Strigin M.B..
The connection between esotericism and science, or how the second "parasitizes" the first. Science as a reproducible quantum entanglement of the real trajectory and trajectory of thinking
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 6.
P. 170-184.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.6.72161 EDN: OCHGTO URL:
The paper shows that esotericism is the area of bifurcation of knowledge in which new trajectories of thinking are born. Further, in accordance with the principle of Occam's Razor, some of them are eliminated as not corresponding to the principle of least action. The rest move into the field of regular science. It is shown that our world is a system of nested resonators, which is consistent with Descartes' idea that the world is built from a hierarchy of vortices. This also explains the great importance of boundary conditions in mathematics, since the boundaries of the resonator define the shape of the vortex. At the same time, the discreteness of energy, which is a characteristic feature of all quantum processes, becomes clear, since only isolated structures can persistently exist in the resonator. The general wave function of an entity is proposed as the product of a number of wave functions corresponding to each scale of the Universe. A model is proposed in accordance with which knowledge becomes scientific when the trajectory of thinking and the real trajectory of the system correlate with each other. A model is proposed in accordance with which knowledge becomes scientific when the trajectory of thinking and the real trajectory of the system correlate with each other. This correlation is built using mathematical signs. Since both the real trajectory and the trajectory of thinking are cyclical, their synchronization indicates the quantum entanglement of the real and the symbolic. The Jungian concept of synchronicity is being clarified. At any moment, by explicating a sequence of signs, we reproduce reality. All particles are entangled with each other to varying degrees. Therefore, the task of the experimenter is not to create entanglement, but rather to disentangle the object of study so that it can be studied autonomously.
mathematics, mind, entanglement, synchronicity, correlation, frequency, system, the science, esotericism, mathematical signs
Alekseev A.V..
Assessment and analysis of the ergonomic aspects of a modern sports suits for military personnel: comfort, freedom of movement, adaptability to various conditions
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 3.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2024.3.70580 EDN: SFDCKY URL:
The subject of the study is a modern tracksuit for military personnel. The object of the study is the ergonomic characteristics of a modern sports suit for military personnel. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the characteristics and properties of modern tracksuits for military personnel. The ergonomic characteristics of modern military suits are analyzed, namely: comfort, freedom of movement, adaptability to various conditions. The author analyzed the main variants of modern domestic costumes. It was found that, in general, they meet the basic requirements for tracksuits for military personnel. They have an average with a high degree of comfort, adaptability to changing conditions, and an average and high degree of freedom of movement. Each of the shape options has both its disadvantages and its advantages. We have identified the main areas of improvement of tracksuits for military personnel. The main research methods are – the method of analysis, generalization, systematization, classification of literary sources on the research topic. The main conclusions of the study are the provisions that a modern suit for military personnel should have a number of ergonomic characteristics in order to ensure comfort, safety and effectiveness during physical exercises. The ideal materials for a sports suit for military personnel are textile fabrics with good breathable properties, such as polyester, elastane, nylon or special fabrics with moisture removal technology. The suit should have a loose fit, which will ensure a comfortable fit and freedom of movement. It is recommended to minimize the number of seams and use flat seams or seamless manufacturing technologies. The materials of the suit must provide good ventilation and moisture removal to prevent overheating and discomfort during physical exertion. The author's main contribution to the research of the topic is a comprehensive analysis of the ergonomic properties and characteristics of military sports suits. The basic requirements for them, ergonomic characteristics, adaptability of suits to various climatic and temperature conditions are studied. The relationship between climatic conditions and recommended military suit numbers is shown. The main characteristics of modern sports suits for military personnel are studied, their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, and ergonomic characteristics are determined. Recommendations have been developed to improve each version of the costume.
suit number, military tracksuit, military uniform, convenience, freedom of movement, comfort, adaptability, ergonomic properties, climatic conditions, fabrics
Filippova T.P..
"An ideological man not of this world": the image of Academician E.S. Fedorov in the memoirs of the scientist's wife
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 2.
P. 63-74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.2.37594 EDN: UYMTLM URL:
The subject of the study is the practice of functioning of the scientific community of Russia at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. The object of the study is the personality of the famous scientist, academician E.S. Fedorov (1853-1919). The main source of the research was the memoirs "Our everyday life, sorrows and joys", the author of which is the wife of the scientist L.V. Fedorov. The memoirs were prepared by 1927 at the request of E.S. Fedorov's students and colleagues and were dedicated to his personality. The memoirs cover the period of the second half of the XIX century – the beginning of the XX century . and they cover the life of the Fedorov family. Currently, the original document is stored in the Academician's personal fund in the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1992, the memoirs were published in print. Based on the thematic-chronological method of analyzing the source, the article considers the image of E.S. Fedorov as a scientific figure. The main attention is paid to the study of the scientific biography of the scientist in the 1880s-1890s. During this period, the scientist was an employee of the Geological Committee, conducted successful expedition studies of the Northern Urals, published the first results of the theory of crystal structure he was developing. The ideas and achievements of the scientist at that time were not recognized among the scientific community of Russia and he had to fight for a place in the scientific world. Based on the memoirs, the motives of E.S. Fedorov's scientific activity, his relationships with colleagues and mentors are analyzed for the first time, the scientist is shown in the role of a family man. The conclusion is made about the value of this source as expanding the boundaries of the study of the biography of a scientist and the functioning of science in general. XIX century – beginning . XX century .
history of science, memories, Lyudmila Vasilyevna Fedorova, image of scientist, scientific biography, XIX century, Yevgraf Stepanovich Fedorov, Geological Committee, scientific community, motives of scientific activity
Potaturov V.A..
Informatization of Education as a Cultural Issue
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 3.
P. 1-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.3.15247 URL:
In the presented work as object of research the fundamental contradiction between culture and a civilization which began to be shown especially sharply at a stage of transformation of industrial society in the information phase acts, one of sides of manifestation of this contradiction is process of informatization of society and in particular, in the field of the higher education.Object of research is studying of quality of education, especially humanitarian block connected with introduction in educational process of modern information, computer technologies. In research the special attention is paid to the culturological analysis of the reasons and factors, those negative tendencies which take place at the higher school in connection with wide use of informatization and a computerization in educational process. As practice shows these results in many respects contradictory and even the negative. In work the author concentrated the attention, first of all, on the analysis of the objective reasons which lead to such results. Using, mainly culturological approach, the author estimates results of work of the higher school in the sphere of informatization through a prism of criteria of culture. That, in our opinion, allows to see not only these results including negative, but to understand the nature of these reasons. As the main method of research the dialectic method of consideration and the analysis of the contradictions arising in the course of interaction of culture and a civilization including in its such aspect where the culture and a civilization interact in a particular treatment - in education where today means of informatization and computer technologies are widely used was used. On the basis of the analysis of the available facts the author comes to a conclusion about that, education this that area of human, cultural space where means of civilization impact on the person are not always adequate to his nature, and before in the sphere of knowledge, knowledge and formation of outlook and the cultural environment. Therefore absolutization of means of electronic influence and information support in education aren't always useful, and in the sphere of humanitarian preparation yield negative results. Oblivion of traditional methods of work with students, absolutization of the knowledge paradigm, to the detriment of the principles of education, narrows formation at future citizens of the country of human qualities. Without development human in the person - development of society is impossible. Eventually, not equipment and technology have to operate the world, and the person.Novelty of work consists in a new foreshortening of consideration of a problem, in those culturological approaches and criteria which will help to understand better the burning issues connected with improvement of quality of modern education. The criteria of culture which are initial in an assessment of university graduates allow to find the new methodological and methodical tools promoting development of more effective technologies in educational process.
computerization, dialectics, civilization, technologies, science, culture, education, informatization, man, teaching
Limanskaya L.Y..
Natural Philosophy, Art and Esthetic Sspects of M.V. Lomonosov’s Theory of Color Vision
// Man and Culture.
2013. № 1.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.1.282 URL:
The article deals with natural philosophy and views of Lomonosov on light and color as well as his attitude to the optical ideas of Newton, Descartes and their followers in the middle of the XVIII century. Special attention is paid to Lomonosov's theory of three-color vision and his scientific and art experiments with colored glass. The result shows that his scientific experiments were closely related to the field of art mosaic.
natural philosophy, sensualism, three-color vision, color, light, Lomonosov, Newton, Descartes, Helmholtz, mosaic
Sidorova G.P..
Soviet Economic Culture in Forms of Material Objectivity and Images of Popular Art in the 1960-1980's: Transport
// Man and Culture.
2012. № 2.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.2.204 URL:
The research is devoted to the images of Soviet economic culture of the 1960 - 1980's represented in art of that period. Economic culture is viewed as a form of human activity aimed at acquiring material wealth. The purpose of the present research is to reconstruct the process of interconnection and interdependence of material, spiritual and art elements of Soviet culture based on the analysis of peculiarities, main trends and cultural dynamics of images of Soviet economic culture in popular art. Research methods included system approach, method of historical typology, cultural (diachronic), semiotic and hermeneutic analysis of art work. The results of the research showed that: art images of transport contained typical features of Soviet economic culture of the 1960 - 1980's, in particular, contradictory combination of the dominating administrative-command economy and black market economy as well as combination of the industrial culture and traditional culture. Soviet society was depicted in art images of transport, too and it was the mixed type of industrial and pre-industrial, traditional and innovative, open and closed, popular and consumer society. Art images of transport showed a Soviet man of different axiological types, from 'the builder of communism' to the 'everyman'. Changes in art images of transport since the period 'of thaw' to the 'seventieth' also reflected transformation of values from socialistic values to traditional values and values of the consumer society. Conclusions and research materials can be used for teaching cultural studies, philosophy of culture, history of Russian culture, economy and art history. Some aspects of the research can help to solve particular issues in the field of modern economic culture. Research results can also help to form the system of values of the younger generation.
transport, images, popular, art, material, objectivity, economic, Soviet, culture, cultural research
Sal'nikova E.V..
Anatomy Theatre as a Part of History of Visual Information Carriers
// Man and Culture.
2012. № 1.
P. 65-101.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.1.193 URL:
The article is devoted to changes in understanding of death and perception of human body in XVI - XVII centuries. The author describes the semantics of the death image at the turn of middle ages and Renaissance. The author also explains the difference between the Death Dance and Anatomy Theatre. The author draws our attention to the relation between development of anatomy and technological revolutions leading to creation of modern electronic information carriers. One of the motivations of creating information carriers is assumed to be a man's starvation for symbolic overcoming of physical death.
cultural studies, information, anatomy theatre, forensic dissection, carrier, body, death dance, electronic technologies, technological revolution, secularization