Akhmatshina E.K., Nikonov S.B., Kozlova E.N., Gromova L.P. —
The history of the appearance and specifics of the development of comics in Arab countries
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 11.
– P. 150 - 162.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.11.72484
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_72484.html
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Abstract: Comics as a kind of creolized text can quite often be a marker of an era. The reflection of a particular historical period can manifest itself in a creolized text either explicitly or more covertly. For example, it may be a cartoon pointing to corruption in a particular country and thereby demonstrating a specific problem. Along with this, the researcher can pay attention to such details as the language of the text written on a poster or in an advertisement, which can say a lot about the course of the policy pursued by the authorities within the state. Thus, comics in particular are of great interest to the history of journalism, since, along with other types of creolized text, they are both literally and figuratively an illustration of a particular period.
The object of the study is comics published in Arab countries in the second half of the XX – early XXI centuries;
The subject of the study is the reflection of the socio-political processes of that time in comics.
To achieve the set goals and objectives, the following methods of scientific research are used in the work: the method of analysis, the method of synthesis, the method of induction, the method of generalization. In the course of the conducted research, it was found out that the history of Arabic-language comics originates in the late 1940s in Egypt – this country has long been the main center of comic book creation and only eventually shared this role with Lebanon.Comics as a genre and comics as an extremely important source for historians have not lost their relevance. Moreover, as a plastic mass, it is ready and has all the possibilities to exist in the realities of today, when the speed of modern technologies is prohibitive. There are a huge variety of platforms for both publishing and reading comics. Various gadget apps and social networks help authors find their audience. Artificial intelligence, in relation to which a large amount of both fears and hopes have already been expressed, certainly also does not stand aside and will participate in the creation of comics.
Nikonov S.B., E Y., Baichik A.V., Labush N.S. —
Posthumanistic transformation of the subject in the "virtual personal presence" at the ontological level
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 70 - 78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.5.70690
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_70690.html
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Abstract: The relevance of this research is due to the growing commercialization and integration of "virtual reality" (VR) technology into everyday life and science, which requires understanding its impact on the user's experience and the construction of human subjectivity, as well as the potential for modifying human interaction with the outside world. Scientists are discussing the potential of VR and expressing the need for it to open the doors to a new era for humanity as soon as possible. In this context, critical analysis and philosophical reflection on the development of virtual reality technology and the possible impact on human life become extremely relevant and topical.
The subject of the study is the content and transformation of the subject of reality in the virtual space through mediatization.
The object of the study is virtual reality The work is based on the deconstruction method based on the principles of interpreting what is read without distorting the meaning. With his help, the most significant and appropriate fragments were selected for scientific understanding and research of the phenomenon. As a result of the study, it was found that the informatization of the subject in the process of interaction with the virtual reality environment, a person as a subject is no longer an isolated substance, but expresses his existence through informatization.The concept of "virtual personal presence" provides a person with a framework for ontological expansion in the virtual dimension, therefore, the activity of virtual reality has a profound influence on the subjective construction of a person, characterized by posthumanistic features.
Along with this, such influence at the level of ontology is mainly manifested in the virtualization and informatization of the subject. Virtualization of the subject not only shows the expansion of subjectivity in the virtual dimension, but also expresses that it always retains an ever-changing, plastic potential; informatization of the subject implies that in the activity of virtual reality, the subject represents his existence in the form of a specific information structure.
Vostrikova A.O., Nikonov S.B., Shafir T.V., Baichik A.V. —
Transformation of the media system of Afghanistan in the context of the formation of statehood
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 16 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.4.70290
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_70290.html
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Abstract: The object of the study is the media of Afghanistan. The subject of the study is the genesis of methods for regulating the media system in Afghanistan. The article pays special attention to the formation of the media system of the modern period, which the authors have been defining since the end of 2021. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the media system of Afghanistan has been formed under the influence of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF, acted in accordance with resolution No. 1386[39] The UN Security Council of December 20, 2001) and the desire to create a liberal democratic state in the understanding of the ISAF leadership. Freedom of speech, expression and the media, which were achieved during this period, has been under the control of the Interim Government of Afghanistan since August 2021. This article defines the methods used by the current government of Afghanistan to regulate the media system. The main method of research is the content analysis of documents and information on the practice of law enforcement, compliance with current legislation. Naturally, he could not be divorced from the method of systematization of information - the study of information objects. For the first time in the scientific literature, an empirical study is presented, which represents important material on the history of the media system of Afghanistan, its current state, and the analysis of legislative changes. The study seems to be significant and expands knowledge about the media in this region. For 20 years, the media system of Afghanistan has been formed under the influence of an international coalition led by the United States, which tried to create a liberal democratic state. It was based on a compromise of Western "democratic" and Islamic values, more pluralistic and free than before and after this period. In August 2021, another political force came to power, forming a state based on other principles, which began to exercise control over all spheres, including the media, taking Sharia norms as a basis. One of the conclusions of the study was the strengthening of the traditional identity of the state by the new political power, which was "shaken" by Western reforms.
After coming to power, the interim Government of Afghanistan repealed the 2004 Constitution and the 2009 Media Law. The Law on Access to Information in 2019 has not been officially repealed, but it is not respected in the country. Thus, the transformation of the state's media system has begun in the country.
Shafir T.V., Kulakova D.V., Nikonov S.B. —
The historical aspect of the transformation of the International Union of Journalists
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.69893
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_69893.html
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Abstract: The scientific article is a study on the history of the creation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The article presents an analysis of the history of the creation and development of the IFJ. The authors pay special attention to the reasons and prerequisites underlying the emergence of the International Federation of Journalists, as well as expand the data on the creation of the IFJ. The study draws attention to the circumstances that led to the establishment of the IFJ in the post-war period. Special attention is paid to the influence of geopolitical factors on the formation and development of the organization. The consideration of the reasons for the split of the MOJ includes differentiated approaches and strategies adopted by various participating countries, in particular, in the context of the professional activities of journalists. The data on the current state of affairs of the Russian Union of Journalists as part of the International Federation of Journalists are presented. The research methods used include historical analysis: the study of historical documents, archival materials, protocols of congresses related to the creation and development of the IFJ. A content analysis of the texts of articles, statements and reports related to organizations was carried out in order to identify key topics, approaches and dynamics in their activities. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that there are very few such materials in the scientific literature devoted to the history of journalism in Russia, and they mainly concerned the regions of Russia and the development of regional journalism.
The main conclusion of this study is the understanding that currently non-governmental international organizations formed on the principles of professionalism are changing and becoming similar to political organizations, which in turn can lead to a split in these organizations and the termination of their existence. After Russia launched a special military operation in February 2022, the unions of journalists of Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland announced their intention to leave IFJ due to the presence of the national Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation in it. In February 2023, despite the fact that the organization claims that it is not connected with politics, but is exclusively engaged in protecting the rights of journalists, the IFJ "froze" the membership of the Russian Federation in the organization. It will be possible to return to the issue of Russia's return to work as part of the International Federation of Journalists only in 2026, if necessary.
Oleinikov S.V., Granevskii V.V., Nikonov S.B. —
The threat of intellectual decadence in the context of the deactualization of formal logic
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 130 - 139.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69827
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_69827.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is formal logic in the structure of higher professional education. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of reducing the volume and quality of teaching formal logic in higher professional education, especially journalism. An attempt is made to analyze the role and significance of formal logic in the structure of media knowledge from diachrony to synchrony. It is shown that formal logic in historical retrospect was subjected to certain persecution and harassment, which negatively affected the level of critical thinking of university graduates, their ability to analyze and synthesize new knowledge, establish causal relationships, and defend their beliefs. The authors see the solution to these problems in increasing the status and social significance of the discipline "formal logic" at all levels of education. The main methods used in this study include comparative historical and dialectical, which allowed us to consider the role and importance of formal logic in various historical periods with an emphasis on the specificity of a particular socio-political situation, as well as to identify the cause-and-effect relationships of the periodic displacement of formal logic from the educational process. Higher education has always been and remains a source of knowledge, thanks to which the intellectual level of a person not only increases significantly, but also helps to become successful in professional activities. In many ways, the success of university education and professional activity depends on the level of development of students' logical thinking, which consists in the conscious application of logical operations (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, systematization, classification, etc.) and logical forms of thinking (concept, judgment, inference) in accordance with the laws of logic and in the construction of mental actions taking into account these laws. The development of logical thinking in the learning process involves the development of the following skills among students of the educational programs "Journalism": to interpret various types of concepts, competently use situational words (concepts), clearly understand the essence of the second form of logical thinking – judgment, possess the logic of proof and refutation in order to avoid difficulties in modeling a thought experiment, operating hypotheses.