Ufimtsev A.E., Smirnova M.M. —
Meta-Paradigms: Essential Characteristics
// Philosophical Thought. – 2025. – Ή 1.
– P. 15 - 27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2025.1.72376
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fr/article_72376.html
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Abstract: This work is devoted to a conceptual understanding of trends in the development of scientific knowledge. It continues the research presented in previous issues of the journal Philosophical Thought. The study focuses on the essential characteristics of the systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms.
This article aims to summarize the results of previous studies and provide a brief overview of scientific works on similar topics. For this purpose, the origins of meta-paradigms are examined from various angles. The generalized results of previous studies are presented. The conclusions reached by various scientists are described: Yu. V. Latov; S. R. Bekulova; E. Baskell; G. S. Levit, U. Hossfeld and A. A. Lvov; M. Boon and S. Van Baalen; T. V. Chernigovskaya. The theory of sign and paradigm in linguistics are compared: systemic-structural and anthropocentric. This made it possible to identify meta-paradigms. New terms have been introduced: bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm, bioessentialism, bioessential determinism.
The conclusion is that the systemic-structural meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of formally oriented ideas. In contrast, the bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of essence-oriented ideas.
Systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are binary oppositions, form, and content, asymptotically guiding the development of scientific knowledge. M. Polanyi's concept of personal knowledge manifests bioessential determinism.
The representation of meta-paradigms in T. S. Kuhn's theory is shown. The works of other scientists on a similar topic are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn that various scientists express the ideas of the meta-paradigm in various scientific disciplines. This indicates that a critical point of reflection has been reached.
Ufimtsev A.E., Smirnova M.M. —
System-structural and bioessential-deterministic
meta-paradigms. Part two
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – Ή 10.
– P. 12 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.10.71878
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fr/article_71878.html
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Abstract: The work is devoted to a conceptual understanding of trends in the development of scientific knowledge. The article continues the research on the theory of sign in an interdisciplinary aspect.
In the first part, the theory of sign and paradigms in linguistics were compared: systemic-structural and anthropocentric. This comparison made it possible to identify systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms. A meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of scientific ideas in a number of areas of scientific knowledge, as a system of many paradigms in various scientific disciplines that determines the development of scientific knowledge. The discovered patterns are considered at the meta-scientific level in the form of systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms. The development of conceptual thought in phonopedia is described. In conclusion, the concepts of tendencies, trends and meta-paradigm are distinguished. The meta-paradigm, in contrast to tendency, not only describes current development, but also makes forecasts of a strategic nature. The characteristics of the systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are given. The conclusion is made that systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are universal; that the change in meta-paradigms is systemic in nature. Currently, the systemic-structural meta-paradigm is being replaced by a bioessential-deterministic one. The described patterns are systemic in nature. The described patterns are binary oppositions, form and content , asymptotically guiding the development of consciousness. An assumption has been made: life is limitless knowledge, and the possibilities of knowledge as a process are determined by the vital essence of the knower.
Ufimtsev A.E., Smirnova M.M. —
Systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms (Part One)
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – Ή 9.
– P. 15 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.9.71876
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fr/article_71876.html
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Abstract: The work is devoted to the conceptual understanding of trends in the development of scientific knowledge. The discovered patterns are universal and manifest themselves in a number of scientific disciplines.
The section "Systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms in linguistics" presents various understandings of anthropocentrism. The systemic-structural and anthropocentric paradigms are considered through the prism of sign theory. The theory of the sign is extended to other fields of scientific knowledge. Based on the material of a number of scientific disciplines, the relevant sections of the article show the implementation of systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms: in some sciences in the form of paradigms (linguistics), in others in the form of separate concepts, theories and trends (literary studies, exact sciences, religious studies). In addition, the implementation of systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms in the works of individual researchers is shown: "The structure of scientific revolutions" by T. S. Kuhn. The systemic-structural and anthropocentric paradigms are compared with the theory of the sign. The meta-paradigms correlating both the plane of expression and the plane of content in the theory of the sign are highlighted. The meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of scientific concepts in a number of fields of scientific knowledge, as a system of many paradigms determining the development of scientific knowledge in various scientific disciplines. The article examines the theory of the sign in an interdisciplinary aspect.
The conclusion is made that one can understand anthropocentrism in an extremely integrated way: as taking into account the sum of restrictions on the way of embodying the sign system in the linguistic and speech activity of the subject and the sum of restrictions on the way of realizing the subject in the sign system and speech activity. An assumption is made: language is determined by the type of thinking inherent in the subjects using it. An assumption is made about the connection between signaling systems and thinking. New terms have been introduced: biossential determinism, bioessential deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm. The systemic-structural meta-paradigm is understood as a meta-paradigm of a formally oriented nature, the bioessential-deterministic one as an essentially oriented meta-paradigm.
The characteristics of the systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are given on the example of linguistics. The universality of the nature of the meta-paradigm shift is shown. Currently, the systemic-structural meta-paradigm is being replaced by a bioessential-deterministic one.