Pligin V.N..
Principles of administrative responsibility: current issues
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2024. № 4.
P. 63-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2024.4.72538 EDN: SFHDUG URL:
The subject of the study is the concept of the principles of administrative responsibility, as well as the problems and trends of their provision in the context of active reform of domestic legislation on administrative responsibility. Taking into account the fact that the institution of administrative responsibility should be based on the general principles of public administration and legal responsibility, the author considers the principles of administrative responsibility as a fundamental element of public legal responsibility. The principles of administrative responsibility are studied by the author from the standpoint of highlighting the principles of establishing and applying administrative responsibility as principles of a more specific order. The subject of the study also includes the formation of a correlation of such concepts as: principles of administrative responsibility, principles of legislation on administrative offenses, principles of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses. They are studied by the author in the context of a comparative legal analysis of the provisions of the current Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation and individual drafts of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. When working on the topic, the following research methods were used: comparative law, methods of systematic and comparative analysis, methods of legal formalization, structuring and classification. The main conclusions of the study are the following: 1) the list of principles of administrative responsibility can be recognized by a system in which different types of principles have been prioritized and significant in different historical periods; 2) with regard to the principles of administrative responsibility, the principles of establishing administrative responsibility and the principles of applying administrative responsibility should be distinguished (the first group of principles is addressed to the legislator, the second group of principles is enshrined in the legislation on administrative offenses and is used by bodies and persons within the framework of specific procedures for bringing to administrative responsibility); 3) as the basic principles of administrative responsibility, it is necessary to highlight: legality; equality of persons brought to administrative responsibility before the law; personalization of administrative responsibility; presumption of innocence; justice. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is an overview of the consolidation of the principles of administrative responsibility in the projects of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that it is necessary to consolidate the principles of administrative responsibility in the updated legislation on administrative offenses.
administrative jurisdiction, the presumption of innocence, equality, legality, legal institution, administrative offense, administrative responsibility, individualization of punishment, legal principles, liberalization of administrative responsibility
Morozov S.A..
Types and classification of administrative control and supervisory procedures in Russia
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2024. № 3.
P. 80-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2024.3.71621 EDN: JEIUWS URL:
The implementation of the administrative reform of the control and supervisory sphere in the Russian Federation has caused serious transformations in the activities of authorities implementing the functions of state control (supervision). The adoption of Federal Law No. 248-FZ dated 07/31/2020 "On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" strongly influenced both external and internal aspects of administrative procedures implemented by executive authorities in the course of their exercise of state control (supervision) functions, which requires serious scientific analysis. One of the main applied scientific methods of cognition and description of legal reality is the classification of the studied objects. Within the framework of this article, the author studies the system of administrative control and supervisory procedures, identifies their various types and classifies them.To conduct the research, the classification method was used primarily as one of the main methods of scientific knowledge of law, as well as legal methods proper, including the formal legal method. As a result of the study, the main major characteristics of administrative control and supervisory procedures were analyzed (reconfiguration of types of state control and supervision, scaling of the control and supervisory sphere, establishment of new forms of control (supervisory) measures), the main scientific views on the classification of administrative control and supervisory procedures were considered. As a result, the grounds for classifying the procedures under consideration were formulated, including the form of the control (supervisory) event, the supervisory authority involved in the procedure and the area of state control (supervision). There are several types of administrative control and supervisory procedures, including standard and special procedures, monosubject and polysubject procedures, as well as a variety of procedures depending on the sphere of public relations, in which mandatory requirements are established, the verification of compliance with which is carried out within the framework of state control (control procedures in the field of communications, transport, etc.).
examination, a legal regulation, a classification, supervisory relations, an administrative supervision, a state control, control and supervisory procedures, administrative procedures, an administrative law, administrative reform
Administrative Procedure Code: a Controversial, but Feasible Idea
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2024. № 1.
P. 39-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2024.1.40073 EDN: VFAEMU URL:
The subject of the study is the issues of codification of administrative procedural and administrative tort legislation. The complex issue of its codification requires a thorough analysis of a number of fundamental theses for further argumentation of the author's position regarding the improvement of the institutional foundations of codification both from the standpoint of scientific and methodological development and practical implementation. The need to codify administrative proceedings is due to the fact that the reform of the administrative procedure will be incomplete without improving the CAS of the Russian Federation in terms of including the provisions of the APC of the Russian Federation and the procedure for considering cases of administrative offenses and strengthening judicial control over the actions of administrative jurisdiction bodies by reforming the procedural mechanism for considering cases of administrative offenses by courts of general jurisdiction (option arbitration courts according to the rules of the RF PACS). The goals are achieved using the methods of historical, systematization, synthesis, and special legal methods. The scientific idea of the formation of the procedural form of administration is argued, the scientific idea of the formation of the procedural form of administrative legislation is documented, which means only the judicial procedure for the consideration of cases, including administrative proceedings and proceedings in cases of administrative offenses. Practical recommendations are formulated on reforming the legislative and organizational foundations in the field under study and the adoption of a basic law on the procedure for the implementation of administrative proceedings when considering and resolving administrative cases by courts on the protection of violated or disputed rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, as well as other administrative cases related to the exercise of judicial control over the legality and validity of public powers, namely, the Administrative Procedural Code of the Russian Federation (as a variant of the Procedural Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - PAK RF). An invitation to the discussion is published.
improvement of legislation, administrative process, administrative procedural code, reformation, administrative proceedings, codification, administrative tort legislation, administrative procedural legislation, administrative law, administrative offenses
Ivanov V.I..
Investigation of the purpose, functions and tasks of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2024. № 1.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2024.1.69771 EDN: ATYNLA URL:
The object of the study is the general purpose and function, as well as the tasks of the proceedings in cases of administrative offenses. The interdependence and relativity of the concepts of "purpose" and "task" of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses cause difficulties in establishing their distinctive features and mutual differentiation, and therefore the issue of defining these categories in the science of administrative law is currently debatable. For this reason, the works of prominent Russian jurists such as D. N. Bakhrah, V. V. Dorokhin, S. D. Mogilevsky, A. Y. Yakimovich, revealing the content and essence of these concepts from different sides, formed the subject of this study. The specificity of the research object was a decisive factor in determining the research methodology. In preparing the article, a set of general scientific and private scientific methods was used, including the method of system analysis, which ensured the validity of the author's judgments, suggestions and recommendations. Within the framework of a systematic analysis, directing the research process from a complex to a simpler manifestation of the object of research, the author, based on the patterns of formation of tree-like hierarchical structures, reveals the content of the above concepts in an original way, defines the general law-restoring nature of production, identifies the law enforcement stages in it, as well as the goals and special tasks of each stage. As a result of the research, the author's version of Article 24.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is proposed, which establishes a legal definition of the purpose of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses. Proposals for improving the current legislation indicate the applied significance of this study, while some conclusions and theoretical generalizations of the author can be used to conduct further research in this direction.
function, goal, purpose, administrative proceedings, tree structures, system analysis, offense, administrative process, tasks, stages of proceedings
Subanova N.V..
Licensing activities in the sphere of turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2023. № 2.
P. 14-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2023.2.38183 EDN: CNCYGI URL:
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The object of the study is a set of legal relations that develop in the process of carrying out licensing activities in the field of production and turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, which continues to be one of the most criminalized areas of the Russian economy, the high proportion of licensing regulation of which is due to stable profitability and turnover of goods, the presence of stable demand, as well as risks associated with damage to life or health citizens, the influence of alcoholization of the population on the demographic situation in the country, its close relationship with crime. The author examines in detail the features of the permissive impact on the regulated industry, paying attention to its legal basis and content, the main problems and areas of improvement, which is covered by the subject of this work. The novelty is distinguished by the author's position, which explains the specifics of the administrative and legal regime of the turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in the context of a combination of various forms of licensing activities affecting economic entities – first of all, we are talking about licensing. The progressive complication of the public-legal elements of alcohol market regulation aimed at protecting common (public) interests, which do not exclude fiscal interest, is carried out in the direction of detailing the order of turnover of such products and the conditions of licensees' activities. The author notes the undeniably positive impact on the state of legality in the implementation of licensing activities in the sphere of turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products of the tendency to improve its legal framework, unification and centralization of legal regulation. At the same time, some of its shortcomings have been identified, reflecting the peculiarities of licensing activities for the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products based on the norms of a special law.
offense, legality, law, administrative coercion, responsibility, licensing, license, turnover of alcoholic beverages, permitting system, permission
Gorshkov I.S..
Models for licensing the purchase of firearms by individuals
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2021. № 4.
P. 55-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2021.4.37400 URL:
This article examines the theoretical grounds for handgun purchase authorization within the framework of the administrative licensing procedure. The author substantiates the relevance of this topic and its direct impact upon public safety. Analysis is conducted on the current licensing models for the purchase of firearm by citizens in the Russian Federation and its key characteristics. The author carries out a comparative analysis of licensing models for handgun purchase in Russia and certain foreign countries, as well as reveals their merits and shortcomings. The main research method is the systemic structural approach towards the analysis of licensing the purchase of firearm by citizens as a form of public law authorization. The article substantiates the need for extending the legal framework in the structure of administrative procedure for licensing the handgun purchase by individuals the Russian Federation, balancing the private and public interests aimed at improving public safety via application of the more advanced mechanisms of administrative-legal regulation in the context of distribution of civilian firearms in society.
Administrative and legal regulation, Administrative legal relation, Licensing, Purchase of firearms, Arms trafficking, Firearms, Civil arms, Public security, Authorization, Public administration
Nesterova A.V..
The principle of reciprocity in international cooperation in cases of administrative offences
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2021. № 1.
P. 48-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2021.1.35465 URL:
The subject of this research is the principle of reciprocity. This principle is perhaps one of the first principles of international law that remains unchanged up until today. The scientific literature studies the essence of the principle of reciprocity in correlation with one or another institution (legal aid in criminal cases, legal aid in cases of administrative offenses, recognition of foreign bankruptcy, enforcement of the decisions of foreign courts, etc.), as an element of private or public international law. The principle of reciprocity also characterizes the process of interaction between the legal subjects. In the Russian legislation, the principle of reciprocity is implemented for regulation of international cooperation in civil, criminal, and administrative cases. The author’s special contribution consists in determination of certain essential characteristics of the principle of reciprocity and its role within the system of principles of administrative law of the Russian Federation; as well as in examination of the practice of its application. The principle of reciprocity is identified with certain imperative rules or universal behavioral norms. In the international law, the principle of reciprocity correlates with such concepts as “jus cogens” or “peremptory norms”, as well as “comitas gentium”. Among the principles of administrative law of the Russian Federation , it can be attributed to the procedural principles in cases of administrative offenses. The analysis of case law demonstrates that application of the principle of reciprocity expands the opportunities for international cooperation in different spheres, namely in the absence of normative regulation or restrictions thereof.
prosecutorial activities, international law, administrative law, history, administrative litigation, international cooperation, the principle of reprocity, reprocity, international organizations, law
Surgutskov V.I., Bekmurzinova K.K..
The principle of objective truth, substantiation and its subjects in cases of administrative traffic offences
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2020. № 4.
P. 79-93.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2020.4.34551 URL:
The object of this research is the social relations established due to commission of administrative offences in the area of road traffic. The subject of this research is the federal legislation, departmental regulatory acts that establish competence of the internal affairs bodies in the process of substantiation of administrative traffic offences, as well as acts of interpretation of the Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights. The main goal of this research consists in elaboration of the normative legal acts, law enforcement practice, and recommendations aimed at the improvement of substantiation in cases of administrative traffic offences. The article explores the problematic questions of law enforcement practice established due to substantiation in cases of administrative offences in the area of road traffic. Analysis of the current state of legislation of the Russian Federation that regulates such process in carried out. The scientific novelty of this work lies in revelation of problem points of acquisition, records and evaluation of evidence in cases of administrative traffic offences. The author determines the content of substantiation, its subject and limits in administrative procedures on road traffic offences. The essence of the principle of objective truth in case of administrative offence is revealed. Objective truth manifests as the purpose of substantiation. Claimant, a private party, is outlined as independent subject of substantiation, who reported on the committed administrative traffic offence, providing a photo or video footage of the violation committed.
proof, principle of objective truth, principle of law, traffic, administrative proceeding, administrative offense, limits of proof, subject of proof, internal affairs bodies, traffic police
Izyumova E.S..
Procedure in the cases of administrative offenses within the system of administrative law
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2019. № 6.
P. 22-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2019.6.32535 URL:
The relevance of this scientific article is substantiated by the process of reform of the administrative procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. The goal of this work is to determine the place of procedure in the cases of administrative offenses within the system of administrative law. The author studies approaches towards the understanding of the system of administrative law, and explores the main perspectives on the definition of the administrative process, its structure and the place within for the procedure on cases of administrative offenses. The work also deals with the question of the correlation of administrative proceedings and procedure on cases of administrative offenses. A conclusion is made that in both the procedure on cases of administrative offenses is a part of administrative proceedings. A proposal is made on improving the administrative procedural legislation in order to ensure clarity in the question of correlation of “administrative proceedings” and “procedure in the cases of administrative offenses” by passing a codified legislation with highlighting separate chapters in the special part for judicial and non-judicial authorities with a unified common part.
administrative jurisdiction, division of the authorities, judicial and administrative case, administrative proceedings, institute of of law, administrative process, branch of law, administrative law system, reforming of the legislation, administrative production
Berlizov M.P..
Revisiting the Legal Technique in Preparation and Writing the Administrative Court Procedure Code of the Russian Federation
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2019. № 4.
P. 12-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2019.4.29936 URL:
The subject of the study is the text of the Administrative Court Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the correct implication of certain expressions, and logical sequence of its certain dispositions, as well as their comparison with other codes of judicial practice. The existence of inconsistencies within the framework of the code, as well as within its dispositions and other legal acts, is highlighted. Also, the case law regarding the regulation of such inconsistencies is presented. The author proposes the potential causes of such inconsistencies and gives recommendations for their elimination. The methodological basis of the research consists of a complex of general scientific methods such as deduction, analysis, and synthesis. Moreover, a comparative and law method and a method of systemic analysis are applied. The main finding of the conducted research is the demonstration of the importance of the legal technique in preparation and writing a legal act on the example of various dispositions of the Administrative Court Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Along with that, the author emphasizes the potential causes promoted the appearance of the defects and the methods of their elimination, including the use of methods of equivalence, consistency, and unification.
subject of regulation, contradiction, system, procedure, appeal, legal technique, administrative proceeding, judicial practice, offensive act, illegal or invalid
Ul'yanov M.V..
Order of Proceedings for Qualifying Information Materials as Extremist
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2017. № 5.
P. 31-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2017.5.25238 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues that arise in the process of considering the prosecutor's claim to quality materials as extremist. The author of the article analyzes judicial practice of reviewing such cases. Ulianov focuses on amendments to the Administrative Procedure Rules offered by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in its resolution No. 30 of October 3, 2017. The author also analyze changes in the laws introduced by the Federal Law No. 327 'Concerning Amendments to Articles 10.4 and 15.3 of the Federal Law on Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection of November 25, 2017 and Article 6 of the Russian Federation Law 'Concerning Mass Media Information'. The author's analysis of the aforesaid issues is based on the general dialectical method. The author has also used such methods as induction, analysis and synthesis and documentary method (court materials and statistics). When analyzing legal sources and legal acts, the author has also applied the formal law method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes changes offered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to be made in the Administrative Procedure Rules of the Russian Federation. In addition, based on the results of the analysis of changes made in Article 15.1 of the Federal Law No. 149 on Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection the author of the article emphasizes the need to create official analytics documents relevant to the matter.
prohibited information, prosecutor's office, Internet, administrative statement of claim, Information Security, extremist materials, extremism, Roskomnadzor, counterpropaganda, blocking
Sultanov K.A..
Issues of initiation of administrative investigation into an unidentified person
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2017. № 3.
P. 57-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2017.3.22411 URL:
The research subject is the ussies of initiation of administrative investigation into an unidentified person. The research object is administrative investigation as a stage of administrative proceedings. The author studies the normative framework and draft laws regulating investigation into unidentified persons. Special attention is given to the procedure of initiation of administrative investigation in territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The author describes the cases when it is impossible to initiate investigation into an unidentified person. The author formulates particular recommendations for the formation of a unified law enforcement practice of administrative proceedings in territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The research methodology is determined by the set of the most commonly used research methods including analysis and synthesis of legislation about the topic under study, the formal-legal method, structural-logical exposition of the material, comparative-legal method. The author concludes about the illegitimacy of initiation of administrative investigation into an unidentified person in a similar way to criminal proceedings. The author specifies particular recommendations for the formation of single law-enforcement practice of administrative proceedings in territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the assessment of the current condition of legislation on administrative investigation. A special author’s contribution is the definition of ways of further improvement and the prospects of development of the procedure of initiation of investigation in particular persons. The practical significance of the study consists in elaboration of scientifically grounded proposals about elimination of violations of the procedure of imposition of administrative sanctions.
general jurisdiction courts, unidentified person, administrative investigation, bodies of internal affairs, administrative responsibility, Administrative offences code of the Russian Federation, administrative proceedings, offence, administrative law, offender
Ponikarova T.V..
Classification of guaranteeing provisions ensuring the legality of administrative and delict proceedings in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2016. № 2.
P. 30-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2016.2.18707 URL:
The research subject is the scientific classification of guaranteeing provisions ensuring the legality of administrative and delict proceedings in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation. The study of such legal guarantees can demonstrate the role of procedural provisions in the process of implementation of such proceedings with legality guarantees. The paper studies guaranteeing provisions ensuring the legality of administrative and delict proceedings (administrative proceedings) in the penitentiary system of Russia. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the dialectical method. The author also applies the method of evolutional analysis of guaranteeing provisions and the deductive method of study of guaranteeing provisions in the sphere of ensuring legality of administrative and delict proceedings in the penitentiary system. Moreover, the author uses the methods of induction, analysis, and synthesis which help to acquire the results related to the conceptual framework of the study. The scientific novelty consists in the development of guaranteeing provisions ensuring the legality of administrative and delict proceedings in the penitentiary system of Russia. For the first time the author fixes the types of guaranteeing provisions. The author substantiates the content of such provisions in the activities of bodies and agencies of the penitentiary system, which is very important for the law enforcement activities of the officers of the penitentiary system of Russia.
Penitentiary, penal, activity, proceedings, administrative, legality, guarantees, provisions, classification, law enforcement
Korepina A.V..
Administrative jurisdiction within administrative law
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice.
2015. № 6.
P. 38-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2015.6.18395 URL:
The research subject covers administrative procedural rules regulating a special group of homogeneous social relations arising, transforming, and ceasing in the process of disposition of controversial administrative cases, and form an independent legal institution of administrative law – the institution of administrative jurisdiction. The research object includes the subject and the method of legal regulation of administrative jurisdiction, the system of subjects of this legal institution, the role of administrative jurisdiction within administrative law. The study is based on general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, the system-structural, formal logical and other methods, and special scientific methods including the legal logical, comparative legal, the method of legal hermeneutics (interpretation), and the descriptive method of cognition. The author concludes that: 1) at present the science of administrative law doesn’t contain any single position on the concept of administrative jurisdiction; the author supposes that it would be more correct not to reduce administrative jurisdiction to only one form of administrative procedure – legal proceedings on administrative violations. 2) the unification of administrative-jurisdictional rules regulating legal proceedings on administrative violations, legal proceedings on complaints, disciplinary proceedings, and conciliation proceedings into a special legal institution is conditioned by the recent situation in social relations having common features and requiring a special administrative-legal impact 3) the institution of administrative jurisdiction has its subject and method of legal regulation, subject matter and structure. The research novelty lies in the author’s definition of the concept of administrative jurisdiction as one of the main institutions of administrative law.
law enforcement role, conflict, method of legal regulation, subjects of administrative jurisdiction, legal institution, administrative-legal controversy, administrative jurisdiction, jurisdiction, types of administrative-jurisdictional proceedings, administrative law