Pleshanov A. —
Unification of Conciliation Procedure Acts and Main Parameters (Based on the Federal Law No. 197 of July 26, 2019)
// Legal Studies. – 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 21 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.11.31461
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Abstract: The object of the research is the unification of conciliation procedure acts stated by the Federal Law No. 197 of July 26, 2019 as one of the most important development trends of the civil process. The subject of the research is the acts of the civil, arbitration and administrative legislations as well as researches in the spheres of civil process and alternative procedures of legal conflict resolution. Pleshanov tries to find answers to two questions, about parameters (directions) of the unification of conciliation procedures; and limits of the application of different kinds of conciliation procedures during hearing of civil and administrative cases as well as economic disputes. The methodological basis of the research included the following methods: analysis, synthesis, structured system, formal logical, theoretical prognostic, comparative legal analysis and interpretation of legal acts. The main conclusions of the research are the following provisions. Unification of conciliation procedures implies elimination of differences and contradictions, first of all, in relation to conciliation procedures, secondly, limits of the application of conciliation procedures, thirdly, the order of application of conciliation procedures. As the criteria for determination of the limits of application of conciliation procedures, the author of the article suggests to use the problematic nature of the case and applicability of conciliation results to a particular kind of conciliation procedure. The author also offers different variants of elimination of baseless divergences in the regulation of conciliation procedures in civil, arbitration and administrative proceedings that haven't been eliminated in the process of institutional unification based on the Federal Law No. 197 of July 26, 2019.