Bondarev S.V.
A. V. Shemansky's contribution to the preservation of the former royal residence in Peterhof
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72232 EDN: IZCNIR URL:
The study is devoted to the activities of A.V. Shemansky in the museum organization established on the basis of the former Peterhof imperial residence in 1925–1937. A student of Leningrad University, who has gained experience in preserving the historical and artistic heritage in his native Tambov province, gets a job in the Management staff of the Peterhof palaces-museums. In the mid–1920s, there was an active search for new forms and contents of museums. Unsuccessful experiments led to the closure of expositions and the repurposing of former royal palaces for the needs of the young Soviet state. A.V. Shemansky joined the working group on the creation of a new type of museum exposition from the first days of his work. The study of the activities of A.V. Shemansky as deputy for scientific work made it possible to consider the policy of power in relation to the symbols of the royal system on the example of the Peterhof palace. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivism and systematic scientific analysis. The article is based on extensive archival materials from various repositories and pre-war travel guides to Peterhof and the suburbs. The scientific activity of A.V. Shemansky has not yet become the subject of a separate study. The name of the Peterhof researcher is often found in studies of the biographies of his closest associates: N.I. Arkhipov and S.S. Geichenko. Also, the activity of our hero is noted in the works devoted to the method of thematic exposition. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, based on specific historical material, the ways of creating museum expositions in the conditions of the prevailing state ideology are shown. The study reveals the importance of the role of A.V. Shemansky in the development and popularization of Peterhof Palace museums. A. V. Shemansky was a true guardian of cultural heritage, opposing the closure of museums and the transformation of historical sites into parks of culture and recreation. In the name of the true mission of the museum business, A. V. Shemansky sacrificed himself and survived a terrible ordeal, going through the investigation and the camp.
palace-museums, science, exposition, guidebooks, royal residence, A. V. Shemansky, ideology, culture, Peterhof, museum
Khomyakov S.V.
Old Believers and "former" Cossacks in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR: interaction with the Soviet government (1920s – early 1930s)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 13-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72394 EDN: LFSXHU URL:
The subject of the research in the article is the problem of similarities and differences in the interactions of the Soviet government with two traditional communities living in the newly formed Buryat-Mongolian ASSR since 1923 – Old Believers and Cossacks who have lost their official status (act as the object of research). The modifications of their identities caused by both intra-communal processes and external invasions by the state have largely led to a certain ideological collapse of modern renaissance trends. The following aspects of the topic are considered: analysis of the policy of "soft power" in terms of influence on Ancient Orthodoxy and radical "storytelling" of the 1920s, respectively; study of the parallel with this policy of the transition of communities to practices of socially approved behavior by the early 1930s. The study mainly used a historical and comparative method involving the allocation of common and special features of various phenomena. This helped to compare the policy of the Communists in relation to two rather different communities from each other. The ideographic method made it possible to better understand the peculiarities of the 1920s, through the prism of elements of biographies of individual people. The traditional communities of Old Believers and Cossacks of Buryat Mongolia in the 1920s were subjected (to varying degrees of influence) to a political, social and cultural transformation of their identities - moderate for the former and radical for the latter. By the early 1930s, it provoked the transition to practices of approved behavior, as the only option for non-public preservation of the meanings of their "deep" specificity, and in the case of the Cossacks, external forms of cultural identity. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the ideological policy of the Soviet government in the early years of its existence, based on a comparison of two specific communities of Buryatia – Old Believers and Cossacks, as well as the introduction into scientific circulation of sources of personal origin – the memories of family old-timers and descendants of military Cossacks.
atheization, communist ideology, Soviet power, Cossack identity, Old Believer identity, Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, National history, decossackization, collectivization, socially approved behavior
Ethnography and ethnology
Fedorova A.R.
The ideas of traditional Yakuts about animals reflected in folklore texts about clothing
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 24-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72308 EDN: LGHFYM URL:
This article presents the raw materials of Yakut clothing and its symbolic meaning based on the materials of Yakut traditional folklore (Olonkho texts, proverbs and sayings). In all cultures, archaic ideas about clothing are associated with sacred ideas about the surrounding world, space, apothecary, social, aesthetic meanings are put into the costume, and animals play an important role in this phenomenon, acting here not only as material resources, but also carrying mental content, endowing a garment with special meanings, and a person special qualities. The costume is in direct contact with the human biological body, which is perceived in all cultures not just as a biological object, but as something related to the human personality. The main text of the article is divided into two semantic parts: folklore data revealing the social significance and material value of animal skins, and ideas about the apotropaic, magical functions of animals transmitted to humans through clothing. Previous studies of the traditional Yakut costume have been devoted to issues of visual appearance, sacred functions, and costume transformation. In this article, an attempt will be made to consider the ideas of the Yakuts about animals reflected in the materials of traditional clothing, which is the novelty of the study. The considered ethnographic data, texts of epic folklore and Yakut proverbs and sayings showed that animal motifs in clothing definitely carry sacred functions: animal morphological motifs are used in Yakut traditional clothing not only for aesthetic, but also for apotropaic purposes. Proverbs and sayings, along with descriptions of the clothes of mythical characters of Olonkho, show that the ranking of valuable / not valuable, sacred /ordinary is reflected in everyday vocabulary and folklore. These data allow us to evaluate not only the attitude towards fur as a material, but through them we can trace the spiritual attitude towards animals expressed through the costume.
Yakutia, clothing materials, proverbs and sayings, fauna, animal representations, folklore, Yakut clothing, traditional Yakut costume, Olonkho, natural resources
History of science and technology
Sokerin T.A.
Research by scientists of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Chernobyl accident zone
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 34-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72420 EDN: LIJNUO URL:
The subject of the study is the activity of scientists from the Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the area of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. In 1986–1992, researchers from the Institute of Biology worked in the Chernobyl accident zone. The foundation for scientists to conduct scientific research in the area of the accident was laid by the long-term scientific activity of radioecologists of the Institute of Biology in the Komi ASSR. The methodological basis of the work was based on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, and an interdisciplinary approach that made it possible to explain phenomena and events using the knowledge of several scientific disciplines. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it shows for the first time the connection between radioecological research and environmental history. Based on archival documents and published sources, the importance of radioecological research in the context of ecohistory was revealed for the first time. It is shown that the research of scientists from the Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was carried out within the framework of scientific research aimed at a comprehensive study of the consequences of a radiation accident. The scientific staff of the Institute of Biology prepared recommendations for the elimination of its consequences and obtained results that contributed to the development of radioecology. It was found that the radioecological studies conducted in the accident zone were closely related to the environmental history, and their results make it possible to protect ecosystems from the effects of radiation.
environmental history, history of science, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Komi Science Centre, ionizing radiation, radioactivity, radiation accident, Chernobyl accident, radioecology, interdisciplinarity
Issues of war and peace
Khodorov O.I.
The system of measures to ensure and strengthen the defense capability of the coast of the North-Western Caucasus on the eve of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 46-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72330 EDN: LQKYJQ URL:
The Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 is the largest foreign policy event in the Russian history of the second half of the 19th century, as well as a significant event in the history of international relations. As a result of the war, the political map and the alignment of political forces in the southeastern part of Europe will change, therefore, the most diverse aspects of the war of 1877–1878 require careful research and rethinking. The subject of the study is the system of measures of preparation for military operations of the Russian–Turkish war of 1877–1878 within the local borders of the coast of the North-Western Caucasus. On the eve of the war, this space would include such administrative units of the Russian Empire as Temryuksky District of the Kuban Region and the Black Sea District, located to the south, which included three departments of guardianship: northern – Novorossiysk, average – Tuapse (Velyaminovsky) and southern – Sochi. The methodological basis of the research is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, general scientific methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, concretization, etc. They made it possible to comprehensively study and systematize the material, identify historical facts, determine cause-and-effect relationships, and formulate conclusions. In the study, the author pays special attention to the placement of mobilized military units in the points of the Kuban Region and the Black Sea District, the organization of drill exercises and fire training exercises, and the appointment of those responsible for certain areas of defense. For the first time in historiography, the author considers the creation of the Anapa cordon line, designed to protect the north-western part of the coast, which ran from Anapa to Taman inclusive. The article provides data on the quantitative composition and combat capabilities of the Russian Black Sea and Turkish fleets, which could play a key role in the confrontation. The author also mentions the minefields installed in Tsemesskaya Bay after the outbreak of hostilities. The study also revealed the weakest area of defense – the Sochi department of the Black Sea District.
Black Sea District, Kuban Region, mine barriers, Turkish Flee, Black Sea Fleet, deployment of troops, preparing for war, Anapa cordon line, mobilisation, Russian-Turkish War
Pererva E.V., Balahtina K.A., Khegai K.M.
Paleopathological features of the population of the 10th-11th centuries from under the kurgan and ground burials in the Lower Volga region
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 65-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72414 EDN: LQXJOY URL:
The paper presents the study results of the paleopathological features on the bone remains of the 10th–11th centuries nomadic population originating from under the kurgan and ground burials in the Lower Volga region. The material for the analysis was the remains of 22 individuals: 2 juvenile, 10 men and 10 women. In total, the series included 21 skulls and 6 postcranial skeletons. The incidence of pathological conditions on the skeleton bones was assessed using the standard assessment program of paleopathological conditions of the bones of the postcranial skeleton developed by A.P. Buzhilova. As a result of the study, it has been established that there were no children in the Oghuz burials, at the same time, adult male and female remains were represented in approximately equal sex ratio. The dento-facial system was characterized by the absence of caries, a low frequency of abscesses and enamel chips. The overall traumatism of the adult population was reported at the level of 27.3 per cent. The bone remains have shown episodic stress markers, inflammatory processes traces, endocrine disorders signs and premature skeleton wear. Statistical differences in the series between the sexes were observed only in the indicator of exposure to cold stress. The revealed paleopathological and demographic features of the population of the 10th–11th centuries of the Lower Volga region allow us to characterize the Oghuz as a nomadic people actively involved in the military and political processes in the territory of the Eurasian steppe. The dental system pathologies indicate the predominance of a meat and dairy diet with periods of prolonged hunger. The specific structure of the occipital bone indicates that the Oghuz population practiced the custom of using a «beshik» type cradle for infants.
stress markers, trauma, skull deformation, diet, pathologies, the Lower Volga region, early medieval era, nomads, The Oghuz, age and sex structure
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Nikityuk V.A.
The role of Serbia's allies on the path to independence (1870s – 1880s)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 82-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72341 EDN: LWSPIE URL:
In this article, the author examines the national liberation struggle of Serbia within the framework of the Eastern Question, as well as the role of the European powers and the Russian Empire in these events. Not only military conflicts are analyzed, but also diplomatic relations between the parties. The subject of the study is the national liberation struggle of Serbia in the 1870s–1880s. The object of the study is the role of Serbia's allies (Montenegro, the Russian Empire, the Austro–Hungarian Empire) in the resistance of the Serbs to the Ottoman Empire. Special attention is paid to the role of Serbia and other Christian peoples of the Balkan Peninsula in the Herzegovina uprising; Russian-Serbian relations during the military conflicts of 1876–1878; to consider the influence of Austria-Hungary on political and economic life. The article uses general research methods – analysis, synthesis, concretization, as well as special historical research methods – narrative, historical-genetic, chronological. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the formulation of a scientific problem; by the involvement of publications (including in a foreign language) published over the past 5 years; by the involvement of historical sources that have not been translated into Russian. After the research, the author came to the following conclusions: the national liberation movement of Serbia was closely linked to its foreign policy course, and in its struggle it relied on Montenegro, the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire; significant support in this struggle (not only financial, but also military) was provided by the Russian Empire, however, after the Berlin However, relations between states are deteriorating; the Austro-Hungarian Empire has a significant impact on the internal and external political course, as well as economic development. The choice of an ally later led the country to a crisis.
Treaty of Constantinople, Treaty of San Stefano, Austro-Serbian Alliance, russo-turkish war, Congress of Berlin, first Serbian–Ottoman War, Eastern question, Herzegovina uprising, Jovan Ristić, Milan I of Serbia
Social history
Patrakeev A.V.
Occupational diseases in industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the twentieth century
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 93-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.71323 EDN: MLEYJJ URL:
The subject of the study is occupational diseases in industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg in the early twentieth century. The problem of acquiring occupational diseases has deep historical roots, has not lost its relevance today, but unlike the issue of occupational injuries, it is not widely reflected in historiography. The source base is also very limited. The study of the problem of the acquisition of occupational diseases as a certain indicator of working conditions, as well as the analysis of measures to reduce the risk of their acquisition, allows for a more in-depth study of the formation and development of occupational safety at industrial enterprises in St. Petersburg in the early twentieth century. An important task is to establish the reasons for the inability to bring occupational diseases and the consequences of industrial accidents under a single database. The following methods are used in the article: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, deduction. Chronologically problematic, dialectical and historical methods were used, the latter was supplemented by logical ones. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that previously the issue of occupational diseases was considered by researchers most often as a side story or historical "background" to highlight other problems. In this article, the problem of acquiring occupational diseases is equivalent to the problem of industrial injuries, its causes and consequences. The article concludes about the imperfection and limitations of legislation in the field under study and about the improper setting of the labor protection system at industrial enterprises in St. Petersburg in the early twentieth century, as well as the reluctance of business owners to invest in labor protection measures. The reasons for the impossibility of considering occupational diseases and the consequences of occupational injuries as identical phenomena have been established. The article may be useful to researchers of the situation of workers in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.
occupational diseases, industrial injuries, St. Petersburg, improvement of working conditions, women's work, legislation, industrial enterprises, labor protection, working conditions, violations of sanitary standards
Social history
Muratova S.R.
Dynamics of social differentiation of the population of cities in the south of Western Siberia based on census data (late 19th – early 20th century)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 107-124.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72146 EDN: TJUUMX URL:
The object of our local historical study was the totality of the urban population of the south of Western Siberia, the subject – the patterns and forms of social differentiation of the population of Omsk, Petropavlovsk, Semipalatinsk, Pavlodar, Biysk and Ust-Kamenogorsk. These cities had a single history of origin in the border area. The author relied on the concept of limology, which focuses on the study of border territories and processes. The territorial scope of the study is limited to the south of Western Siberia, including the south of Tomsk province (Altai Krai), the territory of the Steppe General Governorate with its center in Omsk together with the Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions. The purpose of the study was to analyze the forms of social differentiation of the population of cities in the south of Western Siberia in the chronological framework of the end of the 19th century – the first third of the 20th century and to identify patterns. Research methodology: historical methods are combined with microsociological methods. This allowed us to study the population of cities through the analysis of statistical census data. Systemic, comparative-historical, statistical research methods were used, which allowed us to comprehensively study the stated topic, classify and process data with the calculation of absolute and relative values, average values, using demographic indicators. The novelty of the study lies in the consideration of the functional, rank, differentiation of the population of the cities under study. The tables present an analysis of the forms of social differentiation of the population of cities in the south of Western Siberia, and revealed the level of its activity. The average salary of different professional spheres is discussed and the leveling of wages is noted to reduce the differentiation of the population.
Ust-Kamenogorsk, Biysk, Semipalatinsk, Omsk, Petropavlovsk, city, rank differentiation, Western Siberia, functional differentiation, social differentiation
Beliefs, religions, churches
Bliznyakov R.A., Pashkovsky P.I., Kryzhko E.V., Astapov A.A.
The Emergence and Main Trends in the Activities of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society in the Sphere of Organizing Pilgrimages (1882-1905)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 125-137.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72460 EDN: TMIQWJ URL:
The article considers the problem of the emergence and main trends of the pilgrimage activity of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society in 1882-1905. It is established that during this period there was an actualization of the Eastern issue and increased competition between the leading states in the Middle East, who covered their geopolitical goals with religious arguments. This posed an imperative for the Russian Empire, a world power that traditionally defended Orthodoxy in the Holy Land and had its own interests in the region, to respond. After the Crimean War, the idea of forming a sphere of Russian presence in Palestine was put forward at the state level. There has been an increase in Russia's diplomatic and spiritual influence in the Holy Land, which has manifested itself in the functioning of a number of relevant representative offices here, the creation of infrastructure and the activation of the Orthodox pilgrimage movement. Subsequently, in order to systematize and increase the effectiveness of efforts, the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society was founded, an organization with a special status, state and church support, which became the main coordinator of the humanitarian presence of the Russian Empire in the Middle East region. The methodological basis of the research is the synthesis of systemic and geopolitical campaigns, the expediency of which interaction is justified by modern trends in the development of the methodology of social sciences and humanities. This led to the use of research methods. The historical and genetic method made it possible to study the peculiarities of origin, establishing appropriate cause-and-effect relationships. The application of the institutional method helped to determine the importance of various institutions in the process of functioning of Society. Based on the analysis of a wide source base and numerous studies, it was revealed that during the period under review, along with charity, education, scientific and publishing activities aimed at maintaining and developing Orthodoxy in Palestine, one of the main tasks of the Society was the organization of a Russian pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It was characterized by the following manifestations: dissemination of information about pilgrimage trips; reduction of tariffs for participants of pilgrimage trips; establishment of transport links between Russia and Palestine; publication of relevant auxiliary, educational and scientific literature; acquisition of new land plots in the region; repair of existing and construction of new infrastructure and religious buildings in Palestine; systematization and improvement of pilgrimage routes; conducting special educational events by the Society.
IOPS, Orthodox Palestine Society, Russian Orthodox Church, pilgrimage activities, Jerusalem, Middle East region, Palestine, Russian Empire, pilgrimage, public organization
Larionova M.B., Razinkov S.L., Zaglodina T.A.
Runaways in the State Labor Reserve System: Toward a Characteristic of the “Informal” Portrait of Students
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 138-157.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72479 EDN: TPEDXK URL:
The article presents the characteristics of the "non-ceremonial" portrait of students in the state labor reserve system, associated with the spread of unauthorized absences and non-attendance of classes as everyday behavioral practices among student working youth. The purpose of the article is to present unauthorized absences and non-attendance of classes as common behavioral practices that underlie the identification of social types of the "non-ceremonial" portrait of students in the state labor reserve system ("truant" and "deserter"). The methodology of the work is based on the subcultural approach. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of social types of the "non-ceremonial" portrait of students in the state labor reserve system - "deserter" and "truant" - based on behavioral practices associated with unauthorized absences and non-attendance of classes. Research results: 1) it was proven that unauthorized absences and non-attendance of classes were widespread in the socio-cultural environment of students in the state labor reserve system; 2) several forms of unauthorized absences and non-attendance of classes were identified: these are escapes, considered as desertion, temporary unauthorized absences with return back at the will of the student himself, truancy from classes and industrial practices, which could be both episodic and systematic in nature and, finally, lateness for events planned by the rules of the daily routine, including classes, physical exercises, walks, etc.; 3) such social types as "deserter" and "truant" were identified, which formed the basis of one of the vectors of the "non-ceremonial" portrait of students of the state labor reserves system. The results of the study can be used in studying the history of the formation of the vocational education system in the USSR, as well as in studying the socio-cultural appearance of working youth in the 1940-1950s.
truancy from classes, escapes, vocational schools, factory training schools, informal portrait, students, state labor reserves, desertion, Sverdlovsk region, railway schools
Historical sources and artifacts
Zagvazdin E.P.
Items of armament of the XVII-XIX centuries from the territory of the upper posad of Tobolsk
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 158-165.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72547 EDN: ULFUYH URL:
The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze the items of weapons of the XVII–XIX centuries, discovered during archaeological excavations in 2019 in Tobolsk on one site of the historical quarter of the city on the street. Oktyabrskaya, 9, on the site of the former Spassky estate. The analyzed artifacts are represented by cold throwing weapons – an instance of a well-preserved bone arrow; the collection of firearms also includes finds of rifle flints and cannon ammunition. The studied collection of weapons marks the layers of different times at the excavation site, which is consistent with the dating numismatic material. Despite the fact that this is not the first such archaeological collection in Tobolsk, it allows you to expand the range of finds of weapons in the city. These findings demonstrate the military potential of the city of Tobolsk, which was one of the strongholds in the development of Siberia. The main research methods presented in the publication on the materials of the 2019 excavations in Tobolsk are analytical, comparative-historical, chronological, stratigraphic, typological, morphological. The analysis of weapons items of the XVII–XIX centuries from the excavations in 2019 at the site of one of the historical quarters of the upper posad of Tobolsk on the street Oktyabrsky showed that various types of it were used. These were both quite archaic (bow, arrows), which could be used for hunting, as well as for military defensive purposes, and advanced firearms used in combat (shotguns with a shock-flintlock, artillery). In general, these finds demonstrate the military potential of the city, which during the XVII–XVIII centuries occupied a leading position in the development of vast territories of Siberia and the Far East. Also, the presented samples of weapons expand the cartography of their detection, which was previously known mainly on the territory of the Tobolsk Kremlin – Red Square, and this, in turn, allows us to raise the question of localizing the places of residence of the city's military personnel north of the Kremlin.
Siberian exploration, arrow, grenade, gun flint, Siberia, artillery, armament, archeology, Spassky estate, Tobolsk
Ethnography and ethnology
Fatkhutdinova A.I.
Preservation of native languages of national minorities in a multinational region
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 166-178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72374 EDN: WDLWAY URL:
The purpose of the article is to reveal the factors influencing the preservation of the native language of national minorities in a multiethnic region. The object of the study is the non-Russian population of Bashkortostan, which, according to the 2020 census, is represented in the ethnic structure of the republic by Mari (84988 people) and Chuvash (79,950 people), Udmurts (17,149 people). Despite the dispersed settlement, the studied peoples live compactly in a number of areas and have their own linguistic area. Based on the analysis of regional ethnosociological experience, the article raises the problem of preserving the native languages of non-Russian ethnic groups of the republic. The results of a study on this issue among respondents of different age groups (18-65 years and older) from among national minorities, as well as the use of native languages (Mari, Chuvash, Udmurt) in family practice are considered. The empirical basis of the article is based on data from the All-Russian Population Census in 2020 and an ethnosociological survey conducted in the republic in 2020 by the author of the publication among the Mari, Chuvash and Udmurt populations of the republic. It is concluded that the languages of non-Russian peoples are losing their main role in everyday life. In communication in all spheres, preference is given to Russian, which has conquered the ethnolanguage space of Bashkortostan. As a result, the respondents demonstrated, on the one hand, the primacy of the Russian language. On the other hand, they nevertheless expressed hope for the preservation of the national language of the Mari, Chuvash and Udmurt peoples of the republic in conditions of consistent generational connection and experience, through family language communication. A special contribution to the research of the topic is the identification of factors and trends in the formation of the linguistic competence of the studied peoples in the republic. According to the ethnosociological survey, it was found that Udmurts (93.8%), Mari (97.8%), Chuvash (92.6%) still have high recognition of their nationality as their native language, which, in turn, shows their level of ethnolanguage identity in Bashkortostan. The Chuvash, compared with representatives of other non-Russian ethnic groups, have a high proportion of people who speak Russian (99%). Consequently, the results of the sociological research show a high level of both linguistic competence and speech activity of the above-mentioned non-Russian peoples in the republic.
language proficiency, identity, bilingualism, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, mother tongue, nationality, national minorities, survey
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Vinokurov A.D.
Betyuns-wolves: structure, settlement and totemic representations of the wolf clans of Yakutia in the 1632-1917's
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 179-187.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72774 EDN: XOMRRO URL:
The subject of the study is the generic composition, places of settlement and totemic representations of the Betyunsky clans of Yakutia. The purpose of the study is to study the ethnic history and the formation of the Betyun people as a tribal group. The following tasks have been solved within the framework of the study: 1) to determine the history of the settlement of the Betyun people; 2) to consider the features of the tribal structure; 3) to identify totemic representations, their plot orientation and changes; 4) to characterize the economic structure. The source base is based on previously published, but also on a significant number of unpublished archival sources. Folklore material made it possible to systematize genealogical information and totemic representations. Cartographic material was used to clarify the issue of the settlement area. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, dialectics and objectivity. The method of source analysis made it possible to establish the information potential of the identified documents, to assess and use them. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, based on the involvement of a wide range of sources, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the ancestral composition, places of settlement and totemic representations of the Betyun people. The results of the study will help to organize information about the process of division and separation from indigenous tribes and clans and the formation of new administrative-territorial units among the Betyunsky Yakuts. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that further research is necessary due to the presence of a large number of unpublished documents. The research materials can be used in the process of teaching historical disciplines, developing textbooks, conducting separate and generalizing studies on the history of Yakutia.
administrative-territorial structure, clans, nasleg, yakuts, betyuns, Amginsky ulus, Namsky ulus, Yakutia, totemism, review of documents
Ethnography and ethnology
Zinnatullina G.
Amulets in the traditional culture of the Siberian Tatars
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 188-201.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72724 EDN: ZTWHRI URL:
This article discusses the topic of amulets as an important element of protective magic in the traditional culture of the Siberian Tatars. Amulets, which have existed since ancient times, play a key role in creating a safe psychological environment for a person and his living space. Despite religious prohibitions, amulets have retained their relevance and continue to be used in modern society. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the amulets of the Siberian Tatars, including the specification of terms reflecting their meaning, the definition of the main functions and the identification of motives for the transformation of protective practices in the context of the interaction of pre-Islamic and Islamic beliefs. The research is based on the author's field materials collected in the Tyumen region. The amulets of the Siberian Tatars are presented in various forms: objects, words and ritual actions, which range from protection to healing. Among them are amulets, talismans, plants and household items, as well as magical words and rituals. To achieve these goals, the work uses a comparative method that allows comparing the talismans of the Tatars with similar practices of other peoples, an ethnographic method for studying modern practices of using talismans, as well as a syncretic approach to identify the interaction of various religious and cultural traditions. A semantic analysis of amulets has been carried out, which contributes to a deeper understanding of their symbolism. The scientific novelty of this study lies in a comprehensive analysis of amulets in the traditional culture of the Siberian Tatars, which covers their semantics, functions and transformation in the context of the interaction of Islam and pre-Islamic beliefs. The work uses comparative, ethnographic and semantic methods, allowing us to identify how amulets retain their relevance and significance in the daily life of modern society. The study shows that the amulets of the Siberian Tatars represent syncretism, which combines elements of archaic beliefs (the use of fetish objects, giving protective properties to the blue color, as well as the veneration of archaic spirits and deities) and Muslim traditions. This highlights the complexity and multilayered cultural identity of the Siberian Tatars, as well as their ability to adapt to modern conditions and needs, which makes this phenomenon dynamically developing and relevant in the context of globalization.
bear claw, tumar, rite Atsak tsyiu, traditional culture, Siberian Tatars, protection magic, jinx, apotropaic, amulet, syncretism
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Savenko E.N.
The Alternative Press of Siberia in the context of the socio-political life of Russia at the beginning of the XXI century.
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 202-209.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72816 EDN: ZVIIXY URL:
The object of the research is an alternative periodical on socio-political subjects, published in the Siberian region at the beginning of the 21st century. By alternative printing, the author means non-governmental, independent, non-commercial publications that oppose the official mass media. The subject of the research is the development trends and ideological and thematic content of the alternative political press in Siberia in the new millennium. The purpose of the work is to characterize the ideological orientation of independent periodicals published in the Siberian region in the first decades of the 21st century, to study its interaction with the socio–political situation in post-Soviet Russia and the public sentiments of Russians. The objectives of the research include the analysis of the factors that influenced the dynamics of the development of alternative publishing, the identification and analysis of the features of the political and ideological orientation of the regional alternative press, the study of the transformation of the independent periodical press. The methodological basis of the research is the historical method, which makes it possible to study the process of publishing alternative periodicals in development and interrelation with specific historical conditions. The study used a typological method that helps systematize the characteristics of alternative periodicals, and a comparative method used to identify changes in typological characteristics. Analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction were also used. The study showed that the development of an independent political press in Siberia in the post-Soviet period was closely related to the socio-political situation. It has been established that in the new millennium, compared with the 1990s, the scale of the production of alternative political periodicals in Siberia has decreased. However, during the first decade of the 21st century. She continued to occupy a leading position in the total volume of the Siberian independent press. The diverse ideological spectrum of the alternative periodical press during this period testifies to the ongoing crisis of the all-Russian identity and the continued search for new ideological orientations. In the second decade of the 21st century, the number of opposition press decreased, due to the ousting of a number of opposition groups from the public political scene and a decrease in the political activity of Russians. Alternative political periodicals have disappeared into the general flow of independent print media and new media.
multiparty press, beginning of the 21st century, publishing activity, alternative media, Siberia, socio-political publication, opposition publications, unofficial press, independent periodicals, alternative press
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Akhatov A.T.
The material culture of the Bashkirs in the second half of the 18th century (according to some written and archaeological materials)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 210-218.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72814 EDN: ZEVSNH URL:
The object of the study is the material culture of the Bashkir population of the Southern Urals in the second half of the XVIII century. The subject is its economic and household components. The purpose of the work is to expand knowledge about the Bashkir material culture in the second half of the 18th century by integrating existing written sources and archaeological materials. The research source base is represented by the works of scientists and travelers from the middle to the third third of the XVIII century. who personally visited the South Ural region – P. I. Rychkov, P. S. Pallas, I. I. Lepekhin, I. P. Falk, I. G. Georgi and N. P. Rychkov, who paid great attention to the daily life, economic activities and culture of the Bashkir people, as well as archaeological materials obtained as a result of the study of Bashkir settlement complexes of the XVII–XVIII centuries. When writing the work, an integrated approach was used based on the correlation of these written sources with archaeological materials. The novelty of the presented work consists in a comparative analysis of two relatively heterogeneous groups of sources. The first group – written sources indicate that the development of Bashkir material culture in the second half of the XVIII century. It was largely determined by the traditional semi-nomadic way of life, an integral part of which were seasonal migrations from place to place. At the same time, they provide only general information about certain sectors of the economy, practically without affecting related household items, a tool kit, etc. In this situation, the second group of sources, represented by archaeological materials obtained as a result of excavations of Bashkir settlement complexes of Modern times, allows to deepen and expand knowledge about the material culture of the Bashkirs at this time.
Academic expeditions, economy, archaeological sources, written sources, Bashkortostan, material culture, Bashkirs, Archaeology of Modern times, interdisciplinary research, cultural layer
Social history
Saihislamoh R.B., Kildigusheva Z.R.
Guardianship for the "protection of public health" in the activities of local government authorities in Russia in the pre-reform period of the XIX century (using the example of the South Ural region)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 219-229.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72874 EDN: XHLDTA URL:
The article considers a poorly studied topic – an analysis of the historical experience of the development and improvement of public management of social processes in the field of healthcare in Russia. The geographical scope of the study covers the South Ural region, administratively - the Orenburg province. Designating the guiding function of the state in the case of guardianship, it is noted that the instruments for solving guardianship tasks (hence, the institutions of guardianship) were departmental bodies of central institutions that had their own local management structures. In this regard, the implementation of guardianship for the "protection of public health" by local government bodies in the Southern Urals is being considered – the provincial board, the order of public charity, the Chamber of State Property, the special office, the Orenburg Medical Board, the Orenburg Provincial Committee for the Cessation of Cholera, etc. It is noted that the strongest impetus for the activation of medical measures and protective measures in the field of healthcare was the outbreak of the cholera epidemic in the region in the 20 – 30s of the XIX century. The fight against cholera was limited to emergency anti–epidemic measures, and the care of the population during the epidemic was limited to medical and police measures: protection against the disease and the spread of the epidemic, cordoning off areas affected by cholera, and quarantine measures. A significant place in the article is devoted to the timely implementation of smallpox vaccinations – smallpox vaccination of the population in Russia becomes mandatory at the time under study: the governors and all departments of the region were obliged to attend to smallpox vaccination and report on the success of vaccination.
peasantry, epidemic, healthcare, system, guardianship, social policy, Southern Urals, history, institute of guardianship, Russia
Abazeva M.S.
Progress, deception, temptation, practicality.
Fashion in French Enlightenment thought
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 230-242.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72231 EDN: XFFUZJ URL:
The article is devoted to the study of Enlightenment thinkers discourse about fashion. In the XVIII century, Paris finally established itself as a fashion capital on the European map. The weight of fashion in the public consciousness also increased: the first works on the history of fashion appeared, magazines and newspapers wrote about it, authors dedicated essays, plays and novels to it. Fashion was also not ignored by those whose thought had a huge impact on the society of that time — the French Enlightenment thinkers. Analyzing the works of the Enlightenment thinkers, the author reconstructs their discourse about fashion and shows what issues it raised. Two directions of thought about fashion are defined: supporters of luxury and its opponents, their views are reviewed separately. To analyze it the author uses the methodology of cultural history and methods of studying fiction literature as a historical source. The author comes to the conclusion that one can consider the XVIII century dispute about luxury as a watershed between Enlightenment thinkers in their attitude to fashion. Those of them who supported luxury and considered it an impetus for development of the country's economy favored fashion justifying its economic expediency for the state. Others, opponents of luxury, did not approve fashion and sought to show its harmful effect on a man and society. The author shows how the opponents of luxury formed in their works a whole system of ideas about fashion and costume, which then became part of the ideological doctrine of the future sartorial revolution. The article contributes to the study of the history of French fashion of the XVIII century and may be of interest to a wide range of readers interested in the history of fashion and the Age of Enlightenment in France.
Voltaire, Claude Adrian Helvetius, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Louis Sébastien Mercier, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, Enlightenment, fashion history, fashion, France
Breslavskii A.S.
Are All in Ulan-Ude? Transformation of Urban Settlement System in the Republic of Buryatia in the 1990s–2010s
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 243-260.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72140 EDN: WIKVLF URL:
The transformation of urban settlement system in the post-Soviet Russia, its sources, scale, consequences and results, and regional diversity remain poorly understood in Russian historical science. The purpose of this article is to present the main results of this process in the Republic of Buryatia in the context of cities, urban–type settlements, metropolitan agglomeration and the nearest suburbs of regional center (Ulan-Ude). The study is based on a set of special historical methods, materials from four population censuses (1989, 2002, 2010, 2020), regulatory legal acts of regional and municipal authorities of the republic, and other documentation. The transformation of urban settlement system in the Republic was the result of the complication of the urbanization process in the region in the 1990-2010s. In addition to the ongoing urbanization, deurbanization and suburbanization have developed in its structure. Despite the fact that all the cities in the region retained their status, more than half of the urban-type settlements were transformed into rural settlements, and two more were liquidated due to the fulfillment of their historic role. The population growth in the capital of the Republic, whose share of the population in the total population of the region increased from 33.8 to 44.7%, smoothed the statistical decline of the urban population (about 10% over three decades), which was the result of the migration outflow from cities and urban-type settlements, the “movement” of part of the urban population to the rural category because of administrative-territorial transformations of urban-type settlements. Population redistribution in the Republic, rapid rural-urban migrations were significantly reflected in the population growth rates in the nearest suburbs of Ulan-Ude and in the Ulan-Ude urban agglomeration as a whole.
Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, suburb, urban agglomeration, urban-type settlement, city, urbanization, urban settlement system, Russia, suburbanization
Kananerova E.N.
Post-war collectivization and "dispossession" in the soviet historiography of the 1940s and 1950s.
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 261-274.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72439 EDN: WELPLH URL:
The study examines the development of the Soviet historiography of collectivization in the western regions and republics of the 1940s and 1950s. The subject is the evolution of the Soviet historical paradigm, the subject is the historiography of post–war collectivization and "dekulakization" in the western regions and republics of the USSR. The purpose is to identify the main stages and factors that influenced the Soviet historiography of collectivization in the Western regions and republics of the Soviet Union in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as the main research topics of Soviet historians. To achieve the objectivity of the study, the periodization method, a systematic comparative analysis and a genetic approach were used. In addition, elements of content analysis were used to identify the leading issues in the specified period. The novelty of the research consists in examining the Soviet historical paradigm from modern scientific positions, determining the factors of its development, the main topic and poorly studied aspects of post-war collectivization and "dispossession". The relevance related to the critical study of Soviet historiography makes it possible to use the legacy of Soviet scientists to form modern objective scientific knowledge. The main topics were the stages and methods of collectivization. The goals of collectivization, its prerequisites have been considered by Soviet researchers in sufficient detail, however, assessments are determined by the ideologó. "Dekulakization" and its methods, peasant resistance, its scale and forms, as well as the number, categories and measures taken against them remained little studied during the period under review due to the prevailing ideology. The results may be useful to researchers of the Soviet historical paradigm, the post-war recovery of the USSR and collectivization. In addition, the materials can be used for educational and educational purposes.
machine and tractor stations, kulaks, prerequisites for collectivization, agrarian reform, continuous collectivization, post–war collectivization, factors of historiography, Soviet historical paradigm, dispossession, famine
Ethnography and ethnology
Ilikaev A.
Myths about Yumynudyr ("heavenly maiden") in Mari mythology and Ritual: an attempt at a source and structural analysis
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 275-294.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72829 EDN: VWHGLS URL:
The subject of the article is the sources and content of myths about Yumynudyr ("heavenly maiden") in Mari mythology and ritual. The article is a continuation of a previously published work that examined the reliability of information about this key image of Mari mythology, as well as the problem of its divine status.The purpose of the research is a source-based and structural analysis of the myths about the Yuminudyr in order to reconstruct the main semantic links of the original tradition, as well as systematize data on the cult of the "heavenly maiden". To achieve this goal, it was necessary not only to identify the sources of the Yumynudyr myth, but also to identify the most significant thematic and plot motifs in the existing texts, to analyze the rituals associated with Yumynudyr and the image of Piambar close to her. In the course of solving the tasks set, the author of the article used a number of methods: source studies, structural analysis. In addition to analyzing ethnographic literature and folklore collections, field research materials were also used to supplement and clarify existing information about the Yumynudyr. The novelty of the research is the systematization of all information available in the literature about Yumynudyr, the analysis of the little-known myth of May, the daughter of the Mari goddess Shochyn Ava, as well as a comprehensive analysis of texts mentioning the "heavenly virgin", "daughter of God". This made it possible to continue the most promising research of a specialist on the topic, Yu.A. Kaliev, to identify the seven main links of the legend of Yumynudyr, to arrange them in a logical and chronological (according to a hypothetical macro plot) sequence. In addition, based on the field material being introduced into scientific circulation, the accuracy of the details previously recorded by the researchers on the issue of interest to us was confirmed, as well as a more meaningful and systematic and consistent examination of the cult of the "heavenly virgin" for the first time in ethnographic science: to highlight the most significant holidays, rituals associated with the images of Yumynudyr and Piambar.
overthrow of the deity, sacred marriage, image, religious worship, motif, plot of the myth, goddess, Heavenly maiden, sacrifice, ritual
Ethnography and ethnology
Albogachiev M.M.
On the question of the origin of the Ingush endoethnonym – gIalgIai
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 295-344.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.71993 EDN: VNJIDT URL:
The article examines the question of the origin of the self–name of one of the modern Nakh peoples – Ingush – Gialgiai. According to a number of researchers, the term "gIalgIai" in the form of "kalkans, kalkans, kalki, kolki, etc., in Russian sources is first found in the article lists of the XVI–XVII centuries. However, according to the author, the term appeared much earlier than that time. The purpose of the article is to show the connection of this term with the name of the ancient people of the Eastern Black Sea region – the Kolkhovs, based on the etymological analysis of the ethnonym "gIalgIai", as well as the analysis of historical and historiographical sources. In addition, the article attempts to link the ethnonym "gIalgIai" with the name of the eponymous ancestor of the Nakh peoples in medieval Georgian sources – "Kavkas". When studying this issue, the author used historical-genetic, historical-chronological, narrative, historical-comparative and comparative methods. According to the author, the name "gIalgIai" is one of the oldest endo-ethnonyms of the Nakh peoples. In the course of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the ethnonym "gIalgIai" is of the same origin as the name Kolkhov. At the same time, a comprehensive analysis of written sources and ethnographic material conducted by the author shows that the eponym "Kavkas" is a Greek translation of the Assyrian term "ḫabḫu", which designated the Hurrian-Urartian tribes. In turn, "ḫabḫu" goes back to "qulḫa" – the common self-name of the Hurrian-Urartian tribes. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the comparison of the term "gIalgIai" with the ancient ethnonym "kolkhi (kolkhai)" is carried out, conducting a thorough analysis of a large volume of historical and historiographical sources. The author also outlined promising areas for further research on this issue.
Caucones, Gilhu, Habhu, Kavkas, Kolkha, The Nakh peoples, gilgo, kolkan, Hayasha, Etymology
Social history
Lozin D.I.
Formation of the system of training and staffing of industrial enterprises of Stalingrad with engineering and technical workers during the period of industrialization (1929-1941)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 345-365.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72743 EDN: VHKYUX URL:
The subject of the study is the system of training and staffing of industrial enterprises of Stalingrad with engineering and technical personnel during the period of industrialization. Based on data from the State Archive of the Volgograd Region, the Center for Documentation of the Modern History of the Volgograd Region, the funds of the museum of the Krasny Oktyabr plant, as well as scientific literature, the problem of shortage of technical personnel at industrial enterprises of Stalingrad in 1929-1941 is revealed; ways and sources of attracting engineers and technicians to the factories of the city, as well as their training to solve this problem as a holistic the system. The author considers in detail the external and internal sources for the recruitment and training of qualified technical specialists. Special attention is paid to the effectiveness of the in-house training system as one of the main sources of replenishment of enterprises by engineers and technicians. The study is based on a systematic approach that allows us to consider the solution of the problem of staffing Stalingrad factories with engineers and technicians and training new technical personnel as a system. Also, in the course of the research, a functional and structural approach was used, which allowed us to consider the activities of various party, state and factory bodies aimed at recruiting enterprises with qualified technical personnel. The novelty of the work consists in attracting archival materials previously unused in scientific circulation, as well as a comprehensive consideration of the problem of staffing industrial enterprises of Stalingrad with technical personnel, which allowed us to reveal the causes of the shortage of engineers and technicians at the factories of the city, sources and methods of attracting and training technical personnel. During the period of industrialization, Stalingrad experienced an acute shortage of technical specialists. To solve this problem, Stalingrad had an extensive system for recruiting and training technical specialists. It was divided into external forms of recruitment, when enterprises attracted foreign specialists, engineers and technicians from other industrial regions of the USSR, as well as internal ones, which included sending their specialists for training, in-house training and training of specialists in specialized secondary and higher educational institutions. By 1940 – 1941, Stalingrad enterprises still lacked qualified technical specialists, but their total number increased many times, which allowed not only to increase output, but also to develop production qualitatively.
technical specialists, engineering and technical staff, Stalingrad Industrial College, Stalingrad Mechanical Institute, Military enterprise Barricades, Stalingrad Shipbuilding Plant, The Krasny Oktyabr factory, Stalingrad Tractor Plant, Stalingrad industry, industrialization
Culture and cultures in historical context
Metel'kov A.S.
Zines as a dominant form of alternative book publishing in the first decades of the XXI century in Siberia
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 366-376.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.72772 EDN: VCKLSF URL:
The object of the study is the Siberian zines of the 2000s - early 2020s, the subject is their genesis and evolution in the context of general trends characteristic of alternative book publishing. The purpose of the work is to identify and clarify the factors of the formation and development of zine culture in Siberia, to conduct a preliminary classification of zines according to formal and functional characteristics. The article aims to present a wide range of little-known sources, compare them, trace the features of the genre characteristic of various historical periods, and indicate the continuity of the tradition of uncensored printing, starting from the subcultural samizdat of the Soviet era. Using the comparative historical method, various stages of the formation of the Zine phenomenon were analyzed in comparison with real historical conditions. Source-based and statistical methods, as well as the method of content analysis, were used to classify the array of publications into separate categories and formulate generalizations about their thematic spectrum. The paper identifies two main sources of origin of Russian zines in the 21st century: Western zines and subcultural (musical) samizdat of the 1980s. The evolution of alternative book publishing from the 1980s to the 2000s is traced. An attempt is made to classify, within the framework of which literary, musical, artistic, local history zines and personal zines are highlighted. Functionally, creative, informational, educational, research publications, as well as a wide range of reflective publications stand out among the azines. For the first time, a large range of sources is introduced into scientific circulation, and a representative cross-section of the Siberian zine culture is given (Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Irkutsk, Norilsk). The data presented in the article can serve for further research of zine culture and alternative book publishing in general.
counterculture, underground, unofficial culture, alternative book publishing, zine, samizdat, subculture, DIY, comics, artist's book
History of science and technology
Timofeeva R.A., Chumak R.N.
The initial period of the formation of the national school of automatic weapons design on the example of the development of automatic rifles (1904–1926).
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 377-387.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.6.71679 EDN: VCCWYG URL:
The subject of the research is the initial stage of the formation of the national school of automatic weapons design (1904–1926). This period of history is one of the most important in the domestic arms industry. At this time, Russia began the formation of its own, original and independent from direct foreign participation school of automatic weapons design, which flourished during the Soviet period of the country's history and is developing to the present day. This plot is considered on the example of one of the activities of this kind – the work on the creation of early domestic automatic rifles after their official launch in 1908, which are considered as the basis for the subsequent development of the Russian and Soviet schools of design and engineering activities. The complex of methods used included the processing of archival materials, historical and scientific analysis of the fundamental works on the topic and the comparative historical method. The analysis of the place of the initial period of the development of the school of design of automatic weapons has not received any significant coverage in domestic weapons studies. The reason for this state of affairs is the significant fragmentation of archival documentation on this topic and samples of early Russian automatic rifles preserved in various collections, combined with their very approximate, often incorrect attribution. Based on the newly revealed information, the article makes a number of clarifications concerning the activities of the commission for the development of an automatic rifle sample and the GAU as a management body for the creation of new models of small arms. The role of the Sestroretsk Arms Factory as the leading center for the creation of automatic weapons in Russia before 1917 is revealed. For the first time in Russian historiography, the stages of designing automatic rifles are revealed.
russian design school, Konovalov V. P., Ancus I. K., Roshhepej Ja. U., Fedorov V. G., Sestroretsk Arms Plant, GAU, history of weapons, automatic rifle, rifle