Kuznetsov M.S. —
Artificial intelligence as an electronic person
// Legal Studies. – 2024. – ¹ 11.
– P. 26 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.11.72501
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lr/article_72501.html
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Abstract: With the development of technology, artificial intelligence is becoming an important part of the creative process, which raises many questions about traditional ideas about the author and copyright owner within the framework of current legislation. The article examines aspects related to artificial intelligence as a potentially new subject of copyright, analyzes its individual legal aspects in which artificial intelligence can be considered as an independent subject, and provides examples of existing precedents. At the same time, the current legislative gaps in the use of artificial intelligence as an author are being investigated, and issues related to the possibility of recognizing copyrights to works created by artificial intelligence, including the use of the term "creativity" in relation to the results of its activities, are being considered. The methodological basis is the universal dialectical method of cognition. General scientific and specific scientific methods were used : formal-logical, structural-functional, formal-legal and others. As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that it is possible to introduce into legislation, along with a legal entity and an individual, a new entity – an electronic person. The scientific work formulates the author's concept of "electronic person", which has gained special relevance in the conditions of digitalization of modern society. It is assumed that an electronic person will be able to act as a subject of legal relations in the field of copyright, able to create new original works, recognize ownership of the results of his creative activity. In addition, the legal consolidation of an electronic person will establish the possible actual limits of the legal liability of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation and determine who invested in it erroneous or deliberately incorrect source data that could harm both the individual and society as a whole.