Poletaeva E.A. —
The Main Grounds for the Artistic Picture of the World Shared by the Poets of the Literary Association 'Moscow Time'
// Litera. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 97 - 108.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.4.30373
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_30373.html
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the general grounds for the artistic picture of the world shared by the poets of the literary association 'Moscow time'. In particular, Poletaeva focuses on creative writing of the leading members, S. Gandlevsky, B. Kenjeev, A. Soprovsky, A. Tsvetkov, T. Poletaeva, and A. Kazintsev from the point of view of the main lines of their artistic picture of the world. These include their views on the place and mission of human and his system of values (which involves such aspects as human and society, relationship of an individual and government, etc.), relationship between human and nature; relation between artistic and scientific pictures of the world. The research methodology is based on views of B. Meylakh about the main lines of the artistic picture of the world. Such picture of the world was offered by the Moscow Time poets as an opposition to the Soviet (atheistic and materialistic) point of view; it was idealistic as it was and related to the picture of the world in the Russian classical literature. However, some authors changed their worldviews with time. Nevertheless, there were certain topics that continued to play an important role throughout their creative life. Those included self-denying difficult creative work; search for full and bright life; perception of nature as alive and spirited; Biblian allusions and images (in particular, relation of an poet to Adam as those who give names to God's creatures); the motif of miracle; estrangement of a lyrical hero rooted in romantic traditions; ethical component of their creative writing; and view of literature as an important part of human life, abilities of literature to predict the future and preserve the past.