Muromtseva A.O. —
Representation of the lyrical "I" in the poetry by A. Podgornova
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 205 - 208.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.70105
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Abstract: The multidimensional study of women's poetry is one of the promising strategies of modern Russian literary criticism, which allows us to reveal not only the tools of women's writing, but also the female mentality, feminine identity, and the peculiarities of reflection by a female author of the natural and social world. Among the female authors, a special place is occupied by the Erzya poet Alina Podgornova, whose works trace postmodern trends. The subject of the research in the article is the means of representing the lyrical "I" in the poet's poems. The purpose of the work is to analyze a number of the author's works, to determine the system of images through which the lyrical "I" is represented, to trace their conditioning by the postmodern worldview of the poetess. The material was composed of poems from the collections "Except rhymes", "Stranded" ("Thought"). The methodological basis of the work is determined by the structural and semantic analysis of the lyrical text, through which the structural components of the poetic image, its semantic organization, and symbolic semantics are described. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, in the stated aspect, A. Podgornova's lyrics are for the first time considered and introduced into the context of Russian literary criticism. The article argues that the emotional and psychological state of the lyrical heroine A. Podgornova is due to the author's worldview and axiological concept, his perception of the world as chaos, moral apocalypse. The poetess's worldview is filled with negative social manifestations that destroy the spiritual and moral essence of a person, leveling universal values. The conclusions and provisions presented in the article expand the understanding of the state and development of modern Mordovian literature.