Shagbanova K.S..
Role of fiction literature in formation of personality of a staff member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2020. № 1.
P. 31-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2020.1.33405 URL:
This article is dedicated to the influence of fiction literary works upon the moral, ethical and intellectual level of staff members, as well as increase of professionalism of the employees of law enforcement. It is noted that increase of professionalism is one of the multifaceted questions requiring integral approach in solution of the tasks of legal, ethical and psychological nature. Improvement of personal qualities of each employee is a determining factor of increasing efficiency and performance of the entire system of law enforcement agencies. It is claimed that personal development is the key to increasing professionalism. The article examines the content of educational aspect of fiction literature and its significant role in formation of personality of staff members of law enforcement agencies, namely moral qualities through a literary character. Analysis is conducted on the main aspects of the heritage of fiction literature as an essential condition for moral upbringing of the staff members, which is reflected in belonging to a noble actions, achievements and heroism of the previous generations. The author develops recommendations for the units on application of artistic means in the process of formation of personality of staff members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
code of professional ethics, artistic image, fiction, moral principles, moral guidelines, professional duty, internal affairs bodies, employee identity, moral and psychological preparation, administrative management
Chvyakin V.A..
Practical consultative-psychological and legal work with the youth as a social base for juvenile and administrative delinquency prevention
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2015. № 2.
P. 89-99.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2015.2.15904 URL:
The article presents the information, important from the viewpoint of administrative juvenile delinquency. The object of the research is deviant behavior of minor offenders and juveniles inclined to committing offences. The subject of the research is a range of social and psychological peculiarities of a personality and individual psychological traits of character (accentuations), the structure of which determines the moral regulation of behavior, the value orientations of the personality of a juvenile and the peculiarities of his deviant behavior. The paper shows that in a socio-psychological relation deviant behavior of juveniles is a very important problem. Deviant behavior is typical for most of minors and is considered by many researchers as an age-specific norm of behavior. On the other hand, deviant behavior causes a risk of the development of socio-abnormal deformations of a person when deviant behavior is dangerous for other people. The extreme variant of it is a delinquent, i.e. unlawful behavior of minors committing crimes of different weight. The methodology of the research is based on the recent achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal-logical), and the methods used in special sociological studies (the statistical methods, expert assessments, etc.). At present juvenile delinquency is characterized by impudence, cynicism and the absence of moral regulations of behavior. The dynamics of structural, motivational and other characteristics of juvenile delinquency, which are important in a socio-psychological relation, proves the need to use more actively the measures of social control as a normative regulator of behavior and personal goal-setting of minor offenders.
Behavioral responses, Psychological consultation, Patriotic education, Youth, vicinities of Moscow, Higher education, Cluster, Aggression, Prevention, Crime
Solomatina E.A..
On the issue of teaching the study course "Administrative law of foreign states" in the law schools.
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2014. № 1.
P. 46-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2014.1.11165 URL:
Administrative law is one of the fundamental branches of law of any state and it is subject to significant changes depending on the administrative policy of a particular state. However, the study discipline "Administrative law of foreign states" still does not have a unified concept and it is represented by various views. The author attempts to formulate some specificities of teaching administrative law of foreign states in the legal higher education institutions based on her own experience in teaching two study courses: Administrative Law of Foreign States, and Constitutional Law of Foreign States. Currently, there is no wide range of scientific or teaching literature, which would discuss the problem of state administration in the foreign state in a complex way and which could be used for teaching the course of "Administrative Law of Foreign States". The article includes an evaluation of the current situation. The teaching of the course "Administrative Law of Foreign States" should be distinguished from the related spheres of teaching courses on "Constitutional Law of Foreign States". For this purpose, the concepts of two study discipline should be developed by cooperation of the departments of constitutional and administrative law of law schools in order to provide for the studies of the same states in the special parts of the relevant courses. There is need to train specialists, who would be proficient in foreign languages and involve in comparative legal studies in the sphere of international administrative management.
administrative law, foreign states, study course, teaching, state administration, executive branch of government, implementation mechanism, scientific literature, constitutional law, systemic teaching
Kananykina E.S..
System of professional education in France.
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2013. № 11.
P. 101-122.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2013.11.781 URL:
A specific feature of the French system of public education is strict centralization and administrative uniformity, and it lost its topicality in the modern society. The curriculums and programs, school order, assignment, movement, and dismissal of teachers of state educational institutions are regulated in much detail s by regulations, instructions, orders of the Ministry of National Education, and they currently give in to the processes of delegation of competence and self-government. Redistribution of competences between central and territorial government lead to the situation in which the Ministry of National Education and Culture had to uptake the duty of defining the most general directions of education policy, including establishment of general national standards, training, selection and payment to the school personnel. Decentralization of education is based upon two principles: separation of competence and complement principle. While the state delegated the competence regarding school transportation, functioning, utilities and construction of school institutions to the local territorial bodies, it still guarantees hiring and training of teachers and management of teaching staff. It defines the main directions of development of national education, as well as the education programs. The state established status and norms for the functioning of institutions, necessary positions of teaching and administrative staff. The Minister of Education makes decisions regarding vacation dates. The distribution of competence according to complement principle means distribution based upon the stages of education, and not the type of competence, allowing to avoid cross-financing of the same institution by several territorial groups. Each stage of education has its own management level. Decentralization of the education system, on which the decision was made back in 1982, provided for the step-by-step redistribution of competence from state bodies to municipal self-government bodies on three main directions.
professional education, higher education, French education, politics of France, education system, law of France, decentralization strategy, centralized education, private education, paid education
Kananykina E.S..
Legal Aspect of Globalization of Education Systems in Latin American Countries
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2013. № 10.
P. 89-165.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2013.10.780 URL:
The analysis of evolution of approaches and theoretical concepts based on Latin American educational reforms over the last twenty years shows that these countries have been developing in several directions but have been mostly aimed at increasing the role of education as a factor of economically stable and socially focused development, and also at management improvement, achievement of general basic education, modernization of educational process, ensuring interaction of education with a labor market and enhancing international cooperation. The main focus of attention of the governments in Latin American countries is paid at modernization of relations in the field of the higher education. For this purpose the government undertakes the following measures: 1 . to adjust terminology and similar assessment criteria so that they allow to facilitate the use of the system of comparability of training courses, 2 . to apply variable standards to incomplete education according to the level of obtained education and taking into account interdisciplinary character of higher education, 3 . to accept training courses, diplomas, scientific degrees and certificates for the purpose of going into further academic studies, 4 . to promote exchange of information and documentation, to improve training programs and training facilities of the region, 5 . to create national and regional authorities necessary for assistance to effective implementation of the Convention provisions. Stage-by-stage achievement of the specified goals becomes possible in case of signing of bilateral, subregional or regional agreements and agreements between higher education establishments.
Brazilian education, Argentina education, Chile education, Mexican education, education policy, Ibero-American law, education, Latin America, internationalization of education, educational sources