Prizhennikova A.N..
Development of legislation on administrative judicial proceedings: topical issues.
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2014. ¹ 3.
P. 50-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2014.3.11848 URL:
There are many discussions regarding the need for an unified specialized law - the Code of Administrative Judicial Proceedings, which should serve as a fundamental act for the activities of the administrative courts. On May 1, 2013 the State Duma has adopted in the first reading the Draft N. 246690-6 of the Code of Administrative Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, the Code). Finally, the draft Code was made public in Russia! According to the Code it is proposed to provide within the special law for the norms on judicial proceedings in the courts of general jurisdiction for the cases arising out of administrative and other public relations (Art. 1). Unlike arbitration and civil judicial proceedings there is no plan for the formation of a separate group of courts for the implementation of the administrative judicial proceedings. The courts of general jurisdiction shall deal with the administrative cases according to the rules established by the said Code. Therefore, the cases arising from administrative legal relations are reflected in the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 N. 138-FZ (hereinafter, the CPC of the RF), and the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 N. 95-FZ (hereinafter, the APC of the RF). In the parallel with the APC and CPC of the RF the procedural norms of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N. 195-FZ (hereinafter, the AOC of the RF) are applied. Division of administrative procedural norms among the three codes: the CPC, the APC and the AOC of the Russian Federation does not allow for provision of sufficient guarantees of rights of natural persons and legal entities from the abuse of competence by the public bodies. The author draws a conclusion that administrative cases should be dealt with within the framework of independent administrative process, and they should be regulated by the Code for Administrative Judicial Proceedings, establishing the methodology, other procedural acts regarding proceeding and decisions on the cases arising from such relations with due regard to the specific character of grounds, character, subjects and objects of such disputes.
administrative judicial proceedings, administrative process, administrative case, administrative procedures, administrative disputes, courts of general jurisdiction, administrative legal relations, administrative justice, subject matter jurisdiction, court jurisdiction