Platonova E.S., Nikiforova S.V..
Textured pattern belts on pictures of the Semeiskie people from Transbaikal
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 6.
P. 32-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2024.6.72227 EDN: JGSMND URL:
An analysis of the regional, cultural and technological observations is proposed in the article with the aim of preserving a unique phenomenon of the textured pattern belts of the Semeiskie people from Transbaikal. The work is based on personal photo archives of residents of the village of Bichura in the Republic of Buryatia and interviews with them. Photographs are used as an auxiliary source to visualize belts in the folk costume complex. An analysis of digital images of photographs from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1980s is presented. Despite the insufficient quality of the photographs by modern standards they represent a valuable source. In terms of statistics on the use of a traditional men's suit (an obvious replacement for the civilian leather belt) age and gender limits for wearing, as well as the preservation of traditional ornamentation. The scientific novelty of the study consists in systematization and generalization of heterogeneous information, which allows to analyze images according to the author's method of describing textured pattern belts. The geometric elements of the pattern, the composition, the principle of constructing the ornament, the approximate number of woven threads. Photographic materials from personal and museum archives have been introduced into scientific circulation. A comparison of the belt ornamentation in the photographs with real samples is made. It is preliminary established that there is no basis for dividing the belts by gender and age. The results are obtained using content analysis, visual analysis, comparative-typological, comparative, biographical methods and the formalization method. The analysis of the content of the images is based on the identification of visual elements that are significant from the point of view of the problem at hand, the frequency of their appearance in the selected collection of images and subsequent analysis of the quantitative results.
methods of fastening, visible parameters, rapport motif, ethno-confessional affiliation, principle of ornament construction, contrast, basis, auxiliary source, old Believer sign, textured pattern weaving
Peshchanitskaia E.V..
The field of color correlations in Russian-speaking grapheme-colour synesthetes as a biosociocultural paradigm
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 6.
P. 133-148.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2024.6.72824 EDN: ZEQJVE URL:
The aim of the study is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of color representation in the synesthetic perception of Russian alphabet and Arabic numerals, and outlining the sociocultural potential of grapheme-color synesthesia. Open-access textual, graphic, and combined "synesthetic palettes" of Russian-speaking synesthetes comprise the subject matter of the research; its scope is the color choices structure in synesthetic grapheme characterizations. Two data categories were analyzed: 25 letter-color correlation sets (16 females, 6 males, 3 unspecified); and 23 number-color correlation sets (17 females, 5 males, 1 unspecified). The hues were grouped and sorted by the number of mentions. For each group, the numbers of "top-choice" positions, grapheme counterparts, and mentions were calculated, and the color groups most and least represented were defined. The Shannon, Margalef, and Simpson indices were employed to assess the "color diversity" of synesthetic correlations. The most "popular" synesthetic colors are blue ('sinij'), green and yellow, and the least "popular" are light blue ('goluboj'), pink, beige (for letter-color correlations) / transparent (for number-color correlations), and orange. The color diversity assessment revealed its moderately high level. The average number of color groups in individual synesthetic correlations field was 10 for letters and 8 for numbers. A qualitative variability is significant for both the colors (including achromatic shades) and their verbal descriptions. The novelty of the research is that quantitative and qualitative methods are employed to analyze synesthesia comprehensively and interdisciplinary as a biosociocultural phenomenon. The results indicate an expanded synesthetic perception of a grapheme as a sign and its content. This establishes a potential for using synesthesia to encode messages in the color fields of individual and public spaces to express their significant meanings or functions, create a comfortable environment for certain social groups and, finally, form urban identities.
color coding, sign, diversity index, color term, color field, color, grapheme, synesthesia, perception, biosocial phenomenon
Ischenko Y.V., Gumenyuk A.A..
Problems and contradictions of the development of the healthcare network of the Russian village during the "Khrushchev thaw": the second half of the 1950s — the first half of the 1960s (based on materials from the Saratov region)
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 5.
P. 29-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.5.71717 EDN: AVTQEQ URL:
The subject of the study is a network of rural healthcare institutions in the Saratov region during the Khrushchev thaw. The object of the study is the transformation of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the development of the material base of rural healthcare in the conditions of the development of Soviet agrarian policy in the second half of the 1950s – early 1960s. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the situation in the field of rural healthcare of the USSR and the Saratov region in the early 1950s and attempts to improve it during 1953–1964 years. The article analyzes the personnel, financial and other economic characteristics of the development of Soviet healthcare institutions in rural areas, the degree of accessibility of medical care. It was found that the primary influence on the change in a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators of rural health was exerted by attempts to implement the key setting of the Soviet social strategy to eliminate differences in the level of social and household development of the city and village. The main research methods were such special historical methods as structural-functional, problem-chronological and statistical. In addition, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization of historical sources data on the research topic were used. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the introduction into scientific circulation of new little-studied archival data on the provincial history of domestic healthcare and, on this basis, making certain adjustments to the assessments available in scientific and educational literature on the progress and results of the development of health institutions in the Russian countryside in the second half of the XX century. The main conclusions of the study are the position that the persistent shortage of economic opportunities for the state (as a result of priority financing of heavy and defense industry enterprises), along with other reasons, did not allow, by the end of the studied period, to make universally accessible comprehensive medical care to the entire population of rural areas of both the Saratov region and the whole country.
medical site, Russian village, medical and obstetrical center, bed capacity, medical equipment, country people, medical care, medicines, incidence, hospital
Urazaeva N., Komisarova L.S..
Cultural aspect of teaching students a foreign language based on video blogs
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 4.
P. 100-110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.4.43819 EDN: VMMMSM URL:
The subject of the study is the process of teaching German classes using video blogs not only as a means of teaching speaking and listening, but also as a means of forming socio-cultural competence. The article discusses the concept of "blog" and its role in the process of teaching German to students of higher educational institutions. The authors raise the question of the need to include Internet resources, in particular video blogs, in the educational process, the formation of students' socio-cultural competence, one of the components of foreign language communicative competence. This competence contributes to the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary for effective intercultural communication. The main idea of using video blogs is the interrelated and complementary teaching of a foreign language and the culture of the language being studied in the context of intercultural dialogue. It is possible to extract valuable linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge from video blogs, to master models of speech behavior in various situations of intercultural communication. Also, video blogs contain up-to-date information on various topics and provide feedback opportunities that contribute to the formation of the ability to express and argue your point of view in German. As with any didactic tool, certain selection criteria are imposed on video blogs. With a competent selection and presentation of the material, the teacher will be able to form a foreign language competence of the student in a complex, taking into account all language levels: lexical, phonetic, grammatical, as well as extralinguistic factors, such as the communication situation, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
intralinguistic factors, didactics, higher education, German language, video blog, blog technologies, intercultural communication, communicative competence, socio-cultural competence, extralinguistic factors
Shishkanov A.I..
Theoretical foundations for the development of criteria for evaluating audience preferences in modern cinema
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 4.
P. 10-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2024.4.71062 EDN: UCPANR URL:
The purpose of the article is to highlight the theoretical foundations for the development of criteria for evaluating audience preferences in modern cinema. The research methodology is based on theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific sources on the research topic, and the comparative method. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author highlights the theoretical foundations of the methodology of criteria and variables for assessing the success and demand of modern films as a foundation for testing and developing a questionnaire to identify audience preferences. As a conclusion, the authors states that there is a need to pay attention to the phenomena of audience choice (for example, the "certainty effect", etc.); "flow experience" within the stage of watching a movie for its emotional perception by the audience. Considering the issues of statistics, assessment of the potential commercial success of a film production and the complex of factors affecting it, it is advisable to cite D. Kahneman's position. This researcher provides an argument for the value of simple formulas for forecasting, operating with a low number of basic criteria. Thus, this author emphasizes the importance of formulas that provide equal weight for each predictive factor, which is due to their indifference to the randomness associated with the organization of the sample. In the context of the statistics of the film business sector, the corresponding hypothesis will look like this: a model for evaluating the future success of projects in certain genres is able to provide a higher level of reliability compared to models that ignore genre originality. Thus, in the study of methods for predicting the commercial success of films, carried out by A.S. Tatarnikov, the great reliability of the predictive model using information on paintings of certain genres of entertainment (in particular, adventure films, comedies, etc.) was confirmed.
collaborative filtering, emotional assessment of the audience, forecasting, cinema marketing, flow experience, assessing viewers' preferences, audience, film, cinema, viewer preferences
Lobanova Y.V..
Paradoxes of the emotional universum of modern society: anhedonia versus the cult of pleasure
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 3.
P. 106-114.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.3.43771 EDN: QDYZQL URL:
This article analyzes and explores the historical sociogenesis of replacing the former disciplinary socialization with hedonistic personalization within the cultural space of modern society – its causes, implementation mechanisms and consequences, which also include the emergence of the cult of pleasure. Particular attention is paid to the study of the emotional aspects and mechanisms of influence of the culture of hedonism on the common cultural space, attempts are being made to force its emotionalization and restructuring. In the conclusions of the study, the reasons for the emergence of the phenomena of emotional utilitarianism and the consumerization of emotions, their transformation into an object of exchange relations, into a commodity that can be sold along with anything material, are noted related to these trends. In conclusion, the pathopsychology of excessive emotional manifestations, which causes the emergence of a state of pathological anhedonia, is analyzed, particular manifestations of this phenomenon are considered, and a comprehensive assessment is given to them. Under the influence of Western culture, the axiology of Russian culture was subjected to a radical revision, during which hedonistic personalization began to actively displace disciplinary socialization. The subculture of domestic "orthodox hedonists" has had and continues to have a very noticeable impact on the overall cultural situation. The main goal of the adherents of hedonism is to transform the entire emotional universe of modern society in such a way that emotions associated with pleasure and entertainment form its core, shifting everything else from the center to the periphery. The social causes of modern anhedonia are associated with an overabundance of strong and artificially stimulated emotions, to protect against which internal barrier mechanisms are activated in the human brain.
emotionalization of culture, the phenomenon of hyperhedonism, the subculture of hedonism, hedonistic personalization, disciplinary socialization, emotions, society of impressions, emotional capitalism, consumerization of emotions, anhedonia
Makarov A.S., Shalin V.V..
The values of traditional culture and their understanding in the minds of young people
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 133-141.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.69566 EDN: MJCCGY URL:
The subject of the study is the system of values of the past, represented in traditional Russian culture. The object of the research is the connection of the values of traditional culture with the structure of consciousness of modern Russian youth. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the study of the concept of "traditional culture", the analysis of its content, represented by the phenomenon of national unity, understanding the significance of this phenomenon in the minds of the inhabitants of the country. During the research, special attention was paid to a sociological survey of young people related to the actualization of the cultural, historical, patriotic meaning of the National Unity holiday, the attitude of the younger generation towards it, and the identification of values significant to it. An important role in the presented work is given to the comparative analysis of surveys of residents of the country and students, the characteristic of the basic foundations of the worldview in the structure of consciousness of older and younger generations, the methods that were used during the study are presented by: analysis of sources on the problem of determining the meaning of the concept of "traditional culture"; by the method of a written survey of students; by the method of comparative analysis of responses between data, represented by VTSIOM, and young people on the problem of national unity of society. The scientific novelty of the presented research is characterized by a comparative analysis of abstract sociological research carried out by VTSIOM with the specific results of a survey of young students of the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. The results of the work show that at the present stage of development of Russian society there is a tendency to blur the clear ideas of the younger generation about the figurative and symbolic meaning of the spiritual and moral values of the people that define traditional culture. The main conclusion of the study is that young people generally do not recognize the value of social unity as an indicator of the integrity of the state, do not know the historical meaning of the National Unity holiday, do not consider traditional values (family, love of the Motherland, brotherhood of peoples) significant in modern reality, using the Internet space for communication, becomes dependent on gadgets which poses a real threat of loss of communication between generations.
television, sociological survey, youth consciousness, national unity, integrity, traditional culture, values, culture, traditions, clip consciousness
Kuznetsova M.V..
Kozma Soldatenkov (1818-1901) and his collection in the context of the artistic life of Moscow in the second half of the XIX century
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 75-86.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2024.2.70309 EDN: QZEXXW URL:
The article examines the role of merchant, philanthropist, and collector Kozma Soldatenkov in the artistic landscape of Moscow during the 1850s-1890s. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of Soldatenkov on the formation of museum and exhibition programs in Moscow. By analyzing his art collection and his activities as a collector, we can gain a deeper understanding of his contribution to the cultural landscape of the city. This research is based on a systematic historical approach that allows us to contextualize Soldatenkov's work within the broader context of art collecting and cultural development. The purpose of the article is to determine the contribution that he made to the development of museum and exhibition practices in Moscow, at a time when there was an increased interest not only in domestic art collecting, but also in addressing theoretical and practical challenges of artistic production. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the absence of works in Russian historiography that summarize the achievements of second-half XIX century Moscow collectors in the field of culture, focusing on Soldatenkov's position as one of the first collectors in Moscow's cultural landscape. This research is relevant due to the growing interest in understanding various aspects of collecting history in the XIXth century. Familiarity with the sources allows us to conclude that the Soldatenkov collection had been well-known to the artistic community for a long time, and its owner was not absent from the main events of cultural life. He invested heavily in the creation of public museum spaces in Moscow, and his collection itself served as a reflection of his cultural and social standing. It was a clear indicator of his support for Russian artists and his desire to strengthen the artistic life in the city.
The Society of Ancient Russian Art, Society of Art Lovers, Rumyantsev Museum, art gallery, artistic life, Kozma Soldatenkov, The Art and Industrial Museum, patronage, collecting, All-Russian Exhibition
Hu W..
The influence of Shanghai Art societies on the development of fine arts in the early twentieth century
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 6.
P. 51-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.6.69198 EDN: XDEQOU URL:
The object of the article is the artistic life of Shanghai at the beginning of the 20th century, in which the most attention is paid to the study of the activities of art societies in order to scientifically reconstruct the creative process of Shanghai of the last century. The topic of the research is the contribution of the artistic associations to the cultural life of the city. Their activities are aimed at introducing European painting techniques and modernist trends into the visual culture of the country. The article attaches particular importance to the unique character of the city, tolerant and open to experiments in the field of visual culture. The paper describes three vectors of art development through the activities of art societies: upholding the foundations of traditional Chinese painting, the active inclusion of the European visual language and the synthesis of these two seemingly mutually exclusive streams. Using the historical method, the author analyzes the activities of art societies that significantly influenced the formation of a new scenario for the development of the visual culture of Shanghai in the first third of the 20th century. Firstly, at the beginning of the last century, this metropolis became the largest economic and cultural center of China. Secondly, most of the local artists who joined public organizations received Western education. Thirdly, the activities of art societies have significantly enriched and expanded the creative possibilities of the masters, attracted the attention of the population to the fine arts, and modernized the painting traditions of China. The author of the article comprehends the influence of Russian artists on the cultural life of Shanghai, and also focuses on the emergence and development of "female" art in Chinese culture during the period under study. This research has not only theoretical value, but also practical significance, and allow to determine the scenario of the development of Chinese fine art at the present stage.
migrant, western art, artist, art exhibitions, traditional painting, fine arts, Shanghai, art societies, China, XX century
Khe Y..
The problem of intercultural communication in education: culture shock and adaptation to it.
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 5.
P. 17-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.5.43838 EDN: XRVSUM URL:
The subject of this article refers to the phenomenon of culture shock based on data obtained from a survey of Chinese students studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The signs of culture shock as a social phenomenon and mental state are listed. The reasons leading to culture shock and its consequences are considered. In addition, the history of studying this issue by Russian and foreign scientists is widely presented. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the use of qualitative and quantitative methods for collecting and analyzing the information obtained, as well as the development of approaches to prevent such a situation. The study shows that signs of culture shock are inherent in all Chinese students in Russia to varying degrees. However, through analysis of detailed data, it is discovered that individual differences in intercultural adaptation are more significant. Culture shock is not directly related to gender, but has a certain connection with specialties and courses. Meanwhile, this phenomenon has a greater degree of connection with character and the ability to intercultural communication (the ability to solve problems when faced with them). In addition, measures are proposed aimed at preventing this condition, as well as overcoming the communication barrier, improving intercultural communication and developing international education.
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies MSU, overcoming the communication barrier, chinese students, Oberg, signs of Culture Shock, culture shock, cultural adaptation, intercultural communication, international education, ways to overcome culture shock
Bai J..
Artistic activity of Russian-Soviet artists in Harbin and Shanghai China during the period of the Republic of China (1912–1949)
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 5.
P. 69-84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.5.43954 EDN: CAHDXJ URL:
This article mainly studies and analyzes the artistic activity of Soviet artists in Harbin and Shanghai during the period of the Republic of China. Due to their special geographical location, Harbin and Shanghai have always been centers of dissemination and artistic exchange of Soviet art and culture in China. The subject of the study is various types of art education and artistic activities that Soviet artists carried out in China during the period of the Republic of China. The object of the study is the influence that the spread of Soviet realistic painting in China had on the development of modern Chinese art in the XX century. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the profound impact that the appearance of various art studios created in China, acquaintance with the artistic work of Soviet artists, as well as training with the owl, have had on the development of modern Chinese art. Soviet art has been the basis for the development of modern Chinese art from the very beginning. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the author addresses a little – explored topic – how the arrival of Soviet artists in China, which coincided with the "Movement of Foreign Painting" in the Republic of China, influenced the formation of Chinese art. Soviet artists strongly supported the innovative artistic creativity of Chinese artists and at the same time contributed to the dominance of Soviet realistic art in the artistic landscape during the formation of China. The main conclusions of the study are that the mass spread of Soviet art in China created new ground for traditional Chinese art, gave a continuation and a new life to traditional painting. To a certain extent, this influenced the artistic and aesthetic preferences of that time and even the general public, and also directly affected the development of Chinese art education in the XX century.
art education, Harbin, Shanghai, painting by Russian emigrants, Russian immigrant artist, painting, artistic communication, period of the Republic of China, oil painting, Soviet artist
Bui V.H..
Transformation of social roles in traditional craftsmanship villages in modern Vietnam
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 6.
P. 18-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.39062 EDN: WEZKDJ URL:
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First Peer Review:
Second Peer Review:
Third Peer Review:
Traditional craft villages have been one of the popular socio-economic models since ancient times in many countries and regions. In Vietnam, traditional craft villages have made a very positive contribution to the overall development of the area. These successes highlighted and recognized the critically important social role of individuals and organizations in the community of craft villages. At present, in a modernizing life, traditional craft villages face great challenges in maintaining their activities in the face of changes in modern social life. Thus, this article recognizes the need to describe the changes as well as the adaptation of social roles in the economic, cultural and social life of individuals as well as organizations in the traditional craft village community today. The case study chosen in the article was the lacquer village of Tuong Binh Hiep, Binh Duong Province, Viet Nam. The main method used in this study was a survey (N = 297) of households that still produce traditional lacquerware in Tuong Binh Hiep village. Apply this method to refine observational analysis or collect available data, add useful information to help explain the factors that are changing the roles of individuals and organizations carried out nowadays in traditional craft village communities. Based on the results of the study, the author will make the most basic assessments that will serve as a prerequisite for further research to find solutions to support traditional village craft communities in Vietnam for facing the impacts of the modern life.
handicraft villages, traditional handicraft villages, traditional, lacquer, community, social roles, social, role, transformation, modern Vietnam
Vinokurova U.A., Zakharova A.E..
Axiological Foundations of Eco-Spiritual Values of Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 6.
P. 68-77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.39467 EDN: TVGQTJ URL:
Covering one sixth of the planet's surface and experiencing global climate change, the Arctic is a place where indigenous peoples' lifestyles, eco-spiritual values and unique flora and fauna species are reproduced. Planetary humanitarian thought centres around the Arctic Ocean, metaphorically referred to as the modern Mediterranean. The challenge is to recognise the spiritual and intellectual heritage of Arctic indigenous peoples in the modern development of Arctic resources and to introduce their eco-spiritual values into the educational process. Ecospiritual values are based on a worldview that recognises the spiritual interconnectedness of man and nature, and promotes the sustainability of the ecosystem in all its diversity of natural and human spheres. The aim of our study is to identify and reveal the axiological foundations of the ecospiritual values of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic that are significant for intercultural and intercountry communication in the northern circumpolar zone of the planet. The work uses Indigenous Methodology, the method of system analysis and synthesis, and empirical research in the Khatango-Anabar region was carried out using a combination of quantitative and qualitative sociological methods (standardised questionnaire survey, non-formalised interview, psycholinguistic experiment). Ecospiritual values have been identified, based on the ethno-cultural model of the relationship with Mother Earth, co-synchrony with natural and climatic features and co-spatiality of ecospiritual connections in the habitat, geopsychic and spiritual connections with sacred places, where there is inter-conjunction of cosmic, earthly and natural phenomena with ecospiritual values of man.
Khatango-Anabar region, ecospirituality, Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic, the Arctic, sociological study, anthropocene, ecosophy, Indigenous methodology, arctic circumpolar civilisation, eco-spiritual values
nikiforova s.v..
The formation of the theater spectator subculture in the cultural space of a provincial town
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 3.
P. 69-82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.3.37940 EDN: SHQIGN URL:
In order to determine the specifics and nature of the formation of the subculture of the theater spectator in Yakutsk, the history of relations between the theater and the spectator is considered. Variants of a strategy for the formation of a subculture of theatergoers in the youth environment of a provincial city (students of colleges and universities as the "backbone" of the audience) are proposed. The specifics of the subject of the study led to the use of interdisciplinary, sociocultural and cultural approaches, which made it possible to integrate the methods of cultural studies, sociology, art history, folklore and pedagogy. The culturological approach made it possible to determine the nature of changes in the cultural space. The synchronic method provided an opportunity to analyze in a slice mode and identify three stages in the formation of the subculture of the theatrical spectator. The dynamics of the formation of the subculture of theatergoers in Yakutsk in 1960-2020s is considered in detail. This is the time when the theater was formed as an organic institution of modern Yakut culture, but not something artificially introduced into the national culture. An indirect criterion base is determined, indicating the growth of the theater audience's competence: a change in the repertoire, problems, directing styles, participation in theater competitions and festivals, touring policy, pricing. Convergence of different types of cultural "consumption" is proposed: hybrid forms of work in cooperation with museums, philharmonic society, libraries; organization of creative meetings, excursions to rehearsals, pre-premiere screenings, charity events, etc. The regional specificity of the communication "theater - spectator" influences the formation of both moral and aesthetic views of the spectator; influences the national consciousness of the people, contributes to the strengthening of spiritual guidelines.
national identity, communication links, identity, cultural consumption, dynamics, subculture of the theater audience, social institute, competence, convergence, spiritual maturity of the nation
Khingeeva L..
Problems of the Buryat society of the late XIX – early XX centuries (based on archival materials of the Republic of Buryatia and Irkutsk Region)
// Man and Culture.
2021. № 3.
P. 32-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.31063 URL:
In the late XIX – early XX centuries, the Buryat people were struggling to survive due to numerous social problems that had accumulated over time. The absence of basic sanitation, low cultural level and moral standards, widespread alcoholism led to mass infectious diseases and issues in reproductive health. The established menacing situation is described by the researchers, medical personnel, and representatives of the European academic science, who worked in the Baikal Region at that time. The goal of this article consists in giving an outlook on the situation from the perspective of Buryat society. The research employs the analysis of previously unpublished materials stored in the State Archive of the Republic of Buryatia and State Archive of the Irkutsk Region. This article is first to publish the notes of the little-known Buryat researcher Mangutkhan Malasagaev. He lived his entire life in the Baikal Region, was engaged in the traditional peasant activities, and thus can be considered a true representative of the Buryat people. His elementary education and lively analytical mind allowed him keeping records of his own observations, and thus leaving a range of manuscripts that describe and analyze various aspects of life of the Buryat people. The article presents his observations on social problems of the Buryat society.
olzo, society, people, morality, medicine, kalym, demography, Buryats, tradition, ethnos
Tsydypova L.S..
The names of gold mines of Barguzinsky District in the late XIX – early XX centuries: typological aspect
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 6.
P. 91-97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.31295 URL:
This article is dedicated to analysis of the names of gol dmines of Barguzinsky District in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Based on the archival records of Barguzinsky District, the author examines over three hundred names, considering their location, area, owner information and registration date for the plot. The study of the names of gold mines of Barguzinsky District is conducted in the context of typological tradition of cultural geography. The author carries out the classification of names, determines the differentiating factors of nomination of sociocultural space in private gold mining; examines the interrelation between the subject of gold mining through the prism of the names of mines. The characteristic features of naming the mines in the context of cultural landscape are demonstrated. The growth of mining sites alongside the expansion of types of their nomenclature is noted. The analysis of the names of mining sited underlines the importance of gold mining with regards to strengthening increasing the size of the Barguzin Jewish community, as well as the growing role of gold industry in life sustenance of the Jewish and Russian peasants. The increase of their number reflects the expansion of gold mining areas and is directly related to migration process of the late XIX century. The repletion of name indicates massive increase in the number of the owners of gold mines and their role in the formation of toponymy. The system of creation of new names borrowed the native toponymies of the region to a lesser extent. Majority of them emerged as a result of reinterpretation of the name by a native speaker.
life support, migration, Barguzinsky County, name, goldmine, Jewish community, topological tradition, kultural landscape, areal, group
Khoroshikh P.P..
Social motives in art of British band “The Beatles”
// Man and Culture.
2017. № 6.
P. 26-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.6.20331 URL:
This article raises a question about the social issues of British society, which were reflected in art of “The Beatles” band. Emergence of “The Beatles” have impetus to the development of protest movement of the British youth. The lyrics demonstrated not only the moods of the separate social groups, but also covered the general problems of the entire British society, which made the art of “The Beatles” one of the most relevant at the time. Moreover, attention to the lyrics of the band was caught by the fact that the examined problematic often grasped all social strata of the country. The author conducts an informative analysis of the lyrics dedicated to the aforementioned problematic. A conclusion is made that songs of “The Beatles” can be considered an incentive to the development of social protest movement in Great Britain. Analysis of the lyrics allowed suggesting that the art of “The Beatles” band not only actualized the attention of British population towards the social processes within and outside the United Kingdom, but also have become a driving force for the domestic social protest movement, which having received an impulse during the times of “The Beatles”, remains present today.
social problems, culture, youth, social movement, protest, songs, Great Britain, influence, Beatles, protest movement
Melnikova N.A., Vasil'eva E.V..
The management of sociocultural projects in modern university
// Man and Culture.
2017. № 2.
P. 41-48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.2.22458 URL:
The subject of this study is the sociocultural practices of a university and their impact upon the city's cultural agenda. The work examines the new functions of modern universities that are meant to support the development of cultural activities in various forms of sociocultural and experimental practices, which allow discovering the potential for self-realization and self-identification of the students and urban residents. The authors underline that in the educational institution young people acquire the essential sociocultural experience, which in future will significantly influence the formation of their system of values, as well as the further activity, including professional. The article summarizes and analyzes the experience of management of sociocultural projects in Omsk State Technical University, focusing on the experience of using folk culture in fashion projects. The research is based on the sociocultural approach: the study of institutional and non-institutional aspects of social life. Culture is viewed as the main prerequisite and condition for the development of institutions, while personality – as the prerequisite for formation of its non-institutional structures. The main results of the study include the following: sociocultural practices and projects of a university should be “addressed” to the regional and city community, since the universities in modern world have a great impact upon the development of city activities, and called to form the active communities and change cultural agenda. Organizing such topical sociocultural events requires referring to the existing content of world culture and actualization of the cultural codes, which defines their importance in development of the youth subcultures. Thus, the research is aimed at identification of the mechanisms of the effect of such changes upon the urban culture.
studenthood, design, media support, management, sociocultural practices, cultural code, culture, Siberian ethnicity, performance, fashion
Bleikh N.O..
Progress in the sociocultural development of North Caucasus (second quarter of the XIX – beginning of the XX century)
// Man and Culture.
2016. № 4.
P. 80-89.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.4.19679 URL:
The subject of this article is the progress in the sociocultural and economic development of North Caucasus (second quarter of the XIX – beginning of the XX century). Based on the archive and documental materials the author narrates that by the end of the XVIII century the lengthy and gradually developing process of voluntary entrance of the Caucasian people into the composition of the Russian State was completed. The changes occurred in life of the highlanders after this historical act under the influence of the cultural figures of Russia and inclusion of the North Caucasus into the orbit of the capitalist relations, initiated the spread of education and literacy among them. The historical-comparative method allowed analyzing the comparable facts and based on that determine the regularities and specificities of the path of regional processes in sociocultural sphere. The article proves that the progress in sociocultural development of the aforementioned period led to the social-spiritual and political-economic revival of the highlander tribes, although there was still lack of educated people and schools. The national intelligentsia has just recently began its inception. Certain improvements in the school system, which emerged by the beginning of the XX century, primarily was determined by the active positions of the residents themselves. The reformation period became the time of future discoveries on the multinational Caucasian Krai and the unique culture of its people.
multinational region, school construction, educators and education, national intelligentsia, North Caucasus, highlanders, pre-reformation period, voluntary membership, unique culture, Russians
Slezin A.A..
“United by the common cause?” (Towards the understanding of sociocultural phenomenon of Komsomol)
// Man and Culture.
2016. № 4.
P. 90-99.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.4.20076 URL:
The subject of this research is the impact of the World Festival of Youth and Students of 1957 and the Stilyagi movement upon the activity of the Komsomol. Having studied the archive materials along with the memories of the veterans as former members of Komsomol and the participants of the informal youth movement, the author overviews the established within the historical science stereotypes. The relevance of this material in many ways is connected with the upcoming in 2017 World Festival of Youth and Students and 100th Anniversary of the Komsomol (October 29, 2018). The experience of the work of the most influential and mass organization within the Russian history is being assessed from the general human and national perspectives. It is demonstrated that despite the hopes of the party and Komsomol leadership, the attitude of the regular members of Komsomol towards the Stilyagi movement was rather ambiguous. The direct measures of the Komsomol members against the Stilyagi movement at times just aroused interest towards the forbidden among the rest of the youth. The implementation into the Soviet daily life of the Western lifestyle elements encouraged Komsomol lean towards an aesthetic upbringing. The Moscow Festival of Youth and Sudents destroyed the stereotype image of a foreigner in the eyes of the youth even more. The festival is assesses as one of the very first lessons of democracy. The author underlines that there were prerequisites for the formation of dissenting views among the participants of the Komsomol themselves.
Festival, Stilyagi, Democracy , Creation , Cultural life, Dissenting views, Propaganda, Thaw, Komsomol , Youth
Bakumenko G.V..
Symbolizing success as a socio-cultural reflection
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 4.
P. 58-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.4.15609 URL:
The subject of the focus of this article is chosen scientific-philosophical and socio-political debate, initiated by the Research Institute of Applied Ethics, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University in the 1990s. within the public examination of the «doctrine of the success» of the group of authors of the periodical «The Ethics of success». As part of the process of socio-cultural concept symbolizing success there is reason to consider this debate as a form of social and cultural reflection, understand our socio-cultural system as a reaction to the changing conditions of development, manifested in the re-evaluation of the axiological capital, expressed in everyday socio-cultural well-established concepts, such as «success». Socio-cultural approach, common in social philosophy, psychology, sociology and cultural studies is applicable as a method of analyzing social phenomena in the historical and cultural context in identifying universal ways and patterns of human activity. Testing of the proposed method is problematic nature, because the analysis is focused on the historical and cultural context of contemporary phenomena. The novelty of the research is revealed in the author's approach to the synthesis of socio-cultural semiotic-cognitive methods allowing textually expressed tendency to regard social development as having a cultural base system reflections. We noticed by the identity of the modernist project of transformation of the social and cultural reality by total idea of educating a new type of individual Russians in the beginning and at the end of XX century, it concerns a number of controversial and poorly understood issues, attention of the scientific community which is justified in view of their relevance in the socio-cultural aspect of the management process.
the constitution of social reality, phenomenology of success, sociocultural approach, sociocultural process, sociocultural self-organization, interdisciplinary discourse, symbolizing success, sociocultural space, methodological synthesis, modernization of the social and cultural reality
Bakumenko G.V..
Sociocultural process of symbolization success as a subject of study
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 3.
P. 41-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.3.15338 URL:
In the present article to your attention the sociocultural process of symbolization success as a subject of study is defined as an objective of the dynamic phenomena in the framework of social communication, which has been reflected in historical eventful and cultural artifacts of human activity. Based on the generated ideas about the phenomenon of success in cultural and philological studies, we stress the need to study the procedural nature of the designated object. Hypothetically, we believe that the dynamics of the process of symbolization success reflects patterns of social and cultural development of mankind as a global system of non-hereditary information in the interaction of its constituent elements.We remain in positions of general scientific system of philosophical and analytical method to summarize the accumulated theoretical and empirical material of modern science.Although we conclude the feasibility to develop their own analytical method would not only reveal the detailed sociocultural phenomenon being studied, but also enrich the methodological basis of analysis of Cultural Studies. We believe that cognitive and perceptual components of the perception of the individual social and cultural environment are mediated by the same culture and equally participate in its cybernetic model in the form of atomic semantic structures
phenomenology of success, category success, systems approach, sociocultural process, sociocultural self-organization, interdisciplinary discourse, symbolizing success, sociocultural space, sociocultural reality, sociocultural model
Bakumenko G.V..
Perception in the sociocultural process of symbolizing success
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 6.
P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.6.14731 URL:
The object of our attention in this article - socio-cultural process of symbolizing success. For us it is important to consider all components of the designated process. And at this stage of the study is interesting perceptual aspect of it, and that is our subject. The relevance of considering perception of success is dictated by the need to develop a methodology for integrating cultural analysis of socio-cultural process of symbolization of success in social practices and artifacts of culture. In this article we will touch upon the problems of intercultural communication practices in which the process of symbolization success acts as a factor of integration or conflict clash of cultures. Method of philosophical analysis and synthesis allows to update the sensual aspect symbolizing success, building on the achievements of modern science and philosophy. The main conclusion of this study is the position of the syncretic nature of image-symbol of success, which is formed in the mind of the individual by compiling broadcast culture environment. Formation of an image, a symbol of success and its testing in social practices is accompanied by positive feelings psychosomatic subjects of social communication. For a more precise description of the sensory givens culture, we propose to use the concept as affekteme (affectum) atomic element, by analogy with literature developed in a cultural categories semanteme, mifeme, morpheme.
sociocultural space, phenomenology of success, sociocultural process, social and cultural self-organization, symbolizing success, sociocultural model, perception, morphology of culture, kulturema, affektema
Bakumenko G.V..
The concept of socio-cultural process of symbolizing success
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 5.
P. 59-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.5.14491 URL:
The subject of this research is the model of socio-cultural process of symbolizing success, expanding notions of cultural mediation of social dynamics. If the category of socio-cultural process, the process of symbolization and success concept firmly established in the scientific and philosophical discourse, the concept of derivative sociocultural process of symbolization of success is used by us to actualize a new vision of dynamic phenomena. Thus, the purpose of this article is updated by the author's point of view on the cause of cultural dynamics, which is based on generated in the process of survival in the environment of genetically property culture - symbolizing success.At the heart of our research is a systematic approach to cultural phenomena. In which we describe the multi-function model of socio-cultural process of symbolizing success, it is proposed for further tested in the most pressing areas of cultural studies.The main contribution of the author in the study of cultural dynamics is a reinterpretation of modern ideas about cultural mediation sociogenesis based on a hypothetical situation causes of specific ways of mankind's survival in the environment. This method is implemented as a system of symbolization of the positive experience of the individual with the aim of social integration. The same way as a multifunctional model of behavior allows social actors through social communication to navigate the environmental and socio-cultural environment.
orientation in culture, systems approach, sociocultural process, social and cultural self-organization, interdisciplinary discourse, sociocultural model, symbolizing success, sociocultural space, phenomenology of success, success
Polishchuk V.I..
Eternally young and irrepressible slavic peoples
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 4.
P. 32-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.4.14129 URL:
Article is devoted idea of Slavic peoples, slavic identity which for many remains still attractive,¬ exciting and obliging to search for ways of the realisation. The author puts questions: in what its force why ¬ to it come back again and again? And why, despite its respectable enough age, in it the touch something decided, artificial and groundless is still felt¬? The idea of slavic unity is illusory, the author believes, this unity if will be carried out, only at the initiative of the power. It is used analytical and comparative research methods that is caused by necessity of revealing of ideological essence for understanding of a real value and finding-out of the historical status of Slavic peoples.
«a slavic science», vseedinstvo, Russia, Slavophiles, romanticism, panslavizm, Slavic peoples, history, originality, illusiveness.
Kanasz T..
The Role of Hope and Optimism in Modern Culture
// Man and Culture.
2013. № 5.
P. 47-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.5.10114 URL:
The article is devoted to philosophical, psyhological and sociological approaches to understanding socio-cultural phenomena of hope and optimism in modern culture. The purpose of the article is to study both universal and specific aspects of hope and optimism in terms of Polish culture and society. Based on practical sociological researches the author analyzes the significance and peculiarities of hope and optimism in the Polish system of values and mentality. The author makes an emphasis on manifestations of hope and optimism dominating in the Polish society and explains the reasons contributing to the development of defensive and 'expansive' optimism. During the transformation period experienced by the Polish society, hope was very similar to that in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Optimistm or pessimism has been closely related to the social structure of the society as well as the political and economic environment. The role of defensive optimism is usually growing for people who are experiencing a difficult life situation. On the contray, well-to-do people who have a good job and don't have any health issues are more concerned about the expansive optimism as it is aimed at achieving life success.
social studies, psychology, philosophy, Poland, values, society, hope, optimism, culture, transformation
Kuchinov A.M..
Approach to Analyzing Political Process From the Point of View of Socio-Cultural Dynamics as an Alternative to 'Political Culture' Approach
// Man and Culture.
2013. № 4.
P. 43-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.4.5567 URL:
The present article tells about the limits of a famous 'political culture' approach. The authors prove that it is necessary to view the problem of interaction between political process and socio-cultural factors from the point of view of their dynamics.
political studies, culture, cultural dynamics, political culture, political process, socio-cultural factors, cultural studies, social studies, civilization approach, relation
Bukina T.V..
Scientific Myth-Making At the Times of Brezhnev: Sociology of Music at the End of the 1960's - Beginning of the 1980's
// Man and Culture.
2013. № 2.
P. 1-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.2.660 URL:
As it is well known, the Era of Stagnation was marked with the revival of social studies after many years of them being prohibited. At the same time, peculiarities of the development of social studies back in those times were the ideological nature of social studies. Changes in the socio-political situation at the turn of 1960 - 70's led to increased control of over social studies by political parties. The author of the present article studies one of the brances of social studies in the Soviet culture - sociology of music. The author describes how that branch of social studies was functioning during the period of 'mature socialism' in the Soviet cultue and analyzes particular styles and genres of writing books in sociology of music from these points of view. Sociology of music was functioning as a tool of cultural policy and was aimed at creating the images of changing Soviet socity and Soviet music culture as it was approved by the Soviet government.
sociology of music, the Era of Stagnation, Soviet culture
Sidorova G.P..
Value of Profession In The Soviet Economic Culture and Images of Popular Art In the 1960-1980's
// Man and Culture.
2013. № 1.
P. 61-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.1.291 URL:
Profession is one of basic values of economic culture. Based on the system approach, method of historical typology, cultural and historical, semiotic and hermeneutics analysis of art work, the author of the article defines particular features of images of profession in the Soviet popular art in the 1960-1980's. Images of different professions are analyzed in terms of their value for acquiring material wealth and their dynamics since the time 'of the thaw' till the 'seventieth'. Images of professions represented in art reflected the Soviet economic culture, Soviet society and a Soviet citizen of different axiological types.
profession, value, economic, Soviet, spiritual, culture, cultural studies, art, popular, images
Golubitskii Y.A..
Metaphor in Artifacts and Professional and Scientific Vocabulary
// Man and Culture.
2012. № 2.
P. 15-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.2.247 URL:
The article duscusses both traditional application of metaphors in art, literature and cinematograph and less traditional application of metaphors (in social studies, professional vocabulary). Metaphors were first used in literature and scientific vocabulary not so long ago. Based on the example of the interest of the Soviet society towards the Lesser Dutchmen after the war, the author makes an attempt to understand the cause of their latent attraction to bourgeoisie. The author also analyzes the phenomenon of the Soviet middle class culture as a gnoseological factor of the USSR dissidence. Metaphor is also viewed as a social indicator.
cultural studies, metaphor, literature, art, social studies, vocabulary, analogy, statistics, craft, revenue
Golubitskii Y.A..
Phenomena of Scientific and Artistic Ways of Reflecting Reality: Antagonism or Gnoseological Relation and Convergence?
// Man and Culture.
2012. № 1.
P. 134-187.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.1.121 URL:
As the follower of literature-centered views on basic cultural phenomena, the author of the article applies his approach to understanding of multidisciplinary interaction between culture (especially literature) and the humanities and puts forward the hypothesis of literature-determined genesis of sociology and all the humanities in general. By providing the insight into the history of humanities, he tries to prove that there is a certain relation between literature (documentaries first of all) and social studies. The author of the article studies the reasons of 'literaturizing' Russian sociology. These reasons include the fact that the process of formation of social studies coincided with the so-called 'silver age' in Russian litrature as well as the fact that the founders of Russian sociology (M. Kovalevsky, E. De-Roberti and P. Sorokin) participated in... Fremasonry.
social studies, divergence, convergence, determinism, physiologism, essay, perception, cogitation, literature, hyper-language