift in feminist movement of the late XX century and its causes. This research is based on the book of the American sociologist Thomas Phillips, which was published being edited by the renowned Russian demographer A. I. Antonov – “Feminism and the Family: historical-sociological analysis”. Phillips determines the “anti-family essence” of gender feminism as the key reason of the rift in feminist movement; and it becomes pivotal in condemnation of the entire feminist movement and anti-left rhetoric as a whole.
society, man, marriage, family, feminism, woman, social movement, institute, policy, development
Antropova I..
Language socialization of children as the reflection of changes in society: socio-linguistic approach
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 5.
P. 25-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.5.18486 URL:
The author carefully examines the close interconnection of such categories as: level of speech development, level of social aggression, language socialization, and social dysontogenesis. The mutual influence of the following phenomena is being analyzed: educational potential of a family, development of verbal and cogitative skills, quality of education, and social aggression. Special attention is given to the search for answers to the essential questions such as: points of intersection of the linguistic and social processes; role of family, school, and society in the child’s language socialization. The author analyzes the state of verbal and cogitative abilities of children, the reasons of their underdevelopment (rapid reduction in quantity and quality of verbal communication with the child, lack of trust, decrease in independent territorial movement of children), as well as forecasts the social consequences for the society. In the author’s opinion, this leads to the reduction in quantity of social interaction and interaction with other children or adults under various social circumstances. The role of the education system in transformation of the processes of language socialization of children is also being determined. The author also gives attention to the impact of the “new intermediary form of language” – language of the Internet, and later – to the development of social consequences of primitivization of the language, namely: increase of the behavioral and verbal aggression in the society, revival of radicalism, extremism, nationalism, etc.
terrorism, network society, verbal aggression, social aggression, memes, language socialization, recruitment of young people, communicative skills, verbal behavior, extremism
Khusyainov T.M., Yanak A.L..
The problem of incomplete and overtime employment in the context of the balance of family and work (for example, single-parent father's family in Russia)
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 1.
P. 75-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.1.17455 URL:
Steady spread of alternative family practices, among which are single-parent families as one of the dominant type of family relations, make scientific and public interest in their realities and problems. One of the key difficulties in their functioning is the correct distribution of single parent of their time and effort to work and family. In the case of single-father's family, this problem has a number of specific features associated with the notion of masculine identity, in particular in relation to occupational aspirations and attitudes, as well as the refusal of outside help in solving financial problems. The article describes the characteristics of atypical forms of employment (for example, underemployment and over employment), in the context of the implementation of their balance parental roles and household responsibilities in single-parent families. Within the framework of this research the authors determined the negative consequences of the spread of certain forms of atypical employment (part-time and overtime) for single-parent families (on the example of single-farther parenting). Later the authors will examine the effect of destandartization of employment and various forms of atypical employment upon the carrying out of different type of marriage relationship and parental practices, as well as define the problems emerging in their combination.
single-parent family, paternal family, employment, atypical types of employment, underemployment, overemployment, labor market, family-work balance, work, a family